Dogs (like the quasi-wolves they are) are social animals and live in close knit groups with a marked social hierarchy. In a domestic environment, humans tend to establish themselves as the top dog, so to speak.
Cats, on the other hand, have no kind of social structure in the wild (there's other felines, mainly lions, who do have them, but not wild cats). They live alone (except for mothers with kittens), each in its own territory, so they have no use for an instinct to obey social superiors, for the simple reason that, in their wild state, there are none.
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Ehh... Yup. I was hesitant when thinking about this, even though I knew that it was true. I've heard a lot about cats being pretty loyal but that might just be good owners or being taken in as a kitten. Not sure.
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And on another note... The only kind of 'loyalty' you get from a cat is through appealing to its desires. Cats don't look to please, they look to be pleased. The only real grey line with this is parental type bonding. My cats see me as a parent/mother & bonded with me when they were young. They follow me around like dogs, come when I call them and are mostly receptive to my promptings. However, it is because it pleases them to do so. You can prompt/train a dog to do something it does not want to do far FAR easier than a cat. Cats also have a whole different range of body language that is often mistaken for indifference or intolerance. When a cat walks away from you and lays down with its back to you, it is basically showing a social sign of trust. Things like that... .02 (plus a dollar).
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It isn't pack mentality. "Pack" of free wolves are small family groups. When a wolf lost its family another family adopt him. Formerly we can only observe the captive wolves without family ties that must live in a limited ground in "chaos" so we have false information about wolves. Healthy dogs see their masters as family members.
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Tell that to my 13/14 year old cat that follows me all over the house and sleeps right against me in bed most nights.
Cats can be loyal, it's just that they are at their core individuals. Different cats will have different responses. Some will be extremely loyal, some will regard you as food server slash scratching post, and all the shades between.
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but cats do not bark to every single one ringing the doorbell. beat that
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But barking can warn you of dangerous things. Like the Slender man.
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You clearly haven't heard the noises cats can make... Even without vocal sound, they can make quite a ruckus!
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cats(those waxy hairless ones especially or so I've heard) ocasionally yowel scream and make various demonic sounds for basically no reason, and the rest of the time, the vast majority they're silent like ninjas(or make a quiet mew sound) which makes it all the more startling the once or twice a year when you wake up to that
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Got three cats.
One of them you don't hear moving around, but leave a door closed and she'll go to town on it scratching and meowing untill someone opens it.
The second one is a bit on the large side, so whenever she jumps off of something (or onto a chair and flips it over) you'll hear her land. She, like the previous cat, will also sit at a door and meow softly and sadly untill you open the door and let her in.
Then there's the third cat, you won't hear her meow ever, as she has this very silent "mew" sound - but when she's walking around the house (we have wooden floor) you'll hear the tapping of her nails. Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick.
Suffice it to say, cats make plenty of noise indeed.
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I could see cats helping blind people for alternative interpretations of that sentence...their claws are sharp as baby's nails just point out who needs blinding and stand back(if he happens to feel like it at the time(a trained cat fights like charmeleon in the pokemon cartoon and naps even more often))
;P jk
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I think I heard somewhere that people were using dogs as pets since the cavemen times to help with the hunting and stuff. So humans and dogs sort of evolved together and became "man's best friend". But on the other hand, the history of owning cats is much shorter so they're relatively less loyal to us.
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My cats know how to open doors, how to undo the latches on the box of dry food, and can identify some words such as dinner and breakfast. Dusty knows that when I wake up I reach over and put on my glasses, so one day to wake me up he picked up my glasses and dropped them on my face. In the past when I was sick or just upset, my previous cat Pixie came up to my room and rubbed against my hands and face.
Cats are not stupid. I will concede that some cats are stupid, but overall housecats are rather intelligent animals.
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Cat is the boss. When you have a cat, you don't have a cat. The cat has you.
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Can't agree completely on that.
my Cat treated me like I'd be his dad or something xD
Whenever I called for him in my garden, doesnt matter if he was chasing squirrels or mice, he'd instantly run in my arms.. Dunno if he'd come if he treated me as staff or something lol
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Any cat owner knows this, if they do not they clearly did not read the contract.
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because no matter how much a cat loves you if you die hes eating your face. why let good meat go to waste? not like you're using it... (a good meal can get you through some emotionally troubling times and "respectful waiting periods" just let things spoil)
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Ahem … Labrador retriever eats face of passed-out owner, May 2005
By your statement, the cat waits until you are dead!
