I will pick the best comment , add that person , send them link to private

Good Luck

1 decade ago*

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This is the best comment.

1 decade ago

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I agree, invite this man right here. He deserves it!

1 decade ago

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If i knew it was gonna be this kind of party, ida stuck my dick in the mashed potatoes.

1 decade ago

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Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor

p.s thanks(click me)

1 decade ago

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Best comment? Well, I'm out. All I can do is link to murder cats.

1 decade ago

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1 entries for complicated things u just link me

1 decade ago

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But it is about cute little cats that murder, and it was in my clipboard. So I had to link it.

1 decade ago

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So how is your best comment looking? Shall it be funny or something like that?
However, just hoping to get invited. :)

1 decade ago

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how much need contribute?

1 decade ago

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I live in the basement.

The joke is my life.

1 decade ago

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"best comment". Hows that?

1 decade ago

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Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With lemons!

1 decade ago

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Long live the king

1 decade ago

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The word "Fuck" is the only word in the English language capable of forming a complete sentence on its own.

Fuck, fucking fuckers fucked.

The more you know.

1 decade ago

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i call shotgun

1 decade ago

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My body is ready and oh so moist for your private giveaway!

1 decade ago

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:3 meowww

1 decade ago

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I was a bad kid when I was little :D. I used to flush all kinds of things down the toilet. Once I stole my sisters birthday gift - a barbie, tore down her clothes along with barbie and flushed them down the toilet (it happened right after I congratulated my sister and she left into another room). When she heard me running into toilet, she knew what I was going to do.
Yeah, and I also peed on someones head from balcony :D.
Good old times :D

1 decade ago

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This is the best men :)

1 decade ago

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Best comment? That's my comment!

1 decade ago

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So the other day i was in my basement, and it was kinda cold you know but i thought" its the basement its underground" so i ignored and did my laundry. the next day i went down and the floor was soaked turns out i left my freezer open and everything in it melted and turned rotten. so i threw it all out but the stench still remainsD:

1 decade ago

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If we were in jail I'd protect you under the showers

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I want kids from you!

Of course, if you're a women. Duh.

1 decade ago

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Thanks 4 giveaway!
Give link those who do not win :3

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Do not bend the basement, bend yourself.

1 decade ago

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a threAd without giveaways is a body without a soul :P I bet that's related thnx

1 decade ago

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i thought you had a lion as an avatar, as many here inside.

then i zoomed in and i saw that nice and tiny ant in the grass:)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by lionpeach.