what the hell did you say about amnesia? amnesia is one of the best games ive played (indie wise) amnesia is a really good and it is a fantastic example of an indie game, how can you not like it. it has some of the best puzzles ever. its fucking awesome nuffsaid
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I'm about... 6 hours in and so far haven't had much scares aside from a single jump scare when something bashed through a door as i opened it.
I find amnesia to be more of a stealth/story game with puzzles.
played it at night with headphones like people said, didn't do anything for me.
But despite that the story seems pretty interesting so far, i went out of my way to find all the notes i could.
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Also, are you playing it right? (Gamma low, in the dark, 1 AM, headphones, alone, etc.) It's not too scary unless played like that. It also could be you just don't find the game scary.
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No, you are just not playing it correctly. Play it at night. headphones. alone. Then you will cry blood.
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Agreed...never really cared for this game THAT much, just couldnt get into it.
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Overrated? Are you really serious? Come on, stop being stupid. The soundtrack is fabulous, the gameplay is incredibly fun, the story is great (not amazing, just great), and it has a narrator.
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I am perfectly serious, and stop insulting me because I have a different opinion than yours.
The gameplay plain sucks. I don't know how you can call it "incredibly fun". Incredibly boring would probably suit better.
However, I agree on the soundtrack and the narrator, and the graphics are nice too.
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It never stops being fun, this is the thing. And you probably think that the gameplay is boring because you are used to AAA shit, notice that this is an indie game, and give the game a better try.
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A swing and a miss. If anything I'm bored of it because it is too much like the other mainstream 'shit' out there.
I gave the game a 'better try' than most people. I beat it, and I see it as exactly what it is. A very good but pretty overrated game, that has great art and music but boring repetitive gameplay.
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I think Braid gets that title. That and Minecraft.
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Kid just sits there and listens to strangers. Nobody understands him.
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i've been a gamer for over 20 years and haven't played bastion yet, but am glad to now own it thanks to the humble bundle! i'll play it once i get caught up -- i'm about 30 bundles behind playing through what i've bought.
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HAHAHA EXACTLY MATE! It doesnt really kick in until around 2-3 hours in. But By god its worth it then.
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I quit the game when i encountered the maneating fish swimming in like a one foot deep water in a silly jumping over boxes puzzle. The mummy or a zombie or what was it that chases you through the castle was avoiding me all the time. I even saw him running in the opposite direction of me. And i wasn't very fond of the times when my character was like scared, but it was more like he was drunk. The Call of Cthulhu was much better with the main character being scared part of the game.
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Lmao, it wasnt a fish. It was walking didnt you hear the steps and see the water? It runs in the opposite direction because its a hallucination SPOILER for the first time. Just play more...I swear today's gamers have no patience to experience greatness.
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i played through albion, dungeon master, the constant dying in pandemonium, gods and barbarian and even bizzarly tough games by Psygnosis, so i think i can say i have quite a lot of patience with games, but i'd prefer a horror adventure to be a bit more entertaining to play than Amnesia which didn't quite make it through to my tastes. :)
I don't say that Amnesia is a bad game, it's just not my cup of tea.
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The question is though did you truly beat Albion? I'm not talking about the ending that you get when the AI kills most of your party and then you auto-win. I'm talking about actually killing the final boss. I've done it. The trick is you have to have Khunag in your party. Melthas and Sira can do 1 damage with their spells. Khunag has a spell that does 49. It is still an agonizingly long fight but the alternate ending is worth it.
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i quit there too, but then came back a couple days later and shortly after that i started to like it a lot better. you might want to give it another shot. i found it really interesting how you end up deciding to do incredibly disturbing things toward the end without it even seeming strange.
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You should play Harvester. The main character does a lot of disturbing things in a very disturbed town :).
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Being a horror fan I didn't find the game to be that scary. If you want something scary play Scratches, Dark Fall, Fatal Frame II, Clock Tower or Echo Night Beyond.
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To be perfectly honest, Amnesia is a great Indie title; but in terms of being terrifying, it's subjective from player to player. Some players will start being jumpy and paranoid right out of the gate due to the ambient noise and the lighting; others will be able to get through the game with little to no scares, and perhaps a tense moment or two. Others will just outright hate the game. If you feel incredibly comfortable in the dark for instance, Amnesia will probably annoy you more than anything else, seeing as your character will have an absolute fit and start freaking out whenever you go into the dark. I think you should play it through the rest of the way, you might not be scared by it, but hell, you might enjoy it regardless.
