So what's your stupid summer mistakes?
So far I have two.
1) Buying Dark Messiah and expecting it to work on Windows 7. Extremely silly of me to assume that. Get a massive FPS [drop] for no apparent reason a few minutes into the game. Even on a dedicated gaming rig crafted by the Greek Pantheon. No fixes online worked, I tried 'em all.
2) Buying the Fable collection on Steam on a limb. Wanted to play the first one and I thought having the other games thrown in for a few dollars more would be fine.
I really should have read the Fable III store page where it clearly said GFWL AND Securom ... on top of Steam. Needless to say that game won't be installed until I can find a way to hack that out. Nobody fault but mine however, still disappointed I supported a company that uses DRM though.

So share your sale finical mistakes here! Lucky the cheap prices ease the blow just a little.

1 decade ago*

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Dear Esther, dont get it tbh.

1 decade ago

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Buying the Mount & Blade Complete Pack. I love M&B: Warband, but there are very few changes in the other games.

1 decade ago

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im playing dark messiah on windows 7 right now disable the overlay and it works fine

1 decade ago

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Not me personally, but a friend grabbed Borderlands while it was on sale since most of his had it, when we asked him if he'd gottan the regular or GOTY in chat, he said "whichever one was $5?" So I don't think he ended up getting any of the dlc for it since all the DLC is the same price as the GOTY.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by CatastrophicLolcats.