Is it okay to blacklist winner who doesn't even have courtesy to say thank you?
I think it's okay to use your BL as you wish, but I personally don't expect anyone to say thanks if they win. It's appreciated if they say thanks if they win or enter but I'd say if you don't make expectations then at least you're not bothered by it. I just give away what I give away without expecting anything in return.
I had to blacklist someone because I said thank you for making a giveaway, not even winning, they just didn't want anyone saying thanks. Figured the only way we wouldn't run into this issue again, is if I blacklisted them. Then they were mad at me, but they blacklisted me back so I couldn't explain that I'm not just going to never again say thank you to a giveaway I enter because they out of thousands of users were bothered and it's hard to remember everyone's name and picture when you can change both :)
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When I first joined I never said thank you for a win but that soon stopped and I say thank you everytime, I even went back and said thanks to the ones I didn't before. (Hope I got them all)
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You can blacklist whoever you want. It's a free system. I've seen enough reasons for and against to become slightly jaded. I usually only blacklist people with rules violations. It makes it easy to give a good reason and if someone says "Why am I blacklisted" I can check and if they've cleaned up their violations I can remove them from the blacklist, but poor etiquette, especially flagrant rudeness, is another good reason in my opinion.
Enough people use scripts and stuff to just spam generic messages to make it a bit of a bother to me, personally, but I do like thanks for a high profile, high quality game.
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is it ok? Sure. is it nice? Not really. Fuck it. Karma takes care of its own.
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It's one of my biggest pet peeve here. Apparently it's just too difficult for some people to just type "Thanks" or "ty" after receiving their keys. I know most of my giveaways are nothing expensive but a little note to show some appreciation for the time and effort would be nice.
It's an Instablacklist to the winners, or removed from Whitelist if they're on it
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you can blacklist anyone you want. i personally only blacklist 'leeches,' the people that don't give back to the community
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If you care about this you should join Playing Appreciated Group. They need to play the games you gifted and even thanking the creator has some weight there. The only reason why I'm not in that group yet is that you need to keep your profile public 24/7.
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Personally I've been raised to show gratitude for gifts and it's important for me, so yes.
I don't mind too much if it's a cheap or bundled game, but if I spent $10+ on a nice giveaway and the winner can't even take a second to say thanks it does make me very angry. I don't need a thanks, I don't care, but just the concept of ungratefulness bugs me.
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When I first joined a few months back, I was quite shocked at the lack of courtesy and did start blacklisting. Then I released how frequent it happens and surmised it must be some sort of cultural or language thing that I didn't quite understand so cleared my BL.
From my side, it would be too hard for me to not say thank you for a gift, no matter how small. I might even lose sleep over it if I hadn't, lol. I do now accept that that is just the way it is, but have found some nice groups where that small courtesy is almost a given. And try not to begrudge those that don't say it.
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I only blacklist people who are rude and insulting, but I can't blame you for wanting to blacklist people who don't say "Thanks."
It takes so little effort to express gratitude to someone who just gave you a game for free. I thank giveaway creators for every giveaway I enter, just to show my appreciation of their generosity. When I actually win something, I feel like "Thank you" is insufficient to express my gratitude.
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I been blacklisted for saying thanks. I've been whitelisted for saying thanks. Everyone seems to have a different criteria for listing. I personally only whitelist people that I have won from and people that have said or done something that I deem worthy enough to earn them a spot. I don't use my blacklist. I'm not superior to anyone here and see no need. People that break the rules are usually taken care of quickly enough by the staff and I try to avoid getting into conflicts here.
I do think though that if someone requests thanks from the winner in their giveaway description and the winner fails to do so then they are probably worthy of being blacklisted but I would never have that request in one of mine. The chances of the same person winning from me again are too low to worry about it.
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I do blacklist for the failure to take the 3-5 second it takes to click on the GA and type "Thanks", "Thank-you", "TY". Seriously, it took me a lot longer to create the GA, I spent my money on the gift (no matter how minimal) and manners do matter. When we begin to devolve into incivility then failing this simple, quick task begins to imply, "gimme MOAR games, sucka". It does not inspire me to make more giveaways.
