Come on bearu, I joined them too, come fight the backlog with me >:3
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I would like to apply! I'm an achievement hunter! Please look at my profile! :)
Thank you! :)
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Many thanks! I'll talk to you on Steam for details! :)
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Super Graviton is killing me with their full minute achievement.
I tried many times, and I still need to master it.
I'll continue later with that one, I'm trying to get Four of a Kind and Straight Flush in Poker Night :(
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I need to go back and work on it myself one day, I think I only got the one for beating the game ha.
I haven't played Poker Night so can't say much about that. Is it really difficult or just bad luck? :o
What I'm dreading most is finishing up Wings of Vi x_x
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It's pure luck! Grinding at its best!
Give me a second, and I'll give you the chances of a Four of a Kind and a Straight Flush.
Four of a Kind: 0.168%
Straight Flush: 0.0279%
So... Yeah...
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Trust me, people has gotten a Royal Flush before from that.
Royal Flush (Best pairing in the game!): 0.0032%
Now people would be pissed here, lol!
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Good luck! I've been trying forever to get those two in Poker Night. :/
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It destroys your soul :3 be careful, you might actually start completing things
That website is like a huge taunt!
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Added. I recommend Deus Ex: Human Revolution. You have very little playtime in it and it's a fantastic game. :)
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+1 - don't mind my lack of time in it. I've completed the game in the past in an offline version. Definitely a lot of fun :-)
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I was kicked from the group today for some reason, can anyone explain why? I really liked the idea behind it, and was active on the site. I literally updated my backlog 2 days ago :/ I wasn't even entering giveaways from the group so it baffles me a little bit.
Well, regardless good luck with the group.
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Well, you weren't that active. You simply updated your profile. You still have access to the website though. It is only your access to the group that has been revoked, and you'll get it back once you become more active. :)
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That's fair enough, I was just under the impression that wasn't a necessity. I remember the rules to join the group were stay active in one way or another, and the thing I was doing applied. I enjoyed being part of the group to read discussions and see updates, but not post. Oh well, keep up the good work with the group.
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There are no more rules to join the group, exactly because everyone gets access to the website first now, so we can be selective about who gets invited to the group or not. It's not personal, it's just something we had to do to prevent inactive members from entering giveaways / potential leechers. You might even be invited back once we set our requirements.
But like I said, you can still post in the website. And if you liked to read the group discussions, you can still do that, since the forum is public. So nothing changed for you, really.
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Yea I see where you're coming from, it's just also nice to be in the group so I get the popup notifications for new stuff, but not a big deal. Like you said I can still use the site and read the forums.
I wasn't active in the group itself, and if that's what you were looking for, I totally understand.
Only real question is, the OP says now the group has no requirements to join, so why can I not rejoin? It only says you need to be active in the group if entering giveaways, which I wasn't even doing. Please don't get me wrong, I don't mean to pester, but it just doesn't make sense to me so I wanted an explanation :).
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Maybe mandrill can implement something that lets you know when new announcements have been made in the Steam group.
There are no more requirements to join the group, as in BLAEO (the website), but there are still requirements to join the Steam group. We will basically only invite people to the Steam group after they've been active for a while, so we don't have to worry too much about them entering giveaways. The "only enter giveaways if you're active" rule is simply a reinforcement, since everyone who gets invited to the Steam group should already be active. So even if you weren't entering giveaways, you weren't active enough for we to consider inviting you.
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Ah, didn't realise the OP was talking about the website when they said no requirements. Anyway thanks for taking the time to respond so many times. Again, best of luck with the whole thing :)
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Sorry, I just saw this - about notifications, I made the announcement threads public (added the links in the OP), so I think/hope you can subscribe to them even if you're not a group member. Could you let me know if it works if you try it?
(there should be something for the website as well, at some point in the future ...)
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Well I think the 5 categories the website presents are the basic states that a game can be in, if I understand what you're saying correctly. Remember that you can create your own lists for other categories you wish to have.
