
Or not.

1 decade ago*

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Just heard about this about 20-30 minutes ago. In all honesty, I don't think it's a big deal. I mean, they had Clooney as Batman for a few movies ( Y'know, the ones that were, and still are, alright for the 90s(Was it the 90s?))and he was crazy-dramatic. I haven't seen a lot of movies recently with Ben Affleck in them, but I don't see how he's going to fall flat on the floor.

1 decade ago

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mr clooney was in precicely one batman movie for a reason, i liked batman and robin but it wasnt intended to be a comedy and the funny is what i liked about it :)

1 decade ago

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They should bring Val Kilmer back. They could call it Fatman.

1 decade ago

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Nice pixel you got there.

1 decade ago

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Well... that was certainly an odd occurrence. Apparently someone resized my pic to 1x1 while I was sleeping. I blame the Illuminati.

1 decade ago

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Say what you will about him, but he was damn amazing in Tombstone. :)

1 decade ago

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wasnt too shabby in Heat also.

1 decade ago

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You know I really don't mind... Batman used to be light-hearted, I mean really.
Somedays you just can't get rid of a bomb.

1 decade ago

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I wonder if anyone actually watched this movie, other than the bomb scene.

1 decade ago

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Dude, this movie and TV show WAS Batman for most people for many years.

1 decade ago

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What, not the one with Prince Daka in it?

1 decade ago

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Yeah, I watched it a while ago, it definitely wasn't bad, it was however campy/cheesy.
I understand how they're attempted to reach out to older "more mature" audiences, but when you look back it's like... "Wait a second, this was at one time meant to be suitable for everyone, even children?!"

1 decade ago

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Why wouldn't it be? There is no sex, violence or strong language, no use of alcohol or other substances, and everything looks cartoonish. It's pretty much PG-13 at worst.

1 decade ago

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Uhh... which Batman movies are you talking about? The Dark Knight ones are well... kinda dark.

1 decade ago

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I was talking about 1966 one.

1 decade ago

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Well, I'm sure it was rated PG or possibly even G. However the part about "reaching out to more 'mature' audiences" was in reference to today's more recent films.

1 decade ago

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That old one is great. I still have it on a VHS tape somewhere.

Kevin Conroy was my Batman growing up, but Adam West's Batman will always have a special place in my heart.

1 decade ago

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Can't tell if joking but the comment made me sad inside anyways...

1 decade ago

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WOW, that is so funny to see today (first time I see this in my life).

Gonna get me this movie and watch it right away. :D

edit: watching it right now, the bat ladder, shark, shark repellent, and riddle-er had me in tears, this movie is pure gold.

1 decade ago

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And still is in the new Batman '66 comics! (Which IMHO, are pretty good!)

1 decade ago

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It seems Justin Bieber is the new Batman.

1 decade ago

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Everyone moaning about Ben Affleck being Batman is far more entertaining than the movie was every likely to be. People being butthurt over casting decisions if fucking ridiculous

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'm not judging till I see a trailer.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Oh you

1 decade ago

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Thank you. Now I can judge this. I think he will surprise us. The more concerning question is if the people who disapprove of Affleck as Batman the same ones that didn't like the idea of Heath Ledger as the Joker. Cause we all know how that ended.

1 decade ago

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No comment is necessary.

1 decade ago

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Argo Asylum

1 decade ago

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At least its not Ben Stiller.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I would pay good money to see Ben Stiller as Batman and Owen Wilson as The Joker.

But only if they play it straight.

1 decade ago

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Ben Stiller would be Alfred... Actually, yeah, I'm not being sarcastic.
Possibly Commissioner Gordon.

1 decade ago

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Meh better make him catman instead

1 decade ago

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so the world is relly ending !

1 decade ago

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I thought you were joking, until I just saw the news. Wow.

1 decade ago

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Good, anything is better then the shit batman in the last couple movies...

