Bump for me finally finishing putting it together :)
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I didn't expect a lot from Burano because it's sort of one of the residential areas but it turned out to be one of my favourites.
If I'm not mistaken the island is famous for its colourful houses :)
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I love those colors! Thanks for posting some pics :) I don't have access to any of mine currently. Might add some of them once I get back home next week :)
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My pleasure :) Thanks for giving me the opportunity to show off some of my holiday pics :D I might post more as Bumps if I find the rest.
I was also a little proud to figure out where the picture from OP was taken :) Canal Grande shot from the Rialto bridge
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Feel free to do so! I would love to see them :)
Is it? I just googled "Venice" and this was literally the first image :P
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I was already almost entirely sure going by memory but then I noticed when you look very closely on the Vaporetto station on the left it says Rialto :)
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Oh, you are right! I would never have noticed that :o
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Definitely Burano. I've been there by houseboat two times. It's so beautiful, espacially when you can stay, while all the other tourists have to leave, because there is almost no accomodation on Burano.
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Yeah, it's gorgeous :D On a houseboat ? Well, now I'm jealous :D I've always wanted to do that but the closest thing I've gotten so far was grabbing a few hours of sleep in a tiny cabin of a motorboat my uncle used to have.
By the way what a fitting avatar for the occasion dottore! :D
Und auch nett mal wieder einen Landsmann hier zu sehen ;)
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Well, completely forgot about my avatar, but you're right, I might have a soft spot for Venice. ;)
IMO Venice is the best region to visit via houseboat, although it's not recommended for beginners due to LOTS of traffic. You can go all the way from Jesolo to Chioggia by yourself without the need for a motorboat license. If you want to know more PM me on Steam. :)
LG nach Wien
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Well, it's hard enough to motivate my buddies even for small out of town trips like a daytrip snowboarding at Semmering so I'm afraid no boattrips in the forseeable future but I'll send you a friend invite anyway if you don't mind ;) I'm generally not the biggest chatter but I'm always glad to help when it comes to Steamgifts questions, swap some trading cards or stuff like that :)
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Congrats on solving it and thank you for the bump! :)
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Not actually mine, I weirdly enough, I know don't drink beer, but boy I wish I had that glass anyways :D
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Thanks and bump. If everything goes as planned I'll be there for the last days of the carnival next year. Excited!
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Sweet! I hope everything goes according to the plan and you have fun! :)
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I wanted a truck with a cool kangaroo painted on it to reply you with :(
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Damn, we never really went in any of those back alleys. Looking at those pics makes me wanna go back there and explore around more.
hang out cloth to dry are everywhere
Wait, is that not a thing in other places anymore? :o I dont know a single person with a drier.
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My sister booked an apartment for the whole family somewhere near Rialto so that was kind of cool because we got to experience more or less authentic Venetian living. The balcony from the first picture was somewhere near our apartment. But those back alleys are like a maze... Half of the time when I tried to find my way back to our apartment I had to use Google Maps :D
Well, driers aren't common here in Austria (come to think of it I'm not sure I know anybody who has one neither) but we don't really have those lines between buildings neither (I assume because most roads and alleys are much wider). I think most people here have those fold-together indoor thingies. They're just as environment friendly but I find those lines between buildings way cooler. It reminds me of old-timey Brooklyn (and now Venice of course) :D
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How long did you stay there? :o Good thing we didn't attempt to do that back then since smart phones weren't yet a thing when I was there, might have ended badly :D
Ahhhh I thought you were saying that everyone just had driers otherwise, my bad. Were I am from we don't have those lines between buildings either but a mix of the foldy thingys you were talking about and drying lines outside like this.
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Just 3 days and 2 nights but we still managed to do quite a lot. We started out with Piazza San Marco I wonder if I'm the only one who went there and immediately went Ok. Let's see how accurate the multiplayer map from Assassins Creed is :D and Palazzo Ducale. Then we went to see a classical concert by Interpreti Veneziani at Chiesa di San Vidal my dad wanted to see, which turned out quite memorable although I'm not a huge classical music buff. The next day my dad was already up at dawn because he and one of my sisters wanted to see a famous fish market and since for some weird reason I was already up too I joined them. Afterwards since we already had a small glimpse of San Marco we went by Vaporetto to the other islands and had a little stroll through Burano and Murano and also checked out Torcello which seems to be the leisure island of Venice with lots of green space and an old cathedral.
I kind of also wanted to see the cemetery island San Michele because it looked quite impressive from the boat but there was only so much time and I wasn't completely sure if it would have been in bad taste to go sightseeing on a cemetery. The other thing I would have liked to see, which wasn't possible, was the Arsenal, the former shipyards and apparently the worlds first "industrial" manufactory where it's said they put together a whole ship in just a single day but for some reason the inside is still a restricted military zone and can only be visited every couple of years during the Biennale. But at least that gives me an excuse to return. (As if I needed one :D)
Sorry for going into such excruciating detail but although it hasn't been that long ago it was fun to see the memories come back while retelling it ;)
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You have seen way more than I did (we were there only for one morning and a little bit of the afternoon), thank you for sharing! :)
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Not sure why i havent bumped this yet but here you go! ;p
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I just think that if someone takes a couple of seconds to bump a thread I can also find a few seconds to thank them for being nice :) I always try to reply to everyone ... it might take me a while to get back to them, but I will eventually :)
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Man, I'm bumped on Q7... I know what it is. I tried just the name, the name with the saint, in english, in italian, in venetian. nope. What did I do wrong? thanks.
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Sorry for the delay, was sleeping. That question accepts 6 different answers o.o are you sure you got the name of the bell tower (3 words in the English answer or 4 words in the Italian) not the basilica and the height in meters? Otherwise add me on Steam and I will check where exactly you went wrong.
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Hi Mouse, I solved the puzzle (landmark) and enjoyed it, thank you pal. However, I am in your blacklist. That's OK, but I would like to understand the reason for it, just for my learning and then I will try to change what I has doing wrong (sorry for my jungle's english). I thank you in advance for your attention and patiente.
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I see, The link was sharing by my father (barriguets) because both of us didn't know about this rule. In fact, we did the puzzle together. My father was blocked for 4 days in SG. We learned the rule in worst way, but we learned. Thank you again pal for answer me. We'll do our best for situations like this doesn't happen again. Happy 2018 and God bless you.
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Glad you liked it! Heh it is also my neighbor country :D
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I have been to Venice airport about a billion times in my life (ok, billion might be a little bit exaggerated, but I do go there every couple of months) but actually only been to the islands once about 10 years ago, but I do still remember most of it as it is something so different from the normal.
It wouldn't be a puzzle made by me if it wouldn't have a Jigidi in it, so lets just start with one. Once you are done with it you will get a link to an ITH. For convenience sake for everyone that uses flash, here is the link where you just have to edit the last 8 characters: http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/XXXXXXXX
Main thread with all the other landmarks.
English is very obviously not my native language, so if you spot any mistakes or anything worded really weirdly please let me know!
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