Tell me a scientific fact, and if I don't know it I will add you to my WL

Will be including shortly 5 GAs

A giveaway for your time:

Slinger VR

And a song for your time

edit: I have a calculus exam tomorrow so I have to study for the rest of the day, keep the good facts coming can't wait to learn more, and thanks to everybody who contributed to make me less dumb :3

2 years ago*

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The sound we make when we sneeze isn’t universal, but culturally conditioned. A person in the United States or Britain might make an “ah-choo!” sound when they sneeze, while a person in the Philippines might say “ha-ching!” when they sneeze. People who have been deaf since birth don’t add in any “extra” sounds at all, leaving only the sounds associated with the movement of air a sneeze represents.

2 years ago

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Pupils Dilate or Expand in Response to Mere Thoughts of Light or Dark.

2 years ago

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Wow amazing so you can trick your body

2 years ago

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When it rains, daddy longlegs all huddle up under a ledge and if you disturb them, they all move as one daddy longlegs instead of the hundreds.

2 years ago

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Do you have any proofs or videos of that ?

2 years ago

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trying to find it, i read it in a nat geo kids book when i was younger but can't find the book online

2 years ago

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Seems like nat geo lied to me. They do, however, clump together in low humidity and look like fur.

Don't watch if you have arachnophobia.

Also, daddy long legs can describe multiple different insects including cellar spiders.

2 years ago

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Did you know, if you could fold a piece of paper 42 times, it would reach the moon?

2 years ago

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I bet I know this

2 years ago

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its insane

2 years ago

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Did you know that Earth is closer to the sun during winter and further during summer in the northern hemisphere?

2 years ago

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The horseshoe crab's blood is actually blue - this is because unlike our blood that utilizes hemoglobin to transport oxygen, it uses hemocyanin, a copper-based respiratory pigment. The blood of horseshoe crab is also invaluable in medicine development because it carries amebocytes instead of white cells. When amebocytes come into contact with a pathogen, they release a chemical that causes the blood to clot in order to isolate them. This is especially useful to detect endotoxins in drugs, needles, etc. which can cause fevers, organ failures or septic shocks and are instrumental in the development of vaccines among many other things

For this reason, a liter of their blood can be worth upwards of $15000 - which has also made them a huge target. While the American variant is not currently endangered, species of the crab in Asia are struggling. Research is being made into synthetic replacements to phase out the use of horseshoe crab blood completely, which I hope happens soon - these animals have been around since before the dinosaurs and have already saved countless lives, they deserve to be taken care of imo

2 years ago

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The giant Pacific octopus has three hearts, nine brains and blue blood. Do I get a blue heart?

2 years ago

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Did you know?
During WW2, 50% of German total casualty (Died) During last 11month of war.
So, if the assasination of Hitler would have been succeeded in -44... Many families around all fighting countries, would have their GrandFather alive!!

2 years ago

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You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television.

Just something random I found on google.

2 years ago

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I hope this counts as scientific haha-

Apparently, if you play Tetris for 20 minutes within 6 hours after a traumatic car accident, you'll be 62% less likely to have PTSD-like memories of the event Source1 Source2

also fun fact- If all the DNA in the average person was stretched out in a single line, it could reach from Earth to the Sun and back 248 times!

2 years ago

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The strongest muscle of the human body is the masseter muscle, it can generate a force between 520 and 1180 Newtons depending on factors such as age and gender. But the claim that the strength required to bite in half a carrot is equal to the one required to cut a finger, is just an urban myth. To bite a carrot you need a force of less than 200 Newtons, to just break the bones finger you need a force of 1485 Newtons.

2 years ago

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Here are two facts for you:

  • In mathematics, a line is actually always a segment of a circumference that tends to infinity.
  • Glass is not considered a solid for materials science, but rather a fluid (liquid) that has a very high viscosity and would probably take a much longer time than human existence to flow.
2 years ago

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The human brain receives 11 million bits of information per second...but is only aware of 40 bits:(

2 years ago

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This sounds completely wrong

2 years ago

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Translation difficulties, sorry. Maybe so - it has a bandwidth of 11 million bits, but can store (remember at the same time) only 40 bits

2 years ago

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not scientific but here's a 3 minute video on how 100 years ago in indiana they managed to rotate a building 90 degrees while keeping all services, sewage and plumbing, operational during the process
it's never been done before and since

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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ouhhhh interesting i didnt know

2 years ago

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Noise-canceling headphones work by picking up sounds from a room, and sending out the opposite signal. It's really facinating.

Unfortunately, it pretty much only works with ambient noise. But that's something for scientists to work on!

2 years ago

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Some general facts that you might not know, not really scientific though.

The jet engine plane was built by a romanian inventor
The same can be said about the fountain pen

Dracula was inspired by Vlad Tepes (the impaler) who used to impale people to inspire fear in those who opposed him.

If you don't like historical facts, here are a few scientific ones about the moon:

The moon is 400 times smaller than the sun, but is also 400 times closer to earth (almost 400,000km), making them look about the same size on the sky and it would take around 400,000 moons for them to match the brightness of the sun.
It is also drifting away from the earth at a rate of about 4cm per year.
Its diameter is about 4 times smaller than the earth's and all of its light comes from the sun (besides right before and after a new moon and it looks very dim. That light comes from the earth).

2 years ago

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Maybe not scientific but thought it was cool when I saw them at bowling.

When a polar bears hide in ice cap they will show their dark nose. So they would cover it up with their paws.
A jiffy is a scientific name for 1/100th of a seconds.

2 years ago

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Hawaii is moving closer to Alaska by 7.5cm every year. This is caused by tectonic plates which are in constant motion, driven by currents that rise and fall under them. Hawaii remains in the center of the Pacific plate and every year due to this constant motion, Hawaii is slowly and steadily heading to the North American platform, back to Alaska.

2 years ago

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At just the right temperature and pressure, subtances can reach a state in thermodynamics called a "Triple Point", where the 3 main phases of matter (solid, liquid & gas) co-exists at once in thermodynamic equilibrium.

For example, water's triple point is at exactly 0.0100 °C and 611.657 pascals.
Here's a video demonstrating it:

2 years ago

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And here's a historical fact cos why not:
Did you know that during WW2, 3 Jews were nominated for the Iron Cross by Nazi Germany?
(Iron Crosses were awarded to those who demonstrate bravery in battle as well as other military contributions in a battlefield environment).

This was because they were born in Finland and fought during the Soviet-Finnish War, which was started by the Soviets and subsequently repelled by the Finnish.

Their names were Salomon Klass, Leo Skurnik & Dina Poljakoff. For obvious reasons, all three refused the award.

2 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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Do you know there is a planet called WASP-12B which is a planet literally being eaten "alive" by its own star? It has twice bigger size compared to Jupiter and oh, it has unique egg shape as well.

2 years ago

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Scientific fact: There are more trees on Earth than stars in our galaxy

2 years ago

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Scientific fact:Earth’s oxygen is produced by the ocean

2 years ago

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The Big Bang was quieter than a Motörhead concert.

2 years ago

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These days, to test the safety of an airplane ejector seat today, you’d use a sophisticated crash-test dummy with lots of sensors. In 1960, however, the U.S. Air Force used a drugged black bear that weighed the same as a human pilot.

2 years ago

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