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I can actually see a dog freaking out and being dumb enough to claw a sleepingpill overdose's face off by mistake like the daughter said.
my neighbor has a lab, he is stupid. gets excited and jumps the electric fence he sits there sad for a while knowing he ran through by accident(generally in a leap so no way to stop on feeling the shock) and will be hurt if he reenters, then walks around the yard looking for a weakpoint, then panics runs in a random direction for half a day and tries to break into the next house he finds.
freaking the fuck out and being dumb enough to maul you to help sound like dog traits to me....cats have the option of their paws not being pointy when they poke at you
but the question was referring to the upward limit on loyalty, bad dogs exist who would eat you, but do cats who wouldn't?(keeping in mind that in many neighborhoods pet doors are a bad idea and you usually aren't found right away...because there are dogs who've wasted away sitting on a grave)
but yeah, basically any animal(and probably several humans) locked in with your corpse will eat rather than die, was a joke post
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I have 4 cats right now(this generation); Once weve had 21. Ive lived my entire life with cats, generations of them.
And all of them were very, very loyal.
When i see people talking things like this i can't help but think its something on the way they treat or relate to their cats.
Just talking about these 4 cats with us here, they're from another state(with us for 13 years); we moved to a much warmer state and since then ive moved 4 times- one of wich was because my house got on fire. Not once they left us, even with the fire- it broke us, we had problens with the insurance, and for a number of reasons we couldn't put them on one of those animal hotels.
We were at some relative's house, blocks way from the burnt home. We left them with food and water at the burnt house- they waited. Not once any of my cats ran away; even when giving birth, our cats always trusted us(one even wanted to have her babies in my mothers lap).
Its simple i think; those things ive mentioned are contrary to their instinct and normal behaviour. Cats survival instinct is being cautious- a dog growls and attack when menaced, a cat only if its cornered, they run, the avoid. Most people simply don't really get their trust, thats all.
Cats jump over anything. My cats can leave and go as they please, and they alwasy come back- no need for a leash or training. Seeing things like that is absurd... people learn how to better train and deal with their dogs, its hard to understand thats the same with cats? Learn- and dealing with then is nothing like with dogs.
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21 cats that come and go as they you're the reason there aren't any birds where you live? ;P jk
small animals being "played with" asside I'm suprised you weren't more concerned about them getting run over or something(thats the bit I never understand about people who love their pets but let them wander the streets at night like any random wild critter. I see so many lost cat signs posted on my way to work obviously enough of them either don't come back or decide to range long enough to concern the owners...then again my region is basicallyinfested with coyotes who knock over garbage cans at night so it probably doesn't equate cleanly to others.(but even so statistics from a 2009 study of suburban pet cats 45% of cats crossed two lane roads and highways 25% of cats regularly came accross other unknown cats 25% ate food stuffs from outside the home(split between kills, secret second families on the side, or both) 20% spent time exploring storm drain systems 85% of cats were witnessed exhibiting at least 1 of the above risk behavior. .... so cars still sound like a pretty high risk and with the poisons people put out I'd be worried about him catching the slow mice. statistics show a massive difference between average lifespans of inside only vs indoor/outdoor cats, its like 20years vs 8 I think. i just mean i'd be too worried to put the cat out. i'd at least keep it fenced in somehow/ dogs are bigger and better able to handle themselves agianst coyotes but I'd never let a dog roam even if there weren't leashlaws))
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Don't mention it... these things does happen. I have lost a number of cats to accidents, what i meant is(except for one) not once they simply disappeared; sooner or later we discovered the fate of any missing one- they didn't ran away is what i meant.
Cats hate limits, and is pretty damn hard if not impossible holding them. Thats their nature. Those things does happen... reason we started years ago crastrating them; 1. A healthy non castrated cat will never trully stop brewing 2. They become much less adventurous, prefering home then going out to find new mates.
Ive had many cats, generations of them... wich means ive lost many cats. The biggest and second 'older' generation i lived with were those '21 at a time'- actually 13 until one cat had 8 puppys; it took some time but we donated 7 of those before getting too attached. The end of it? All of them died because of a neighbour who poured meat with poison in our backyard. It was trully traumatizing waking up and finding all of them dead. To this day we couldn't prove the culprit, a weirdo who had 2 birds(my cats never catched any). He didn't liked children making noise on the street, much less cats walking in his backyard i guess.
But what their risks of death have to do with loving them? I don't hold people i love to myself alone, i wont stop my children of growing up and doing their things, thats the same with cat-people and cats and what i think dog-people don't get: its closer to equal relationship, not 'equal' but much more then with dogs. My cats know who gives the final words here, but its mutual give and respect. If you try to stop and control everything with them they will left you. Thats their nature.
I will try to compare to people; like an autist, or any other case of people poorly compreenheded- you have to understand their nature and love them for what they are. What you said was like saying why i love a gay son if i don't enjoy him being gay- of course we care for them and don't like they dying out there, but thats the way they are and theres no changing of it.
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Some people would rather not have a pet so loyal that it will suffer and cry if you leave it alone a few hours. Dogs are extremely loyal, but they also require a tremendous amount of care and attention, I'd find that exhausting. I'm a cat person specifically because a cat's more standoffish personality makes it much easier for me to get along.