So take it from an old Momo, if your parental unit(s) or whomever raised you didn't teach you to say thank-you for a gift, then it's high time you learned.
Recently the CEO of the company I worked for sent around an email about the best way to close any email - rather than say "sincerely" or "best regards" or "best" or "Regards" or however you close, say Thanks! or Thank you... it makes the recipient much more likely to respond to an action in your email and even if there was no request, it makes them feel positive about you.
So what have we learned? Manners matter and saying thank-you to a gifter encourages them to continue to be generous. Win/Win? I certainly think so :-)
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Some time ago a person won a game from me. That person didn't leave any message. I didn't use the..tool..of blacklisting. After a couple of days I left a message on one of their giveaways. It wasn't rude but it was a bit sarcastic. Then we talked a bit and smoothed it out. The other person didn't like their non-response, I didn't like being (even a little) bitter about it. We didn't talk again after that time.
..Then out of the blue, four months later, I got a gift of a nice game! (ah the good ol' days that Steam had "gifts").
Is there a moral to the story? I don't know.. But maybe time teaches us to not judge people out of the minimal information we (don't) have about them. For various reasons and events (this included), my blacklist is empty since a long time ago and I have no plans of using it no matter the reasons. That is my reaction of course and in that spirit you can also do whatever you wish with yours.
Just another input..
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One thing to keep in mind -- while saying "thank you" isn't obligatory (though it's good manners), it can lead to some great conversations, new friends, and potentially even being whitelisted by those who notice and appreciate it.
Personally speaking, I don't blacklist for not saying thank you, but I do check winners who do say thank you for possible white-listing.
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The way I see it is that people need to be more humble when it it comes the whole unwritten rule of saying "You better say thank you or else!..." on steamgifts. People need to stop taking every single instance of someone not saying "thanks" or "thank you" so personal. The reality is simply this you're simply giving away extra game key which is cool and all but some people walk around like they're curing cancer and stopping world hunger.
I say this on the basis that the end goal of a vastly large majority of the people on here are simply making giveaways so they can increase their contribution level to reach the next tier of giveaways for themselves. This benefit gives them less competition to fight against at the higher tier contribution levels to win games more frequently and faster for themselves. So ultimately the very act of giving away a game on here is not done out of the goodness of one's heart 9 times out of 10. People simply donate "leftover games" from bundles they've purchased because they:
-Own the game already and giving away their duplicate key is convenient because in the long run it benefits their self interest of going up the ladder of contribution and securing more games for themselves at higher tiers
-The game they are giving away is terrible and getting rid of the key through here benefits them as well to reaching higher tiers which makes acquiring games easier
-They have zero interest in the game, bought it in a super cheap in a bundle they probably don't care about much.
Donating games to others on here is simply a byproduct of one's own self interest. If we wanted to honestly look at the big picture on the concept itself of the steamgifts site itself, the logic falls in line closer to the state of mind of "I'm helping you simply because it rewards me greatly in the long run."
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Not making excuses for anyone or anything. If you're comfortable only seeing it from that perspective then it's because you've already made your mind about the subject and no other reason will ever change your mind about it. Someone didn't thank you to you? Does it suck it happens sometimes? Sure it does I agree. Did I have heart attack, did time freeze and the world stop spinning because of it? No.
My whole point was to say let's stop acting like we're curing cancer and creating world peace on here. We're simply giving away games and not necessarily for selfless reasons.
'Nuff said
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Or you could just stop ignoring the point being made
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It’s hard to find the point in the middle of all this time freezing, heart stopping, and cancer curing.
It’s similar to having a thermonuclear crisis in the middle of a tire repair, while solving world hunger and....
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Apparently you didn't bother reading my comment, which is immediately above yours in the thread.
You're telling people to "chill" when they expect others to have basic manners, because creators are only "giving away leftover keys" or "operating out of their own self interest", both broad-sweeping generalizations and "excuses" to not expect a simple thank you from winners.
I believe every single person who gives away a game deserves a simple thank you for it. It takes a few moments of your time, and returns that same feeling the winner gets when he sees he's won -- simple reciprocation. Do I blacklist if it doesn't happen? No, I don't.
