Hello everyone (again) and welcome to yet another puzzle giveaway celebrating... something (you'll probably figure it out by looking at the puzzles) with levels that will make you hate me even more!

This time, there are three games to be won (or, rather, three giveaways to be found, as some have more than one game):

Level 1 will bring you IndieGala 7, the extended edition (nine games), for all the indie lovers out there.

Level 2 will reward you with the BioShock pack, containing two of the most awesome first person shooters of the past decade! However, I would like to politely ask you to only enter this particular one if you don't own ANY of the games included in it (that is, BioShock 1 and 2). If you do, and you win, I will request a new winner.

Level 3, finally, will bring even more action, with a Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Complete Pack out for grabs!

All you have to do is solve the puzzles leading up to each level and enter the letters you obtain in their proper place in the giveaway's URL. This time, the difficulty will increase rather sharply after the first level, but will drop a bit for the final one, because you ONLY have until Monday, the 17th of September at 00:00 GMT to reach the final level!

Without further ado, here is the link format for the first giveaway: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/xXxxx. Each "x" represents a lowercase letter, each "X" an uppercase one, and each "#" is a number. Remember the notation, as you'll need it further down the road.

And here are the clues!

  1. My proud little soldiers...

  2. The city with the heaviest building in the world. (Coincidentally, my home city, and damn proud of it.)

  3. You will end up breaking stuff...

  4. A pocket-sized sun...

  5. 2.7182818...

Also, for those who are not particularly interested in puzzles (as well as for those who do give them a shot, of course), but do visit the forums, there's a bit more! Here you will find an EXTRA IndieGala 7 giveaway, also with nine games, and here is yet another one, also with nine games, but only for those who have contributed 150$ or more to this website.

With all these said, good luck and have fun!

EDIT 1: Unless otherwise stated, you're looking for the first letter of whichever word/phrase/anything else you might be thinking of.

EDIT 2: Hints for the "Bioshock Pack" and the "Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Pack" are on the respective giveaway pages where the clues for them are! Come and get them!

EDIT 3: For those who wanted the solutions for the previous puzzle, here is the link to the forum thread that will lead you to them! Just click through until you get to the end!

12 years ago*

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Hell yeah, Tiamat rules!

12 years ago

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Fewer than 13 hours remaining on the puzzles, with 57, 11 and 4 current entries on each level, respectively! Chances are quite high for the higher levels, so keep pushing if you're around!

12 years ago

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Another bump to announce that there are a bit more than eight hours remaining!

12 years ago

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not worth it :D

12 years ago

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Lol, I just got 2 and 5...no motivation for the other ones though

12 years ago

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umm you know it was over long before you tried.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Stieltjes.