I am trying to find if someone is looking for a few games like Killing Floor where Killing Floor 2 has been released, but I have to sift through all the trades where they are only looking for Killing Floor 2. Is there a way to search for the name so that it does not think you are looking for the sequel as well.
If there was an option to search while ignoring trades that include the sequel it would exclude some where they are looking for both. If you could search for X that does not have Y directly after, that would be the best option.

5 years ago

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Sadly, SteamTrades isn't supported nor properly moderated. I don't think there's a way to narrow your search enough to only get traders who are interested in the first Killing Floor. I would suggest to use Barter.vg. You'd be able to see who wants KF1 among users.

5 years ago

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Yea barter has that functionality

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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I know this might come as a shock, but this is steamgifts, not steamtrades. They are separate entities, even though SG may have the Trades button in their top menu.

5 years ago

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There is no need to be sarcastic. Steam trades has no discussion board, so its not a stretch that someone might use these boards to ask a simple question.

5 years ago

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It's not a stretch to say I was pointing out that they're not related, sarcasm or not.

5 years ago

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Of course its not a stretch. You flat out say it. If you don't think it belongs on these forms, that's a perfectly fine argument. I just think you can cut back on the sarcasm. Don't think OP has done anything to deserve it.

5 years ago

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Unless there are some more advanced search operators that I'm not aware of then I don't see how you could do it on Steamtrades.

btw I don't think that many people would be looking for the first Killing Floor. It was free before and has also been in real cheap bundles on multiple occasions.

5 years ago*

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Barter.vg has good search but the people active on there are mostly jerks looking to make a profit.

5 years ago

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I'm not sure about that but, ever since it came back up after being down, it has had a large upsurgence in bots and G2A-traders, which definitely can obsfucate the more reasonable users of the site. A lot of the older (and more casual-minded) traders seem to have gone inactive, as well, which isn't going to help the overall impression.

It's still (afaik) the absolute best trading site by a large margin, though, so.. gotta work with what you've got. I've still gotten a fair trade or two during the periods I've been active of late, each one only a few days in length, so it seems to be working just fine if you don't mind sifting through junky offers. The site does have an ignore function, so the more bothersome ones can just be blocked.

5 years ago

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Because it's so much faster than waiting on discussion threads, all of the sellers migrated from steamtrades to barter, unfortunately.
If you care about such things, simply check if they redeem their trades or if they are collecting multi-copies and you can spot them immediately.

5 years ago

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I'm going to second both the "Just use Barter" and "Don't expect anything for Killing Floor 1".
And, to be clear, you're fine with this thread. Asking questions about other Steam/gaming-related sites is normal here.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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274 People have this game to trade away and only 6 people have it on the wishlist...

5 years ago

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that helps a lot. I should be able to use that for the other games I am having a problem with now and in the future.

5 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by AvodRashod.