I saw the description and the keys. But I didnt see the puzzle. Nice
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Well, that's understandable, most people don't look for puzzles in giveaway descriptions... :) But you never know what you might find... :)
Actually, just between the two of us, I think most people don't even see giveaway descriptions... :) I think there are browser addons or mobile things so people can just click from the main page and never trouble themselves with any reading at all... :) And that's not counting all the bots... :)
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Don't feel bad! I remember these giveaways and I completely missed the clues. I wasn't even looking for clues to solve a puzzle. I appreciate that you made this post, so I know what I missed out on now and maybe I'll pay closer attention next time.
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No problem, I think it's only obvious if you know there's something to find... :) Just random stuff, hidden with no mention of it anywhere, you'd have to get lucky I think... :) Oh, maybe if you see some "invite only" giveaways on someone's profile you could get a clue... :)
I'm sure I have overlooked all sorts of interesting things around here... :)
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Interesting, maybe I should have used a different picture, just picked the yukkuri thing for fun... :) I guess puzzles are always easier if you know what's important and what's not... :) Or if you already know the solution... :) Oh well, sorry about that... :)
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Well, be my guest, since if you ever saw me using a good puzzle idea you can be sure I stole it from someone too... :)
I'm sure there are still clever puzzle makers around, but as I haven't tried solving any in ages I'm out of the loop... :( Maybe everyone is just making jigsaw "puzzles" nowadays... :)
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Aha, that's interesting... :) Actually I think I never played a single Touhou game, I am terrible at that sort of thing, with all the bullets to dodge, etc. :( I just can't do it... I even had trouble with Space Invaders... :)
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I no longer do puzzles. My brain overheats and I can't afford to get new parts atm :/.
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lol. Wish I'd solved that 2 weeks ago. I think I spent about 30 min googling. Far more the the 5 seconds you said it would take. Never did get that. "Attack on Titan" is an amazing show. I bet the game is good.
BUT. I don't remember getting the Jigidi link from looking at codes like this time. Was it posted as a hidden link or something in one of your posts? I do remember the puzzle and then the itstoohard that it lead to that I never solved.
I'll have to remember to pay attention to listed codes. I never try random codes. I want to know what the junk is before I try and see a ninja has taken it. :)
Considering the first and last char are all the same. But they have the right number of chars. Are those codes? Or is that the hint I should have noticed that I should be looking closer at them. Sure.... I see they spell it out NOW. but I'm sure I never noticed that before you pointed it out.
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Well, you could highlight those four dots and view the source, maybe you did that?
Ahh, yes, the first and last character in each key is the same, because I have a lot of leftover keys from bundles. They are all valid Steam keys. I wanted to spell "m a y b e - v i e w - s r c - o r - j i g i d i - k 7 7 b f 5 0 0" so just searched my key pile for ones that would let me do that. :) If you buy enough bundles you can find all sorts of patterns... :)
https://www.jigidi.com/solve.php?id=K77BF500 is the link to the "puzzle" - there were just two different ways to find it. :) Not sure which method you used... :) If that helps... :)
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Well, when bundles were new I could buy one and redeem all the keys, didn't own any of the games... But lately I'm lucky to be missing one or two of them... Oh well. :)
Bundle Stars occasionally have a game or two I'm missing. Humble Bundles can be good or 100% repeats, but so far I've always been missing some from their Monthly Bundles. And I know Indie Gala try in some of their bundles to avoid any repeats (garbage, but never-before-bundled garbage...) But if I'm buying a random Groupees pre-order or Otaku Bundle or Go Go Bundle or whatever they are calling themselves this month I'm going to get a lot of fresh leftovers... :)
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So sneaky... I love it! I would have never guessed any of that. I'll try to pay more attention the next time I see some other GA by you ^^
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Well, I'm pretty lazy, if I ever have an idea for something I'll be sure to run it into the ground... So after hiding things in leftover bundle keys for a while, I really should think of a different idea... :) But you never know, maybe I'll stay lazy for one more try... :)
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Heh I ended up googling watch your back for 15 minutes, then kesha or whatever her name is with blah blah blah, the I was googling touhou. I came back a few days later and googled take it easy and take it slow. I searched numerous memes until I realized I was not going to figure it out.
