Load safe mode, check if it became faster. At least you will know if it's software problem.
If nothing changed, then (probably) it's hardware thing - check task manager - cpu load, hdd load. Run some tests on HDD, CPU, RAM etc. - there's plenty of software to do that, find the cause. Can be overheating, can be viruses, can be faulty hardware, can be anything, basically.
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Just to give it perspective, in the time from you wrote this comment to now I've loaded safe mode and gone back. It does run faster in safe mode. Haven't done any tests yet because I'm sure getting them running will take 100 years
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Guess I'll have to buy the tiniest screwdriver possible then.
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Yes, it's only a possibility. I don't know where it stands, how much dust is around or in the air.
The reason for the very slow acting can have a lot of reasons. Software problems, hardwars problems, dust, a not fully working fan and many more.
And the noisy fan say that the CPU (i think with the GPU onboard -i don't checked the laptop type-) was at the limit and needed to reduce the heat. So a problem with the fan or dirt is a possibility.
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Nothing seems weird in the task manager. Assuming I'm looking at the right place, CPU is at 0% for pretty much everything and the heaviest program running is Google Chrome. I'm not running any other programs than I usually do.
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check is the hdd/ssd is ok https://crystalmark.info/en/software/crystaldiskinfo/
go to power options and see if the cpu has max power set at 100% (power options > plan settings > advanced > processor power management) https://i.imgur.com/0Wro6Fr.jpg
i don't know how to do it but there are tutorials to check if windows isn't corrupted, you might wanna try it too.
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I'm feeling a bit stupid but I can't find the power options. It says the computer is 99% good though (hell no) and that the temperature is 28 C.
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for power options go for:
keyboard shortcut: (windows button) win + x
with mouse it's right click on start (windows icon).
I'd disable turning off hdd after period of inactivity there, it's completely useless.
If you run the latest version of utorrent sometimes the ads can take good portion of CPU usage.
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I have a Swift 3 too but I haven't really used it much so I can't comment on that, except maybe avoid playing 3D games since it doesn't even have a dedicated GPU. If you've recently played a graphics-heavy game, it probably overheated the CPU (because lack of GPU) and overworked the fans. Still, you could monitor the CPU, HDD, Network usage and make sure Windows or another program isn't downloading and installing a huge update in the background.
I had an Acer Aspire E14, but it became super slow too because of a buggy Windows Update a couple of months ago that caused high CPU usage (basically, 100% usage while the PC was running), it drained the battery until it died, now it has to be permanently plugged in but because of the dead battery, the OS receives constantly a system interrupt message, slowing down the computer.
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Oh damn so playing Beyond Eyes might have been a problem. If my laptop survives this I will keep it away from 3D games then :/
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If it's not a faulty hardware then it's pointing at some freshly installed program or driver etc. You can try to use restore points. If there are not, you can try to reset your installation. This'll wipe your C so you may not want that in the first place.
Before these, I suggest you to check any new program on Control Panel (Programs and features). If nothing suspicious there you can try to disable telemetry using Winaero tweaker.
Also run a UserBenchmark just to be sure. You can notice if it's a faulty hardware this way.
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Alright so it is saying that my laptop is fucking awful:
Overall this PC is performing way below expectations (4th percentile). This means that out of 100 PCs with exactly the same components, 96 performed better. The overall PC percentile is the average of each of its individual components. Use the charts in the benchmark sections of this report to identify problem areas.
With an extremely low single core score, this CPU can barely handle email and light web browsing. Finally, with a gaming score of 5.95%, this CPU's suitability for 3D gaming is terrible.
0.93% is too low to play 3D games or use CAD packages. (Note: general computing tasks don't require 3D graphics)
38% is low SSD score. With a better SSD this system will boot faster, make applications more responsive and reduce IO wait times.
4GB is enough RAM to run any version of Windows and although it's sufficient for most games, some will benefit from up to 8GB of RAM. 4GB is also enough for modest file and system caches which allow for a responsive system.
From this it sounds like it's the CPU that's bad? I can usually browse the web...
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Yes when checking sites if I could run certain games they always told me I couldn't because 4GB RAM is poop (but most of the time I could run the games without any problem). Should probably look into that.
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If you have some antivirus program installed, temporarily turn its realtime protection off. This is usually resource-intensive and slows down machines with low amounts of RAM and weak CPUs. If everything suddenly starts to run better, you'll know who's to blame. Before doing that, disconnect from the Internet (just a precaution, in the unlikely case you have a virus and it tries to phone home).
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Sadly it's still bad. I'm going to wait until tomorrow until I reboot the thing in case the laptop just as suddenly it died it comes back to life again or something. (Wishful thinking?)
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Yes it says it's awful but probably it has always been like this, at least for a while. Or something run in the background ruined the test, this is also possible. I checked for the laptop's specs and it should be fine for certain type of gaming.
With you said it suddenly got slowed, this can be about a Windows update you recently got. Reinstalling Windows may actually fix your problem. Though this reminds an older computer that broken with a Windows 10 update, reinstalling fixed the problems but eventually it got the same update and broke it the same way again.
If you have the Windows key, reinstalling Windows directly from Microsoft (vanilla Windows 10 without extra bloatware) could be better.
Also if you can find a LTSC Windows it would be the best Windows 10 you can possibly run on your laptop (from a performance perspective), because it doesn't even have Windows Store. Though I won't give further details about this one because of legal issues.
