Are you disappointed by Humble Bundle?
But you're giving a false equivalency in two ways:
1) It's not a physical product.
2) The limit isn't described, like it is in your example.
So, first of all, keys can be generated forever. Easy as that. It costs nothing and it's not like having to make 10 loaves of bread, which can take up to 30 minutes to an hour of your day daily.
The limit's not been described. They don't say "We have 10000 keys of this game to give out" and they don't have a counter of how many keys are remaining, which, unlike with the physical bakery, it requires no time other than the setup time and to maintain.
Next, this is free advertisement that they're getting. Flat out. They claim they're giving free games, people come to their site because they've driven business there. People don't get what they've advertised and instead they're left in their store, conveniently where they make profits.
Also, they say they'll get it. People claim the key and the customers are forced to wait for it, because Humble always says "Yeah, you'll get it, we're just getting some more right now". So you go to their site, again and again, trusting the site to deliver on their promise of the keys being exhausted "temporarily". In reality, that's not what they do. It's another ploy to get you to visit the site again and again. It's a perfect way of getting people to revisit your site daily. It's at the cost of their reputation, but who cares as long as it's potential revenue.
So after all that, someone might say "what's up with you not delivering what you promised?". Humble responds that they actually basically lied and were never planning to restock, contrary to what they've said. As a compensation, they offer you a puny discount (and for digital goods, this truly is a pathetic discount) that you can use to PAY THEM FOR WHAT THEY PROMISED YOU!
So, in the end, they get this:
Free advertising for days with a minimal impact on their reputation with customers.
Cemented relationships with developers because this game isn't just a topic for that one giveaway day, but for the next few days as people try and get the game, making them more attached to it and more likely to buy it.
Extra potential revenue after offering the pisspoor discount for that said game. (benefits both Humble and the dev)
Developers are more enticed to work with Humble because of the possible benefits.
If you actually think that this was a free game, you don't grasp the basics of advertising.
If you think that products get given for free for no reason, then start thinking of what benefits companies get for this.
You're not entitled for wanting what's promised or just expecting to have decent behaviour by the company in question. Humble is having the cake and eating it too. Don't defend them because you got something out of it. It's a calculated move on their end. If it wasn't, this wouldn't be happening month after month.
EDIT: I see it was actually a mistake. But the point stands with free games. This was a universal argument against this type of behaviour, so I'm keeping it up.
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Yes, but usually the game publisher has agreed to a limited number of free there is a cap, and it's generally not set by the distributor (in this case, Humble Bundle).
I agree that it's frustrating...for me, the issue is that there is an expectation set where they've communicated to all of their users/subscribers, and when you get there, you find out that there's nothing for you. If there's going to be a cap/limited number, that needs to be very clearly stated in the communication that goes out so that expectations are set appropriately.
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The point I was making with the generating of codes was that they either display how many keys are left and how many were there to begin with or they just have the developer generate more because it's doable.
This current system's not enough. It's barebones and frankly just completely pathetic and unprofessional.
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Yeah, then go to the other method that I pointed out.
That's the reason why I gave two logical ways of doing this.
One for limited giveaways, the other for unlimited giveaways for a certain time period.
Not sure why you ignored that, but okay.
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They don't necessarily need to share the exact numbers with their customers though.
Well, of course they don't. But they also don't have to recognize Steamgifts as a site that isn't about trading or delete "exhausted keys" for free giveaways on your key page, tagged as "unredeemed". They also don't have to have a good UI or decent customer support. They also don't have to allow you to pay with PayPal. They also don't have to allow you to give a custom amount of money to charity. They also don't have to display live counters for their giveaway profits and units sold with leaderboards of the highest buyers. They don't have to do anything that's not illegal.
That doesn't mean they shouldn't. They should show how many keys are left. They should remove those unredeemable keys from your unredeemed list. They should do these extremely basic things for the good of their customers and users. Not to mention, it doesn't even have to be a number. Just give a percentage and operate like a normal website should. I'm not asking for much here. In all honesty, I'm asking less then "a little". I'm asking for something that would take them mere minutes to implement.
Right now, they get free advertisement for nothing. But I guess it's fine as long as the gullible user technically had an arbitrary chance of getting something shiny in return. Let's pretend that this is some win-lose scenario for the developers. How they're really just generous blokes that want to make us happy and would just give those keys away if it meant they didn't get the traffic or publicity from it. Yeah, let's say that's the case. They don't have to do it, you're correct.
