There are various recorded videos in Japanese without English subtitles.

Please do not browse it indiscriminately as it is full of shocking scenes.
One day will pass if you do not browse after you are prepared to see it.
I started watching inadvertently and only time passed.

[Damage description is milder than others]
Rare Video: Japan Tsunami | National Geographic - YouTube

JNNアーカイブ 311あの日の記録 - YouTube
FNN311 - YouTube
●REC from 311~アーカイブ動画 - YouTube

Such booklets are distributed for such disasters.
気象庁|パンフレット「地震と津波」(Earthquakes & Tsunamis)
There is also an English version.
In Japan, information is transmitted quickly.
Multilingual disaster prevention manuals are also posted in small cities, towns and villages in each region.
As a result, it will be damaged 10 years ago.:(

There is no choice but to prepare for a disaster, but even if you prepare, it will be like hell.
Should I not live in such a terrifying place?
There used to be a novel called "The Sinking of Japan".
Although it says remake, I will not talk about dung movies that are not related to the original.It is out of the question that can do anything with copyright permission.

Ten years have passed since the earthquake.
People are active, but it is hard to say that they have returned to their original state, and it is believed that only about half of the repairs have been done.
(Some regions recognize that it is half that of other regions)
Views polarized on reconstruction from disaster | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

In any case, please value "peace and daily life".
Oh, now everyone in the world is experiencing the threat of "corona".
Let me rephrase.
Don't forget "everyday life and peace".
The day will come when the emergency will end.
Maybe a year and a half ahead.
Let's spend our days with hope.✨
(Always remember the minimum emergency preparedness)

Recently, there was a big earthquake in New Zealand.
I was really relieved because there were no reports of major damage.
However, I think the previous great earthquake was a coincidence, but after the big earthquake in New Zealand, there was a bigger earthquake in the waters near Japan.
Currently, it is almost impossible to predict an earthquake. (Except for some regular volcanic earthquakes)
Therefore, some Japanese people seem to be wary of the near future.

###😉Don't forget one GA for one topic.
◯‍◯‍◯‍◯‍◯ Tokyo

Perhaps no one will read such a long story.

Reaching out to GA alone is also a necessary option for an “optimistic life”.😆


🔥💻🔥 ∑(´Θ`)oh.. GA ...



3 years ago*

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View Results
There was no choice.
Next is my home.
🍠This is no problem
Everything was a bad dream.

When the 2011 tsunami happened, I was switching between different TV channels on a Friday midnight when I switched to a local news station that started a breaking news report. The TV showed the ocean quickly washing into land past a road by the coast, then over some grassy fields, then into a nearby town. There was another scene of a person in a car driving away from rushing water. Most of the United States was sleeping and only Americans, like me, that live on the West Coast were able to watch the incident happen very early. It was huge news on Saturday morning when many Americans were staying home for the weekend. The Japanese-American community in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles felt much concern and anguish from the natural disaster.

3 years ago*

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That day··. That time. Me?∑(・Θ・ノ)ノ
What I was doing was trivial.

I was playing (JP) Uncharted Waters Online?(English name?)
While being upset by the sound of the Earthquake Early Warning, many game players appeared in the chat column with messages such as "a little dangerous" or "swaying www", and then the game server was "for emergencies". I switched to the mode and can no longer leave the port, so I can only use chat.
After that, I couldn't play because the game server was relocated and restarted for about a month.

I couldn't meet all the people I was playing with after a month.
It was a time of turmoil that all of eastern Japan couldn't do the same.

About a year later, players in the disaster area sometimes returned to the game after finishing their evacuation life.
However, it felt like everyone never played games on a daily basis.

I've spent years waiting for people who never return.
Well it's the past.⛵

Only a few years ago, I encountered another big earthquake and suffered a big blackout.
Just recently I had a traffic accident.
Well, I'm alive, so there's no problem.',、 ',、 ('Θ) ',、'`,、😊

3 years ago*

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3 years ago

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1974 ver (o'Θ'))yup yup..

Even more scary was that "Space Battleship Yamato(1974)" was aired before this program "when it was being broadcast on terrestrial broadcasting."
Both are science fiction and fiction.
But the real future is ... harsh.

Crisis of sinking Japan.🗾
The danger of human extinction.🌏 ☄☄☄☄ 👾👾👾
From the flow, next ...
It's because of my mind.😆

3 years ago

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By the way, the author of the novel version of "The Sinking of Japan" wrote the content that reminds me of the "Great Earthquake".

Then it became a reality.
It was the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995.

It seems that the author felt a sense of responsibility and went to the disaster area for coverage and developed depression.

