
Or not.

1 decade ago*

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Here we are signing a petition so Ben Affleck is not batman! XD clicky

1 decade ago

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Better petition(addressed to Warner Bro's)

1 decade ago

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yeah i learned it this morning and it made my day sh*t probably wont see the movie.after the argo thing oscar and live from white house i dont think i can watch this film without anger.

1 decade ago

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They probably choose him for the ballsack chin he's got going on ( maybe it looks interesting under the mask )

If I were to re-re-re-re-restart the Batman franchise, I'd do a rollback to 80's comedic batman and cast Steve motherfucking Buscemi Picture HIM saying "I am Batman!". It would be goddamn hilarious!

1 decade ago

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And this is why you don't work in the industry.

FYI the campy Batman era was the 60's, not the 80's.

1 decade ago

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details! it would still be goddamn hilarious!

1 decade ago

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With so many "re" in restart you have no other options but to roll back to 40's Batman movies.

1 decade ago

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I liked Daredevil

1 decade ago

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The only reason anyone watched the movie was because Jennifer Garner is hawt.

1 decade ago

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see alias.

1 decade ago

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The only reason I watched Daredevil was because it was on TV one day, I watched it, it was good.

1 decade ago

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I watched it cause Jennifer Garner is ugly!

1 decade ago

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Ben Affleck is the new Batman and everyone loses their minds

1 decade ago

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HA!!! You're wrong. I lost my mind long ago!

1 decade ago

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Crazy? Some people think walking down the street muttering to yourself is crazy. I'll tell you what crazy is: Crazy is walking down the street with half a cantaloupe on your head, saying: "I'm a hamster. I'm a hamster." That's crazy.

1 decade ago

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Sadly, that's just a Tuesday afternoon for me...

1 decade ago

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I stop visiting my doctor since he said that i'm crazy but the voices in my head tell me that he's lying

1 decade ago

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I think he might be good for this. He wasn't bad in DD, it was just the over all story that wasn't the greatest.

This is what I posted on another forum...

Everything went down hill with the first series of Batman movies with the introduction of neon lights and nipples on the bat suits....

Keaton as Batman was great, the only thing different I would have done with him, is make him taller, but thats a little hard to do with an actor (or person in general) that keeps running away from the stretching rack.

Hes my favorite Batman and he had my favorite Batmobile.

I think Ben has potential to be a good to great Batman as long as they....

Keep it serious, like Man of Steel was.

Change the Batmobile and other vehicles to somewhere between the Keaton ones and Bale ones, leaning more towards Keaton. Bale was more year one batman, Keaton was more year 8 or 9. From what I have read, Superman vs Batman will have a more experienced Batman who has been around for a while.

Involve Lex, but limit him. He needs to be seen fixing up the city for the people and blaming Superman for everything that happened. While gathering pieces of kryptonian tech and building his super suit in secret and even planting evidence blaming Superman for stuff he has not done. Then near the end of the movie, have him pop out in the suit and start attacking both Batman and Superman. After Batman realizes that Superman is not the one to blame for recent issues, he teams up with Superman to stop Lex, they don't kill him, but do put him in prison.

Then there needs to be 2 more movies. First one is a Justice League movie, introducing the concept of more Superheros working together to fight a greater evil. Doomsday. In the end, just like the comic, Superman dies, the rest of the heroes gather and form the league after his death. Then the 3rd Superman movie, Braniac comes to Earth. Superman returns from the dead, maybe even with the help of Lex (while still saying stuff like, I hate you, I hate everything you stand for, I blame you for what this world has been going through, but the world needs you) to save the world.

Future JL movies could deal with stuff like the Secret Society of Supervillains which is gathered together by Darkseid and when they are defeated the 3rd JL movie deals with Darkseid coming to earth, and with this fight, we would have to see one of the more epic fights, Darkseid vs Batman. Batman dodging the omega beams is a must for a movie like that.

1 decade ago

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I rather like your ideas. I'd go to see movies like that.

1 decade ago

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Thank you :)

Now if only we could convince the movie writers to actually look at these ideas and at least consider them.

I will add that in the 3rd JL movie the fight could eventually be taken to Apokolips, to spare Earth a rather devastating battle with all these super powered beings and then superman could really cut loose and maybe we could hear a quote I love from Superman when he fights Darkseid.

