I bought The Last Remnant recently and honestly, I didn't know what to expect. After the first hour, I thought it was gonna be terrible. After actually playing through a few quests and reading up on it online, as it offered limIted tutorials, I found myself pleasantly surprised by how much this game appeals to me. It lacks as much control as other rpgs, but that just keeps you on your toes. There's an RNG involved which gives the feel of a fire emblem game, where even against the most incredible odds, you can still find a way to pull through and other times, you can end up being destroyed by a few weaker enemies. Your party members largely grow in different areas and act on their own with limited input from the player character, but by forcing situations for units to act in certain ways and by your limited input, you can potentially create an extremely powerful character. And even if you don't know what you're doing, they mostly level up and take care of themselves so you don't even have to do much. The music and environments are simply amazing, and the in battle music changes depending on how well your team is fighting, so that's pretty neat. The battle system is unique, but almost feels like a mix between ffxii, kotor, and tales of Symphonia. Depending on how you organize your team, you can make certain units specialize in different areas without the added input from your pc. The only thing this game is lacking in so far is story and characters unfortunately, but I haven't gotten too far yet, and it definitely has a lot of potential

10 years ago

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The Secret World MMO.. I did not expect it to be all that good.. but the themes, the conspiracies, the cutscenes that you are a part of, the mysteries, the ambience, the darkness, the insanity, the adventure, etc.. they sucked me in right away when I got started.

10 years ago

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+1 on this. I love this game. Wish I had more time to play.

10 years ago

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Bad Rats

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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The physics of the game is out of the world and that's the best part.

10 years ago

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Out of this world is right...

10 years ago

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The physics of the game is solid as rock

10 years ago

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true. here is a rare picture from beta tests jam (they met after work hours, just to polish every detail)

and here is picture of Ball Physics Facility

they had a lot of fun!

10 years ago

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+1 no lie

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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The Journey Down: Chapter One was one of the best games i ever played. Never expected that an indie of that kind would make me so pleased. I even played it twice!

And now, i am expecting Chapter Two to become bundled so that i can finish that great story.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I know mate, I read it yesterday. Too bad :(

10 years ago

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Really? I got kind of confused with the logic of that game, I think I didn't even finished Pt.1, however it did surprise me the depth of how much places you can go and people with whom you can interact with

10 years ago

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Really. Both the main character's attitude and the music throughout the game won my attention and left me with a very pleasant feeling after the game's completion. The story ... yeah, it's 8/10 but still the whole concept is worth mentioning.

10 years ago

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The binding of Isaac + The binding of Isaac: Rebirth, Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition, Euro Truck Simulator are games that i rly learned to love.

10 years ago

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I didn't like it, I was completely bored long before I pushed myself to finish it, really repetitive battle system, terrible excuse for exploration (felt more like moving pieces on a game board), lackluster story.

10 years ago

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One finger death punch. I mean come on, its just some stick fighting game... why is it so fun?

10 years ago

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Because of the impact you make, literal and figural :D

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Think im half way through 3rd diff :> Gotta love those bonus skill slots

10 years ago

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I beaten all difficulty and I'm #1404 in Survival leaderboards, but haven't played it for months, funny thing I just recorded a session for a video and now I find this post :D

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Me too. :)

10 years ago

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yeah i'll say the binding of isaac too.it looks crappy at first look but when you play it you'll surely get addicted

10 years ago

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Yes, Binding of Isaac. It's (not exactly told) story is fantastic.

Guacamelee STCE - played Shank and thought it's similar game. It was not and I didn't like it very much from start but then it totally got me.

10 years ago

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I usually don't get much surprised about games nowadays but these are a few that really made the day:
Battleblock Theater (it's pretty epic for a while)
Clive Barker's Jericho (played it on physical disc and bought it while it was on indiegala, the story is weird but gameplay is above average)
Eletronic Super Joy (tried it on a groupees event, very legit for a "super mario" style game)
Skyrim (only played it a few months ago and always saw it as over rated, I was wrong...)
The Sims 3 (only Sims 4 seems to be a "EA Game")
Little Inferno (for some reason I enjoyed this game a lot, the ending may be the reason)
9.03m (only found out later that this game was about the 2011 Japanese tsunami)
One Finger Death Punch (got it from a bundle and let it sleeping for a while, i felt regret for not trying it sooner)
Paranormal (I used to look at youtube videos for scary games and laugh but those games are actually scary!)
The Walking Dead (I have a cousin that used to play this a lot, for me it was too weird too play, 100% regret now)

10 years ago*

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+100 on Jericho.

I recently finished it. It gets absolutely no love for how cool it is. The sniper (Black) is too overpowered though.

10 years ago

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played it a long time ago, may try it again to check the other characters (think i played with a guy using a mini-gun and a "snake power", not sure)

10 years ago

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If you do play it, you'll see what I mean. She has this push, telekinesis power that lets her stun almost EVERY enemy in the game when they get close to her. Giving you time to line up an up-close head shot. It's OP as OP gets.