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I think it's a shame that they screwed up, and I hope they can get their act together a bit more, but I don't feel like they owe me a game for it or anything.
Humble is usually the highest-quality bundle place out there, and (even if they use Steam keys and therefore rely on Steam) they provide a much needed alternative to buying from Steam directly. It's not like one or two screwups are going to change that.
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It was not intended to be free to begin with. And it was stated so before humble sent you the email.
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Have you never made mistakes before? Or worked for a company that has made mistakes? It happens. We're all human and fallible. If you put this into the perspective of all the other problems of the world, you might find this wasn't worth the effort it took to find your pitchfork.
If this is considered massive, what would you call Enron?
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This was an error, that is why the keys not be added to those who were late, and will be revoked for those who did get one. Mistakes happen.
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You mean running out of keys? You do realise they likely pulled them from distribution when the error was noticed, right?
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Like I said, mistakes happen. Someone heard Free instead of Free to Play weekend, and set things up wrong. When the error was noticed, keys were pulled from distribution because the last thing they should be doing at that point is giving away more keys.
And what is wrong with them revoking keys that should not have been free in the first place?
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If a game is FREE on steam, doesn't mean it has to be free on humble too. it happened previously with the case of HOMEFRONT where it was given away free on Hb and then like within 3 weeks, it was given away free on steam.
So like i said, this ain't a mistake, it's a blunder.
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Yeah, which is why I'm saying it was a mistake. It was a discount during a free weekend. Someone heard free and boom, here we are.
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No, a
is breaking a multi million dollar piece of hardware
This was minor. A few people got a game they shouldn't have.
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It happened and was easily fixed. Minor. The only big thing about this is how you are reacting about it.
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you never made mistakes? on their side there are working people as well and they are doing mistakes. a button pressed twice can happend fast and if you have much to do you might not notice it soon enough... (100% instead of 10% discount)
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This 'wonderful' piece of a guy couldn't even edit his topic's title after it falsely claimed that Quantum Break costs 3$ global - he actually added to the description someone's comment about how he should add that info to the title. And having had a tantrum with the support about his self-promotion habits. And he dares to talk about unprofessionalism and irresponsibility.
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I don't know how long the tag was there. What I do know is that it shouldn't mean they are obligated to give away a $25 game to anyone.
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Humble states orders will be cancelled, but doesn't indicate if this counts keys. Another user claimed revokes are going to happen though. I'm not discounting the possibility.
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Recently, you were able to pick up a free key for Fractured Lands from the Humble Store. We're very sorry, but this was actually a mistake due to some technical problems on our end.
If you received a key while Fractured Lands was set at a 100% discount, you'll still be able to play the game until 1 p.m. Pacific time on Sunday, November 11, 2018. At that time, the key will be revoked and you'll no longer be able to access the game.
Fractured Lands will be on sale for 30% off from now until 10 a.m. PT on November 17, in case you would like to purchase it after all. We're very sorry that we weren't able to fulfill the 100% discount for you. Thank you for being the awesome customer that you are!
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Honestly I'm not even sure it was a blunder. Rather sounds like a very well orchestrated promo.
What's going to bring more people to the HB store:
-30% off yet another Early Access Multiplayer nobody is playing right now!
Fractured Lands FREE for a limited time!
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nobody buys/sells a free game
That's just plain wrong. They start selling/trading them as soon as they're no longer free.
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Man, Orwell wants his double speech back.
Decide what you talk about -keys running out way too fast and lots of people not getting keys, or just AGAIN pulling out numbers out of your ass and suddenly claim it's 20% who didn't get a key.
Would be lovely if you would stop 'reporting' news with made up informations and speculations just to be sensationalist. No one needs that, we get enough of it from the traditional media.
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Let's get the facts straight first, please. Glass Masquerade wasn't the only giveaway within Humble's Summer Sale for which keys exhaused and weren't restocked. was also affected. Let me search it for you... et voilá: SG discussion. If you just want to shout "But it happened twice!", you could have already done that then.
Now in my Humble opinion it's bad manners to expect more giveaways than there are, but I admit that you can blame them for bad wording (not stating limited time or exact key amount for said giveaways) and for not enough anti-bot measures.
