random thread that i am sure are atleast 300 already but what are you listening to lately (music i mean )... i've been listening a lot of Queen of the stone ages, i tried listening to it a long while ago because foo fighers is my favorite band and dave grohl my favorite musician and they tend to work togheter, but i didnt really liked it before, but now i really love their robot rock, and also Eagles of fucking death metal, i really love those guys, i started listening to them for the same reason that with QotSA but i liked the all along.. here ara a couple of tracks :D... oh and also thanks again to our lord and savior Dave Grohl i've been listeing to the soundtrack of Sound City a lot

Cherry Cola - Eagles of death metal
Sick, Sick, Sick - Queens of the Stone age
Sound City OST - The Man That Never Was (Grohl, Hawkins, Mendel, Smear, Springfield)

9 years ago

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Let me share some depression with you all

Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago

7 years ago

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well, I'm listening this right now, after my lessons and still have one and a half hour today yet :/ these mondays are terribly exhausting

7 years ago

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Just discovered this. So good.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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God is an Astronaut - Frozen Twilight

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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1000th comment hype

This one is fun

7 years ago*

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It Ain't Me Babe - Bob Dylan

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This is so a guilty pleasure

When a song is lit and has under 10 views on YouTube

7 years ago*

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Currently listening this.

7 years ago

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been listening to a LOT of sonic youth in general i think its a band that is REALLY underated. the kind of band that everyone has heard about but not many had actually listened to it

Sonic Youth - "Total Trash"

7 years ago

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DUDE! As I type this, a 12-year old ratty SY t-shirt is covering the back of my faux-leather desk chair because I prefer the cloth against my back to the leather when it gets sweaty. I have been an avid fan for almost 20 years, and still consider seeing them live one of the highlights of my life. Big ups!

7 years ago

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did you listen to the new Kim gordon song? it is pretty amazing

7 years ago

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No, I don't follow her solo stuff as much as I used to,but I'll hunt it down now that you mentioned it:)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks for the link:) Gotta say I don't enjoy the grating background wall-of-sound. It reminds me of Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music or the stylings of noise bands like Prurient and Bone Awl. Stuff I used to like a lot more, and maybe it'd be enjoyable if I hadn't switched over from listening to ambient spacey soundscapes for the past couple hours:)

7 years ago

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each day that pass i am getting more and more into noise music... wonder if i'll ever like metal machine music... i doubt it

7 years ago

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btw sonic youth was always a bit noisy anyways

7 years ago

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Yeah but it was less of a monolithic wall and more the ways the noise worked within the songs themselves.

7 years ago

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Been listening to mastodon and NIN a lot lately

Nine Inch Nails - Mr Self Destruct

7 years ago

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Agnes Obel's latest album: Citizen of Glass


7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Im mostly on Dubtrack.fm and then in the NB3 Room.

7 years ago

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Mostly drum and bass, rap and dub music.
Can handle with classical music, grime, dub-step (older ones, when these tunes were not so terrible), house, metal, even grindcore, but pop and trance is always out.

7 years ago

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New stuff, their's debut album and already my favorite.

Fire Down Below - Viper Vixen Goddess Saint

7 years ago

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Wow, amazing music! Love that, thank you.
And if you google for Vixen Goddess. Huh :confused:

7 years ago

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Glad you like it! :)
Yeah, a bit strange and pervert album name. :D

7 years ago

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Also, my personal love to stoner rock started from http://www.stonertrain.com/music Stoner Train - kinda heavy stoner rock or maybe metal. Check it. But beware of true bear vocal :D

7 years ago

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They're great! Didn't know them before but now I'm addicted. :D
Great band.

7 years ago

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This week playlist - Future Sound Of London, Kind Of Zero, Korn, some local folk music ^_^

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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