on day 1.
Unless you mean "on the first day it was available", then that's a bit more than just "lucky". ;P
But yeah, seems like every key in the sale wiped out after just two or three hours after they became available on their respective day. Exploiters definitely had an impact, but the stock of keys presumably were rather low to begin with, given how presumably negligible exploiters are in contrast to Humble's massive userbase.
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I contacted them from my alt where I never bought anything, (but never gave those keys or traded) still waiting for a reply.
I'm not sure if I should risk contacting them from my main account as quite a few of my games were either traded or given away for free here, plus I used a V.P.N to buy 10$ worth of games from store so I could get Murderous Pursuits that they are now giving away for free as compensation. Heard they were handing out B. A. N. S. for using v.p.n couple of years ago. Damn them!
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+1... I don't want Murderous Pursuits bad enough to risk it. I worry about the day that I actually have a legitimate reason to contact them :P
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Good call. I tried anyway, and got the reply I expected:
"We apologize for the trouble regarding our Summer Sale Mission and we are doing our best to make this right for our customers. Unfortunately, we have detected some Terms of Service violations on your account, which disqualifies you from this compensation. Please be aware that all purchases are meant for personal use and that trading or reselling any key received from Humble is not acceptable and will not be tolerated."
(I'm not a trader/reseller, I give spare keys to my family; I have given some away here in the past but haven't done that in a long time because I know Humble gets pissy about it. I have, however, traded my Overwatch key -- Humble promised Steam keys when I subscribed for the Monthly and that wasn't one.)
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I'm not selling keys on groupbuys but buying (mostly Indiegala and Otaku groupbuys), and my key trades on barter.vg are mostly Indiegala and Groupees keys. I've been doing exactly what I said in my previous post with Humble keys, I don't have a reason to lie here.
I've been back and forth with Humble's support and it's indeed my trading of the Overwatch key that is the problem, nothing else.
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Well they can see I made a giftlink, and that the giftlink was accessed somewhere else to get the key page, and that the key page then was accessed yet somewhere else (where the trader I traded my giftlink to presumably sold it to); all in different countries, presumably. That's reason enough. I can only assume that gifting to a friend is equally not allowed.
I did ask them to clarify that I'm allowed to give giftlinks to my partner and child and yes, that is allowed, but apparently anything outside of that breaks their TOS. They can see after all if a giftlink was accessed from the same/similar or different IP/location.
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Mediocre! There goes all hope of reaching the Plains of Silence, my Meadow...
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Sent in a support ticket just now. Lets see if it goes anywhere. Shame too. Looks like I'll have to wait for a good sale to try Glass Masquerade.
Oh well. As they say, it is what it is.
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Thanks, but let someone more fortunate than I have it. I can wait.
I do appreciate the offer, though. Have a whitelist for that.
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Hi, i know "trade" is againt the rules, but i'll glady give you a key for Meadow, if you still have Galss Masquerade or not, doesn't matter.
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"We're sorry, we can't give you keys for the games you actually want. But here's a key for a different game you have no interest in!"
I can live without the games, I'm more annoyed at having jumped through their hoops and thinking I was going to get a couple cool games and then finding out it was all for naught. They can keep their consolation prize.
And why did this issue occur? As far as I'm aware, you can generate as many Steam keys as you want.
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As far as I'm aware, you can generate as many Steam keys as you want.
In general yes. But there's a limit for each time and devs have to explain why they generate so many, at least that's what I heard about it. Also if the dev gave Humble e.g. 2k keys, but Humble now asks them for 10k more, because bots flooded their GAs, I could understand devs denying it.
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In fairness, Humble had a comment to the effect of "Limited Stock, While Supplies Last" displayed on every single promotion page, from the very first one. It could have been more overtly displayed, but I do recall seeing it from the start. Past that, putting blame on Humble for getting exploited and developers dropping out because of it is like blaming someone for picking up malware. Maybe it was Humble's fault for not using proper protection, but we won't be able to for certain put blame on them except in the circumstance where they don't properly guard themselves against such an issue the next time around.
Being annoyed by the circumstances is certainly fine, but it's not like Humble intentionally jerked us around (I mean, unless you're focusing specifically on the "temporarily out of stock" message they they didn't update; that certainly didn't reflect well on them). Them giving away the one key from the various weeks that they still had stock left of, through a different method, specifically to users who hadn't gotten some of the earlier keys, actually seems like a rather well-considered approach under the circumstances.
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Oh, I wasn't exactly blaming them. As I said, I'm just annoyed at jumping through their hoops (because there's no logical reason for me to have to visit their store every day when the sales don't change) for nothing.
If I blame Humble for anything, it's for the message of "As soon as we receive more keys, we will add them to this page and send you an email," that still shows up when I click to redeem my keys, and for the consolation prize - a poorly reviewed game that's nothing like the games they offered during the sale.
In the end, it's annoying, but relatively minor in the grand scheme of things.
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Slay.One is playable for free anyway on their website https://slay.one/
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That's terrible, i already had both over games, bot took them anyway. If only i know about this, i would better just take Murderous Pursuits and be happy on that one.
