Been trying to find a good site to stream Breaking Bad because I don't have the money for any of the DVDs and On Demand doesn't come up with anything,any good recommendations? I don't want any of those ad-filled sites either,something simple with atleast the first season

1 decade ago*

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You could use a 30 day free trial of Netflix and watch it there.

1 decade ago

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Really? Do I need a credit card? Because I don't have one of those :C

1 decade ago

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You can get a 30 day free trial with a Facebook account. The UK & Ireland Netflix is also showing the new episodes the day after they air in America.

1 decade ago

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Netflix. Also, Season 1 is only 7 episodes, so you could finish it if you go on a short binge. (I did that with Season 5.1 xD)

1 decade ago

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I agree to Netflix.

1 decade ago

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XMBC(Or Plex, forget the plugin name for this one though) + 1Channel plugin, you can cancel Netflix now everyone.


1 decade ago

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Sounds good,if it gives me a virus though I'll rip your ass in half! c:

Clinton 2015

1 decade ago

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Wont give you a virus if you get it from the main sources, both are really trusted programs.

Those streaming sites(You know, the ones with 1000 popups about increasing penis size) are more bound to get you a virus honestly.

It really has every show and pretty much every movie I ever typed in, gives you multiple sources so if one stream is slow and taking a bit to load you can try another, works pretty well.

1 decade ago

Comment has been collapsed. - it might have hiccups every once in a while but it's been providing for me for a while now. it's got loads of tv shows, i watched most of breaking bad there as well

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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And that is legal? 0_ô

1 decade ago

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Everything is unless you get caught, I never heard of anyone getting in trouble for streaming oddly enough, its technically illegal though I think....but thats just a technicality.


1 decade ago

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Yeah... Technically... Hahaha.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Moondra.