the goal is more for us to learn and experience and not make others be "stuck" in difficult puzzles.
This missing that mark, at least for me. I'll come back at them tomorrow, I guess.
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they run for a month so probably a bit more than 3 weeks :D
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Well I'm out for the month and I decided to write a few words about why. While it may come out as a bit of a rant and I suppose most people would just shrug it off and bid me farewell, and others will tell me to stop whining and maybe contribute something myself, still after some consideration I decided that it may be a slightly valuable input so I'll take the risk.
So, in my opinion, what started out as a great event, where I was learning stuff about world landmarks, solving light quizzes and entering some giveaways in the process, turned into (still my opinion!) an overdemanding grindfest with little or no reward, making it completely miss the point (which - I think - was to promote world landmarks and have fun, correct me if I'm wrong). If the trend of week 4 continues, I'm afraid the event will soon be dead save for a few hardcore puzzlers. Let's just take a look at the stats: week 1: 116 solvers, week 2: 50 solvers, week 3: 49 solvers, week 4: 10 solvers(!), monthly train: 9 solvers...
From my perspective, the first three weeks were fun: learning stuff, solving some light to moderate puzzles, entering one or two giveaways. When I saw week 4 puzzles I already had my doubts, but I said to myself, I'll do it for the monthly train. Well, I didn't. I grinded my way through Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe, solving ciphers for 1h+ each, without any reward (3c game giveaway? really?), but the Louvre "puzzle" killed it for me. I entered the puzzle and there is not a single fact-based question. Nothing to learn at all! Just crosswords with random words and then some hidden puzzles. What does it have to do with world landmarks at all? Well there is some introductory text, but in French? Really?
Ok, now I'm really starting to rant so I'll just cut it here. The takeaway point being: please stick to the "learn some facts - solve a quiz - have fun in the process" formula if you want to keep the event alive, and leave the hardcore puzzles for their own events. Otherwise I'm out, as apparently 80-90% of the others, going by the stats. The idea is great, so don't let it go to waste! Thank you all for the effort, I really appreciate it, even if I think that some of you went a bit too far. Those are good puzzles by many measures, just not fit for this event (again: in my opinion!).
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Made it through all but the Louvre so far (and I really can't see myself finishing that), but they are definitely striking me as out of alignment with the spirit of the event.
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Thanks! I didn't think I'd finish the Arc, but it clicked a lot better today.
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Your rant is quite valid and appreciated. I'm glad you spoke up.
The puzzle creation guidelines stated,,,
"Come up with a creative way for everyone to "visit", "experience", and learn about this landmark together.
At the least you can create an itstoohard puzzle with -no more than 10 questions about the landmark.
Make it as puzzely or not as you wish... the goal is more for us to learn and experience and not make others be "stuck" in difficult puzzles."
The key parts in these guidelines are "no more than 10 questions" and "not make others stuck in difficult puzzles"
The Chartres Cathedral landmark I did was a good example of the highest level of difficulty that still follows the guidelines... It was quite puzzley but between the iths it only had 5 questions and 5 unlocks and a few hidden GAs.
However, I don't want to restrict designers too much because some create works of art in themselves like the Louvre ... A lot of time went into its design and many are enjoying solving it... And you only have to solve 1 of the 4 entrances to get the passcode.
Yet, even one side of the Louvre got me overwhelmed and stopped me dead in my tracks.
It's a brilliant creation and I love Mikalye for creating such a beauty and I have the highest respect for Mikalyes puzzles... But I agree with your rant... Maybe next time we can create a teaser puzzle that will follow the guidelines and give the passcode and then the main event which is an optional continuation of the landmarks theme... The teaser and main event fully separately solveable in themselves... This way we can still make everyone happy... The casual solvers and the hardened expert puzzlers both get their "fix".
I'm also realizing that to conquer all 18 puzzles to gain access to the months train is greatly limiting entrants especially when some puzzles are either overwhelming or maybe just don't appeal to some...
Thus, I'm only requiring 15 landmark puzzles to be solved to gain access to all trains... Anyone who wants can ask me for up to three passcodes for individual landmark puzzles... For the month of October. Anyone wanting free passcodes need to request them only from me via Steam chat.