The thing with Fractured Lands is something else: a price glitch. It wasn't supposed to be a giveaway at all. Of course, it isn't a "technical mistake" as Humble claims in their email, but a human mistake, probably based upon a misunderstanding. But it's absolutely correct to name it as they did, because people make mistakes all the time. I hope you're never going to be fired, because you just did one mistake.
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Well, at Humble's location (and probably at yours as well) worker's rights aren't as good as I experience them, but if they kick someone, because he/she put a wrong price tag on a game, shouldn't the one who trained him/her and the one who hired him/her being questioned as well? Or only after the second time? And isn't there a security popup, if someone enters a 100% discount? Or four eyes principle? If not, who is responsible for that?
There are many rants about HB's newer bundles, because people got spoilt and have high expectations, but at least they paid (monthlies) for it or are willing to pay for higher quality bundles. But due to missing a giveaway or an extreme price glitch for a game? Asking for firing someone? Someone who might have to feed a family?
Also the game has been given several times away for free and will probably end up as another dead F2P multiplayer.
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Of course workers do have rights, and everyone from top to bottom should be held responsible. Examples must be made so that things like this won't repeat in the future, and even though giving away game do have to pass a lot of approvals from the dev side and even from the top management side. i guess you understand what i'm trying to imply.
It's not at all whether i get the game for free or not, it's because they came into public and now they are going berserk (due to developers intervention)
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And the only possible consequence for a mistake is to directly kick them? A bit unimaginative. :D
I mean I've heard that there's much fluctuation on India's job market, here it's more a lack of talents. So you don't dismiss somebody who was trained a few months due to one mistake, since you don't get a similar employee fast.
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Before declaring or giving away a game for free, there are a lot of approvals required, they just cannot giveaway a game for free just because it's a free weekend on steam. This is a blunder, not a mistake, and things like this should be taken seriously, since this is not the first time this happened.
And now they are stating it as a technical glitch, well businesses get broken over a technical glitch, and this is absurd.
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Honestly, you're the one being absurd for getting so worked over this. If it was a technical error then it was a technical error, it happens all the time. Just take the Steam sales, for example, there are price glitches every single time. Are you going to start a thread now complaining about those too? Seriously, this entire thread is just pointless.
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So you're basically saying, screw the developer who would've lost money if they wouldn't revoke the keys people had already grabbed because you think that everyone who did claim the key while it was available is entitled to keep it despite it having been an error because, well, they already claimed it? Now that's some shitty way of thinking. Of course, they're going to revoke the keys if they were never meant to be given out like that Nobody loses anything as nobody has paid anything, so what's the real issue here? Oh, right, nothing.
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I think if they gave away something for free, then it's free, we didn't asked for it, but as i said, price change, giving game for free, do have to go through a lot of approvals, it just happens in 1 day.
It's not about paying or getting, it's about commitment.
Sometimes people underestimate shit, with shit, and even with more shit, but still that shit is still shit, isn't it?
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Just say that you simply don't care if HB or developers lose money because you think that you're entitled to get a game for free because it turned up on the store page for free by accident. Again, a perfect example of today's entitlement that a lot of people think they have when they really don't. =)
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Abrix for kids is 90% off on Steam if it's any consolation.
Abrix is back! The new task is to get a treasure stolen by nasty Humble. Join it and take part in solving intriguing puzzles of this extremely engaging illogical game.
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Shit happens. At the end of the day, it's nothing but pixels on a computer screen so there isn't really any real value lost here. I did grab a key but no, I'm not mad or angry that they're going to revoke it. Honestly, people feel way too entitled these days and just love to complain and get upset about anything and everything often for no reason whatsoever. You don't know the details of what happened and there are too many possible factors to draw a simple conclusion. Also, simply assuming things or speculating is a bad habit that hardly ever leads to anything good in most cases. To me, it feels like this thread was started to get some kind of HB witch hunt going or something. Just let it go and move on.
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Honestly, people feel way too entitled these days and just love to complain and get upset about anything and everything often for no reason whatsoever. You don't know the details of what happened and there are too many possible factors to draw a simple conclusion.
I thing one thing you and me both can agree on is that this should not be happened at the first place. And even it happened, the way they trying to put everything behind "technical glitch" is a bluff, perplexed to some extent if i say.
