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8 months ago

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Are you going to buy with this discount?

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Is Killing Floor any better? Thinking of buying both... The Killing Floor 2 Deluxe Edition is cheap enough so might as well grab that too. I really need me some co-op zombie shooters!

8 months ago

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KF2 still good in this moment because some players are still in hold than KF1

8 months ago

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KF1 is still pretty active, almost 300 players concurrently playing. Not as big as the 6,000 playing KF2 but that's still better than completely dead.

8 months ago

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Both Killing Floor games are really good. They can be played solo (enemy count and health is dependent on number of players) and up to 6 players. Visually KF2 is better, there are more weapons and maps, and there are mutators (and skins, if you are into that). But KF1 has a better atmosphere and requires (more) teamwork (and it's harder, if you are into that, haha).
KF2 obviously has a larger player base (also has cross-platform, which can be good or bad) but you can't make listen servers (and the vote kick is bad).
Anyways, I loved both games, but KF1 is a bit closer to my heart tho.

8 months ago

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I've read from the reviews of both games and they do have something special between the 2. While KF1 seems to be more team based and difficult and hits home whilst KF2 seems to just be a more casual chaotic PvE co-op shooter. Most likely going to pick both up and going to see if I am able to convince my friends to playing them with me. KF2 looked like a DLC hell at first which I think it basically is, it can't be worse than Payday 2, right?

8 months ago

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Basically as you said, KF2 is more casual. Still can be challenging but it was always easier, and since it was bloated with weapons it became even easier. In KF1 usually a perk (class) "isn't good for everything", while in KF2 almost every perk has a weapon for every situation at this point. (Eg: the demolitionist has a shotgun and an SMG that shoot explosive rounds which don't cause self damage, so the perk is good for even CQC, or almost every perk has a healing weapon, etc.)

DLC-wise, KF1 had 3 DLCs which included new weapons, I would recommend those because some of them are really good. (If someone has the DLC the player can buy the weapon and drop for their teammates.) The rest are just skins or reskinned (golden) weapons.

In KF2, well... First of all, there is an ingame store which you might not know about. You can buy like hundreds of cosmetics and there are also DLC weapons. You can buy those as DLC too: Ultimate Edition Upgrade DLC (I THINK this contains all of them) or Armory Season Pass and Season Pass 2. If anyone on the server has a DLC weapon all players can use them, so if you play in public there is a good chance you can use them without owning them (and there are a lot of free weapons also). All maps are free, so you can 100% the game with just the base game. Some of the DLC weapons are good (like the Rhino) but most are okay at best (in my opinion).

8 months ago

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Thank god they didn't add maps as DLC. I'll get both I think, I'll decide on the DLC later. Thanks!

8 months ago

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KF2 wasn't always like this, they started making DLC weapons only after a few years, but for a long time there were only free stuff (not counting the skins) as updates. (And back then the free new weapons weren't even reskins.)

8 months ago

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KF1 has a better pace and better atmosphere if you can handle older graphics. Many KF1 players dislike the second one and expect the third one gets back to the roots.

8 months ago

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I can handle older graphics, I actually prefer them to newer graphics depending on the game. I already picked up the KF2 Deluxe Edition and it actually included KF2 with the Deluxe Edition DLC, KF1 and a giftable copy of KF1. That's insane value for 1,84€!!!

8 months ago

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It is!
Have fun :)

8 months ago

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Oh man, 95% discount
So that I can bought digital deluxe for now

8 months ago

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What is your general opinion on DLC pricing, on this example?
The base game is -95% and DLCs are -75/-85%. Digital Deluxe is -95% but Digital Deluxe upgrade is -85%.
Wouldn't it make sense to offer the DLCs at a deeper discount so that people who already own the game get them just to complete the collection? Same with KF1 - the DLCs are continuously offered at -75% max so I'm continuously not getting them, while at -90% I'd probably buy them just to be over with it and in case I decide to play the game some day (I like to have the complete package before I start playing).
To sum up, I think that games are generally more valuable than their DLCs while the publishers tend to think the opposite.