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Well I never claimed to be a psychic of every single individual person's motive on here therefore in this instance a generalization can be made regardless of how you feel about it. I believe many things also but I don't jam my beliefs in others faces nor do I belittle others that disagree with my perspective on the matter (Not implying that you did in any way so let's not go down that road).
Regardless of how little effort it takes to say it, if happens great....if it doesn't....oh well... From there you have 2 options. The first being a person simply moves on and acknowledges these kinds of things will happen from time to time. That's just life. The second option is for a person to sulk about it and find an echo chamber of others that agree with them on the matter which ultimately changes nothing unfortunately. But again you'll just keep looping back around to same point of manners, manners, manners and this is how things should be rather than just accepting the reality of it is what it is. People that don't say thank you aren't doing it out of malice.
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But again you'll just keep looping back around to same point of manners, manners, manners and this is how things should be rather than just accepting the reality of it is what it is.
You can accept reality or you can try to change it. I prefer to try to change it.
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You can't force change upon others that's the reality of the matter. They make that decision by themselves not because someone told them to.
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No one said anything about forcing anything. You lead by example.
i.e. Rather than telling giveaway creators why they shouldn't expect a thank you, perhaps it would be more productive to encourage people to say thank you when they win, and explain to them why it's a good thing to do.
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Whoa, whoa slow down you're twisting words now. I never once said giveaway creators should never expect a thank you. I simply said if you don't get a thank you, don't take it personal and don't sulk about it. The author of this topic is definitely giving people an ultimatum. Basically say thank you else I'll threaten to put you on my blacklist. In that regard the author of this topic is trying to force people they deem "ungrateful" into doing what they think "should happen". That looks a lot like force if you ask me...
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You can't force change upon others that's the reality of the matter.
if you don't get a thank you, don't take it personal and don't sulk about it.
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Yes because that's what mature people do young and old they don't let emotions rule over their every action. Being pedantic on the matter is neither cute nor edgy FYI sir
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Those are both your quotes.
You can't force change upon others that's the reality of the matter.
if you don't get a thank you, don't take it personal and don't sulk about it.
So which is it?
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Both of those things still make sense. Maturity in that regard simply means not getting a thank you does not destroy a person's whole world. Well clearly you're not mature enough to engage in intelligent or constructive conversation. Somehow being antagonizing for no real reason is fun for you. Until then I will not engage further with some edgelord like yourself. But hey you can say you "won" an argument on the internet so hooray for you. Seeing how your kind always need to have the last word in everything, the floor is all yours tough guy....
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Man, you really make a lot of assumptions and generalizations.
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I never once said giveaway creators should never expect a thank you.
You didn't use those words, instead you gave several "reasons" one shouldn't "expect" a thank you -- reasons with which I strongly disagree.
I may not agree with the methods the author of the OP is using, but I also don't agree with your logic to the contrary, either. I believe your time would be better spent extolling the benefits of someone saying thank you (especially over telling someone they shouldn't expect it). Again I'm going to loop around and say we should be encouraging good manners, not making exceptions for those who lack them. That makes it a win-win.
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No those points I were simply made because certain people act as if giving away a game is some sort of noble deed equivalent to giving food to a homeless person or saving a kid from drowning in a lake. Simply doing a small good deed and making a lot of noise over it makes a person look rather petty. Again I'll say you can encourage good manners all you want but it's up to the individual to make that choice in the end....
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You should stop with the hyperbole. It's really hurting your discussion.
Worst case I've seen is people expect a thank you or a thread bump or for someone to play a game they've won (and will usually say so in the giveaway description). To follow your "style" of writing - they're not expecting a kidney or your first born son.
Simply doing a small good deed and making a lot of noise over it makes a person look rather petty.
I agree, but I also believe saying thank you is one of the easiest things in the world to do, and of course I'll keep encouraging it. :)
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That's more of a matter of personal perspective on your part. It's not necessarily the hyperbole that's hurting the discussion it's the fact you're having trouble interpreting the overall message being delivered through the hyperbole and not simply asking for clarification on the matter.