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You should really stop coming up with conclusions because you don't know what happened. Do you work for HB? Did you create the error so you know 100% that it wasn't a technical error? No, you don't, so please stop thinking that you know the answer to everything and that they're just making things up because, as I said, you simply don't know and all you're doing is speculating which does not mean that you are correct.
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That doesn't make me that I'm incorrect, and based on the previous cases i think I'm right this time. Because it needs a lot of approvals before changing prices / making a discount. Because no one take chances with the prices of their products, as it will directly impact their business.
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Again, you don't know what happened so even if you think you're right, doesn't mean you are. Do you know how HB manages their site? No. Do you know the exact process of how games get added to the store? No. Do you know the exact process of what has to be done for a game to be shown as discounted? No. So, again, you simply don't know and personally, I give them the benefit of the doubt because I've never had an issue with HB before, ever. If you're so fed up with HB then simply don't use their website anymore. Problem solved. =)
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Hey there, nobody is perfect, but as i said some mistakes do hurt reputation of the company, but the way people are losing their minds is a substantial evidence that they need to focus more on their job or work which they are supposed to do with full responsibility
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you are loosing your reputation in this topic as well but nobody will fire you ;)
you might only get blacklisted
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They are a storefront, it's always been a business. It just had the charity side too which is still there. I agree HB had changed but I don't think it's because of IGN but mainly because the PC game market had became oversaturated. There are many bundle sites now with different gimmick, combined with grey market exploitation they can't just stay the same.
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They are giving these games for free, in fact they had succesfully given away many good games for free before. If they don't do that anymore I would be sad but definitely not angry just because someone stopped giving me free things. This time seems like just a simple mistake, it happens and there is basically no consequences. Their policy regarding gifting people games here bother me more because those cases tend to involve products you actually paid for.
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Yeah, i definitely agree that they were giving great games in the past for free, but have you heard that they are going to revoke keys (which they distributed) or the keys gets exhausted like within 10 minutes? I mean WTF.
And even people who got the keys, will not be able to actually play those games for free. So i think this is indeed a false advertisement did intentionally (as they did the same before).
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They revoked keys fast because it was a mistake, they didn't make you do anything or buy any product, they just put the game there and you can take it if you want. How is it false advertisement if nothing is being sold?
And even people who got the keys, will not be able to actually play those games for free
How horrible for them, not being able to play cheap games for free or resell them on grey market sites.
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Hoe many times people need to tell you that they ran out of keys because either noticed the mistake and closed the option to claim, or they simply didnt' stock thousands because (as you already read multipletmes and still ignoring it) it was not supposed to be free, so they had stock based on previous sales, corresponding to the number of expected sales with the discount.
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Honestly, I read it as "Hoe how many times..." and I was like, "wow Adam is getting slightly rude here". ;) Sorry for the brain fart... but that happened because of your typo. I also want to thank you for that typo, it made me giggle. yes, I know, I'm immature
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Got Fractured Lands from Alienware and I will never play this game, so I don't care.
As for Glass masquerade - I got it from hb giveaway in time, and looks like most people from my friendlist also have it (15/18), so I don't see the problem. Blame generous people from steamtrades with scripts and bots - they got thousands of Glass masquerade keys for reselling
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Actually, omitting the problem of mass key grabbers, and mistaking 30% with 100% the porblem is that HB doesn't share the number of key remaining in stock for promotion. It's obvious to everybody that all resources are finite, but by not showing that (thrugh some simple counter) HB gives the impression, that keys are infinite opening the door for dissapointed comments.
They have got the tech for counting upwards in normal bundles. Time to get tier 2 tech of backward counter.
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would it matter if they showed how many keys were left? The scammers and bot armies would still lap up any available keys no matter what.. This is why games aren't given away for free, because the bot armies descend on them and gobble them all up, and the Developer gains nothing but lots of bots now owning their game.. It's especially bad in the case of a multiplayer game when the developer gives away keys to help build up the playerbase, then all the keys are grabbed up by resellers/scammers/scumbags to idle their endless alt accounts for free cards..
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As I wrote, it is a solution only to prevent disappointment/resentment from would-be customers. It also probably wouldn't work in 100% of cases. Bot armies/scammers are a different problem, and unfortunately, after giving game away for free the only way to stop them seems either to be keeping game free from now on, or something totally crazy, that nobody even thought about before you met me on this forum, so I claim all rights blah blah etc., that is making the key itself only be elligible for x days. So even when you have 10k keys from HB, they all expire, say in 3/7 days. After that, thay are worthless.
