If Valve support responds at all, they handle things better usually. EA on the otherhand...trying to acquire the CD key for a Sims 3 expansion which was missing one, that I had the physical disc and receipt for...extremely painful. And with the store closed, there was no going back, I was content to play my damn Sims game. I spent 40 minutes waiting on hold for somebody to then come and shout "PIRATE!" at me for a while before I ultimately decided I had enough and stopped playing Sims 3 all together.
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Haha same here! Trying to get a code for one of the expansions, had everything they could need. They could also see my Origin account with Sims 3 and three expansions already tied to it but acted like I must have been trying to scam them out of one random add on pack.
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Origin, I went on Origin support atleast 6-7 times they were very helpful, 2 days ago I went on Origin livesupport because of my DS3 Crash and I was on the livechat with the guy for 2 hours, he was really trying to help me, we couldn't fix it, few hours later he sent me a very long email with alot more fixes. Steam support, I contacted them 4-5 times too, never helped me, answered in 1-2 weeks.
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+1, The EA's live chat support is amazing, they really are helpful. Unlike Steam which makes me think sometimes if some of the support staff even bother to read the questions at all? or they just read the title and copy and paste some related text script!
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To be fair, Steam has a large userbase and I bet a large percentage of those sending support requests are people who think Valve makes every single game and know how to fix every single game.
Ubi has no excuse, especially not on the release of their flagship game to give bots that send technical support for console copies to users on PC.
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I'll just put it here again : http://i.imgur.com/6kPv9nz.jpg
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Wow, so because of this Steam support is better, lol no.
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Not exactly, I had contact with Steam support in the last few weeks twice. both times they closed the ticket after replying, but of course, technically you can re-open the tickets by sending another reply, otherwise the ticket is marked as Closed already.
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I don't use Origin, but Steam Support is practically an oxymoron. Most of the time you're on your own, and your best shot at getting a proper solution is Google.
Unless you like idiotic copy/paste answers, eye-watering illiteracy and moronic questions whose answers you've already provided in your original ticket, avoid wherever possible...
I have a feeling that Valve's recruitment process for these "support" jobs is a little bit like a game of Blackjack. If your IQ exceeds 21, you're shit out of luck...
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Kinda have to agree , i never read about others getting the same copy and paste answers , but i got em in every support request ...thought it was just me , and they had not actually read through the emails properly .Its like if i asked whats 2+2 , id get a link to "how to bake a cake" or something. I dont think they are human. Even an email of mine was closed a few days ago after i asked a question (didnt get a response) . I re-opened it . Prob take another week for a reply
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Origin support helped me with dead space 3 and battlefield 3 problems. they seem like bots to me though. always the same answer for fixing bf3 problems. "delete all the update data and download them again".
i like origins nice,bright,vivid colours too. but steam still is the better of the two
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The last time I used steam support it was very helpful. I got a gift copy of Black Ops 2, which was later listed as restricted(after I already had it activated on my acc). I wrote the support and they exchanged it with one, which worked for my country.
Ive wrote to their support few other times, they were only copy/pasting some basic rules.
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pretty stupid how ya gotta make a ticket, then wait for a long time.
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Never tried Origin Support but every experience I've had with Steam Support has been dreadful. They've been extremely slow to respond, copy pasted replies and pieces of the FAQ that may or may not relate to my actual question, refused to even read what I am asking about and occasionally been rude.
However if you were to believe the varies stories that have surfaced about Steam Support over the years they are also occasionally vindictive, contradictory, unable to read or understand the Steam License Agreement and a little drunk with power.
I am sure Origin has plenty of similar stories but considering EA is pretty much universally hated and everybody and their dog has a crush on Valve I tend to believe the Steam Support horror stories just a little more..
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I don't know how Origin/EA is when you call them, but each time I've done the live chat and/or email support I've had my problems either solved/answered/helped atleast 99%. That being said, I still hate Origin.
On the otherhand, each time I've contacted valve/steam customer support they solved/answered or helped 0% of the time, each time was the same copy and paste nonsense even when I requested the issue to be escalated. That being said, I still love Steam.
P.S I almost forgot that most important thing.
My average wait time with EA/Origin support, I've never waited more than 20 minutes for livechat support and never more than a day for email support.
My average wait time for Valve/Seam support, usually 3-4 days.
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I have no idea with Origin.