That said, while cats are nowhere near as loyal as dogs, they still get attached to their owner. Mine cuddles with me and purrs like an engine when I get back home.
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Cats aren`t loyal because they are more like human then dogs
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I got a cat sleep on top of my dad's car, for some odd reason my dad didnt see it and he drive it going to do some shopping, when he parked he realize a cat jumped off and run away. and he quickly realized it was our cat. The next morning our cat came back home. So can dogs do this? Dogs are just too stupid waiting for its owner to pick it back.
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not just later but differently. for a long time cats were sortof just unleashed near grain stores and hunted for themselves. so most of early domestication was based around "willing to share space with humans" not "fights for humans, guards human's stuff with life, helps human hunt without eating the animal itself, and shows affection(an important one in the early days because wolves are big enough to kill us, if it doesn't obviously both love and fear you it might be dangerous enough for your neighbors to consider killing)"
cats showing us affection is more "them domesticating us" than the other way around. they make a special sound near the frequency of babies when they want something, a noise wild cats don't make at all and domesticated ones don't make around other cats.
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Dogs go in packs and follow a leader (like wolfs, they are in short a deformation of this)
Cats do not follow a leader so they are not dependant to this, so they are with you for a convinience more than any other reason.
Fact Cats > Dogs
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Because at the beginning of time cats were betrayed by... well, I don't remember but cats certainly do.
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dogs have a paracitic dick cancer that originated in(no big deal cancers always do this part) and got passed from(to a new host wtf) a black malamute 11000 years ago and infects like an std any dog it scrapes off on/into
therefore cats are better
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What he was trying to say is that dogs have a cancer that is transmited my contact/scratching their sensible zones! The wild tasmanian devils have a similar strand of cancer that also spreads by contact, usually their mouths, coz they are territorial and fight any other visiting devil
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Cats don't take any bullshit. If you don't treat them well, they will find another owner. My dad has a cat who ran away from its owner, we found the owner, and the cat ran away from them again the next day.
Dogs, on the other hand, simply can't do any better and are subservient. You're alpha, they're omega.
Don't feed the dog at all? They don't care.
Feed the cat, but with food they don't feel like eating? You'll get a warning in the form of a vomit pile on the carpet.
Also, dogs stink. They really do. Dog owners don't notice (they've gotten used to it), but the stench is horrible. Cats, as wild predators, have no body odor. That makes them superior, but I digress...
Cats are extremely loyal animals. You just have to treat them just as you would treat humans: respect their personality and individuality.
Dogs are so loyal they don't even care if you're Hitler.
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thats cruel. how'd you like if someone had your balls off for their convienence?
(Besides even though I never bred them neutering is a conspiracy by the puppymills to corner the market on the existance of our companions. where else do they come from? (well I guess cats could concievably be wild caught to suplement supply(dogs too in some areas) but))
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Tell that to some lucky Dell Latitude e6430u owners.
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cats have a liver paracite that makes developing fetises and newborn babies blind and causes small nodules of scaring in the brains of >1/3 of the human population(and 2/3 of those tested in car accidents according to one study) because catowners let them run wild their shit going uncollected dries up and the dust gets EVERYWHERE (also everything your cat gets up to while out roaming is how your cat catches pretty much everything including this. its in 40% of cats worldwide between 16 and 80% of domestic cats in america depending on region and whether you let it out)
generally you never know you're infected unless you check, but it can cause flu symptoms, get in your heart liver inner ears occular tissue and is sometimes fatal to those with weakened immune systems. It has been linked(many independent studies) to higher than average suicide rates and may be factors in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and schizophrenia.
also indoor/outdoor cats are the worst thing for the environment since humans stopped dumping ddt in major rivers(actually they were worse than that anyway. for example housecats have singlehandedly devistated bird populations and even caused a couple extinctions on certain islands)
therfore dogs are better than cats
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Cats are a carrier, not the carrier. Toxoplasma can infect all warm-blooded animals and it's present even in areas without cats. Hell, even shellfish can carry it from water being infected by nutria and beavers.
The primary sources of toxoplasma infection are pork and beef. Pigs and cows aren't exactly raised in open areas with free-roaming cats.
Overall, it's a non-issue. You are more likely to have an airplane crash down on your house than die or develop complications from a toxoplasma infection.
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and less likely to be black white jewish or muslum(individually not colectively. black+white is greater than 1/3) than to have a brain tumor that yes, requires a cat somewhere in its lifecycle. (many animals can carry it(if mouse screw up brain, if not mouse dorment until host is eaten, and then dorment again if not a cat rinse and repeat) but only in a cat can it reach maturity and reproduce)
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Why cats can't be as loyal as dogs?
the cats just don't care
i wonder why it is so?
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