Honestly, seeing all the negative reactions and people talking about how they refunded it, after the pre-release events they did, my hype/interest is at an all time low. Too bad tho, was hoping for another Neverwinter Nights, not a boring ARPG with a D&D skin like people are saying it is :(
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Ive read its a weak version of 5th edition, bland and generic storytelling, few if any dialogue choices and a very poor level editor for GMs. Also if you don't have a group of friends to play this with its value greatly diminishes. As a long time AD&D fan ( 2nd edition FTW!) and cRPG fan, not to mention this game being released on my birthday I was very enthusiastic about this, but the more I read and saw the more disillusioned I became and even removed it from my wishlist. This is certainly not the new PoE let alone BG
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neverwinter nights 2 had also a terrible launch, there were areas impossible to access since the loading points didn't work. lots of crashes and bad performance.
but in the end (after some months) they fixed the game and it was perfect, even the first expansion was awesome (mask of the betrayer). i have faith that this game will be the spiritual successor to it. :3
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Yeah but Neverwinter Nights 2 was solidly anchored in the AD&D ruleset, it's issues were bugs and broken mechanics if i remember correctly, the issue here is that people are saying it's more like a very weak ARPG with some 5th edition rules tacked on and generic D&D creatures.
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I saw people saying the limitations on the adventure creation kit or w/e they're calling it are downright silly. Some people were trying to be optimistic after the pre-release events and were hoping they were just for that build but I have a sneaking suspicion that it's done so they can Premium Models later on, like they obviously plan to sell the "missing" classes and races.
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I made a build in a game which refreshes abilities on headshot and I love it in PvP.
Been playing ET the past decade and their publishers (Splash Damage) released Dirty Bomb which i've been testing since Alpha.
Now not too long ago they added a medic "Sparks" which has a Revivr which can heal allies from a distance but it also works like a Quake Railgun so you zap enemies if you do headshots.
Since I got madskills I am now Railgun.Rambomedic and it's hilarious with all the salt comments I get.
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Maybe my shortest adventure happened in Arcanum - I thought that I'll start a half-ogre warmage - I put all points on strenght, dexterity so he would hit often and hard. Also, learn two spells to further increase unarmed damage + dexterity. I had gore turned on - in this mode if you critically hit somebody, they can be cut half, half osf the torso blown away with guns, etc. Additional info: as long as you don't get training (apprentice at least) you're more likely to critically miss your hit.
So, the happening: I was fighting with a young wolf. It's rather tiny, so instead of hitting the attack animation was a kick. Imagine a 10 feet tall 300 pound half-ogre towering over a wolf, kicking it, while arcane powers fuel his hits. Got it? Now imagine a critical miss. Which was probably just in a random roll in the game, but the following happened:
MY CHARACTER'S HEAD EXPLODED AFTER I KICKED THE WOLF. The game only seen that I missed, so it applied the usual "you've been critically hit and killed" animation.
Now face yourself - have you ever missed a kick on a small wolf so much that you're head blown up and you died? :D
( Also, this was in like the 3rd minute of the game. I was laughing so hard about it.. still one of my most memorable moments in gaming :) )
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Mage is RIDICULOUS. Get force level 5, force mastery at the Magic School, high dex and spam like 3-4 instakilling desintegration orbs for 20 fatigue each every single TURN. Plus that spell is so powerful that with 100 magic affinity it affects anything, even the (I guess) 100% tech automatons. It was fun, buy a massive overkill.... I should have play with it at a point again, finished it only once :)
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I've been a pen & paper RP-er for most of my life, and while it's sadly been a while since I played last time (actually, it's been about 2½ years, time flies does it not?)
One of the most embarrassing moments for any character I've ever played in a pen & paper RPG happened in the Swedish pen & paper RPG Eon. We were playing as a group of nobles, and I was a minor noble who had trained as a knight, while two other were wealthy major nobles, a third person was a minor noble with a prominent position in the church and the last member of our party was the right hand of one of the nobles. My job was to make sure that the other members of the party would reach a big meeting unharmed.