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it's the fact you're having trouble interpreting the overall message being delivered
Disagreeing =/= misunderstanding. I understand perfectly and disagree with (most of) the points you've tried to make, and even went so far as to suggest a possible alternative through taking a more pro-active and positive approach and leading by example, as well as encouraging people to say thank you.
The bit about hyperbole was just some (attempted) constructive advice, if you expect people not to see your statements as over-stated and melodramatic.
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That's more so just a bad habit people in general on the internet have of swallowing everything being said to them as being hostile, cynical, melodramatic and over-stated. More times than not without giving the other party the benefit of the doubt that they simply might have a different perspective on the matter at hand without being evil about it.
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without giving the other party the benefit of the doubt that they simply might have a different perspective on the matter at hand without being evil about it.
Never said nor implied you were "evil" in any way. Nor have you been hostile (to me). I'm suggesting there are alternatives that may be better than "accepting reality", much the same way you've suggested to the OP and others that they should "accept reality".
I believe encouraging winners to say thank you is far more productive and positive than telling giveaway creators to "accept the reality" that people won't say thank you. That's really the long and the short of it.
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You just proved one of my points. People on the internet interpret statements in the most negative way possible. You believed that last statement was somehow directed towards you in which it was not. I was merely speaking of common internet behavior, habits and thought processes people have in general.
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Fair enough but think on this before you go to sleep. What good has come from complaining or even shouting (figuratively speaking) into the void known as the internet about "ungrateful" people who won't likely read this thread or even care how the author feels? What tangible and immediate effect has this discussion had on the people that "need" to say thank you?
I'll just leave you with my tidbit and bid you goodnight as well
Simply doing a small good deed and making a lot of noise over it makes a person look rather petty.
See ya.
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And if they don't say it what then? You're gonna break their legs?
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And there you go missing the whole point again nitpicking....
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Oo, that edit.
Heh, anyway I'm not really picking nits at you. I'm simply saying that in your fervor, you're the one overreacting.
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And you seem rather fond of assumption more than I. To focus on minor details rather than the message as a whole will find you constantly missing the point being made
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In the context of you stating "you seem emotionally invested in this topic" is an assumption in that regard
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More often than not, it makes you seem to be more emotionally invested in a topic than you may really be.
I was explaining to you (trying to) how hyperbole is sometimes detrimental to discussion (the same thing Doc was trying to tell you, in not so many words). Nowhere did I give personal perspective (outside of saying you seem fond of hyperbole, anyway).
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The context in which you used it does imply you were assuming something about my tone. But also gives you just enough room to plausibly deny it if you wish to.
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There's different type of users here, you can't generalize.. Some of the old GA's creators have already said that the % of winning at a higher level is not even that good, unless you're entering every single damn thing from 6-10.
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not curing cancer
that's a pity cause I was expecting Nobel prize for giving away those games
Speculating on other people's motives isn't really helpful: lvl upgrading is a long run, and games can easily be traded against money/other games etc.
kind of petty topic anyway
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I wouldn't blacklist for it.
That said, it doesn't even burn one calorie to type, "thank you."
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Yeah, I was daft to think I could be stealthy around you.
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Pretty sure that goes without saying, although I always say thank you, but man - these blacklist threads are annoying. It would be nice to see a bit less of the wimpy, childlish - "boohoo someone blacklisted me, and Im saying I dont care, but deep down I do" threads.
Also, blacklists suck, and people who blacklist because they disagree with your opinion or because someone has a cat for their avatar and they really dont like cats freaking suck.
Sorry to be a bit blunt. :) So no, politeness and respect should be given to every single human being, until they do something shitty and end up not deserving it, but seriously people need to stop being so goddamn fragile and offended by everything.
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This discussion is regarding this previous discussion post started by Fyantastic
Okay before move forward, I will answer my part to the previous discussion, I think despite some little to no work, I think creator should at least try to contact the winner and be able to proof that to the support upon request.
Now, why so much heat always on the creator? I am a humble citizen of the SG community and continue to will be cause I feel this world is about sharing and I honestly think winner should at least appreciate that. It's a simple gesture of gratitude. Some of you may feel that you should give and not expect anything in return, all I mean is to be human, share and love, and that's just my opinion in the free world.
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