8 months ago

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This is something I sort of agree with? I really like to play a game when I already own the complete bundle with all the DLC's. I just realized yesterday that the way some games do DLC stuff is so weird? Isn't the point of DLC to add post game or extra content not really required for the game? Games I can say that do this sort of DLC just fine in my opinion is Trepang2 with their Survival Mode DLC. I mean it's definitely something that could totally be in the base game for free, they do have a combat simulator in the safehouse (basically the mission selection screen but fancier) where you can run (or walk) to the combat simulator and test guns/practice aim/get used to the game mechanics. Technically, the Survival Mode DLC is a new mode for the combat simulator. Now, one thing about Trepang2 is that they also have a SEASON PASS which includes the Survival Mode DLC in addition with the soon-to-be released story mode missions.

The Trepang2 Season Pass grants the following content:

Survival Mode DLC - Adds a new survival mode to the combat simulator, including new weapon skins, player skins, and 3 additional combat simulator maps! - Available Now!

Story DLC - An additional set of story missions to expand on the main story - To be released in 2024.

I don't really have a problem with the Survival Mode DLC even when it is just a few bucks but you don't really need it in the base game, unless you really enjoy combat simulator you might just enjoy the expansion and want to support the developers whatever the reason, right? What I DO have a problem with is locking story related content behind a DLC, why do I have to pay extra to enjoy the entire story of the game? What I find even more weird is that they made the story DLC a season pass with the Survival Mode DLC which is just unnecessary? You could just release the DLC when it comes out and all but that's still pretty weird to not make story content a free update for a game but the fact they made it basically a preorder is just so silly.

As the Trepang2 Story DLC is assumably just a few extra story missions, I find what The Callisto Protocol did with their The Callisto Protocol - Final Transmission DLC that locked a TRUE STORY ENDING behind a paid 14,79€ price tag is INSANE. I believe locking a trivial part of the story behind a paywall is just RIDICULOUS. I bought the April 2024 Humble Choice and didn't keep the game because of that exact reason, the freaking true ending DLC.

I believe having cosmetic DLC is honestly fine, something like Deep Rock Galactic's different Cosmetic DLC's that just support the developers and which keeps their future updates free for all Deep Rock Galactic owners. What I have a big problem with is DLC that also interferes with gameplay. Something like Wreckfest has a few season passes that you can grab with about 10€ I believe if you own the base game and about 22€ if you want to buy the game with all the additional DLC? Some of the DLC are cosmetic like the Wreckfest - Steel & Wheels Pack DLC which have the same statistics as the other car pieces in the game, but just that these just look cooler, I guess. What is a little different is the cars like the Wreckfest - Getaway Car Pack which gives you access to 3 additional cars, free of charge in your garage when you buy the DLC/Season pass(es). When you buy the DLC you get the cars immediately and you can use them in story races which gives you a huge advantage and makes the early story game a breeze. It barely affects anything really because the internals of the cars is what matters, you can make a non-DLC as good as a DLC vehicle with the right parts which makes the cars essential mostly cosmetic with a few exceptions like the handling, shape and weight & whatnot. Keep in mind, only semi-cosmetic parts are DLC, the car parts and engines themselves are in the base game.