Amazon.co.jp: 小松左京の大震災 ’95―この私たちの体験を風化させないために eBook: 小松左京: Kindleストア https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00CGTIN34/

It seems that he died a few months after the Great East Japan Earthquake.

By the way, the novel called "Resurrection Day" is a pandemic written by him.

What's there?
There seems to be a story that it is very similar to this state of corona.

復活の日 (角川文庫) | 小松 左京 | 日本の小説・文芸 | Kindleストア | Amazon
Certainly, it seems that it was a work of 1964.

Perhaps there is a similar story in every world.
However, when the words "unexpected" from human scientists and experts come out, there are many things that make me think.

You seem to like such stories.😉

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I read the book "Ghosts of the Tsunami: Death and Life in Japan’s Disaster Zone".Hope the tragedy donot happen again.

3 years ago

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A sense of helplessness.
Sense of loss?
Can you agree with things?
It feels like a compilation of stories about people who tried to come to terms with "311" in some way.

I knew there was such a book (only an overview), but I haven't read it, so I think there is a Japanese translation, so I'll remember it.
Thank you for teaching me.
📝:津波の霊たちーー3・11 死と生の物語

3 years ago

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The writer lives in Japan,so it must have a Japanese version.

3 years ago

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(*p'Θ'q)The description of "📝" is the title of the Japanese version of the author.

3 years ago

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It really can't be imagined, how it's like surviving that without experiencing it. The high adrenaline state your body went into because it was either woken up or snapped from mundanity by the loud thundering noise; the shaking and swaying combined causing you to reach for a safe space and wait until it stops, either way.

I can't begin to imagine the events during that catastrophe but we had our reminder last year that even on seizmologically quiet areas you really aren't 100% safe.

Can't offer much more than my words of support, best we can do is hope for safer buildings, technology innovations in prediction and a tightly knit community to pick up the pieces after

3 years ago

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I can't begin to imagine the events during that catastrophe but we had our reminder last year that even on seizmologically quiet areas you really aren't 100% safe.

Old log:Wow, I was surprised.∑(・Θ・ノ)ノ
This matter?
There was a power outage around me for almost a week.
Even if I think about it now, I haven't seen a city where everything is out of power since then.
Had this been midwinter, it would have been very serious.
Recently, the amount of snow has exceeded 1m.
It was very difficult to reach 2m in an area with a lot of snow.

In any case, I just hope that "preparation" will be useful.
品ヽ(Θ`ヽ≡ ≡ノ´Θ)ノ📦 Let's sort out dangerous things ...

3 years ago

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Thanks for the link, it helps :)

3 years ago

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I experienced my first earthquake a few weeks ago. It was a light one, ~60 km away. Nothing serious but kinda crazy. Took me some time to realize it was really an earthquake.

Thank you for sharing - currently don't have the time to look further into it, hopefully on the weekend.

3 years ago

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The Government of Japan's Earthquake Research Committee has designated the February earthquake as an earthquake related to the Great East Japan Earthquake about 10 years ago.
The future seems to be still long.(ノΘ`)

In any case, I'm glad there was no damage.(*p'Θ'q)

3 years ago

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Wow that's pretty heavy Kappa.
Sometimes it feels Mother Nature is pushing back for all the ways we screw with her.
Japan is such a beautiful place but I don't know if I could live there. I know it's all a game of chance for anyone who ever took a breath anyway, right? We never know anything and some people make their peace with it.

I hope statistics and probabilities will remain just numbers we throw in the air and that the big one will spare you, your city and your country.

3 years ago

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Qualification of Japanese citizen is difficult.
I feel that it is important to pay taxes and be lucky not to be damaged by a disaster.
It's half a joke, but it's easy to think that the cause of many disasters is a period of inadequate politician activity.
It's been easy to think about for a long time, so I'll change the "era name" to an unlucky year.
Years with many disasters and many suspicious deaths have frequently changed their "era" in the past.
Japanese era name - Wikipedia

To become a true Japanese, you may also need supernatural powers to avoid disasters.
In particular, it is an essential ability for politicians.

In Japanese, "politics(政治)" is called "festival(政)". It's like a religious ritual or a curse because it used to be written as "festival(祭事)".
Therefore, it is said that the Japanese Prime Minister will be replaced before he can remember his face.😫
It may be good or bad.👀

3 years ago

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Therefore, it is said that the Japanese Prime Minister will be replaced before he can remember his face.😫
It may be good or bad.👀

Heh well I hope it's good for you no matter what

3 years ago

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Hmm. I can't say anything.
The ruling party looks bad in every country because of the corona ...
Well the government that sends me bribes of cucumbers is the best!
(Unfortunately none of them have arrived)

I think everything should be done after things have settled down.👀
Want everything to go in the right direction. ( 「'Θ')  🥒

3 years ago

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Haha maybe the cucumbers are still in transit. Hope they were pickled though. Cukes need to be fresh if they're going to stay in storage for a while :P

The ruling party looks bad in every country because of the corona ...

