Is it really that bad? I haven't dealt with support outside of refunds in a really long time.
After some thought, maybe it is some kind of bug..There has been a few times where i have visited the market through the U.I. and it would say that i need to login to view my items up for sale, or i would visit my profile and it would say its private..a refresh or two would always solve this. I know its not the same thing that you are experiencing but it does point to potential buggyness.
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It was an exaggeration. I always make fun of things that way.
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I usually write mine down. I just can't find it on my papers which makes me think that I forgot to write the last one down. I usually try to keep it as similar as possible, though.
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sorry, I was being sarcastic.
I remember years ago a colleague of mine had an unprotected Word file right on his desktop containing what I called "the Nick Identity Theft Manual". It contained his social security number, bank account numbers, utility account numbers, usernames, passwords, email addresses, and a whole lot more. Best of all, the whiteboard in his office had his username and password to get into his computer written in large letters.
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Using one's memory doesn't really scale. I'd have over 380 passwords to memorize. One could use some memorization system, and I do, but only for my 'master' password.
Most people don't know what a proper password is like. You might, but software generated passwords are generally a better choice.
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Ouch... Best suggestion I have is wait it out and hope its a Steam bug? Hopefully Steam support can help you. Goodluck :)
edit: Err... Not to look weird, I accidently hit the add friend button I think lol And my phones acting up and wont let me cancel it. If it went through, dont have to accept if you dont want to. Just wanted to explain so I dont look like a weirdo :D
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Hmm, can't say for sure, but I've been experiencing some issues today when visiting friend's profiles. Some would glitch, while others even indicate they no longer exist (despite following the link on the list). So the first option would be "Steam being Steam". And if that's the case, it'll be auto-fixed when maintenance concludes.
But the password and different mail part are just too strange to fit in that category. Hope support will be able to help you fix this swiftly.
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I checked and your Steam profile got community banned, I'm not sure if that was Steam support putting block during account recovery process, or something you did prior to doing that, just letting you know why your profile looks "blank", you definitely want to reach Steam support regarding that.
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How odd. I did absolutely nothing wrong. I play no online games of note, I don't post too much on the boards and I haven never had a vac ban. ever.
Maybe it's the support ticket as I said it might have been hacked, I don't know.
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Try both your browser and the client. One can still be logged in while the other is not. Worth a shot.
What do you mean by a different email? Not the one you expected or one that is not yours. Is this visible if not logged in?
If its not yours then someone logged into your account and changed things. Hopefully thats not the case. Only steam support can help if thats the case. Good luck.
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Well, this would have come up one day so it's probably best that I caught it now.
Lets hope I see a reply in a few hours when I get home from work.
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1day community ban?
few days ago:
u really should use password program xD
I use RoboForm and its ducking awesome ^^
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Thanks for that. I can live with a community ban. Long as I can play my games. Well, at least I still have Origin, Uplay and GOG.
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Was about to write about a community bun, but this topic you linked is very disturbing.
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You are community banned. They must have told you why you were banned. So why were you banned?
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Also if you keep forgetting your passwords to websites and emails, use an excel sheet with a master password.
But make sure you don't forget that master password. I've also got too many emails and steam accounts to remember everything.
Lastly, I suggest NOT posting anything on their indie/early access games forum. Those asshole motherfucker developers rule their boards nazi style. I got perm banned from starbound forum years ago for criticizing their fucked up game.
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Why can't I post twice? And who the hell you think you are to dictate your orders here?
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It is not "dictating" orders, but part of netiquete. If you want to add something to discussion, you should edit your post instead of writing new one. Unless you reply to someone else. Or some time passed since your previous post, so edit would be no longer visible.
SteamGifts forum resembles more reddit than traditional forum in it's structure. But still, you don't write few messages in a row (you edit 1st) on standard forum, you should do the same here.
Normally when you have limit of 10 / 15 / 20 posts on a page. And when someone writes 5 posts in a row (instead of edit 1st one) it takes big chunk of available space. That's why "edit not post new comment" is standard rule on the internet.
And I write is as "standard user", not "moderator" :P
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After looking into another request for a password change, I see the email address to send it to is the following-
I have absolutely NO idea who that is supposed to be as my account is through Yahoo and my gmail, which is my private account, does not start with the letter 'i' nor does it have any periods in the middle.
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Wew, something is seriously fucked up with your account.
I wouldn't necessarily think of an hack, it might be due to Steam having database problems or something.
The other day I couldn't login myself and therefore requested a password reset which was working fine through SMA and Two-Factor Authentication, but afterwards I still wasn't able to login. I had to wait a couple of hours until it was working again.
Why don't you use mobile authentication? Once your account has reached a significant value, you should secure it as much as you can. ;)
Edit: Maybe Valve decided to disable your account and made it practically impossible to reset password through email.
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yeah you've been hacked. i just got the msg from your account via chat:
Hi, can you spin this roulette (removed url) ? If GTA V, PUBG or CSGO falls out, I can buy the key from you. Try it, it will take no more than 30 seconds. You go -> press the ROLL button, a free game falls out -> you take the key and write to me) Well, or you activate the game on your account)
when steam support finally gets into a dialogue with you, there's your evidence. especially since you noticed something was wrong BEFORE the spam msgs started to go out.
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Thanks for that message. I'll let them know right away.
Edit- Another friend of mine sent me that same message. An old user here Nerdhouse. And I did not click on it but am getting this anyway.
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A bunch of people have gotten hacked and sent that message (Nerdhouse was just one of them). So far, they all seem to have gotten their account back. Hopefully you'll get yours back soon as well!
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Account stolen. Named changed to someone called Lifelegend.
Bet it was sold to him and all my friends seems to be gone.
I am now officially pissed.
Edit- I wonder if I can ever get it back. I apologize to all my friends here that I have lost on my list and any that got a mesage from me.
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i reported the account as compromised this morning before i posted the comment here, included copypaste of the chat message which steam can access via logs i'm sure. don't give up yet. this'll probably be messy, but since you caught the issue right away there's a papertrail for support to follow and see what is going on.
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I sent them one of the last keys I used last Friday as proof yesterday. This guy is probably going to contest this. I don't think I'm getting my account back at all.
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The key was sent as proof that I used it the day before this happened.
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Knowing used keys and things like billing info / physical address will most likely allow you to recover it. I think I saw somewhere that such info cannot fully be displayed in your account, precisely so that knowledge of them can help for disaster recovery.
On the technical side, they'll probably see obvious stuff like an IP from a different country / city (hopefully the guy who stole it isn't your IRL neighbor ^^).
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Calling himself Eagle now. I really hope you get it back as soon as possible!
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If you search for LifeLegend, you find a Russian profile. Notice how your steam profile has the same picture.
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Thank you all for reporting this for me. Lets hope I can get this back. I WILL be changing my access to my private email after. IF I can get it back.
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And now I can't get into my steam account. I logged out and for some reason it wouldn't accept my logon. And I can not remember my password I use since I have too many at the same time.
So I go into the part to change my password and it looks like a different email account was listed. I haven't had any issues in months and even recently verified my account. And now I can't even view my own profile online. It's as if my profile was almost deleted. And I was playing on steam a couple of hours ago.
Lets hope that the incompetents at steam support can help me in a decent time frame.
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