For being unfunny dick? No worries, not everyone can be nonjudgemental hollier-than-thou asshole, nothing to be sorry about.
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I don't even understand what are you trying to say right now.
I'm saying that "I'm sorry" was not funny at all, if you even meant it to be a joke. If you didn't, then it's sad that you would go out of your way to berate someone based on the band they listen to. That's just pathetic. And not to mention the " ;) ", seriously, you need to grow up.
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It was meant to be a half-joke. I do think 30stm sucks, but I wasn't berating anyone here. In fact, you're the one who suggested I'm a judgmental dick after this one sentence, while I haven't said a bad word about you or Carnehil (or even the band, until now), how ironic of you.
And about my previous post - oh, I just found it funny how you automatically assumed that I meant the band sucks and responded so aggressively. And what's with the ";)"? Meant to show that I was not totally serious, but I guess using this emoticon, especially in this way, shows I'm immature.
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On a serious note - hiding in plain sight is a valid way to hide.
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Disagree. You don't have to blend in, or even avoid attention, to hide in plain sight. Sometimes, standing out is better. Especially when you're trying to divert attention from your real nature. Disinformation for the nations!
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I would argue that's not hiding in plain sight anymore. That's creating a distraction which is an attempt to hide something else. At this point I think we're on the same page though and just disagree on terminology so it probably doesn't matter.
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I didn't laugh at whether you believe or not on that. I laughed at your enormous ego. Also considering last time we talked you didn't really know what being a rastafari was. Well...
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so i did remember u from somewhere...anyway, sorry then, that i didnt understand your laughter.
where to u see a big ego? cant u see all those not serious comments in here? i was right with that, or not? and u are very wrong with that rastafari thing. first i belive i have never said, that im living like the most "conservative rasta movement" members. Bob Marley said once: "I dont have a religion you know. this is what i am. i am a rastaman... so this not a religion. this is life!" i would like to believe that this explains you some things... i dont know how much u know about rastafaris or where did u get your knowledges but we certainly dont have them from the same place. Rastafari movement has very important characteristics, what are the same with my beliefs. thats why i "choose to take" rastafari world vision, as my lifes central axis of which rely on. and yes, its not easy to be a rastaman in a poor north-europe country. hope u understand me, sorry for the bad english.
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Didn't the illuminati die out, because y'know, they weren't popular and fuck science, technology, etc.
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Wait, you're serious? Really?
A link or two would be helpful, at least.
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just because artist put those simbols in their videos to be popular, doesnt mean they are alive, it just means they try and get popularity using people´s irrational fears
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im pretty sure that if the illuminati existed, they would not invite most of those artist, like really, all those sings and stuff they do in public to think they are in the illuminatis is just so sheeps believe it and think they are "cool" im pretty sure real members of a secret cult wouldnt go around saying "derr im in da illuminati" eevn satanist act normal in public,
also is kinda sad how these conspiracy theories have ruined the name of the real illuminati.
one last thing: unless people bring solid proof that the illuminati exist, im not believing it, because im tired of people escaping reality by blaming secret organization doing everything instead of facing reality, liek really, 9/11 happened because terrorist hate america, nothing else.
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Most satanists are normal, well just as normal as any other religion, funny how people don't realize that...
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yeah, they are normal in a certain way im just tired of most popstars acting like satanic wannabe´s
fun fact: i just typed satanism in google, and got a lot of illuminati bullshit with it, people this days are so stupid is hard to believe.
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I still remember the previous profile picture. The Sacred Chao. Good times.
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I know people from "franc-maconnerie" and indeed it's kinda secret so "artists" are mostly using these symbols to be popular
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Of course they exist! Who else would put eyeballs in all of my triangles?
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also i dont understand why a secret society that tried to make science be important in the world, take down oppresion and religious superstitions and create gender equality would suddenly try and control the world.
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Just a random question sove in my mind, do you believe in Illuminati?
Do you know them? If you do, what do you think about those famous starts
Like Eminem, Kesha and others... They are in those Illuminaty, are
there any chances to get out of this thing? How does it feels being in that Illuminaty what do you think?
P.S sorry for bad english, its not my main language.
Lets Discuss
If you here only to make jokes or other lame stuff, then ignore it, and go win some games.
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