I thought people saying they got working keys were throwing some bs to confuse me.
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Sounds like some other people got stuck chasing touhou too, guess I chose the wrong picture for that jigsaw thing... :) Sorry about that. :)
Oh, those were all real Steam keys, but I didn't choose them at random. :) Had to search for the right keys to spell out the words... :)
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The same first and last letters are what made me think they were fake
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Well, it was only two hidden games, and I'll bet most people would call the public giveaways the good stuff... :) Much better odds in the hidden ones, though... :)
Oh, I'm just a jerk, you should save that for the nice people... :) Think of all the time people wasted googling touhou or "watch your back" - that was all my fault... :) Oh well...
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Yeah, I don't try solving puzzles any more, either. It's just too much work. :) Or maybe I'm just too lazy... :)
Yeah, it's a safe bet that if you ever see me with a big pile of leftover bundle keys, there's something going on... :) Good luck next time, assuming I don't think of a better way to hide things next time... :)
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Yeah, I'm pretty evil with puzzles, or at least I used to be... Sorry about that! :) But I don't make them any more, it's just too much work. :) Ain't nobody got time for that! :)
Hmmm, when Dark Souls 2 was released I made a dumb Dark Souls trivia itstoohard thing with a chain of bundle leftovers, leading to a "real" Dark Souls puzzle, leadin to one more bundle leftover. :) I think everyone who solved it was very disappointed... :)
Only one person noticed there was another puzzle hiding behind that one, leading to a Dark Souls 2 giveaway. Maybe I didn't get any precious CV, but the winner definitely deserved it... :)
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Hmmmm, you know, I have never tried using the whitelist thing, but that sounds like a good idea.
Guess my concern would be forgetting some of the nice people around here, since my memory isn't very good... :( And there are just so many of them... :) For every one person I added, there would be 20 other people I should have added but didn't... :( So this way I avoid the issue entirely... :)
Aha, I'd say don't worry about gaining levels around here, especially not to reach some hypothetical level where all the good giveaways are hiding. :) I'm no expert, but I think it would be cheaper just to buy the games you want directly, instead of slowly gaining levels in the hope that some day the games you want will be given away for that level... :) But who knows? :)
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Ohhh, I've only used sgtools to check if giveaway winners redeemed their wins, didn't try checking CV with it... :) Hmmmm, so there's a pie chart, that's interesting... :)
I think a fair amount of people try to optimise their giveaways, to find the most efficient way to gain CV, i.e. the biggest gain for the smallest cost... :) But I'd rather give something that might possibly be installed some day, not just another +1 and trading cards... :)
And if someone really wants to fill their account with cheap garbage, don't waste time entering giveaways... Steamground is that way... :)
Good luck with the wishlist giveaways, you probably won't win as often but at least it will be something you're looking forward to playing... :)
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Ok, so I felt bad for all the people who entered some recent giveaways, and missed a couple bonus things hidden in the description... :)
So in case you're one of those people, maybe you recognise these keys?
Boldface added to simplify matters... :)
Umm, it was a dumb jigsaw puzzle thing (https://www.jigidi.com/solve.php?id=K77BF500), leading to a dumb itstoohard thing (http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/a5gyaQgo). Some people got stuck there, sorry about that... Well, a little sorry, anyway. I mean, if you spent two weeks googling "watch your back" maybe puzzles aren't your thing... :) But if you tried googling:
Late Saturday night, early Sunday morning
I woke up stretching and a-yawning
I got a visit by something out of this world
I wasn't sure if it was a boy or a girl
It had wings and things
And forgave my sins
I said "Hi!" - whatever it was grinned
You might have found the answer. :) No, I didn't write that "poem"... :) See if this helps... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJQB31Xg00s :)
Oh, maybe I should make a giveaway for the people who managed to struggle all the way to the bottom of this... But I can't think of anything... Ummm, any suggestions? If someone thinks of a good one I'll try... :) But I'm pretty cheap, maybe I'll just dump a few bad rats and call it a day... :)
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