With that out of the way, Killing Floor 2 seems to mostly have just cosmetic DLC except a few that also add guns to the game which is something I want to discuss next. Payday 2 has an absolutely RIDICULOUS amount of DLC's. Still not enough to beat Rocksmith 2014 Edition - Remastered with 1396 while Payday 2 only has 81 DLC's. Since Rocksmith 2014 Remastered has just song packs which really aren't all needed to play the game since it more just preference what songs you want to learn and play in the game (screw Ubisoft for taking one of the best guitar learning games off the Steam store and everywhere else to promote their Rocksmith+ subscription service based guitar learning game coming to Steam instead), while Payday 2 has DLC's with the guns for all the best builds, all the best perk decks (which are basically just skill improvements/extra skills for a character that can all be switched with different characters if you wish) and all the best attachments. There is a DLC in Payday 2 called Gage Mod Courier DLC which is a DLC for the packages around the different Payday 2 heists. The packages are already there in the base game, but they serve no purpose without the DLC. What is that logic? You have to buy that DLC to be able to collect them and get all the best attachments for you guns. It is RIDICULOUS. Did I forget to mention that the 1328 achievements the game has that most of them are all locked behind DLC stuff? You cannot unlock certain achievements without certain DLC stuff because they created an achievement for every single achievement that grants DLC items. Did you hear me right? You need to complete certain challenges with DLC weapons to unlock the masks, patterns and materials for your masks or guns which is just RIDICULOUS. It is neat that I have to work a little more for my stuff and feel a little more accomplished but I believe I already did that by paying for the DLC. The game is ridiculously Pay2Win for what it is, but thankfully it's a PvE shooter and not a PvP shooter. Ridiculously fun game with friends, I've laughed so many times in the 200 so hours I've played Payday 2 and it's truly a core memory I will never forget, playing Payday 2 with friends, screaming at each other to not screw up the stealth heists, yet succeeding. Those were the days.

Sorry for the DLC rant :/
I just believe that DLC's are just an excuse to inflate the actual value of the product like Ultimate Editions and all these Legendary Editions. I believe what makes a good DLC is something non-trivial, optionally cosmetic and just something to support the developer a bit further. If it's a single player game I guess you can be a bit more open but having paid DLC in a multiplayer PvP, PvE, PvPvE or any co-op game with an actual and very impactful advantage can ruin the fun for others.
P.S I was too lazy to read over this so there might be some grammar mistakes and mishaps.

I don't even know why I wrote this, I guess I just felt bored and I had an aspiration to write something grand.

8 months ago

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Thanks for the write-up! For me, the only DLCs worth purchasing are actual expansions (think ETS2 maps), but just for completeness' sake I will sometimes purchase cosmetic crap if it's really cheap (think ETS2 paintjobs). But when the DLCs actually change the main game, then I will postpone playing it until I have the complete version, while also waiting for a decent promo, at which point I sometimes don't feel like playing the game any more, so I still don't buy, lol. Anyway, back to KF, I think maybe they would make more money if they made the DLCs cheaper, so that idiots like me would buy them form completeness, but what do I know.

8 months ago

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They do this with DLCs pretty often: you buy the base game "cheap" and when you are hooked you buy the pricey DLCs.
This case tho you don't really need the DLCs. KF1 has 3 weapon DLCs the rest are skins and weapon (golden) reskins.
In KF2 there are myriad of cosmetics and there are some weapons (which can be bought in the in-game store or in the Season Passes). If one player owns a DLC weapon everyone on that server can use it so there is less incentive to buy them. You can 100% both games without DLCs.

Also, this shows me as -90%.

Edit: 1 achievement in KF1 requires some workaround because Steam changed how library visibility works a few years ago.

8 months ago*

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I'm not really a cosmetics guy, but wouldn't mind a gun or two. Make one big package of useless DLCs and earn a dollar, or keep trying to sell them to be for $4 till the end of days, lol.

8 months ago

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  1. Remove the game from library
  2. Buy the pack as gift for yourself
  3. Profit
8 months ago

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a. it doesn't work any more
b. it makes no sense as I would pay more this way.

8 months ago

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I just did it in my account

8 months ago

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i will kill that floor
not a fan of the game, but my parents know two of the people who made it. my dad took his school students on a field trip to the headquarters

View attached image.
8 months ago*

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The game is having a free access weekend, also. That's plenty of time to try it out before buying at the deep discount.

8 months ago

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Deluxe seems to still add gift in inventory for KF1. At least if you had it.

8 months ago

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Buying Killing Floor is probably my biggest purchase regret on steam. I got it 50% off and thought it was much worse than KF1, much jankier and didn't head the satisfying headshot pop that the first game had.

8 months ago

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That's what I was afraid of, I knew Killing Floor 1 would be a blast but I was never convinced on Killing Floor 2. My friends thought the opposite. We can only hope Killing Floor 3 is good. From the teasers and whatnot it looks like a 150 gigabyte game but at least it looks like Doom game.

8 months ago

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Already own on Epic, so skip ...

8 months ago

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