So tell me, why did the deer cross the road?
I live in a big city in the middle of a lot of forest-land and cornfields (north midwest). Since I drive a lot for my job, I see a lot of deer, but don't think I've ever seen more than one at a time.
I've never hit one -- knock on wood -- but it's quite a frightening experience flying down the highway at 65+mph and one crosses in front of you. The closest I've come was when one crossed in front of my headlights, then immediately turned around and ran back across the road, and the car a little behind me smacked into it. Fortunately no one was injured, but it demolished the front end of his car. :X
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The road is obstacle to them, they may think "what is this nonsense, hard and no grass! Let's just cross and go to soft land." ^^a
(edit) Thanks for the GA and music. :)
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it was dark, and I was wearing sunglasses
...Wait what.
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In Sardinia we have wild boars* crossing the roads instead of deers.
They mostly cross alone, not in group (that second gif!) O_O
* A subspecie called Sus scrofa meridionalis (aka mediterranean boar)
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a lot of russians use dashcams as far as i have understood from the thousands videos on liveleak. where do you think all those "fail" videos from drivers saying cyka blyat come from?
A GoPro camera on your dashboard would make the deal, i suppose
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Awesome game. :O Where can I find a biofeedback sensor, as long as it's ultra cheap? :P Thank you for the chance. Well, deers in Greece? Not really. Only a few. :P But you can find a lot of sheeps in villages and islands. Still, I never experienced something like this. When I was driving a motorcycle, even if something like that would happen, I would easily avoid it by using the brakes. xD And my speed with the motorcycle was usually around 40-60 km/h (well, not always, but most of the times).
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That's a really interesting story! Too bad you couldn't film that. I'm also glad the deer and your car is okay, both inside and outside. LOL
Also thanks for the giveaways, I was gonna join it but I'm too fresh to do so so --Nevermind-- ;D
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I never hit a deer with my car ... but a deer did hit my car ...
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I suggest mounting your phone on the hood of your car and letting it video all the action
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only seen deer around here once, and they were nice enough to wait till i passed before crossing.
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I have one for you. When I was younger, 5th grade maybe, I don't really remember but I know I was walking to school. I was walking along a heavily circulated road, on the sidewalk. So, on the other side there was a puppy that ended up going into the road. A car hit it, its head went on one side and its body on the other. It was like a cartoon scene.
I appreciate your decision to save the milkshakes. ( ゚ヮ゚)
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I was on my way home earlier, going down a back road to my house when I saw an oncoming car that looked like it could have been a cop car. I was going about 10 mph over the speed limit, so I slowed down a bit. shortly after we passed each other, I saw something fly across the road, it was a deer (yes a flying deer). I put my foot on the brake and from experience (I hit a deer when I was 17 or so), I glanced in the direction it came from and sure enough there was another heading right for me! So I locked the brakes up, reaching my hand over to save the milkshakes I just bought from flying in the floorboard (again from experience...that is one mess you don't want...) Anyways, my car came to a stop, and I swear the deer stopped too for a split second, and looked me dead in the eyes standing just inches from my bumper, and then just finished crossing the road. I really want to get a dashcam for situations like this, do any of you have dashcams? recommendations?
Have you had any similar experiences? The deer I hit when I was 17 messed my hood up pretty good, but it ran off and was OK as far as I could tell. I was only doing about 25 mph (mph?? silly American here)
Oh yeah here is SGtools GA, $50 real CV sent and 1.0 ratio
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