Steam support is not terrible because they don´t fix the issue at first or second try, that is understandable (depending which issue), the problem is that waiting 1 to 2 weeks for any kind of answer is unaceptable.
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i would prefer origin live support over steam's wait a week mail
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First reply:
Hello this is Copypaste-Dispenser-9000, have you tried turning it off and on again.
Second reply:
Hello this is Copypaste-Dispenser-9000, please try turning it off and on again.
Third and last reply:
Hello this is Copypaste-Dispenser-9000, I'm sorry but we cannot assist you with this issue any further.
ticket closed
I think Steam support needs a firmware update.
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About 3 nights ago, I attempted to purchase Mass Effect 3 with a new credit/gift card but it wouldn't work. So I waited a few hours later for the card to finally activate, then I went back on Origin's site and purchased ME3. Bad thing is that I didn't notice Origin had my cart saved from when I was on earlier so I accidently purchased two copies of the game. I filled a refund form and they emailed me shortly about my refund and submitted it for review. They said it would take a few days for it to reflect on my card so we'll see. I applaud them so far for responding so fast and accepting the refund. Honestly didn't think they would bother replying to me about it at all.
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spent 6 hours talking to EA support trying to get mass effect 3 installed, i told them at the start "my internet connection is fine, i have port-forwarded already and it has gotten stuck at 99% installation"... for the first 3 hours they tried step-by-step getting me to port-forward which had already been done... they spent the next 3 hours telling me to "restart my computer and re-contact support if the problem persists"... well no f*cking shit sherlock ofcourse i tried restarting my computer already... eventually on its own free will it randomly decided it would install after i manually back-rolled my drivers...
this is one of two of the 4 hour plus experiences with their support service... one of the fourteen 2 hour plus experiences with support. steam actually answered my question plainly and simply after READING MY F*CKING PROBLEM, sure it was a week after i asked it but they at least didn't go through random unnecessary shit. speaking of which, hasn't multiplayer for origin been down for 3 weeks now?
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Steam is bigger. I mean it has more games and people. But Origin has better support and in my opinion it looks better with the orange and white skin. (I know I can change the look of steam.) I never had problem with origin games but I had problem with the new Tomb Raider. I asked steam support for help and they didn't answered.
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I contacted them too and they said I should turn off exclusive fullscreen. They could not understand that not solved the problem. And if I buy a game from a shop I go to them to get help or maybe refund.
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So I'm guessing from the responses most people would rather have Steam with Origin support.
I haven't ever contacted Steam for support, I usually try Google, Steam forums, here, Steam game community discussions and so on to find answers. I can't say for Origin because I don't use it.
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My experience with Steam support: (waiting time between replies: 1 day)
Me: Hi can you remove XY game from my account?
Support: Please remove all files used by them game and restart your computer.
Me: I already done it, and the game is still on my games list (not library) (random imgur link)
Support: Go to your library and select MAC, then take a screenshot of your full library
Note: I don't use MAC
Me: Here's the screenshot (another random imgur link) btw I don't use MAC
Support: Sorry, but we don't accept pictures stored on public servers.
-Ticket Closed-
Origin Support: (waiting time between replies: 10 second)
Me: Hi my veteran rank doesn't show up for BFBC2 in BF3
Support: Please answer for this security questin: (security question)
Me: (answer)
Support: Alright, I've added BFBC2 to your veteran status, can I do something else for you?
Origin's support is 100% better in my opinion. (At Steam support's replies, I had to shorten it, because they answer with 1 page of useless crap)
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First link was a picture showing it's still on my games list, 2nd was showing my library
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oh lol , i meant was the reply from steam a link to a baking site . Nvm i said that in relation to what i said to some1 above :)
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They should be able to do it, it remained there after the free weekend so I can't enter GAs for it :P
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There's just no comparison to be made.. Origin's Live Chat support is just great. And as much as Steam support did help me with all my requests they took weeks to deal with most of them even the simplest ones. People love to bash on EA and Origin but there's this one thing they got right and way better than Steam.
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Free Korean MMO support is the best :D
Half of the time they dong even understand what your problem is.
But seriously, Valve support helped me twice with telling me which keys (out of a bunch of them) were still not redeemed so I could do a giveaway and the other time I got a game turned back into a gift because it was region locked (although they did say it was a one time thing). Origin support seemed more like they didn't have a clue of what they are doing.
These are my experiences at least...
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Which guys are more helpful?
Have ye had any horror stories that left a sour taste in yer mouth when dealing with either of em?
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