Of course, things did not go as planed, and during a stay at an inn, a saddle bag from one of the nobles was stolen. The thieves were quickly found though (having not been very discrete). We figured that the best way of dealing with them would be to take them by surprised, so when night fell we would simply attack their camp (getting close to their camp without getting spotted would be easier at night, and they would have no time to prepare their defenses, with any luck the shock of having a fully armoured knight come charging towards them should be enough to scare most of them away).
Well, night fell and I managed to sneak relatively close to their camp. So I drew my axe and charged in, screaming and making as much noise as possible (to add to the shock). Things did not go as planned though, and one botched dice roll later my character found himself getting his foot snagged in a root, and fell face first. At this point the other nobles panicked and ran around like headless chickens.
And that was how a trained knight, and several major nobles were captured by 4 lowly thieves.
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I'm pretty curious about how it is to play with a human DM.
Also, unluckily, it will never be fun as my adventures through Limbo, following the Modron march, where I, a dragonborn fighter, was turned into a Nymph by wild magic, and bound to another party member that could turn into a water elemental (also because of wild magic).
Also, probably, there are terrible things happening still now because of wild magic surges and a 10000 entries table of wild magic effects. :D
Did I already mention that I like wild magic?
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I am, but, also leery over the fact it is going to become a DLC-fest. The fact that the game is shipping with a lot of classes and other material missing makes me think the total cost over the years is going to be very high. Unlike NWN that was a base game and a couple expansions, its going to be huge numbers of DLC.
Here's hoping the workshop opens and the community does what they did for NWN and just create a massive community expansion and people build adventures using that extra material instead of all the DLC.
My favorite PnP story, I was a ranger in 2nd ed in Darksun and my hated race was the four armed humanoids. Made it past level 10 I think and never saw one. Party wipe. First fucking encounter with new characters: those four armed dudes :|
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While playing MERP (yes, the Rolemaster based pen & paper RPG) a player had his Black Númenórean character try to attack a troll with his bow and rolled a 00 (= 100) seven times in a row. I (as a DM) had to come up with a way to describe the effect of the attack... I told him that his arrow pierced right through the heart of the troll then being deflected by one of his ribs to aim straight towards his brain and just sticking out of his forehead at the end of its way. Also all of the orcs fled the scene right after this attack. I will always remember the guys face after the fourth 00 throw in a row :)
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That reminds me of session of Warhammer Fantasy RP I had, where I was playing a scholar (I don't remember the name of the class, but if my memory serves, it was not in the core book) where, during two combat encounters in a row, I managed to crit on every second dice roll. My character was not a trained fighter, and his first attack was a desperate swing against a goblin that tried to rob us. While the trained fighters were swinging wildly and not hitting, my character somehow went from goblin to goblin (getting more and more confident with each successful killed goblin).
Next up were a bunch of corrupted wolves, where my luck repeated itself, every second attack was a critical hit.
At this point my character were seriously starting to re-evaluating his choice of career. He, with a small dagger, had managed to slay no less than 5 goblins and 2 chaos corrupted wolves, while the fighters had only defeated 2 goblins between them. Of course, getting over confident was not such a bright idea, and luck is in the long run not a substitute for skill...
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and luck is in the long run not a substitute for skill...
That is so very true in not only RPG scenarios (P&P or digital), but also in real life :)
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I played Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 with my dad. Planescape: Torment as well, on my own. To this day it is my favorite D&D game. Icewind Dale games were great too, but too combat focused for me. I always preferred good story. Only later on started appreciating ID for what it was. ID 2 was the last game I got from my father. Still have the big cardboard box, the fine, and very thick manual(lots of pages, detailing all spells, and such). Makes me want to wish to play it again. Alas, I have no CD/DVD drive :D
As for stories. I remember battling a Lich somewhere in Amn, it was the Lich hidden in a tavern, behind a portrait, secret door stuff... I couldn't beat it! Then my dad came in. Sat there for 5 minutes changing spells, gear, and all this. He went into the Lich chamber. And killed it in 5 seconds. To this day I've no idea how he did it :D
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Your comment kind of brought a warm feeling in me... Too bad my dad never played videogames with me, well actually he played Columnus and other Master System games with me when I was a kid. Yet I won't forgive you for destroying my IWD and the other Black Isles games boxes, dad! To this day only the Torment box survived. Just kidding dad you are forgiven.
I think I remember that Lich fight, you needed gems to open the tomb right?
