The way I see it, I definitely need a tool for organizing and, sort of, queuing the games I have. My pc has been broken for a while and I have not yet been able to play the games I acquired during the summer sale. Yet, I do not wish to become a member of a community as I don't think I'll be active pretty soon. How does that work? Do I really have to share my progress with others or can I just silently benefit from the tool?
Edit: It took a minute for me to wrap my head around the concept and now I get that I don't need to be active unless I want to participate in GA's. So, count me in!
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Can I get in on this as well, this tool sounds like it would really come in handy for me considering that one day I am hoping to finally play all of my games
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I may have a probelm with games ... Account verified with 587 games, valued at $3,123.31. Halp ?
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Can I get an Invite? I realy like to be in this group
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free bump
I feel really dumb right now, I am trying to make my 1st post (would be about time) and I can not for the life of me figure out how to link to a game so it shows up all fancy showing playtime/achievements/if its completed. It doesn't say it in the markdown section of the site from what I can tell. Help please!
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Have you read this guide linked in the OP yet? Section 5 is for you, + maybe this gif from the comments if you need further help (also, it's coming to markdown someday, mandrill's been working on that + other things for the site)
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I have too a lot of unfinished games, so why not? Can i apply too? Is it too late?
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Hi! I saw a lot of people using it and it seems really interesting, may I apply to join the site? (▰˘◡˘▰)
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I think I've got a bug on the website! (Sorry to write here but I am not in the group since in the past I have been kicked from it because I was inactive and entered giveaways.)
I've tried using different browsers without adblocks, I also set my Steam profile to public but it didn't help.
Actually, it's probably two bugs:
I do think this happened after the site was moved to the new domain.
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You should be able to post in the group without being a member (I don't know if having been kicked previously changes anything, but the website subforum is set to open for everyone)
Your second point is known and has been that way since the start. (it even says "You can even move games from one list to another … you can't copy though. (yet?)")
You're right about the search though, doesn't work for me either :/
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Unfortunately I am unable from posting in the group, there's written "Posting privileges: Only members of Backlog Assassins Extraordinaire are allowed to post in this forum." I cannot open threads nor leave comments at all.
The search bar has now been fixed, so at least there's no need for the copy action anymore.
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That's weird, because someone not in the group posted about your issue earlier. I can only conclude it's because of the previous kick, unfortunately there's nothing I can do about this (at least I haven't found out how, had a similar discussion with someone else a few days ago)
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However, it looks like that right now there is an exclusivity to lists: a game can be part of only one list, never two.
You can have a game belong to more than one list. Just Edit the list to which you want to add the game, make sure the "All Games" tab is active at the bottom of the screen, start typing the game name, and drag it to the list above. It won't remove it from any other lists. It's true that you can't copy it from one list to another.
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Hey buds, this looks fairly interesting. Could I get an invite?
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Hi :)
Looks like something really cool. Would love to try it out.
Id love to join the site.
Im fairly new steam user. I think I started gathering my library the same time I registered here :D And keeping track of everything on Steam is a bit overwhelming. This seems good alternative :)
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Hi, I'd be glad to get access to the website. I love statistics and my backlog triggers a guilty conscience every time I see the amount of my games growing. Help!
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22 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by Formidolosus
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12 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Fluffster
After some ground-breaking new website features implemented by mandrill, BLAEO is accepting member applications again! :D
But instead of being invited to the Steam group directly, you will be given access to our website after applying in this thread. Just set up your profile there and be active if you want to, and we'll eventually invite you to the Steam group. Right now the Steam group is mainly used for syncs with SG and group giveaways on here (and reminder announcements for various things), so you're not missing much if you don't get invited right away ;) And just to clarify, the website is basically the group, the Steam group is pretty much just a bonus ;)
Thanks to this new feature, we can now proudly announce that there are no requirements to join (not that we really had any before), simply let us know you're interested here :)
Once you're in the Steam group though, you're only allowed to enter group giveaways if you've been active (we won't post our requirements/definition of "active" so people can't abuse that information).
So, in conclusion, post here to gain full access to the BLAEO website and then add mandrill to your whitelist :P
Please do not add group admins/mods or post to their Steam profiles to get an invite, you'll get added to the site much faster if you just reply in this thread
PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST TO JOIN THE GROUP WITHOUT HAVING BEEN ADDED TO THE WEBSITE! Request to be added to the website in this thread first!
If you don't know where to start on the site, read this guide, and/or this guide. Extra info on image formatting.
If you don't want to miss any announcements, subscribe to these group threads (works for everyone):
More links: Steam Group | Discord Server
FAQ (under construction)
I just joined, and the site isn't showing achievements for my games. Help?
The site starts compiling everything starting with your first login, so if you just used it for the first time, just wait a few hours. Same with new achievements and game additions, just give it some time.
How do I post on the site?
Read this getting started guide, and/or this guide.
How do I get into the Steam group?
We add everyone who applies in this thread to the users of our website, meaning after you login there with your Steam account for the first time, you can use it as a regular member.
Steam changed how groups manage new members and we can no longer invite people we aren't already friends with. So after you're added to the website and have been using it for a while, request an invite to the Steam group if you want to join. We'll review your request and accept it if you have indeed been active on the site (for at least 10 days, but depending on frequency and extent of activity, might be several weeks until you get an invite).
PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST TO JOIN THE GROUP WITHOUT HAVING BEEN ADDED TO THE WEBSITE! Request to be added to the website in this thread first!
I applied in this post and didn't get invited to the Steam group.
See above.
What are the benefits of being in the Steam group?
You get to
post on the forums and* join giveaways that are shared with the group here on SG! But remember that we're not a giveaway group and there aren't many running giveaways at any given time, so you're really not missing much if you're not in the Steam group.*the forums are open to everyone now, no need to join the Steam group
Why did I get kicked from the Steam group?
There's really only one rule: Don't join group exclusive giveaways (i.e. not shared with any other groups or the whitelist) if you haven't been active on the site for a while. A "while" can be anything between 14 days and over a month, depending on your usual activity (e.g. members with huge monthly posts won't get kicked for joining a group exclusive GA 4 weeks after their last post, but someone with who usually posts short updates like "I finished this game, it was fine" every few days and hasn't posted in over 2 weeks might get the boot - this is examined on a case by case basis, any kinds of posts are fine, just be aware of this when you want to enter a group exclusive giveaway AND stay in the Steam group).
I got kicked out of the Steam group, can I still use the website?
Yes! You can use it just like before, nothing changes for you in that regard.
I left the Steam group. Does that affect site usage in any way?
No, but please let us know about it, especially if you don't want to get invited back into the Steam group, so we can make a note of it and don't spam you with invites when you're active on the site.
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