Thus if someone wants to solve 1 puzzle from just one of the weeks with only 4 puzzles then they can ask for the other 3 passcode and get access to that weeks train... They can do that but that's all they get... To get more they have to solve everything from then on... Thus they can plan out their choices for me giving up to 3 passcodes carefully to get the most benefit.
So, we will do this workaround for the first month and it may become standard rule as 15 out of 18 is a darn great accomplishment in itself regardless,of the puzzles content.
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This is great. I was sitting at my desk wondering how I would ever solve the last 3. They surely are difficulty lvl Asian. It made me sad that I had done all the others but wouldn't be able to complete the month. However I will try Louvre Pyramid North then. I'll sent a message once I tried at least.
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Bump for..
Some stats from other events:
Bundlelicious Puzzle event by jeffhowe (ENDED)
1 Phase solved by 304 players
All 5 phase solved by 149 players
A Trainful of (Painful?) Puzzles event by nickchanger (FEW HOURS LEFT)
Car #1 solved by 88 players
Car #18 solved by 30 players
In landmarks event there are 10 solvers already (october), and 3weeks til the end of the GAs. Hints will be given as time
pass, and thus the number of solvers will increase. There is an easy wing in the louvre puzzle that you can solve without huge effort (North wing). You can get the password for the Landmarks event when you complete any (one) of the four paths!
"Nothing to learn at all!"
When I solved the wings I learned a lot about the gallery, paintings, Egypt, Louvre etc. I learned lot more than from a "ctrl+f + wikipedia" quiz. There is nothing wrong with them either. Those are just different.
I have to agree there are puzzles that hard as hell (east wing). But like i said, you have to solve only one side for the passcode. And the rest remains for hardcore puzzlers. In my opinion the Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe puzzles are harder than the north wing in the Louvre! There is a hint for every crossword entry puzzle. "The answers are given in alphabetical order" + crossword solver/google.
That's my opinion.
P.S.: Respect for all of the puzzle makers, and appreciated every GA.
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I agree about the learning when it comes to the Louvre... I haven't solved any wing yet and I'm flabbergasted at how much I learned about the Lourve! Prior to the FRENCH language entrance which greatly expanded my knowledge, I didn't even know the basic facts like its the largest and most visited museum in the world -- and the most amount of exhibits etc... I also learned the structure of the entrance and some history.
The North side is where I started and found quite difficult.. so if that's the easiest entrance... yikes!
Yes HUGE respect for the exceptional puzzles in Lourve... we don't want to discourage what is magnificence... the sheer immensity of the Lourve puzzles match the grandness of the Lourve itself and I love the idea that it's an amazing event in itself...
It's also good to note that Mikalye beforehand realized it would be unfair to require everyone to solve the complete Lourve event to receive the passcode for the landmark event... thus, asked for advisement and I said to put it in there where you think it would be fair and thus Mikalye decided to put it so ANY of the 4 entrances solved will give the passcode. Excellent decision!
I would say for everyone to hold off on asking for any passcodes from me until you really give it a concentrated effort...
And BTW, that 149 players that conquered all 5 phases of the Bundlelicious event blew my mind!! It was a challenging event and that is such a joy to see so many make it through the complete event... You guys rock!!
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Ok, sorry for my unfair evaluation of the Louvre puzzle, I guess I was too overwhelmed by the sheer size of it and didn't go deep enough to form a proper opinion. I had no idea it was enough to solve one wing to get through, I may actually try it instead of just whining, thanks! ;-)
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Yes, I know that the Louvre event is huge, and complex and just bizarre. I wrote it that way, but for example, the Vimy memorial puzzle this week is not like that at all. I did try to set the puzzle theming to the landmark. The Louvre is the largest museum in the world. I felt that to do it justice I needed an enormous event.
In this puzzle, the wings are very different. The north has the least puzzle content and is the most educational. There is a significant puzzle for those who want, but the puzzle is bypassable with good search engine skills. The west has the most puzzles, and is probably the strangest. The east has not so many, but quite tough puzzles, and the south is my favourite wing, with the most art content.