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That was different, You probably meant a building in Bridge District which You needed to open with rogue stone. Inside there was fight with beholder, vampire, lich, human mage and illitchid, if I remember correctly, Staff of Magi dropped there, overpowered staff for mage, obviously ^^
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There was a trick with that lich, You went in and activated him, he started casting spells and You've retreated to previous room to get a rest from barkeeper. Then, when you've come back to him he was out of spells, and You had to kill him quickly with ranged weapons ^^ He dropped nice sword - Daystar, good for fighting undead enemies. Early in the game it was nice and easy to had it.
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I have no clue what this game is tbh ...
Tho sharing a MMO story ... lets see.
I remember like 6 or 7 years ago , ~ christmass time ...
I was still playing Lineage 2 , and we had a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE fight in my clan .... so it ended up in most of it leaving right b4 a really important castle siege ...
What i did ? ... kicked the rest of the clan , invited all my boxed chars into the clan ... and single handedly defended the castle against over 1k people , using christmass trees ( which ware indestructable @ the time ) to block all the enterances to the castle :D
That thing got me banend for a month , but it was the best momemt in my MMO history up to date :D
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short stories because long ones are boring.
- playing adnd i managed to roll three consecutive 20s and later three 1s, which of course killed me xD ;_;
- last time i played baldurs 2 i made a party with 2 berserkers, 2 wizards (abjurer and enchanter), 1 cleric and 1 thief (bounty hunter). it was the easiest run i have ever played.
berserkers: immune to hold/confusion/sleep (which enemies love to spam) = they destroy anything in their path.
mages: remove protections and magic resistance = ignore bosses defenses (dragon, liches); also good as summoners to spring traps and block doorways.
cleric: negative plane protection spell = immune to lv drain (vampires).
bounty hunter: those overpowered traps feel like cheating... used them vs liches when you open the sarcophagus and they die before casting spells. :3
- (already told this on another place but i'll repeat it here xD ) broke neverwinter nights on the second area (forest). there was a talking fountain with some questions, if you answered correctly you finished the quest, if not something bad would happen like gettting a high-lv summoned creature to attack you. since i was a mage i could kite it and kill it after some time, get a LOT of experience and repeat it till i hit max lv.
and the game was no more fun there since it was like god mode. ;_;
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Neverwinter nights was my first game on steam, I know it says that I only put in like 136 hours on it, but it really was closer to 800. I think when I have a bit more time I'll get into it again. But I've got a hell of a lot of games that are on my list before so. Fallout being one of them
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I remember when I've played Baldurs Gate 2 for the first time, and was doing quest for collecting Kangaxx the lich golden body parts. The funny thing is I didn't know who I will be facing, as he is considered as one of the most difficult enemies in game. So, after I gave him what I collected, he "resurrected" himself and attacked me in his lich form. I've defeated his form with after reloading and finally using magic resist scrolls, and after he turned into demilich Viconia literally killed him with 1 hit with her mace (or it was hammer? I don't remember correctly which weapon it was, but it had chance to one shot undead enemy) xD Ahh, that was good times playing that game for the first time, and I've played BG multiple times with mods installed, like Trilogy (that merges 1+totsc and 2+tob into one solid game, I recommend that for any BG fan!), cut content restoration mod, character improvement and many other.
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A friend of mine grew up with one of the guys working on Sword Coast Legends. I don't recall exactly what he does, though.
Story: When I was a teenager, I played Final Fantasy VII on PC (I didn't have a PlayStation). The game tracks how much time you spend playing it. I don't know how many hours I spent playing, because the timer stopped at 99 hours and 59 minutes. In the end, I didn't even finish the game. Near the end of the game, you chase the villain down a giant crater before the final showdown. I got to the crater, and pretty much stopped. Years later, I tried to play it again, but never bothered getting that far. So I learned a lesson about RPGs: If you plan to finish it, do it now, because you won't do it later.
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More than once I've been harrashed in some MMOs, followed through the map and the city, etc. because some random guy wanted some money. Begging to the limits and beyond. I guess he/she was a troll.
I suck at baldurs gate, I suffered a lot with the trolls, hours and hours trying to figure it out how to kill them. Just a simple fire arrow.