I NEED A THROAT LOZENGE! <--- Batman in his last movies.

Hell the older movies were tons better if you ask me, they actually felt like comics...

1 decade ago

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MEh...I hate Ben Afflecks's movies, hope he doesn't ruin one of my favorite movie franchises of all time...

1 decade ago

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Ruin the franchise...? Whatchu talkin' 'bout Willis? There's been like 7 different reboots of the Batman movies.

1 decade ago

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Yes. Much better than the overrated Bale.

1 decade ago

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I disagree.

1 decade ago

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I disagree

1 decade ago

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He is probably the worst casting that could happen. I still do not understand why they did not go with Brolin or Armitage, he will be just an idiot in a suit, with his pathetic acting skills. He is a great director, but as an actor, he is just one of the worst Hollywood has to offer.

1 decade ago

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He's pretty much Ryan Reynolds, both in look an in acting capability, I don't get all the hate...

1 decade ago

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I didn't like Heath Ledger until he did the Joker. He's the best joker we've ever had and we probably won't have another joker for a long time.

1 decade ago

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I don't care if the movie will be boring like previous ones.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Well, no more Batman for me then, I guess...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Maybe he'll work out because nobody would see him as Batman. I can totally picture him as Bruce Wayne. The only thing I hope it that he's not going to go with that sore throat thing like Bale.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, people did say the same thing about Heath Ledger as Joker until the photos came out...I say give him a chance. I can name a few actors that have already played Batman that Ben could sweep under the table.

1 decade ago

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Steve Carell should be the next Joker.

1 decade ago

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Or maybe they should bring back Jim Carrey to be the Joker in this reboot?
He was already the Riddler... :P

1 decade ago

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Best Batman movie for me. He could be awesome joker, better than Jack Nicholson, no doubt.

1 decade ago

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Yeah it was alright... It was just a little bit weird/strange.
That was probably the best Two Face as well.

1 decade ago

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What is wrong with you people?! The Joel Schumacker Batman's should have both been aborted before production began...especially his second. He went from making a pretty bad Batman movie (Forever) to perhaps the worst film of all time (& Robin).

1 decade ago

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THE WORST film of all time? You sir have yet to watch Frogs. Yes, that is correct... Frogs...

1 decade ago

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Everyone knows that the worst film of all time is Plan 9 from Outer Space.

1 decade ago

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Worst doesn't just mean badly made... it has more to do with how boring it is and the whole "What was the point...?"ness of it.

1 decade ago

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Unfortunately boredom and existential questioning are too subjective. For instance I wasn't too thrilled about The Shawshank Redemption, and according to IMDB it's the best movie of all time.

1 decade ago

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Jim Carrey solely made Forever the awesomest of the series. Val Kilmer was pretty good batman, better than Bale if you ask me and superior to Clooneys nipplesman. But even &Robin is salvaged by Arnie, he was pretty good, worst of the Batman movies but far from "of all time".

1 decade ago

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A few people on IMDB think otherwise.
Ratings: 3.6/10 from 135,394 users Metascore: 28/100
Not to mention how badly it bombed at the box office
Budget: $125,000,000 (estimated)
Gross: $107,285,004 (USA) (19 September 1997)

1 decade ago

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Yes it's shitty, i was pretty much facepalming all the movie, but it has some redeeming factors. And 3.6 is the worst movie ever? It's Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (2004) with 1.8 rating according to IMDB, so &Robin is twice better!

1 decade ago

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I thought this was a joke D: oh God why is this true?!

1 decade ago

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I hate all those 'Muh Boston Pride' actors.

1 decade ago

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Warner's was rumored last year to have offered Affleck directorial duties with the option to star (in an unnamed role) in the delayed/aborted Justice League film, so him being cast as Bats isn't entirely unsurprising. If Batman vs. Superman is successful and they do in fact move forward on Justice League, Affleck will no doubt be announced as director at some point.

1 decade ago

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