Besides these, you can try a bootable Linux distro to see if it's a software problem.
Checking your temperatures may also give ideas but it's not likely the fan would stormed by dust in just 4 months. You can try to blow them with a hair dryer though (shouldn't be hot), in somewhere like balcony highly suggested.
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Just an additional thing - make sure to check processes being run by other users in Task Manager (Go into the More Details then to the Users tab) - I remember on Win 7 having processes which took up all of the CPU but I couldn't see the process since it wasn't tied to my user.
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Withdrawal issues after experiencing a lifetime of boobs in one month?
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Boobs so hot they overheated the computer. Damn it.
Seriously though, I did play the VNs on the laptop. But these ones are just pictures in an engine? :s
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People who know better than me, is a complete reboot the only trick now? I'm right now preparing a bit for that, I haven't stocked up many important things in 4 months anyway.
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A quick way to see whether it's an OS issue is to download some Linux ISO (like Kubuntu, for example) and make a bootable USB drive. Then restart and load the OS from it instead of Windows. It won't install anything and change something on your drives, just load a live copy of Linux. If your laptop is so slow there as well, you could be looking at some hardware problem.
That said, it still could be easier for you to just reinstall Windows, especially if you don't have important data to backup first and you're not familiar with detailed troubleshooting.
If you want to play with your startup programs, download Autoruns for Windows. You don't have to install it, just extract it somewhere and run it. It's very detailed and shows you exactly what starts with Windows in many categories.
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Unplug from the internet (turn off wifi or unplug the gateway/router) and reboot, see if it works better.
If not, use Kaspersky's Anti-Rootkit Tool.
It sounds to me like you might have malware at the a level below where normal AV/AM can scan or some outside process (hacker) heavily using your PC.
Also, as mentioned by others:
Check your Drive C's fullness and move stuff off. Buy a backup HDD if you don't have one and transfer files.
Do NOT defrag an SSD!!!!!!!!!
Change performance to high.
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Probably not the problem, but make sure your battery is working alright. A laptop can get slower without a battery.
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One word: Acer.
Many words: You have a computer that no-one in their right mind should ever buy. There is a reason why there is a huge discrepancy in price between cheap laptops and decent-spec ones. If you're wanting to have fun on your laptop, don't.
It's like putting a tow-bar on a little car, and using it to tow things. You're gonna ruin the engine, driveshaft, differential, transmission. It might still run, but the damage has been done.
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Discord usually takes half a minute at most to open
Don't install crap like Discord. Any piece of software that doesn't give you the choice of where it should be installed should, with the exception of drivers, be incinerated along with its developers.
That being said, +1 on Domazo's trick to grab a random Linux "Live CD" (would rather be a "live USB") and boot on this and see if it's normal speed, to make sure of whether it's a hardware or software issue.
If it's a software issue, it can most likely be fixed without reinstalling the whole OS, but that would take time and someone who knows what they're doing. So reinstalling would probably be the faster option.
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There are some issues with the latest Windows updates that cause slow downs for a number of people.
Don't know if that's the case here, but might be something to check:
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Maybe try malwarebytes software?
I have slow issue, cpu always full before and this fixed it.
For backstory, an android emulator update suddenly including malware-like program, and on that day I missed click custom install -_-
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So for those who have wondered what happened with this. Reinstalling the OS didn't work, so now I've sent a repair request to Acer and am using my sisters laptop that she doesn't use in the meanwhile. So I've learned two things: 1. I should probably update my hardware components after this and 2. I probably won't buy a laptop from Acer again.
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Followed the reinstall instructions from Microsoft, not sure I could have done much else.
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I know I don't use windows machines, but the principle is the same.
One of my old macs was doing something similar. I did reinstall the OS software and it had no effect. The only option was a reformat and reinstall. Basically wipe the computer clean and start over. It worked and I had that machine for 2 more years. Still worked fine when I got a new one, but I needed an update.
At the time, I was told by a technician that my computer was borked and it would be cheaper to buy a new one. I think it may have been malware/virus that wasn't being detected... and looked like a hardware problem.
A reformat is drastic, but it worked. I would do it if all else failed, just to be sure it's not a software problem. However, you do need to know what you are doing.
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That last senence though lol. I definitely do not know what I'm doing. I'm going to see what Acer says first at least, if the computer is only 4 months old I should have a warranty to cover eventual costs. Thanks!
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Alright, got my computer back now. It's usable now at least, but I still think it's a bit slow to be honest. All they did was run a recovery CD, do a testrun and thought it was OK. Is a hardware update in order? What should I get? :/
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In December I bought an Acer Swift 3 (with Windows 10). I've been using it normally every day, except for maybe playing some indie games I'm not sure the computer likes so much. I'm happy with the computer in general though, I've had no problems except for the fan starting to get pretty noisy sometimes (and I have wanted to open it up to have a look at the fans, but I don't have the right tools to open it up).
Today my computer has gone from normal speed to so slow that it's unusable. Discord usually takes half a minute at most to open, today it has taken 5+ minutes. Everything loads at a snails pace. I've uninstalled many programs, run anti-virus showing no threats, updated the software, taken a look at the currently-running programs which shows nothing out of place, and checked if I had any new programs on the computer (no) and it is still a turtle. After the computer being on for 15 minutes it is still slow but now I could actually check the site and write this, however everything is still running slower than normal.
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