Is it safe to say i can't enter the first one because i won indie gala 7 (4 games) ?
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Yeah i think i'll take a pass, but free bump since 1 hour left.
interesting tale for level 2 ;)
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Ouchies... Staring at that "sun" at the 4th clue really gave me a nasty headache... If you're supposed to stare at it until you see a word or a picture somewhere in there, I don't think I'll be able to solve this puzzle... It strains my eyes way too much :<
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Nope, you don't need to stare at it (at all, actually), that's just a reference (and a very generalised one, you don't need to specify what it is... you don't even need to look it up at this point, actually, you only need to know where to look).
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Yeah, I don't really know what that means either.
@Elation: if you're asking whether the link becomes invalid, no. It's like any other giveaway link, only it's private and won't appear on the front page. Finding it just gives you the option of entering the giveaway. The puzzles are here mostly for people who enjoy doing them and having a chance at a reward for it, but the main reason people solve them is just the challenge. Although the fact that these giveaways have significantly fewer entries on a consistent basis may also contribute.
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Thanks for nowarning on 4. Thank god I didn't have a migraine though. They are killer.
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hmm well thanks, but I've been trying all sorts of combinations from the.. lets say "thing" that they are related so I won't hint anyone by mistake, but it doesn't seem to work :\ would like to try your harder ones aswell since I think I'm doing some silly mistake here in the first one but oh well, perhaps next time I guess.
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This is hard. I know 5 for sure, now I know the relation between 1 and 4, I think I know 3, but 2... not sure. Heaviest building... Tallest building is easy to find, but heavy... Hmmm... Nice job on keeping your profile private, so people don't get hints :). Though, who else would be proud, other than a... well, I think I know what building that is now.
Edit: Oops, almost let someone see a hint for number 2.
Problem is, you can't possibly be sure of any of your chosen answer, so that you can rule out some of the combinations. And you end up with tens of combinations at least.
Hell, to the yeah! DID IT! Now I can cry because I have no points left for the meantime.
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Haha, I see what you did there! And congrats on making it further. Don't worry if you don't have the points now, the giveaways (all three/five, including the non-puzzle ones) don't end for another 26 hours, so they should be able to regenerate by then.
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Yeah, forgot about that. But the Bioshock puzzle is just mind-boggling. I just don't see how I can possibly solve it. Still 0 solvers so far, right? [reason is, I don't understand the 3rd hint. as it's just a statement (maybe it would've worked better as a question, like the rest?), and the rest just don't even make sense to me. Oh well, I'll keep trying. I want me some Bioshock] - I'm pretty sure this is a good way of asking without revealing anything, but if you think I did, let me know and I'll edit.
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The "Bioshock" giveaway currently has nine entries and (at least) two solves without an entry, based on the comments there and the people who made it all the way to the "Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Pack". The latter currently has three entries (and probably as many solves, as only the people who entered it have left any comments so far). However, there were no entries on either before I actually started posting hints (which can be found on the pages where the puzzles for them are, as well as in some of the comments on those pages on occasion).
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Hello everyone (again) and welcome to yet another puzzle giveaway celebrating... something (you'll probably figure it out by looking at the puzzles) with levels that will make you hate me even more!
This time, there are three games to be won (or, rather, three giveaways to be found, as some have more than one game):
Level 1 will bring you IndieGala 7, the extended edition (nine games), for all the indie lovers out there.
Level 2 will reward you with the BioShock pack, containing two of the most awesome first person shooters of the past decade! However, I would like to politely ask you to only enter this particular one if you don't own ANY of the games included in it (that is, BioShock 1 and 2). If you do, and you win, I will request a new winner.
Level 3, finally, will bring even more action, with a Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Complete Pack out for grabs!
All you have to do is solve the puzzles leading up to each level and enter the letters you obtain in their proper place in the giveaway's URL. This time, the difficulty will increase rather sharply after the first level, but will drop a bit for the final one, because you ONLY have until Monday, the 17th of September at 00:00 GMT to reach the final level!
Without further ado, here is the link format for the first giveaway: Each "x" represents a lowercase letter, each "X" an uppercase one, and each "#" is a number. Remember the notation, as you'll need it further down the road.
And here are the clues!
My proud little soldiers...
The city with the heaviest building in the world. (Coincidentally, my home city, and damn proud of it.)
You will end up breaking stuff...
A pocket-sized sun...
Also, for those who are not particularly interested in puzzles (as well as for those who do give them a shot, of course), but do visit the forums, there's a bit more! Here you will find an EXTRA IndieGala 7 giveaway, also with nine games, and here is yet another one, also with nine games, but only for those who have contributed 150$ or more to this website.
With all these said, good luck and have fun!
EDIT 1: Unless otherwise stated, you're looking for the first letter of whichever word/phrase/anything else you might be thinking of.
EDIT 2: Hints for the "Bioshock Pack" and the "Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Pack" are on the respective giveaway pages where the clues for them are! Come and get them!
EDIT 3: For those who wanted the solutions for the previous puzzle, here is the link to the forum thread that will lead you to them! Just click through until you get to the end!
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