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I'm disappointed in Humble.
Thought that if you had redeemed the reward from the stamp page, you were guaranteed a key (when it restocked).
Quite a lot of poor moves from them recently.
Was looking forward to meadow, but I suppose I'll wait for a sale to get it in the future.
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What you fail to realize is that there are a finite amount of these keys to distribute. Whether they are sold or given out, there is a chance that they could run out. The devs might not have restocked them yet or might not have the resources to be able to restock them.
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I do understand.
However, they should have at least given a message in public that they aren't able to offer the keys.
And not for their customers to realise they aren't waiting on any... a week later, from a user who posted about it.
What disappoints me is the lack of keys when their previous giveaways in the past having no issue, AND the lack of transparency about it after. (In addition to some Quiet policy changes HB has made recently, such as wallet credit expiring in 6 months without publicly announcing the change on the site.)
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I do agree that there was a lack of communication over this. There should have been notification or maybe a different offer as a replacement at the time of this fiasco.
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Mhm. I don't mind that free things can't be given in the end, but the lack of communication and openness is worrying.
Hope you have a good upcoming weekend, btw.
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Wallet credit expires now? Oof. I'm glad I've always picked the option to donate instead when buying from the store.
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They do now, 6 months from when you get it.
When you spend money on the humble store, they do use the credit that expires the earliest.
I think the amount and date of expiry is listed when you click on your wallet funds.
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Thanks IGN
even for free games HB it's a shame now ...
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Thanks for the heads-up!
Funny coincidences: I also call myself Retep (without the 3) in some places, and LeetP3t3 (swapping the "E" with "3" like you) other places. Doctor Evil is one of my favorite movie characters. I'm also Scandinavian (Norwegian) 🙂
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Filed a ticket too; doubt something will come from it, I haven't had a single good experience with their support in the past year.
Sure hope they won't pull the "oh hey you're trader, get lost" card on me this time (I'm not, I only give giftlinks to a handful of RL friends and family -- but I have traded the battle.net stuff; after all when I subscribed to the monthly, the agreement was for steam keys ...)
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I hope you are luckier than I was. They said I was a "trader" because I traded Overwatch. I'm disqualified from compensation because of that lol. Humble Bundle support is garbage now.
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Oh of course I wasn't.
"We apologize for the trouble regarding our Summer Sale Mission and we are doing our best to make this right for our customers. Unfortunately, we have detected some Terms of Service violations on your account, which disqualifies you from this compensation. Please be aware that all purchases are meant for personal use and that trading or reselling any key received from Humble is not acceptable and will not be tolerated."
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Oh man! and I just sent my 2nd email to HB support! (right before I see this th)
I'm not even mad, just disappointed. I've had a good experience when I needed support help, then again that was prior IGN...
Thanks for the heads up, I feel bad specially seeing all those gibs here in SG while I genuinely wanted the games to be redeemed in my account, as it was intended.
Edit: update for anyone that cares, I just received a response from HB support, they won't be able to honor (in lack of a better word at this time) the steam keys for the games I claimed in due time.
They insist it was unforeseen circumstances, but it's weird how bots, ninjas or other people "knew" this would happen and rushed to claim all keys before they ran out.
Anyhow, I dont blame them, it's their job, can't do anything about leeches and people who exploit and abuse. I mean they could but I bet that countermeasures would also screw us, legit folks, so yeah.. aint gonna happen.
Cut our loses and just don't get hyped nor hoped for HB free stuff from now on, sadly.
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SEGA's Make War Not Love events, Val Helsing Final Cut redemption, and various other promotions have proven that Valve still has mechanisms in place for forced account activations. Beyond that, OrlyGift and Steamgifts show us that sync-locking is an option. It may not be one Humble wants to deal with the stress of, but it may nevertheless still put them in a better vantage than getting exploited (and criticized for such).
In short, there should be various options available to Humble to reduce the impact of exploitation, regardless of how many accounts any one exploiter has. Of course, it'd further benefit to add in additional measures, such as restricting access to users who have purchased something or giving Monthly subscribers early claim access to the freebies, given that exploiters will likely still be willing to exploit just for the sake of trading cards and/or +1 account xp.
There's no easy solution, at least where publishers are only providing a limited number of keys, but they can at least reduce the impact down from the extreme level of issue that this latest event had.
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have proven that Valve still has mechanisms in place for forced account activations.
yes DevGrants, only devs can do that though, not a 3rd party
restricting access to users who have purchased something or giving Monthly subscribers early claim access to the freebies
That alone would eliminate most farmers, strange that HB does not employ it
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I just saw a post on Reddit, stating that the "exhausted" keys for Slay.One and Glass Masquerade will not be restocked.
You can however contact Humble Bundle support and get "Murderous Pursuits" instead.
Link to Humble Bundle support: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us
"Statement" from Humble Bundle: https://i.redd.it/zcylwxp4yhn11.png
Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/FreeGamesOnSteam/comments/9hl37t/psa_keys_for_slayone_and_glass_masquerade_wont_be/
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