Its hard to me to share stories in english, I expent more time thinking how to write than the story itself :(
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Well this was a quick emotional trip..
Didn't recognize the name so had too look it up and instantly added it to my wishlist as it looked awesome... and then you read all the other comments and it kinda sadden me as it looks really nice.
So thanks for that :P
Added it to my "follow" list instead and hoping that things turns out to be amazing when it comes out.
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The most played game in my steam library is Mount & Blade:Warband I am aware that clicker heroes has way more hours but that game basically plays itself in the background... while all 600ish hours of Warband are time I actually played it. The game itself doesn't have THAT high of a replayable value but the amount of mods you can find for it will keep you playing for a few lifetimes.
In one of my playthroughs I started courting princess Linthradil, daughter of queen Arlina (ruler of the Redwood Nation). Relationships in that mod are pretty glitchy and actually being able to start a game were the princess isn't already taken is like finding the holy grail itself. After she gave in to my barbaric charm, we got married, and I asked her to claim her mother's throne. She was reluctant at first but I generously offered my help in that task and convinced her that she deserves to be the queen.
That's how the great Shifty Empire was born and she basically ended up waiting for me to give her the throne I promised... you know the one I'm currently sitting on. She's a great soldier in my army though so I can't afford to lose her or have her order me around. maniac laugh
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I can share a story about horror games.
Summer 1999. When I was a little kid all my friends were 2 games in particular: Resident Evil and Silent Hill. They kept telling me how amazing the gameplay was and how great it was to slowly uncover all the mysteries.
I loved those stories but I just couldn't stand the gore so, me and a friend of mine (who never managed to play horror games just like me) decided to buy a copy of RE3 at the condition of playing it together. What started as an "experiment" to control our fear ended up in being the best summer that I ever had as a child. Every day I would visit my friend, boot up the PlayStation and fight our way to escape from that effing monster that was Nemesis ( WAAARGH S.T.A.R.S.! ). Videogames, fun, no school, no homework and a lot of ice cream. Best summer ever! After many weeks we finally finished RE3 and conquered our fears for good. We even restarted the game several times and got many different endings!
I've enjoyed horror games ever since :)
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One time in "The Dark Eye" Pen & Paper, our group of heroes descended through a vertical tunnel into a cave. Not all of us though because my character stayed upstairs to secure the area and the rope, just in case the cave was a dead end. As soon as everyone else had arrived downstairs they got attacked by a huge cave spider. The beast was spewing plenty of web on and around my friends who were fighting it and the web started to slow them down. I was helping as best as I could by shooting the monster with my crossbow from upstairs. Eventually there was so much cumbering web down there that the mage decided to light it all up with a fire spell. And that's the story of how everyone lost most of their hair, including eyebrows and beards, which was especially tough for the dwarf. Well, everyone except me who could keep all his hair and moustache and would not stop laughing for a long time after the beast was slain and we were all safe.
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It's my first hearing about it now so i was not hyped at all. But in the end it's my type of game so i went on steam and wishlisted it right away. As for the story i'm not really sure which one to tell. There was a guy that was talking about M&B Warband so i wont do the same thing. There was a guy that was talking about final fantasy series so i wont do that either. There was a guy that was talking about playing in paper rpg and even if i play second edition of warhammer i wont talk about it either. So... Yes? Maybe a short story about MMO called Ragnarok Online? I've never played on official server but as the overall experience it's still one of the best mmo mechanics there is (At least before update called renewal). So... As I started playing it was something like a day later that i was informed that there is gonna be wipe. It was kinda sad for me to lose everything but i've decided to give it another try. So... Few years later there was another wipe and this time i was convinced not to play. And so i did. At least for a few months. Later i've created support class instead of my usual Mage and helped newbies and my old friends. Few months later my mage was back into existence and i was at the top of mvp killing charts. Few years later the server closed and i've tried few other mmo games but they all suck in the end. So... The moral of this story is to never play mmo at all. Life is too short. Yes.
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183 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by lav29
Hey hey!
Am I the only one excited for this game? Anyway I'll make it very short:
1) Share stories: CRPG, PnP, MMO or FPS anything is fine really.
2) Get in my whitelist.
3) Wait for the incoming SCL giveaway.
Hmm maybe it was indeed too short.
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