
Or not.

1 decade ago*

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as long as he dosen't look like an idiot in the suit its fine with me.

1 decade ago

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thing is he'd star, produce, and direct the movie. and he won't die in the end, ever.

1 decade ago

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Didn't ben Affleck try doing a superhero movie? and suck horribly at it?

1 decade ago

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That would be in Daredevil

1 decade ago

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i vaguely enjoyed daredevil, this was before iron man though and the idea that comic adaptations could be awesome :)

1 decade ago

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Nop. I am. or am I?!

1 decade ago

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Zach Galifianakis wins this round, get ready for the next round.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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That's how I feel. Even if the movie has a good plot, I will keep thinking about how I am not really watching Batman. But instead Ben Affleck wearing a Batman mask.

1 decade ago

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Totally... It's even worse than Clooney.

1 decade ago

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Whoa whoa, let's not talk crazy. Nothing could be worse than Mr. Nipples

1 decade ago

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Mr.Nipples with a bat credit card.

1 decade ago

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You, sir, have bested me. --slow clap--

1 decade ago

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I think that's the point of acting...

1 decade ago

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yeah gonna be shit

1 decade ago

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I want Christian Bale to be the Batman again. And why would they even make a movie Superman vs. Batman ?

1 decade ago

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Though i like Christian Bale since Equilibrium but i think that Michael Keaton and Val Kilmer were better Batmans.

1 decade ago

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Micheal Keaton was the best Bruce Wayne. Christian Bale was the best Batman.

1 decade ago

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For Justice League I think they said it was. They want to do a superman and batman then, have other DC heros have their movie but I think its just a few, then they make Justice League.

1 decade ago

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But why dafuq is it titled as "Superman vs. Batman" and not "Superman and Batman".

1 decade ago

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Lol about that... Apparently they are going to fight each other at first I think. Also, I saw a angryjoe video (YouTube guy), and according to the info he got, he said it's based on this comic or cartoon movie where batman and superman end up fighting and guess who wins?
Hint: Not Superman!

1 decade ago

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The new superman is easy to defeat anyway. Just block the sun for a few seconds, or blow non breathable air in his face for a few seconds. Completely erases his powers. No worries though, they removed Kryptonite, so no bulls**t power stealing...

If they used the same logic, I'm sure batman has asthma, a bum knee, and never learned to read.

1 decade ago

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Yeah the new one kinda seems soft right now compared to the one we know though this would probably be only because he just started becoming who he is. I don't really know how batman would block the sun but the only thing i'm thinking is batman using kryptonite and they would put it in the movie somehow.
Could also be batman knows more fighting then superman but, with supermans powers, he still wouldn't stand a chance.
Also I didn't mention in the comment, angryjoe said they are going with this because, they want to make batman equal to superman like make it so he could beat him at times

1 decade ago

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Batman can beat Superman. It's been done before. Batman can out think him, and find his weaknesses easily. He's a billionaire genius, at peak human physical condition, and a Master at various fighting styles (which he adapts to his own unique style, incorporating gadgets). I see what your saying though.
It should also be stated, that Angry Joe is a gigantic Superman fan. Not saying he is impartial, but he does say as much in many of his videos

1 decade ago

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Yeah that's true. Batman has resources and intelligence while superman has powers and probably a godlike person (except around kryptonite :P). To me, if it was just a fight like a fair one, superman would have the biggest advantage but, I would see how batman can win and I did know about him being a huge fan though I thought he was mostly into batman before but now i'm remembering something

1 decade ago

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because they never got along? two douchebags constantly competing for Biggest Asshole in the Universe.

1 decade ago

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I'm happy that Christian Bale won't be the Batman anymore so that he will never have to play in a horrible movie....
I think the next Batman movies will be really bad....with their only purposes, that of being financial successes.

1 decade ago

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What didn't you like about the Christian Bale Batman movies?

1 decade ago

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I loved the Christian Bale Batman movies...but i just think that this Batman vs Superman movie and the Justice League movies will suck and would have sucked even with Christian Bale as Batman....

1 decade ago

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Oh I misread what you said my bad. Also, I do have a feeling Batman vs Superman will suck I mean there is no need for it and, they are pretty much doing this to compete with avengers. Also, I wouldn't want Christian Bale as Batman here he shouldn't be in a movie like this especially if they plan to reboot Batman into Justice League or use him again somehow in this movie.

1 decade ago

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That was exactly my point...glad you think the same :D

1 decade ago

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Lol forgot to mention it would be awkward too since he left his batcave and all that to "robin" so if he did come back it would give people lots of questions if this is actually a reboot or a sequel.

1 decade ago

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Who is Ben Affleck?

1 decade ago

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Argo and Good Will Hunting, look those up.

1 decade ago

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But more importantly... Daredevil.

1 decade ago

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I liked daredevil

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Daredevil wasn't bad, it was better than The Punisher...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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If he's the one from Daredevil, this is bad! RIP JL movies.

1 decade ago

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Nothing is better than the Punisher. Castle could break Daredevil in half before he could say "Holy shit, I can see you in the rain!"

1 decade ago

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also better then ghost rider 2, and many other marvel films.

1 decade ago

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Noooooo Daredevil was garbage compared to The Punisher!

1 decade ago

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The Punisher just seemed a somewhat generic revenge movie. "Let's blow **** up!" and then some guy dieing near the end bleeding out all like "But I didn't meen it bro! D;"

1 decade ago

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The Punisher was a generic revenge movie! But at least it had some structure of a story. The action was intense too! Daredevil was flat out weird, especially with that strange Church ending. I just felt pity for Ben Affleck throughout the whole film, it honestly depressed me lol.

