Do we need more then 1 User with the bundler privileges?
Good suggestion but I have to be pedantic...
adverb: wherefore
for what reason.
"she took an ill turn, but wherefore I cannot say"
adverb & conjunction
conjunction: wherefore
as a result of which.
"truly he cared for me, wherefore I title him with all respect"
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...That's actually how I know what it means:P
"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
And I'll no longer be a Capulet."
Juliet is actually lamenting her lover's name and the feud between the two families that prevents their romance:)
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I suggest more then one bundler is needed
Well, your original post indicated you were using the term to question where in fact the bundler was since you went on to say that they appear to be missing:)
I saw an opportunity for edification, no harm intended.
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Does a support staff by any other name still work just as hard?
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i don't quite follow what you mean. are you asking if a different type of support member can do bundling as well? i honestly don't think they can for some strange reason.
or do you mean do i love my support staff because they are just as hard of workers? i certainly do. ^^
(only reason i think it maybe the second one is cause you replied to the "love my bundler" comment)
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I never know that it meant "why" instead of "where" :O
I haven't read Romeo and Juliet, nor do I have great knowledge of Shakespeare's works, but isn't she lamenting the person Romeo is? Why is he this person she likes, and why does he have to be of a rival family?
I saw an opportunity for edification
That must be the nicest way of saying you wanted to correct someone :p I for one am edified by your clarification though.
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I haven't read Romeo and Juliet, nor do I have great knowledge of Shakespeare's works, but isn't she lamenting the person Romeo is? Why is he this person she likes, and why does he have to be of a rival family?
She is, if you will, lamenting that she fell in love with Romeo, that he is of a rival family, and of fate itself.She aches because she has fallen helplessly in love with him but is also cursing their fortunes. Hope that helps:)
That must be the nicest way of saying you wanted to correct someone :p I for one am edified by your clarification though.
:) It's one of those things I remember finding fascinating when I learned it after one of my high school English teachers told my class.It has stayed with me because she took special care to make it known,being a lover of linguistics and Middle English. It's the logophile* in me coming out:)
*Ironically, the word which means "lover of words" is not recognized by the SG dictionary!
BTW I am not sure why but I had you blacklisted! I have since removed you!
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I always like learning new things ^^ I would like to read some of Shakespeare's works at some point but it seems quite daunting considering the Middle English. I thought the spell check was done by Google (not SG) (I'm using chrome)? But I could also be easily mistaken, it seems to recognize the word 'logophile' for me though.
That's very kind of you, I'm sure you had your reasons.
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I thought the spell check was done by
it is. and words can be added to it.
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That was my immediate reaction too, but then I read the title again and "O Bundler, for what reason are you bundler then if you don't get around to putting games on the bundle list?" and that worked for me ;)
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Besides your examples there are plenty of other games needed to be bundled from all the bundles released in those 3 weeks.
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Even I have some games that give me full CV while they are bundled games but it doesn't touch my level because I'm level X for a while, in the period that Shobo bundled daily. ^^
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I agree we need more than one Bundler.
We should probably give it to GodFeelling or MilleW
since they're always making Bundled Topics.
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You would rather that MilleW and GodFeeling be spending their time doing SG administrative stuff instead of making bundled topics?
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How about because both things require a large chunk of free time? After school, work, family, hobbies, and down-time (i.e. sleeping), most of us have precious little time left to devote to yet another demand. Making bundled topics would seem to fall near the bottom on the list of priorities.
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I opened a support ticket 12 days ago to report 9 games that need to be bundled from cheap Russian key sites and nothing has happened yet.
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There are also plenty of games from certain cheapo sites that should be added to the bundle list. Like Beastiarium and Blood of Old: Rise to Greatness
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I reported these 12 days ago from those sites, still waiting for them to be bundled. I haven't checked for new games since then though.
Edge of Hearts
My Name is You
Rage Pig
Life Beetle
One Star
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yeah, i wish we had a bundler that would open a thread to take direct reportings of games to make things simpler. they'd ofc have to be able to verify everything for themselves prior to any bundle changes, but most are pretty apparent. at least i assume the bundler can make those changes without support specifying each and every one of them.
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I put a screenshot of the website showing the prices, but people may have been giving these games away a couple days before they got reported. It would be nice if they just look at the archive of SG giveaways and they can tell when the games went on sale for a few cents because many people start giving away 5 or 10 copies of the same game on the same day to maximize CV. That is when you can be sure the keys were extremely cheap and need to be bundled from that date so people don't get full $15 CV for many copies of a game they paid 4 cents for.