As to the entrances. They are not too bad if either a) your English is really, really, really good, or b) you use a crossword solver.
Details as to recommended crossword solvers and other tools are included in the references section of my guide:
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I solved the north wing and I feel bad for ranting like that, sorry if I offended you. It's probably because I was strained with all those Eiffgel/Arc ciphers and entering the Louvre puzzle it seemed huge, so I though "no way I'm doing it"... But when I learnt it was enough to solve one wing, it was immediately more appealing, and seeing how it's literally loaded with pictures and information, I will most likely go back to solve the others as well! Thank you!
Ah, the crossword wasn't too hard, but I didn't actually solve it, I guessed the missing phrase somewhere mid-way. I still tried to solve it but I didn't manage to put all words/phrases together, I can show you the image if you're interested to see what I missed and maybe comment on that. ;-)
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I was thinking quite the same. Puzzles are nice and I like doing them(80% of my time here), but this is really hard and I feel like ranting as well. Already asked for a hint and after that I got stuck again but I just don't feel like asking again, because I don't want to be troublesome. I like all the effort that was put into this event though, its impressive!
Next time I would like to learn more about the landmarks then the puzzles itself ;)
Also next to a full-time job and limited free time it is pretty impossible to spent the rest on this event.
All just my opinion, love you all still!
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Don't despair... We are all learning and making adjustments... This event needs to grow and get more involved instead of less and less solvers.
You are far from being troublesome... Please ask!
We all will work on making the event more accessible for all. Thanks for your thoughts and honesty...
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Having returns from where you are stuck is helpful to help too. As someone who regularly solved a lot of puzzles here since a bit more than a year and having not created a lot of puzzles before I can have a biased opinion of what seems easy to solve based of what seems easy and usual in puzzles for me.
For the Arc de Triomphe one it is a tricky puzzle but it's probably easiest to solve with the new clarifications.
With no feedback adjustments are hard to do and having feedback in a positive way is always better since it happens sometimes that people give feedback but seems negative in the way they express it (that was absolutely not your case) because they can't solve a puzzle.
So don't worry and ask if you need help. We have a nice puzzlers community who won't eat you if you need help! :D
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I totally understand you
I had the same feeling when I came to louvre and thought I quit
glad I didn't need to solve everything (even though I solved 3 sites, but I never found a passcode)
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Passcode is at the end of the wing! Probably you solved only the entry puzzles (i don't see your name on the last ith puzzles).
"You can get the password for this event for the Landmarks hunt when you complete any one of the four paths (the same password is at the end of all four entrance paths)." - Mikalye
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Just for update since it seems you missed it.
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Month finished. Great event!
only some loose ends in the louvre left
I feel tired
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Don't forget the bonus!!!
You have a month to solve!!
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Don't forget the bonus!!!
You have a month to solve!!
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Bump for waiting for Canadian National Vimy Memorial.
I have a bad feeling about this!
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Note: This will be the only landmark event... future landmark events are cancelled. Details Here
13 Trains can be accessed from the below chart once you have collected the passcodes for each part
Note: for the month of October AND NOVEMBER you are able to ask me via Steam chat for up to 3 individual landmark puzzle passcodes allowing you to only have to solve a total of 15 from the 18 puzzles to gain access to all trains each month! More details here
Welcome to the first event planning thread for the Steamgifts Famous World Landmarks-- EUROPE Part 1!
Many may remember me saying how nice it would be if we as a group "toured" the world together in a large-scale event! Well we have 250 landmarks around the world to visit together and it will take a year and a half to finish our travels together. I've divided the 250 landmarks into the main continent areas and planned out a schedule as follows:
Looking for volunteers to:
DONATE TRAINS or individual GAs:
The success of the event depends on all of us joining in on the creation of it and also everyone solving the creation and experiencing the result together! THANKS ahead of time for your part! Note: HERE is an example of a previous puzzle event I helped put on that had creative volunteers that proved to be a big success!
So ready to pick one or 2 or 3 landmarks and get to creating?? Reply to this thread the landmark(s) that you are interested in taking.
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