1 decade ago

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That IS the punisher story. Nothing deep. Guy's family is murdered and he goes out to make everyone involved pay.

1 decade ago

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Some people like getting pooped on.

1 decade ago

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Dogma with him and Matt Damon was awesome! :)

1 decade ago

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He's Batman!

1 decade ago

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You were da bomb in Phantoms, yo!

1 decade ago

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Holy shit, this needs so much more love

1 decade ago

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Now, I forgot how to cat.

1 decade ago

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Please, this is a joke, right?

1 decade ago

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I remember when someone announced Ashton Kutcher playing as Steve Jobs in a documentary on April 1st. :3

1 decade ago

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+he's a comic book nerd
-he already had his shot with Daredevil

1 decade ago

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Daredevil is Marvel isn't he?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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he just wants to make sure he shits all over DC now so he can be hated by fanboys of both camps.

1 decade ago

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Affleck and Matt Damon should script it.

Bat Will Hunting - Where the Joker, played by Robin Williams, therapises the young Bane, played by Matt Damon, before Batman, played by Ben Affleck (now known as Batfleck) beats him up and says "DO YOU LIKE APPLES!?" for some reason. Then Superman, played by Christopher Reeve, kicks all their arses in his sleep and tells them to behave and they do and then Bane has sex with Minnie Driver and Batfleck stars in a horrible movie with his then missus and somehow it doesn't kill his career.

...You heard it here first!

Quick Edit: I've always thought a Minnie Driver was something you'd use in crazy golf...

1 decade ago

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I really, really wish the end of that sentence was "... is the new Batman director."

1 decade ago

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I liked Affleck (Chasing Amy, Good Will Hunting), then I hated him (Armageddon, J-Lo, that era), then he turned out to be a pretty decent director (Gone Baby Gone, The Town, and Argo are all excellent) + he seems to be a likable dude, and then he has to go and pull this shit.

It's definitely Clooney level casting.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Its all over the intranet, just search it on Google.

1 decade ago

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This guy.

1 decade ago

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I didnt even know who ben affleck was until today. I still dont know who he is but i now know what he looks like.

1 decade ago

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He's the guy who directed I Killed My Lesbian Wife, Hung Her on a Meat Hook, and Now I Have a Three-Picture Deal at Disney. What a masterpiece it was. Oh, he also shot that little movie called Argo.

1 decade ago

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Lol I've never heard of that, but I suck with actors and actresses. Never seen argo, when i hear the name I think of Hugo (which is probably a COMPLETELY different movie)

1 decade ago

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You mean Fargo? I thought that was the Coen Brothers

1 decade ago

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No, I mean Argo, a movie about USA hostage crisis in Iran in 1980.

1 decade ago

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never heard of it. the movie, that is.

1 decade ago

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That is... surprising.

1 decade ago

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Can't be worse than Val Kilmer, right?


1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Fan of his recent movies. Hopefully Man of Steel 2 is not as boring as the last.

1 decade ago

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Well, we survived Val Kilmer, right?

On the other hand... Daredevil.

And I also think it's a plot to make Superman less lame by comparison.

1 decade ago

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Ok, dear producers, now just announce Matt Damon as Robin and let Kevin Smith direct the shit out of the movie.

1 decade ago

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Shouldn't robin be more younger?

1 decade ago

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Shouldn't Batman be less Affleck?

1 decade ago

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Hehe, true.

1 decade ago

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I'd love to see Mewes as E.Nigma and Smith as the Penguin

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Most retarded move ever, Affleck sucks in pretty much every movie

1 decade ago

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Nipples on his suit!

1 decade ago

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For some reason I got him mixed up with Ashton Kutcher so I was like "LOL I'll never be able to take him seriously..." But then I saw the comment about him being Daredevil and I was like "Oh, it's him? He'd actually make a perfect Bruce Wayne..."

1 decade ago

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I'm looking, I'm thinking, and i'm basically at the position, "they have cast this generations Michael Keaton", and lets be honest - he REALLY worked in the Burton films, so I think they may have actually pulled a blinder, but as with everything, we shall see how the script etc pan out. Fingers crossed

1 decade ago

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Better than an asshole with a sore throat, if you ask me.

1 decade ago

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As long as Batman does not have the ridiculous Christian Bale Batman voice, then they can cast Jackie Chan as Batman and it'll still be better. I mean, I loved those movies, but that voice... THAT VOICE!!!! It was stupid.

Edit: Jackie Chan would make an amazing Batman... God. What an unintentionally genius idea.

1 decade ago

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OMG, Jackie Chan should totally play Batman in some parody, maybe Sylvester Stallone as Robin and Van Damme as the Joker, DJ Qualls as Bane, Queen Latifah as Cat Woman XD

1 decade ago

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We have got something here, man.

1 decade ago

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The only movie Queen Latifah can play a feline is Garfield.

1 decade ago

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Wait, you're missing Jet Li in there somewhere and Chuck Norris as the Riddler - "Riddle me this batma...you know what, I'm just gonna kick your ass, no joke."

1 decade ago

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and Arnold Schwarzenegger returns as Mr. Freeze

1 decade ago

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Lol at this XD

1 decade ago

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...then they can cast Jackie Chan as Batman...

This is... beautiful O_O

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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