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yeah, putting an expiration date on the keys would be nice to help combat the scammers and bot armies, but most of them are just redeeming them on their alt accounts to farm for cards to sell on the market which won't really have any effect on getting the games to people who would actually play them..
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Welp, I'm just trying to solve one topic at a time. Expiration keys would sort of solve it if there were no trading cards on steam, so this can work for Uplay/GOG/Battle net or whatever other platform exists.
You seem quite knowledgeable on this topic (as proven by torpedoing my ideas with real life examples). Do you know about some/any kind of certain ways of not letting the scammers/bots grab keys without scaring customer base away because 15 steps of clicking 3/9 tiles with stairs/cars/streetnames, captchas and stuff like that will just make customers hate the shop.
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revoking the keys is nice^^ some reseller might get angry when they try to sell the keys^^
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oh you know for a fact when the keys get revoked you'll have loads of angry people who listed them to sell on the various key selling sites, not getting hit with bad feedback because the keys they sell are no longer working.. Shame that Developers can't even give away keys anymore without bot armies just pillaging them..
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if you got the game and have it revoked later on because someone made a mistake with putting it as free instead of 30% off.. what's the big deal,, you have lost nothing due to this issue.. You get to play the game free for a few days, maybe get some cards, and then the game gets revoked..
no real reason to be all up in arms, you make yourself sound very entitled by doing that..
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Hmm I experienced the "Glass Masquarade" episode too.
I don't care about it too much to be honest but feel that the first time was sort of shitty of them since to get it you had to visit the site to collect stamps. So they told you to do an action to receive something and in the end they don't hold up their end of the bargain.
Unaware of this second event. But seems that they didn't make you do anything for it so I would write it off as an error on their part and don't care.
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Being mad over not getting something that was absolutely free and did not require any effort more than pressing a button would be irrational. You can be dissatisfied, even disappointed, but angry? The word "entitled" comes to mind.
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This situation and the one with Glass masquerade aren't similar at all.
Glass Masquerade was being given away for free. Unfortunately there was an issue surrounding it that wasn't discovered until later on and it was felt best to stop the distribution of free keys.
Fractured Lands wasn't supposed to be given away for free, it was an error by HB.
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Two things are similar in both the situation.
But this time, they're not only stopped giving keys to new orders, but also they said that they'll revoke the keys that they already distributed.
2 incidents in three months, that's bad
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If a site as large and prolific as Humble only makes two of these mistakes in three months, given the range of human,key acquisition and dev compliance mistakes that can happen, I think that's not bad by a long stretch. It only becomes quote-unquote bad if it becomes a true holding pattern, but only because it means staff aren't communicating or there is a recurring hiccup. For any reasonable adult it's not even worth batting an eyelid over, unless you're in some regional situation where you cannot purchase games for yourself. While that would be aggravating, those would still be keys you wouldn't have had access to in the first place, and we're literally talking about this in a place used to raffle off games for free...
I dunno, the evaluation of this seems awfully out of tune.
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Yes, because you shouldn't of received a free key to begin with. There was no promo for a free key it was an error on the store.
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Please don't delete your comments,
And second if they wrote on the site that it's FREE, then it was FREE, even though they did a mistake, as they are calling it, but it should not have been happened at the first place and the person should at least charge with a penalty, or a fine for such blunder
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Obviously it shouldn't of happened it was an accident. That's good that they sent out an apology explaining the situation. There's a chance that the person responsible did get reprimanded. I'm glad they were able to fix the issue by revoking the keys.
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121 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by moothu
Hello everyone,
Recently this is the second time that humble announced a free game to be distributed and within like 15 minutes, they said that the keys are temporarily not available and will be given when it would be there.
And like 10 minutes ago, i received an email saying that the keys WILL NOT BE DELIVERED and instead they are giving 30% discount on that game.
Isn't it a bit too much? Never seen before that the keys were exhausted within 15 minutes.
What do you think about this behavior?
Case 1 - Glass Masquerade | Contents
Case 2 - Fractured Lands | HB email
Glass masquerade has the similar problem where it was given away for free and then the keys never arrived, and now it's showing that the redemption deadline has been missed (which never ever happened before, at least with me, being to regular).
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