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hm, seems a nice groups to motivate me to finish my games. So i would like to apply ^^
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I would like to apply. Iv'e tried to attack my backlog numerous times :P
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I need to do this. Would appreciate an invite or whatever if you please :3
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I would also love to apply and check it out. I'm a religious user of to accurately track my playtime, but I'm looking for a good backlog planning site. I have a giant backlog, but I'm systematically making progress through it about a game a week. Thanks!
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Added, hope you can find what you're looking for in our group. :)
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Hi, sorry I never was active the past two weeks, but I had to go out of town for work. Thanks for including me and I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to contribute before I got kicked. I was actually logging in tonight to start my first backlog thread. Either way, it looks like a really great website. I started sorting my games and was looking forward to writing about the games I'm playing, but no worries. Hope I can at least still use the site. Good luck with the group
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Erm... you weren't even invited to the Steam group. :S We only invite people to the group after they've been active in the website, which you have complete access to.
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there are no requirements to join
we won't post our requirements/definition of "active"
I like your contradictory group already :D I realize one is to join and the other is to enter GAs, it's just my quirky humor. So if you still need a person with terrible humor I volunteer, if not that's fine too. Though my backlog isn't really that bad though :/
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Added. Well there are no requirements to join, that is true. xD You can use the website as you wish, but to be invited to the Steam group, that is where the requirements are. :)
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I'd like to access the site, please. :) Question though, does it have random game selection? Thank you! :D
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Added. No, but I can pass that suggestion on to mandrill if you want. If you're unsure about what to play, we also have monthly themes to help you with that, and an entire community to recommend you something from your library. xD
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SteamCompletionist and SteamDB both have a random game selector if that feature is a must for you.
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I read in somewhere that the cake is a lie... hehehe
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Oh nevermind, the post has changed. I refreshed the page when I left and forgot to refresh it again when I came back. :P
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I personally consider games that don't have an end as beaten when I'm either done with it or when I have gotten all of the achievements. So you can use that to categorize it if you want.
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I'll try to add myself to the group to see if it has any effect on me to get motivated to finish my backlog.
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Added. I agree, but we can't prevent members from doing giveaways. Plus, one add every once in a while doesn't hurt anything, as long as you're beating more than you're adding.
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I just got a new pc and my backlog is intense. I'm off for 2 weeks, time to get cracking I suppose then.
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Added. Hope you can get some progress done in that time.
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I also gotta wonder about the Won't Play category. Like, I have 300+ hours clocked (but probably about 50 played) in Borderlands 2. I have no intention of finishing, because, as good a game as it is, I just stopped caring. Still, had a blast. I don't want to lump it in with the cards that leave an entry in my steam catalog.
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Yes, if you stopped caring, that means you're done with it, so I think Beaten is a suitable category, if you use my wording instead of the website's. I use the Beaten category as Finished. So you didn't beat the game, but you finished it (you're done with it).
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Personally I'm only using that for software, tools, demos, videos, beatas and duplicate entries (stuff like the GTA mac versions) or games that are outright unplayable/broken for whatever reason. Everything else I intend to at least try.
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I got kicked from the group less than a day ago, so I won't ask to be let back in as I doubt that would happen. :D But I'd suggest putting a notice somewhere that unless you are active on the website(which I never joined, just the Steam group), you won't be counted as active and/or warning members that are about to be kicked, since just yesterday I updated my thread within the Steam group and was unaware that I was going to be gone soon. Unless that is all something that is entirely moot now that using the site is required for even being a part of the group. :P
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Being active in the forums counts as well, but you weren't. You joined on February 3 and all you did was post a simple thread during all this time. Well, the site is required for being a part of the group now, since new recruits don't get invited to the Steam group anymore, but simply to the website. And I do hope that we can migrate everyone who's still in the forums to the website eventually.