Somehow I feel like this is going to profit extremists, I don't know why.

3 years ago

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It's a strange statement I've seen on the internet.

A millionaire in a certain country is doing a match pump that makes mosquitoes transmit corona to spread the disease and manufacture and sell vaccines!
=͟͟͞͞( っ'Θ')╮ =͟͟͞͞[Fake]

Corona is lying because the doctor earns a cure for a cold that has been around for a long time!
=͟͟͞͞( っ'Θ')╮ =͟͟͞͞[💊Medicine that cures stupidity💀]

Do not test if asymptomatic to maintain medical resources.
(If an infected person is found, all the people involved will be examined even if they are asymptomatic.)
( 'Θ`)Umm..It is a category of understanding because the main purpose is to give priority to the seriously ill.

This is not allowed, so check everyone out!
People who insist that way and lead them to hospitals that cost a lot of money for testing.💰💰💰
(´・Θ・`)After the test, it was confirmed that it was not infected. There are many cases of infection the next day, which is meaningless.

Once upon a time, there was a large outbreak of "yellow fever" in the southern United States before vaccination.
There was a time when vaccines did not exist.
It can't be helped because it's before vaccination.

It seems that people who have been infected with yellow fever and have been fortunately healed have more than tripled their wages when they have a doctor write a certificate.
Recently, it seems that some parts of the world are trying to take the same measures.
I am worried that the presence or absence of vaccination may lead to occupational and employment disparities.
Perhaps the type of vaccine may also be rated.

If you pledge allegiance to your computer, you will be provided with a good vaccine.💻
If not, you will surely be happy.💉
It is such an injection.💊
Of course this is a bad joke.ヾノ・Θ・)
If you have common sense judgment, you will notice it.
Only those who do not care about the lessons of the past will pave the way to hell in good faith.

Oh, this was something politicians in each country should know.
It's not something I should tell you. sorry.(´>Θ<`)ゝ))
Politicians may take time to make detours.
Expect it to be quick to reorient to the right path.

3 years ago

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I don't even want to know what it was like for the people that were there. It's a terrifying experience and a traumatic souvenir for them.
But nature was and is a fright, sadly.

3 years ago

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There are story in the world, and the strings in the corners of the Internet are like that.
You are also part of the story.

In any case, may you have peaceful and safe days.🌏

View attached image.
3 years ago

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I agree.

3 years ago

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Thank you Kappaking, and warmest greetings to you in Japan from here in New Zealand. We are united in our caution towards earthquakes!

3 years ago

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I think we will continue to be vigilant after a big earthquake for about a month.
Even so, what seems to be the biggest earthquake has occurred, so I hope that it will return to calm as it is.
USGS NZ Latest Earthquakes

I'm staring at something like this from time to time.

3 years ago

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I remember I learned about the tragedy on an anime website I was going daily. I was a teen at the time, but it really shocked me and I was really sad for japanese people, tho, I wasn't aware it destroyed so many homes.

I only knew about the nuclear incident mostly cause it was on all the news station, the tide was mostly not talked about like it was a big issue.
I was really afraid for japan tho, but more about the nuclear contamination and stuff.

Looking at your playlists hit differently than what I remembered, especially when you see all those moments experienced by many people unfiltered (without any journalist talking over it). Just looking at all those people, confused and sad, and all those destruction happening with the water roaring and swallowing everything. There is no words to describe how much I empathize right now.

I really hope it wont ever happen again, but nature is surely unpredictable and way more powerful than any tidebreaker wall.