She also has that "curved bullet, slow motion" ability like Angelina Jolie from the movie Wanted. Giving her the ability to control her bullet and hit like 3 people with one bullet. She is ridiculous. I pretty much solo'd the game as her alone (keeping everyone else back) bar the times the game made me change characters for plot.

Very fun.

10 years ago

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this explains why the game was so hard for me .-.

10 years ago

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Been thinking of playing Jericho. Might do it in a few weeks.

10 years ago

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Part of the thing about Skyrim (and Elder Scrolls games in general) is that they're just so well implemented. You can't really get a sense of how unbelievably good they are just by reading a feature list or seeing some screenshots; even if that gives you some idea, the core of what makes them great is how well-assembled every part is. It's just really clear that the people who make them know what makes a game fun.

10 years ago

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Paranormal? Urgh. Just... urgh.
All it has is jump-scares from the very get-go, no pacing, predictable as balls, and incredibly short.

10 years ago

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I find it much better than i was expecting, maybe because i had friends playing with me :/

10 years ago

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I'm just bitter against that title. We often hear the "never plays the same way twice!" but the game ended up just having a list of haunted things and it just fires them at you randomly even from Day 1. I sorely wanted a 'haunted investigation' style game, particularly one that is procedural and has variance, but this game ended up being a cheap screamer affair.

Guh, grarh, blarfargle. All of my grumpus!

10 years ago

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totally understand, got the same feel with dont starve where i was expecting something more fun to play and forget that the thing of that game is too don't starve after all, that's mostly why i most always avoid youtube videos before trying a game

10 years ago

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  • Payday 2 (A friend forced me to buy it while I didn't like Payday: The Heist. Now I like Payday: The Heist too :D)
  • To The Moon (got it from a bundle and I got really fast into the story)
  • One Finger Death Punch (Saw Markiplier play it a whole lot of months back, but it didnt look that good. A friend bought it and I Family-Shared it and goddamn, its amazing)
  • Papers Please (The game didnt look fun at all, I was wrong)
  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Played it for 5 hours and then I hated it. Got back to it because I was bored, tried competitive and I really like it now)
  • XCOM: Enemy Unkown
10 years ago*

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I have opposite for me with xcom, i was hyped so for 20h i was hoping it'll get better, it didn't.

10 years ago

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+1 for To the Moon, One Finger Death Punch and Papers, Please.

10 years ago

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Since you asked so nicely, i'll cede your request.

10 years ago

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Same about Payday 2, I played the first one and it was meh, didn't really feel it... but the 2nd is really awesome, the music helped it a lot =)

10 years ago

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Binary Domain!

10 years ago

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^ This

10 years ago

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This. Very underrated and overlooked game. I'm really not a fan of 3rd person shooters yet this one was awesome. Great story (especially dialogues between characters made it for me), fun gameplay and awesome boss fights. I thought this game is going to be borefest cover-shooter but after first mission I couldn't stop playing it.

10 years ago

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Maybe I'll play this next. I'm still trying to decide what to tackle since finishing DA:O a week or two ago. I've kind of been bouncing around time wasters, like FIFA, Just Cause 2 and Tropico 4.

10 years ago

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It's not long. You can beat in in around 5-6 hours. It's basically a movie with interludes when you shoot robot's heads off :) I think it's for good because it ends before it starts to be dull and boring.

10 years ago

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That sounds good, thanks. I usually like to follow up really long games with some short, quality games. Kind of cleanses the palette.

10 years ago

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This totally surprised me! Great campaign, although I wish they had created a better experience with the multiplayer/skirmish system for the replay value.

10 years ago

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Oh hell yes.

10 years ago

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I'll try The Last Remnant again. I played for like 15 mins and put it down thinking it wasn't going to be good.

10 years ago

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The only qualm I had with that game was the back-asswards leveling system.

You are actually incentivized for trying to SKIP content without grinding; grinding ends up causing enemies to grow exponentially stronger and it just gets so dumb.

edit: http://lastremnant.wikia.com/wiki/Differences_between_Xbox_360_and_PC_versions
and http://lastremnant.wikia.com/wiki/Battle_Rank

BR effects on XBOX 360
Increased BR effectively decreases the rewards for fighting monsters.
Increased BR increases enemy stats, most notably, HP.
Increased BR has no effect on rare monster stats, most notably their HP.
Increased BR causes enemies to use improved versions of their techniques.
Increased BR enables various unit enhancements, including weapon upgrades and access to new skill sets.
Increased BR allows access to various additional recruits, notably a large number of soldiers.
BR effects on PC
Increased BR has little effect on the rewards for fighting monsters.
Increased BR increases enemy stats, most notably, HP.
Increased BR causes enemies to use improved versions of their techniques.
Increased BR enables various unit enhancements, including weapon upgrades and access to new skill sets.
Increased BR allows access to various additional recruits, notably a large number of soldiers.