And I'd like to remind you that you still have access to the website, so you can start posting your updates and being active there and you'll be back in the Steam group in no time. :P
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Oh no, I didn't claim that I was active in the forums (if you mean the forums here in SG, If you mean the club's threads then I apologize for misunderstanding you) but I did keep updating my thread in club's threads via editing. I understand that this does not count as active for this group since I had never even opened the backlog-deepness site. Simply saying that it was a surprise to be kicked without a nudge of "are you even interested in being here?/did you know we now require you to use this website?" since a lot of groups have a one warning policy.
Anyway, free bump. :D
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By forums I mean the Steam group forums. What do you mean by "club"? There wasn't a personal warning because you wouldn't fit our requirements of being active even if I gave you a warning, so I would have to end up kicking you anyway. But I did post an announcement to the group saying that I was going to be kicking inactive users. And like I continue to repeat, nothing has changed for you. You can post your updates in the website. Your profile there can be used just the same as a forum thread, where you can edit your progress.
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By club I meant the Steam group, apologies for the wrong word, don't know why I said it like that. As said, I considered myself moderately active in my group thread, but I'm not trying to argue against it when admin/mod clearly determined the opposite. But I'll have to disagree about the stance on "no warning because you wouldn't fit requirements anyway" because warnings are given to people who are showing clear signs of not fitting a certain criteria and in danger of being kicked from a group - if I had met the group's requirements then no one would've even thought to give me a warning in the first place - and then seen if the warned member actually listens to the warning and does better or not. Simply my opinion on the matter, if the group admins/mods have decided that warnings are not to be used on members that are slipping then that is of course their right for their own group.
Yes, apparently there was a announcement like that. I hadn't seen that, and even if I had it would've just been again my mistake to considering myself "safe."
I have not ignored you saying that a profile on backlog-deepness could be used just the same as my former thread from the group, I understand you saying this. I was just saying that I don't have an account on the website, never did, because it was not required when I first applied to the group months ago.
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but I did keep updating my thread in club's threads via editing. I understand that this does not count as active for this group since I had never even opened the backlog-deepness site.
I think there is a misunderstanding here. You didn't need to post on the website to be considered active at the moment. The issue was that you only edited your post (I'm assuming this based on your comments. Sorry if that's not the case.) instead of also adding new posts when you updated. It's better for the group if you bump your thread to the top when you update because it shows activity and people will notice your thread to read/be inspired and maybe comment.
Anyway I think you should give the website a chance! It's really good and mandrill put a lot of effort into it. Maybe you'll like it more than a thread. :3
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I was indeed only editing my first post, because I thought double posting would be considered spamming (it is in some places). Thank you for the clarification! Now I understand better where I went wrong. :D
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You automatically have an account on the website, just sign in via the Steam login thing and that's it. We posted about the activity requirement several times (well, at least twice with revil's last announcement), and while threads in the steam forums usually count, I can't even find yours :( (you must have had one, since otherwise we would have kicked you months ago ... did it get deleted?)
And kicking (seemingly) inactive members is just a pre-emptive measure to prevent those members from joining group GAs (not saying you would just start leeching, but enough people did it so that we had to make changes). That's what the site is for now - it allows everyone to still be part of the group and organize their progress, even without a few Steam group features that hardly ever got used anyway. Like revil said - you can just copy your forum post into your website profile and edit that, it's pretty much the same.
Sorry this caught you off guard, but we kind of did away with personal reminders after most of them had no effect whatsoever and because A LOT of people weren't active anywhere and got kicked for now (again, it's just the Steam group, everyone's stil part of BLAEO and can use the website)
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Yeah, seems like the activity announcements were posted on few occasions, I simply never connected myself to being one of the targets(which of course is my mistake not anyone else's), oops. I did have a thread, I assumed it was deleted simultaneously with removal from the group since I couldn't find it myself after being notified of the kick.
Thanks for the thorough explanation on why this happened and why warnings are not used any longer. I appreciate you taking the time to clarify these points for me!
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Well, if you were constantly editing your thread, I'm sorry. I might have taken a quick look at it, seen that it was pretty empty and moved on. Did you really update it a few days ago? I must have missed the edit date, since the thread itself was old.