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i feel more comfortable in the dark -- the monsters can see you in the light! i was worried at first that i wasn't going to like the game because of not being able to to stay in the darkness, but that didn't turn out to be the case. i actually treated darkness like being underwater -- if you stay there too long you'll drown but it's really no problem to go in, do what you need to do, and get back out if you can do it quickly.
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I've only seen a few gameplay vids, so perhaps the game is in fact all that's is hyped out to be. Truthfully, I'm relieved that at least someone else seems to find it as tedious as it looks to me from a distance. :) Of course, I'd give it a decent shot, but if I could manage to find $20 for a game right now, it would be for Torchlight, not Amnesia.
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I got lost and ran out of oil for my lantern and couldn't see anything to solve the puzzle I was at :(
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i to scared to get past the 15 minute mark :P
This is how i feel
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[Clicky].(link) just don't put . in the middle of the ] (
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Amnesia is pretty good up until about the last half hour or so; that's about when the story just falls to pieces.
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1) The first hour of the game is not scary. It's simply building atmosphere.
2) You have yet to encounter your first enemy in the game. No fear of death means you won't really be scared yet.
3) It's not over-rated. Despite it's indie-roots, it's vastly better than what else qualifies for horror these days.
4) Splashes and the storage room. We'll see how manly you are after these sections.
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Well, I did enjoy Amnesia. Took me 8 hours on my first run and there are still many well made custom stories to play. That being sad, I do think that the Penumbra series is better. The story is far more interesting, so are the puzzles (no electricity in Amnesia). However, the controls in Amnesia are not as clumsy as in Penumbra. Everyone who tried to kill a wolv in Penumbra knows what I'm talking about. :P
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It is indeed very subjective. People I've came across either hate it because it's too "boring" or love/enjoy it overall.
I for one sort of liked it. The store was engaging, it was very good looking and immersive, the atmosphere was really great and some of the mods were fairly entertaining. I didn't really like Penumbra myself due to the whole clunky combat thing, but both stories are so very different.
You should retry playing it and if you do get bored of it just uninstall it. You won't be entertained throughout the rest if the first one and a half hours weren't at least enjoyable to some degree. Again, some people hate it or love it, you're probably one of the ones that hate it.
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I liked the first parts of the game, after that it was just a series of scripts you could see from a mile away, the monsters were well done and scary, though their incredible ability to run twice as fast or to simply appear in front of you when you made sure there was no other way for them to follow you was a bit.....frustrating, and in the end, boring.
I did enjoy it, but i prefer Penumbra Overture and Black Plague.
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When you play a lot of games you just see things coming. It's like:
-Umm, a Z shaped hall. Loading screen incoming.
Loading screen appears
Or like this:
-Umm, so quiet, and that door seems strage. Surely a "scary" monster is going to break thought it.
A "scary" monster breaks thought it.
-Yeahhhh! so much fun :rolleyes:
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So some days ago I got Amnesia from the HIB V. I played it for a while and I'm PROUD I didn't pay 20$ for it.
What the hell? What's scary about it?
It's just like that:
Quiet......quiet.....quiet....LOUD NOISE....quiet......quiet....quiet....LOUD NOISE AND SCREEN FLASH....quiet......quiet....boring....quiet....etc, etc.
It's scary the first three times. After that it's just like your little bro trying to scare you from behind...again and again....
Plus, the story is just like Penumbra. Doesn't seem promising.
Still I think I will give it another chance to see if it becomes interesting.
Do you think I should continue playing it?
EDIT: Ok, played it a bit more. I found the first monsters. I'm not with the water monster, blocked in the puzzle (I need to open a heavy door). I closed the game because I'm bored of that. Seriously. Do I really need to go all the way back jumping from box to box to find a mechanism or something?
A game that FORCES you to go back because you "forgot" something you didn't even know about is a bad designed game.
And no, it's still no scary at all.
Plus, what's wrong with the main character? Is he drunk or retarded? Five seconds in darkness and he's over-breathing and seeing blurry :/
Still I'll give it one more try. I hope it gets better :/
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