You are right: we don't have kids.
Sorry I ignored your friend request, didn't realize it came from here
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Take care of yourself. Trust me on this, you can't help anyone if you are mentally and physically exhausted.
It's hard to take time to yourself when you're surrounded by people who need you, of course you will feel selfish but not only is it ok to be selfish every once in a while, it's a necessity when you are taking care of people relying on you.
It doesn't have to be a big thing. Take an hour to play a game. See a friend you haven't seen in a while. Go to a park and walk in the grass. Ride a bike. Be good to yourself and you'll have more strength to be good to others.
Good luck and happy Cake :)
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This is spot on!
Yes I am exhausted on all fronts, it kind of sneaks up on you: there's always one more thing to do, to take care of, to sort out.....etc.
You just keep pushing but feel you have to slow down.
The pressure to keep caring is very high and not only from within myself, but the pressure from the so called professionals.
As a caretaker you can't break down, they need you to fill the gaps in the system.
They tell you to take good care of yourself, because you have to stay afloat but at the same time pressure you to keep giving and caring; cause it is needed.
I am trying to take some sort of middle road, but it seems I have to invent it over and over again.
but hey: I AM trying! xD
Thanks for your kind words!
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My heart aches when I read stories like this. It is so sad about your mum and husband and the stresses and strains they are putting on you. I do hope that you can find a place where you can move to have some time apart from the stresses of life. Even a day trip to another town or city (or a drive through the countryside with nothing but gas spent) can help lift the mood at times. I find that when I get too stressed things that help include prayer & reading the Bible, listening to certain composers (I like Bach, Beethoven, & Haydn) and listening to public domain Old Time Radio--especially the comedies. If you wish I can provide you with links to some.
I do hope that your next year will be full of grace, mercy, peace, and the richest of blessings, no matter how grim things are currently.
Thank you also for the gibs and happy cake day!
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Music can be of great comfort and I do love the classical musicians as well.
Great fan of Bach here too.
I should go back to meditation and yoga, they helped me a lot!
I am not so sure about religion and its comfort right now, but also on a discovery road there.
But the flu season sent me into a downward spiral, need to break that first!
Working on it!
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It can be difficult to deal with health conditions striking at those around you and even more so if you're a direct part of their life and care. As someone who has spent the better part of the last 5 years working as a professionally contracted care provider, the best advice I can offer is to make sure you're meeting self-care needs. Whether that means carving out a day just for yourself doing the things you enjoy, getting away for a weekend, spending time with friends, etc. I can't honestly say it gets easier but, taking time for yourself will help keep you optimally adjusted and that in turn allows for smoother handling of the things life throws your way. Best wishes!
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Thank you very much!
It's pretty hard, yeah
I've reached the point were there was nothing left of me, because I gave it ALL.
It's quit a bumpy road to recover from that, cause how can you take care of yourself if you are no longer there?
Good thing is: I AM working on it! xD
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After all this..
Well. I took part in Dark-Future.. but that's just a game.
Many people have told you many words and you're probably swarmed by now. So no words from me..just warm thoughts..
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Happy cake day, and I hope you find the strength to keep on keeping on.
When you're going through hell, keep going!
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I've had some rough stuff the past couple of years, but I don't think that any of it was that bad. Glad to see that you're still pushing forward, despite how rough it is. Things always get better eventually, especially if you're working at it. I heard someone that I admire say something interesting/inspiring this evening: "the harder you work, the luckier you get." I think there's some truth to that. Call it karma, whatever. Regardless, just keep pushing and being the bigger person in this situation...eventually, you'll crest the hill.
And hey, Happy Cake Day. At least there's that. :)
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Thank you grez!
I believe in karma and that helps to keep going!
Some day it will get better!
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I think you are in a really difficult place right now and the only thing that popped into my head that might help is finding one of those support groups of people like your self that are also going through this or similar situations. The doctors and medical staff that attend your husband and mother should be able to point you in the right direction and also your own doctor (although that might cost you a consultation fee, which would not help you at this time). Maybe cuddle a cat (perhaps a neighbour's - this only works if you like cats and are not allergic :)
I really hope your husband moves into palliative care very soon, should cut your stress load down quite a bit. Wish you much better times in the very near future.
And Happy Cakeday, with even better ones to come.
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Lucky for me my Mum has 2 cats! xD
I love cats and luckily no allergies there!
Yes once my husband gets to a hospice thinks might get easier.
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I come ill prepared, but there is this factory next to my name!
No worries, dug up some humble gifts, so I am not totally empty handed.
it's been another eventful year and life is still rough on me.
My marriage is in shambles, the man that was once the love of my life is dying of cancer (that wasn't the cause of our break up).
My mum is deteriorating fast and needs more and more care and help.
I try to be there for both (despite the fact that my husband really broke me), but it is hard.
Sometimes it feels like living for 3 and when it becomes too much, I tend to totally forget and neglect myself.
I try to remind myself: you can not pour from an empty cup!
But the pressure to keep caring is really high, cause the system due to financial cut backs doesn't provide enough help.
I temporary moved in with my Mum as I really no longer could stay afloat living in the same house with the man that broke me.
But.....that doesn't seem to be a good solution!
I still need a place of my own. Tried to move out on my husband awhile back (when he wasn't that ill yet) but he financially blocked me.
If I would have left at that time, we would both have gotten in financial problems.
Now looking into finding a room (just a room, not a house) for myself in my home town
That way I can take breaks from caring and take some much needed "me" time.
My husband is not a bad person (neither I am, I think......) but.....he is obsessive, everything has to be done his way and he has an egocentric personality. When an egocentric person gets ill, life gets rough; extremely rough!
Before we discovered he had cancer he broke down physically and mentally, his behavior within his illness was extreme.
I've basically lived within a crisis situation for nearly 4 years , I felt (and I was!) abused on an emotional and psychological level.
When he finally got admitted to a center specialized in psychosomatic disorders we discovered he had cancer!
After his time in that specialized center it took me near 2 years to piece myself together slightly (with psychological aid).
I was ready to leave my husband a year ago. And yes, I felt awful! Cause who leaves a dying person!?
Truth is that the cancer had nothing to do with it!
I was blocked when I wanted out of a marriage that was hurting me so much.
And now my husband is really dying, this is probably his last year on earth.
I expect he will move to a hospice within the next half year or so.
I don't know how long my Mum still has.
So is still rough!
But the cake still wants to be shared!
I am sitting on a load of unused keys and sometime I will make loads of giveaways!
TL;DR: take the gibs:
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