It depends a lot. Not even only by country, but even in the same country, different companies or whatever they're called, units? have different stuff going on. I've never been there because it's optional for women and I didn't want, but hanging out with dudes you learn to know that there are some they fear, some they like because it's chill, and some that many actually want to join because of the hardcore discipline.
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It depends on the country. In my country (Greece), it's compulsory to go to the army. So, I joined the navy for 1 year and it was always about doing shitty chores for the superiors and guarding the watchtowers. In other countries, army may include war too. But you'll always have to do chores and guard watchtowers. :/
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Also, they won't usually care about your skills. They may care about cooks, doctors, repairmen, drivers, well, maybe even people that know how to repair a pc sometimes.
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A nation that sends soldiers to a foreign country and pew pew for "X" reason.
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Well at my country all males have to serve in the army atm for a year (used to be more) not sure if your country would be the same but my experience was that it boring cause
You dont really do any training which might be cool except shoot 10 bullets once or twice the week , do parades , clean your weapon , and getting long lectures about stuff and there are some war excercises but trust me its nothing like what you see at the movies its like run in a line doing rolls
You just guard stuff , there are some posts with 24h guarding so for 6 or 8 hours through out the day depending on the post you have to show up and guard the place its not interesting plus the bad thing is when you get guard duty you always have to guard 2 hours at night it messes with sleep and you can get tired
You clean stuff i mean everything thats the real training you clean floords indoors and outdoors you wash plates anyway any that needs cleaning you clean and you carry stuff everyday from point a to point b sometimes the next day you take things from point b back to point a because there was a misunderstanding just to repeat the next day again from a to b and you think you live in a bad comedy and you clean your shoes omg them shoes you can get punished for having slightly dirty shoes
You get punished for the stupidest reason ever and the punishment is that you cant get out of camp to clarify a litle everyday a certain amount of soldiers are picked to do some duties the rest just present themselves at the morning training/ washing / carrying then they go out to come back at night to sleep or if their home is near they sleep at their house come back at morning
Anyway dont worry time flies and it will be over soon but the best part comes now
Once its over you will leave to continue your real life with a few close friends and maybe really good friends plus its time you meet a guy through work or mutual friend or whatever the army and its funny stories its a way for males to bond over a beer , its like school when you were at school you wanted to be over and now its a fun memory but you wouldnt go back either
my advice is to get a few padlocks cause for some reason people in army steal dont get much civilian clothes you will regret it and build up some patience try and let most things go and you will be fine
edit forgot to say that your computer knowledge can get you an office duty and avoid everything but dont get excited cause according to army computer knwoledge means i tries to hit it with a hammer and shoot it but i cant turn it on can you? omg you started it what is that you did a button you said can you also type stuff omg you are clever you are hired so anyone can get the job
my experience was i became a cook they asked me if i ever cooked i said lol yes i spent my entire army time everyday preparing food with other cooks and i was 1 day in the army cooking for the evening and 2 days home playing videogames
if you want to play videogames buy a portable console with a nice long game it helps , i had a nintedo ds with a pokemon and ff4 i finished ff4 but you can never finish pokemon :D
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What you described are what I think it would be here, except with the addition of running around nonsense, stand in 40-celsius sunlight and a lot of interruption.
Would be cool if I can bring laptop and good advice there.
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You can bring your laptop but be careful with it so it wont be damaged from inspections or get stolen dont worry all will be ok try to sleep as much as you can so time will fly more
Also yeah we also run in the sun
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Q. What does a military do?
A. Kill people and break things.
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where are you from? military tasks varies A LOT from country to country. if you are from brazil or any south american army, you can add me to chat about it. don't be depressed. I'm pretty sure that it will be a unique experience in your life. just be sure that you wanna dive in to have full experience. I'm a lawyer and I was studying lawyer school when I was there... didn't use any of laws knowledge there, but I also didn't forgot them.
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They waste taxpayers' money.
Thanks for the giveaways. :)
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I don't know about the military but in the navy they seem to sing and dance a lot! Bump ^^
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80 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by AiKirika
I'm depressed, long short story, today I have been forced to enlist the military for 2 years, start 1 November, but I don't know what does a Military do aside from training for a whole 2 years.
I wonder if someone here enlisted the military before, what do they do? do they always train all day, do they even have free time? I'm not sure if your military will be same as mine country, but I have a feeling that my uncertificated game development, programming, and related skills will go down the drain and I don't think military need to use a programmer or precisely game programmer at all. What I'm sure, however, I won't be able to play the game in those time. ):
Can someone clear or confirm my doubt? Or at least, cheer me up.
Giveaway (All Level 3+) All bundle, sorry.
Anna's Quest
Divinia Chronicles: Relics of Gan-Ti
Shallow Space
Warhammer Quest
Wild Season
Edit: Fix the messed up links as always.
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