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+1 also there should be done something with all those remastered games that now give 0 cv xD Actually whole cv system should be removed or reworked (especially to counter some cv farming groups) but one more bundler is needed anyway.
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CV for remastered games is tricky. Anything that has a store page gets a reported value of 0 unless it has any other value, and a lot of remastered games still have their store page available. I suspect that SG is set up so that it overwrites any value it has in its database as soon as a new value is reported (for the sake of simplicity and to keep the workload down), and sadly these purchase disabled games end up in an awkward spot where they constantly get a value of 0 reported. For games that don't have a storepage anymore, support can manually input a new value.
A similar problem arise with games that can't be purchased on their own for any reason, but are part of some bundle/collection, but here you get the full bundle/collection value in CV instead. Which in some cases has resulted in people (including me) getting way too much CV for certain giveaways.
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yea - like deponia xD it's giving much bigger value during sales xD
And all those 0p games thet were removed...
One more stuff member for things like that could help :)
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Yeah, the issue with Deponia is a very closely related one. I would not hold my breath for getting CV from any game that still has a storepage, but if you've got a game that lacks one, you can send a support request for it to get added to the giveaway list, and when it gets added, you'll get its last reported value in CV
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ahh okay, i suppose maybe it's supermod and or admin only then. good to know. yeah i feel for shobo being left to do it all by their lonesome, and certainly don't blame them for the list falling behind either. everyone needs a break, and it shouldn't fall solely on them anyways. =)
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There may be some truth there but he also puts things on there that shouldn't be. For example, I gave away The Risen Franchise Pack and then it was later retroactively added to the bundle list with some date I couldn't make sense of. I bought it from GMG and paid damn good money for it. To my knowledge Risen 3 DLCs have never been bundled. I had opened a ticket to inquire as to why it was added to the bundle list and even showed proof of my purchase but no one cares. There is no reason why I should have been unjustly penalized (wasn't the first time either mind you), meanwhile plenty of people on here are getting away with ludicrous levels of CV farming with uber-cheap games that count for full CV from sites like Steamgrounds. Makes me want to say screw it and that the whole system should just be dumped in the garbage.
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They will get retroactively bundled, so what's exactly the problem? o.O
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That's the group admin's fault, I guess. And when his level eventually drops, the admin can simply kick him. :P
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well partially yes, but not entirely. besides, how long before you consider "retro-active" pointless? i mean sure, if its a couple bundles and/or games that slip unbundled for a while it's no big deal, but if 3weeks is okay, who's to say 3years is an issue? :P
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A week ago I put a list of games that were missed to put on the bundle list into a support ticket. Someone from support told me they had forwarded the listto the bundler. All of those games are still not on the bundled list, ticket has been closed.
This was the list:
Northern Regime ( has been in the Groupees Be Mine 27 (
Cublast HD ( has been in the Goupees Holiday Helpings 3 (
Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues ( has been given away for free on Alienware Arena (
Longshot Universe ( has been in Groupees Build A Greenlight 41 (
Land it Rocket ( has been in Groupees Build A Greenlight Bundle 39 (
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Epistory - Typing Chronicles(
Unbox (
Hue (
Table Top Racing: World Tour (
plus Dirt Showdown in the same bundle (already in bundled-list)
plus Planar Conquest ( for those who was a subscriber.
This old G2A bundle wasn't bundled yet. Was it in .. March or April?
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I suggest more then one bundler is needed. It is now just 1day short of 3weeks since the bundle list has been updated and several people possibly even including myself are improperly leveled. It has even allowed for some people to get into groups with requirements that otherwise would not of been allowed in.
For example here is 3x games from 5x separate bundles in which they should be bundled, but instead are gaining full value.
Planet RIX-13(From IG Monday Motivation #24)[ENDED]
Mystery Mine(From Otaku Bundle DX #1 -or- IG Indie Shootout)[ENDED]
Fields XY(From Otaku Bundle #2 -or- IG Indie Extravaganza)Update: June 23rd we got ~10% added that was needed. hopefully the rest will come shortly.
Update: July 01 (should I start putting the year also? :P)
Still need something done here. It's already begun to make the level system even more pointless then it already was.
Update: July 02 YAY!!!!
The majority (or at least a great deal of them) have finally been added to the bundle list! <happydance.gif> Thank You 'whomever'! ^^
leaving topic open though, because we could still use another bundler or two imo. =)
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