I'm an old time gamer. Probably gamed longer than almost anyone there. My gaming experience started with Zork 1 on the original IMB PC XT back in 1980 or '81. Anyway, over the years more and more strong language and sexual themes are being included in games ratings. Although I'm against both of them, my question isn't about the morals of them.

My question is, does strong language and/or sexual themes make better games? I contend they don't. I contend this point of view on movies, TV shows, comics etc.

I guess you can argue that for a war type game that strong language is fitting and representative of real life. But does it make a BETTER GAME?

I'm very interested in your opinion and point of view. Thanks for your replies.

12 years ago*

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I'd argue they're not a point of quality, but part of a literary setting.

The setting itself may be a point of quality.

Example settings: Dark, gritty worlds - Modern day settings that revolve around believable modern characters

However, if you were to make a point of a lack quality and believability of those settings due to the overuse of sex, violence and profanity.. that might be a good argument.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by RDBruski.