Some people blacklist just to prevent repetitive winners. And being polite doesn't mean there won't be a difference of opinion, so a petty person would still blacklist for that.
Its really best to just not bother worrying about it.
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Yeah, the "I hate you so much you'll never win my games, but i still want your games" rule is kinda stupid, but it's hard to figure out how to make it in such a way to not create more drama.
Maybe some sort of "hidden counter-blacklist", so when person A blacklists person B, in same time person A writes themselves into person B's counter-blacklist and only way to get out from it is unblacklisting person B and waiting one month (so they won't be able to join person B's already running giveaways anyway).
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Yep, I'm up to 40 blacklists from closed minded people. But I've also discovered those said people are constantly on ego trips.
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Funny thing is, most times I got blacklisted was when I wasn't even on the site for several days xD
I think some people use random blacklist bots. Because bots for everything, right?
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Not really strange at all. If you're even slightly active on this site (and you have sent quite a few gifts and also won a couple) you'll get blacklisted. Don't worry about it. There is a good chance you'll never even meet those people again.
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People can and will blacklist for anything. And unfortunately, youre probably going to land on some blacklists for adding to the "why am I blacklisted" pile of threads.
edit: Reread it and I dont mean to sound nearly as snarky as I sounded (its been a rough day). Youve actually been on my whitelist for awhile. Its probably best to not really pay it much attention. People blacklist for just about anything. Some blacklist their winners to give other people a chance, some dont like if you do too many group giveaways, some dont like region locked giveaways, Ive been blacklisted by someone after I had them rerolled for rule breaks, some blacklist over opinions on the forums. Until you start heading towards the Konrads record of blacklists, I wouldnt worry about it :)
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I wouldn't take it personally. Someone could blacklist you for many reason and not necessarily for negative reasons. Maybe someone black listed you because you won one of their giveaways and didn't want you to win another that they gave away. Who knows. Best to just not look or dwell on the blacklist and appreciate the whitelists :)
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This, I wish more people used whitelists instead of blacklists. It would certainly improve morale around here.
If you don't want certain people to enter your giveaways, just whitelist the giveaway.
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Considering your low number of wins, you probably caught a few from discussions or even from your own giveaways if you've ever put "unfair" restrictions on them.
Embrace your blacklisting. So long as you know you aren't a tool it doesn't matter.
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Seven may as well be zero. That's a fraction of a percent of the users here. Don't worry about it.
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Yeah looks like you've definitely entered a fair number of giveaways I'd have never entered. Doesn't seem blacklist worthy to me though.
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That all? I'm on 180. I blacklist a lot more though, and so a good number are bound to be simply blacklists in return, which I don't mind (I try to avoid entering giveaways of blacklisted users, but the addon I use to see them doesn't always load the icons right away).
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If you have Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey check out this script on SteamGifts
It lets you put labels besides usernames so you know why they're blacklisted. The icons also show up all the time.
Also, how the hell did you end up on 180 blacklists?
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I already use an addon for BL / WL icons and user tags, but sometimes when I load a topic, the icons don't appear right away since the browser puts it off while the page is still 'loading'.
I keep hitting 1000 people on my own blacklist, and often request those people blacklist me so I don't enter any of their gives, while some are simply pissed that their actions have consequences and so block me from entering all the giveaways they never make. >:D
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That is correct. Can range from unactivated / repeated wins to a ref link or attempt to beg. Results in a full list, unfortunately.
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They stay on my list. It isn't impossible to get off, but the people that are removed are either gone from the site for at least 6 months (and so clearly won't return) or are part of a private group that doesn't allow the blacklists.
Even more rare is when I've removed at their request of another chance (3 so far), but they will have to be really deserving of it (typically the super generous and highly active sods). 460 wins to 40 gifts, not quite.
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Well, when I was kinda stupid newb I won GA, but creator accidentally gave me wrong key. I thought that was OK replacement and didn't ask right one. That's why I got suspended for a week and become rulebreaker for few months. After someone explained me that I was wrong I bought right game and now I'm clean. Kinda :D
But thanks for explaining your point.
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Just create one "SG sucks" thread and you got +300 blacklists ^^
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I'm on your list so I was jokin' about you not being on 65 as I've added another one (I didn't really tho :D).
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Blacklisting is like food or oxygen for some people here. You should not care about it
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You exist and so do others. Therefore, someone in this universe hates/dislikes you for no reason at all.
The sooner you learn this the better. Not everything has a logical reason in life, especially humans.
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I have 30 and I only won 1 game so I guess it's normal :)
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I know that feeling. He is one of two peeps who happen to be on my blacklist. Just can't let the memory fade D:.
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You are not on my blacklist boyo. At least not atm, but you can join if you like :P.
I used to blacklist due to poor ratios back in the day, but stopped when I can no longer be assed to maintain a clean list. I purged everyone but Konrad since then, and have recently another for reasons I won't go into. Other than that, I don't use the function anymore, but I understand the appeal of it.
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pat pat
One day you will find a space lobster who will love you for just the way you are. You will fall in love and grow old together, while building a family and life as a single entity. I just happen to not be the lucky one /shrug.
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I feel ya, but back on topic blacklisting people who won one of your giveaways seems a fair use i suppose.
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There are plenty of reasons while people blacklist, not all of them good either. You can be end up blacklisted for
Don't worry about it, just blacklist them in return and move on and don't take it seriously. I personally have found myself on 109 blacklists so far. I don't use addons to find them either, I actually have turned it into a game where I get bored and start looking through the forums and checking profiles till I find someone new who has me blacklisted and make sure to blacklist them in return out of fair play and so I don't come across them twice.
And being on a blacklist doesn't mean they have issues with you either many times. I am on DeltaBladeX and he is on mine, we are both 100% cool with it either way. Trust me, there are thousands upon thousands of users on here and just saying Hello to the wrong person on the forums can land you on a blacklist at times with how fickle some people are when they have no consequences.
Just ignore it and move on, it isn't a huge deal at all, about the only blacklist I would hate would be from the guy who does the puzzle giveaways whose name escapes me at the moment.
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Probably not ratio in OP's case tho.... that's fantastic! xD
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You forgot my favourite: creating too many giveaways at once.
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Wow! I had missed that thread. Some people will complain about just anything.
Comment has been collapsed. long as there is no mentioning of that in the website FAQ i can freely do it. Most of all, it was intended as a reference, not as a discussion. I wonder where you were when I was breaking my fingers on the keyboard and making tickets to support about the political/religion topics and when the gay pride topics were blooming on SG ... ?
And are right about the gaming community. I share your statement.
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people don't want that extra possible entry on their highly exclusive clickteam fusion ga
NIce one :D
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I've got 29 people blacklisting me XD no clue why, but it's a whatever.
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Hey there.
In my Stats, i can see, that i am on 7 Blacklists, but why? Im never nasty to another people and my trades are always perfect. Also i created many giveaways and everyone got the promised game. When i won, i always marked that as "received".
I dont understand why someone should put me on a blacklist. Any ideas?
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