3 years ago

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Many young Japanese were relieved that the tsunami would hit once.
Those who returned from the shelter without expecting it again had a great deal of trouble.
Radioactive contamination is a topic that is relatively familiar to Japanese people because it may occur in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

東日本大震災で死傷者ゼロ、“奇跡の村”はなぜ助かった?  元村長が残した堤防を巡る物語(デイリー新潮) - Yahoo!ニュース

Regarding the seawall, the area where the seawall of the appropriate height was constructed was not damaged even if it was said that it was a waste of budget!
And as of 2008, it was estimated that a large tsunami of up to 15.8m would flood the nuclear power plant.
It feels like the power company continued to postpone that advice, leading to that secondary nuclear disaster.
It seems that the former village mayor who built the above-mentioned seawall was also spared because he had set the height of the seawall from the information of the past big tsunami.
Don't budget for things once in 100 years.
I feel that there are many such countries. It's hard, is not it.
Regarding radioactive contamination, the "mountain" side near the nuclear power plant is off limits. It is a narrow range.
But it's a long tragedy for those who originally lived. (As in the case of the Chernobyl accident)
Things related to food, clothing, shelter and electric water services are really scary to put off.( ;'Θ`)Umm..
Don't be surprised if Japan suddenly travels to space with the islands one day. 🌏 ミ🗾 🌕Welcome!
I feel that I will not be released from the earthquake unless I do this much.

3 years ago

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Here in Poland we don't think about how destructive mother nature can be. Earthquakes and tsunami is abstract matter for us.
So when we are hit by idk flood or drought we are usually totally unprepared xD
All this while some preparations would help to reduce or even totally avoid consequences of events like this.

So on a positive note - you are at least aware and try to be prepared :)
Not that it will help in all cases. But still...

3 years ago

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Regarding the tsunami, I think the imagination of a big disaster is working.

During the Kumamoto earthquake, an active fault crossed beneath a "reservoir" (substantially a small dam).
As a result, a large amount of water leaked due to the displacement caused by the earthquake, and the neighboring fields were inundated and damaged, making them unusable.
Since the damage was only cracks, we were able to avoid greater damage by lowering the water level by emergency water discharge.
The only way to do this is to proceed with a geological survey before a disaster occurs.
In case of emergency, it seems important to create a manual that first decides what to do.

I think from time to time.

Only oriental island nations can enjoy a full course of disasters!
For that reason, I am worried that information sharing with each country may be insufficient.XD
In any case, I hope that peaceful days will continue.(*p'Θ'q)♪

3 years ago

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These videos are really scary. I didn't know they existed.
I'm under a little shock now.
Nature is very powerful.

3 years ago

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If this was a catastrophe only once in 100 years.
If it was only one experience in life.
Luck was bad! It may be possible to forget and give up.

However, there are people who experience such damage three times in life.
It is a feature of the region of Sanriku, East Japan.
(Terrain where large tsunami is likely to occur)

TDL English
Tsunami Video
津波がくるぞお(1960年チリ地震津波) English - YouTube
(One case. Tsunami in the era of no television.)
Even if was taken 70 years ago, this is true.

I think I'm seeking a termination to a history that is suffering from Tsunami.

3 years ago

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Those videos are so sad, it makes you remember that no one can do anything against the force of nature... went in to read the comment section of some of those videos and a lot of people have bad memories to share which makes you think about life a lot

3 years ago

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Want a day when bad memories disappear.
That would be the best wish.
In the case of Japan, there are too many disasters, so it may be "hard to live" that you can not forget.

Nevertheless, tomorrow's sun climbs.

3 years ago

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I watched many shows about it on NHK's world channel; I love Japan and hope for the continued recovery of the Fukushima/Tohoku region.

3 years ago

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I think so.
In the first place, it is the best if there is no disaster from the earth.
The road is still far away.

But there should be an end point.

3 years ago

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Thank You info ∑(´Θ`)

about info(o'Θ')) SGtools... REAL FIRE 🔥💻🔥

( ・Θ・).;'.、omg
Well as a methodology.

  1. Remove the SG Tools link this time.
    And open the prize to everyone
  2. Make a free gift separately from SG Tools.
  3. Remove the giveaway as an accident
  4. Pray for recovery and see what happens
    Probably something like this.

4(*p'Θ'q)...(I will wait for a while)

By the way, today is the day of 311.
Memorial memorial services are held in various parts of Japan from around 14:00.(About 13 hours later)
It seems that there are plans for live distribution in some places.

東日本大震災仙台市追悼式 - YouTube
【ライブ配信】気仙沼市東日本大震災追悼式 - YouTube

Corona made it difficult for people to get together and it became a live stream.

3 years ago

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It looks like SGTools was fixed :)

3 years ago

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(*p'Θ'q)Yay!♪ 😊

3 years ago

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Oops.🗼ヽ(Θ´; )ノ≡ヽ( ;`Θ)ノ🎁

.Link fixed.😊

3 years ago

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Bump! Japan is strike quite badly by earthquake, tsunami.

Luckily my country is not affected by natural disaster.

3 years ago

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Today was a long day for those who knew "that day".

There is an emergency anywhere on earth.
We recommend that you have a minimum of emergency food and water.

May you have peaceful days.

3 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by Kappaking.