I've read some threads about people meeting up IRL, just wanted to check how common this is.

I met up with Fnord last year, and this autumn I'll probably meet zelghadis since I'm going to the city where he lives then (hey, am I only meeting Level 10 people? Don't mean to discriminate! :D).

How about you?

6 years ago

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Have you met someone you first got to know through Steamgifts in real life? (Someone you knew before SG does not count)

View Results
Yes, more than once.
Yes, once.
No, but I will soon (talked about it / planned it).
No, but it could be fun.
No, not interested.

Nope, haven't met anyone. I don't really have any candidates for meeting either. But given the opportunity I would since I'd like to travel to places and if someone was willing to show me around then I'd definitely visit.

6 years ago

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Haven't met anyone from either SG or online in general, but my current city would make it very easy to meet a fellow Canadian user. Not too sure I would be open to the idea though.

6 years ago

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I don't mind meeting new people. They either enjoy my company, or run away, screaming, both of which I find entertaining.

6 years ago

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I don't know nothing, Jhon Snow.

6 years ago

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The fact that some of my friends are SG members count like meeting in person some SG users ? if yes, I meet few, quite often.
But I meet a couple from games (the funny thing was that they wanted to meet me mostly, I'm usually the grumpy one), and we still are good friends.

6 years ago

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I live with someone I met through SG. So that meet up went well :)

6 years ago

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There is a guy in my class that I talk through Steam and Discord, while I'm barely able to talk to him when he is 5meters away -_-
Meeting people on SG could be interesting, if the person is ready to speak alone XD

6 years ago

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Planning to meet soon irl someone I know from SG.

Would be nice to meet other sincerely interesting people if at the moment we would be on good enough terms. Would be also great to recognize another such people - it is always a great joy to find someone you could sincerely respect and be interested in some of their views. If having a possibility to travel a bit, would be a good occasion to combine this with meeting old 'pen pals' ..theoretically :3

6 years ago

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I would like to meet a few, but im not such a great traveller... and sigh doesnt invite me to his house (because i will stab him) sooooo let say not yet

6 years ago

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M-m-meeeting people?! In Real Life?! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!

No thanks. Skip. Nu-uh. People start disliking me even faster when I blab to them in real life. T.T

6 years ago

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"No, not interested."
So prevedible, so sad...

6 years ago

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I introduced a co-worker to SG, does that count?

I probably wouldn't mind meeting someone from SG in real life, but I wouldn't plan any trip for it. Maybe if we just happened to live in the same city. And even then, I'm not great at interacting with people I don't know so it would probably be awkward.

6 years ago

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I wouldn't plan a trip for meeting someone either, but if I do end up in the same town with some time to spare - why not? :D

6 years ago

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If you ever come to North Texas (USA), hit me up. I'll but you beer :)

6 years ago

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Wow, that's quite the invitation! No plans for Texas though, but maybe someone else can take you up on that offer? :D

6 years ago

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Yes, my offer still stand but ladies only :D

6 years ago

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I've had overall very good luck meeting people from the internet, though no one from steamgifts yet. I think steamgifts - and, more specifically, the backlog assassins community - is the most international community I've been a part of. Most people on here I know and like are in countries far away from mine!

6 years ago

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