" Superman: That man won't quit as long as he can still draw a breath. None of my teammates will. Me? I've got a different problem. I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard. Always taking constant care not to break something. To break someone. Never allowing myself to lose control, even for a moment, or someone could die.

[Darkseid tries to attack, but Superman knocks him back]

Superman: But you can take it, can't ya, big man? What we have here is a rare opportunity for me to cut loose, and show you just how powerful I really am!"

Or at least something like it.

1 decade ago

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Here have some cookie.

1 decade ago

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I think Ben Afflecks voice will be better suited for the role than Christian Bales I need an antihistamine tough guy voice

But I could be wrong and maybe it will turn out like this - Ben Affleck as the new Batman

1 decade ago

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Affleck's a fine actor, and a genius director, I hope to see him direct the Justice film, as rumors say... though more than anything I want to see his next big project, The Town and Argo were masterpieces. Anyway, the point is that the people who bitch about Affleck for his performance TEN YEARS AGO (as a very different character) and are still caught up in the "Haha Affleck JLo, gigolo sucks blaba" are just idiots. He wouldn't have been hired if the filmmakers hadn't seen something in him, and he wouldn't take the role if he didn't think he could make it either. Also remember he has to act as Bruce Wayne, who the actual actor is when inside the suit isn't really that important. I'm positive he'll do a great job with it.

1 decade ago

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Ben Affleck a genius director ? o.O

Argo was good but a Masterpiece ? That's pushing it.

1 decade ago

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Dont give a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

1 decade ago

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just found this somewhere.

1 decade ago

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Quite true. I really hope we are all wrong, but for starters, Ben Affleck is much better as a director than as an actor. Let's see if he's learned something while watching other good actors :)

1 decade ago

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I really hope that we are mistaken about him and he will bring us awesome batman, but...... Ben Affleck.... srsly.

1 decade ago

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Well still gotta admit, Ledger was a great actor, but his Joker wasn't too Joker-ish. Joker is like 50% psychopath and 50% clown, Ledger was a psychopath in a clown suit, big difference.

1 decade ago

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I guess it's because of more dark and realistic style of this reboot.

1 decade ago

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Read more comics like 'Batman: The Killing Joke' and 'The Last Laugh' crossover and you'll realize Ledger was pretty close. I'd say probably the best real-life Joker portrayal of all movies and TV shows ever made.

1 decade ago

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Nicolas Cage is the TRUE Batman.

1 decade ago

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I loved Christian Bale's performance and maybe because of that the idea Ben Affleck as Batman frightens me so much. But we'll see...the only thing for sure is that he needs to make intensive sesions in the gym for the next 6 months.

1 decade ago

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Really? He was barely better than george clooney's batman. And he was only bad because the whole movie was terrible, not just him.

I want to mute bale when he's in costume. His "tough" voice drives me insane.

1 decade ago

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It's funy how even many people are doing petitions against this.

1 decade ago

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The entire internet is ranting that this guy is the new batman. Whats so bad about him? They wouldn't have hired him if he wasn't a good actor.

1 decade ago

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I honestly have no idea who he is..

1 decade ago

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Too many idiots on the internet that get worked up and think they know how a movie will play out before its made. Its Batman Vs Superman because it happened in the comic books which is, you know, the source material. Plenty of people (50,000) wrote in (a lot more work than an online petition) to berate the studio for making Michael Keaton Batman. The same people who afterwards loved it. Then there was the campaign against Ledger's Joker (JokeBack Mountain) and how Jack Nicholson could in no way be followed. Wrong again. Go watch the movie instead of making a decision based on a name. Affleck played a pretty good Superman in Hollywoodland (I know its not the same), was good in The Town and great in Argo. People just jump on the bandwagon with Daredevil and it wasnt as bad as people say for the time. Now it looks worse though. Watch it then make a decision instead of mindlessly making one now because you still have a thing for the Bale ones.

1 decade ago

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and now what?

1 decade ago

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I think everyone is going crazy with super hero movies we a batman and piderman movie

1 decade ago

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fuck that

1 decade ago

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Oh my, what ever shall we do?

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by GotDayum.