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Yeah, I edited it during this week (new game addition, not progress update if that is something that makes a difference), but I now understand that it would'be been helpful if I had bumped the thread at least occasionally.
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I see what happened now. When you edit your thread, the last post date shown next to the thread doesn't change, so when I saw your thread, it was months old with 0 comments. Sorry for having kicked you, but now you know that simply editing makes it harder to track activity. :) Hope you like the website.
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32 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by xaivierx
6,628 Comments - Last post 50 minutes ago by Masafor
After some ground-breaking new website features implemented by mandrill, BLAEO is accepting member applications again! :D
But instead of being invited to the Steam group directly, you will be given access to our website after applying in this thread. Just set up your profile there and be active if you want to, and we'll eventually invite you to the Steam group. Right now the Steam group is mainly used for syncs with SG and group giveaways on here (and reminder announcements for various things), so you're not missing much if you don't get invited right away ;) And just to clarify, the website is basically the group, the Steam group is pretty much just a bonus ;)
Thanks to this new feature, we can now proudly announce that there are no requirements to join (not that we really had any before), simply let us know you're interested here :)
Once you're in the Steam group though, you're only allowed to enter group giveaways if you've been active (we won't post our requirements/definition of "active" so people can't abuse that information).
So, in conclusion, post here to gain full access to the BLAEO website and then add mandrill to your whitelist :P
Please do not add group admins/mods or post to their Steam profiles to get an invite, you'll get added to the site much faster if you just reply in this thread
PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST TO JOIN THE GROUP WITHOUT HAVING BEEN ADDED TO THE WEBSITE! Request to be added to the website in this thread first!
If you don't know where to start on the site, read this guide, and/or this guide. Extra info on image formatting.
If you don't want to miss any announcements, subscribe to these group threads (works for everyone):
More links: Steam Group | Discord Server
FAQ (under construction)
I just joined, and the site isn't showing achievements for my games. Help?
The site starts compiling everything starting with your first login, so if you just used it for the first time, just wait a few hours. Same with new achievements and game additions, just give it some time.
How do I post on the site?
Read this getting started guide, and/or this guide.
How do I get into the Steam group?
We add everyone who applies in this thread to the users of our website, meaning after you login there with your Steam account for the first time, you can use it as a regular member.
Steam changed how groups manage new members and we can no longer invite people we aren't already friends with. So after you're added to the website and have been using it for a while, request an invite to the Steam group if you want to join. We'll review your request and accept it if you have indeed been active on the site (for at least 10 days, but depending on frequency and extent of activity, might be several weeks until you get an invite).
PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST TO JOIN THE GROUP WITHOUT HAVING BEEN ADDED TO THE WEBSITE! Request to be added to the website in this thread first!
I applied in this post and didn't get invited to the Steam group.
See above.
What are the benefits of being in the Steam group?
You get to
post on the forums and* join giveaways that are shared with the group here on SG! But remember that we're not a giveaway group and there aren't many running giveaways at any given time, so you're really not missing much if you're not in the Steam group.*the forums are open to everyone now, no need to join the Steam group
Why did I get kicked from the Steam group?
There's really only one rule: Don't join group exclusive giveaways (i.e. not shared with any other groups or the whitelist) if you haven't been active on the site for a while. A "while" can be anything between 14 days and over a month, depending on your usual activity (e.g. members with huge monthly posts won't get kicked for joining a group exclusive GA 4 weeks after their last post, but someone with who usually posts short updates like "I finished this game, it was fine" every few days and hasn't posted in over 2 weeks might get the boot - this is examined on a case by case basis, any kinds of posts are fine, just be aware of this when you want to enter a group exclusive giveaway AND stay in the Steam group).
I got kicked out of the Steam group, can I still use the website?
Yes! You can use it just like before, nothing changes for you in that regard.
I left the Steam group. Does that affect site usage in any way?
No, but please let us know about it, especially if you don't want to get invited back into the Steam group, so we can make a note of it and don't spam you with invites when you're active on the site.
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