PC version is not as bad as the XBOX360 version but seriously, grinding ends up causing you more issues than if you just skip grinding (but then you end up missing stuff, sigh)

10 years ago*

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The Binding of Isaac
Mafia II
XCOM: Enemy Unknown (As a fan of the original, I thought they would mess up the remake)
Hotline Miami.
The Darkness II
Uriel's Chasm.

10 years ago

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As far as XCOM, I never played the original so I had no expectations, but I just didn't think I'd like that type of game. But I ended up loving the crap out of it. The battles very quite intense when I started losing characters I'd developed for hours, especially when I'd have problems replacing a certain class.

10 years ago

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Yeah. I think it might be better than the original, to be honest. The class system, the new armors, the technology tree, all of these were pretty cool.

10 years ago

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I still need to play Enemy Within. I've heard it fixes a lot of issues with the base game, as well as adding a lot of great stuff. I have it on 360 and PC, but never seem to get around to it. Probably because I know it will suck up my time again.

10 years ago

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I'll probably buy Enemy Within the next time it's on sale. I should beat the base game first as well.

10 years ago

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Cook, Serve, Delicious!

I knew it was a popular game with good reviews and all, but it didn't look very interesting to me... and I WAS WRONG

10 years ago

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Woooooaaah !!! Congratz for all the achievements !!!

10 years ago

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I have to agree (also got all the achievements)

10 years ago

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Tiny and Bid Grandpas Lefover was surprisingly good with stylish graphics, amasing music and pretty interesting gameplay. Also Paper Sorcerer is very nice!

10 years ago

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Tiny and Big was a huge surprise. I wanted to just get cards but found myself in an awesome game!

10 years ago

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Euro Truck Simulator 2, I only played the demo actually but still, I thought it would be pretty lame but it's surprisingly fun and relaxing (although parking the truck is a pain in the ass lol).

10 years ago

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Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten

From the screenshots, I wasn't expecting much from that game. But it turned out to be surprisingly good.

10 years ago

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+1 For me was that sensation of perfection, even when I succeeded on a certain level but knew I could do better, I usually replayed every level until I was happy with the outcome.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I kinda can understand why you don't like one finger death punch, if it makes you feel better i hate the euro truck simulator series (never liked car/driving games anyway)

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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i actually played it for one hour and fall asleep lol
my friends told me about it and they were ALWAYS playing it so in my point of view "this game HAS to be good", biggest disappointment in my history of gaming ;D

10 years ago

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+1 for The Cat Lady, definitely my kind of stuff

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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Oh yeah, Cat Lady is an amazing game :D

and yes, you're the only one not liking One Finger Death Punch ^^

10 years ago

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Witcher - i know... But i never before played any RPG.
SpecOps the Line - good story, bit stupid gameplay.
Minecraft - i know... again... But i dig once and somehow canĀ“t stop.
Euro truck sim 2 - Pretty boring conception but really catchy...

10 years ago

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I totally misunderstood what Papers, please was like, at first.
Thought those types of games weren't my cup of tea but was proved wrong: Letter Quest, Civilization, Saints Row titles.

10 years ago

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Glory to Arstotzka.

10 years ago

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Risk of Rain. (I won it here)
It looks like a dull game, but is a challenge great coop experience.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Wait... if you thought it looked bad, why did you enter to win it? I mean, there are people who actually want games, so reducing their chances just to bolster your own game archive seems a bit... yeah.

I mean, it was great that it was a happy discovery for you, but still.

10 years ago

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First, it isn't a crime. I won a game I didn't have.
Second, I want the game. I saw the screens and looks interesting. But I didn't expect to be that good. Some fun, but not a lot.

10 years ago

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That's cool then. Some people just want whatever is going, cool to see you were actually interested in it (even if you had your doubts).

Although that "it's not illegal" remark is a cop-out. Legality isn't a reliable scale of what is (or isn't, in this case!) douchey.

10 years ago

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Hahaha! I didn't resist of being a little douche with your statement.

But I genuinely enter in giveaways I have some interest. Maybe the game sucks, maybe I'll be nicely surprised.

10 years ago

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Monster Hunter on PS2 - and it was all a crescendo from there XD

10 years ago

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Bioshock 2.

Everyone seemed to hate this one, even though it is the best in the series.

10 years ago

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Recently? Murdered: Suspect Soul

10 years ago

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This, I heard the game was on the bad/okish side but I really enjoyed it.

10 years ago

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Loved Murdered: Soul Suspect! :)

10 years ago

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Binary Domain, Divine Divinity, Terraria, Dark Messiah of Might & Magic and Ben There, Dan That! With a special mention for Batman: Arkham Asylum.

10 years ago

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+1 for Dark Messiah of Might & Magic

10 years ago

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