This gentleman know what he's saying.
It's all about them there bundles of mixed bagginess.
Also, join the groups on steam that notify you of giveaways.....I get 4-5 EVERY DAY. Most I already have, but there's rarely a day when I have my computer on that I don' get to +1 the old library.
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The steam sale is how I usually did mine.
this site allows you to compare prices of the games from most if not all the site sales if that helps.
Also free games or keycodes get given out at least once a week at times if you know where to look.
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Absolutely - this is excellent.
Same thing, different way - EnhancedSteam browser extension. Tells you on the store page where it's currently cheapest and when and where it was historically cheapest and how cheap it got, so you know if a current "deal" is really a good deal or not. ALSO, you can see whether a game is a bit of a discount tart, so if you've limited money(or have one of those conscience thingies and feel guilty about spending all that cash on games) you know to pick the one that doesn't often deep discount if there are two or three to choose between.
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This might be of interest:
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Also, and this might seem counter-intuitive, crafting badges can help. You get a discount voucher each time you do.
IF you get 3/5 cards for playing or idling the game, and the other 2 cards cost 0.02 each, then you might get a 90% off(or 80/75/66/50 are also V common) voucher for a game. The other day I spend £0.07 on a game....and it was quite good - well I spent 20 minutes happily, and that's not bad for £0.11(incl. cards bought).
But then....and this was an unexpected bonus....when the cards dropped, I realised they were worth £0.07-9 each, so I was a net beneficiary in that deal, which is always nice if a little irrelevant.
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Get a whole bunch of games on
or the trading section of DIG
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Isn't there some Russian site as well that sells loads of game keys for like 10-25c?
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It is the same site - I checked my emails - and I was able to use my card no problem, and I live in good old Blighty.
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Actually, they do accept Paypal, just not via the normal checkout process. You have to email them with a list of games you want, then they send you a total and you send them the amount via Paypal.
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Hi, my question has nothing to do with the topic but noticed couple of weeks ago I was on your BL. Didnt want to bother asking but every time I see you name I always wonder why, if you dont mind answering? :)
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I have no idea. Might have clicked by mistake. I removed you.
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It's not dumb, rather, it has something to do with not being able to set a minimum amount for purchases or something like that. They don't want a bunch of small payments that they'll have to pay fees for. If they could set the minimum to $1.00 or something similar, then they would do it. At least, that is the explanation they gave me.
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Their payment processor/gateway doesn't have the capability, if I remember what they told me correctly.
I don't know, but like I said, they're not completely averse to Paypal, just for some reason haven't made it part of the checkout process.
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then change it to be similar to DIG and sell me credits to buy stuff instead. ^^
their current setup is just a loss of possible income though. xD
edit: i'm not opposed to giving the raw CC info either, but my visa isn't chipped and they won't accept it.
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Yeah, they could do that. Maybe they don't need the money that bad, since they specialize in selling huge numbers of keys to bundlers and retailers, and don't really care about money from individuals that much.
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That would be this background:
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Though I can't say I understand the point of the goal, befriending the right people would probably get you a long ways very quickly and cheaply. I'm not offering, so don't ask, but I have keys for nearly 500 different games sitting in my inventory right now - left-overs from years of bundle purchases that I will eventually just give away on SG or other places. There are quite a few people on here in similar situations...I would guess there are a handful that could even hit that 1000 games mark all in one go. Many of us wouldn't hesitate to gift a boat load of games to a friend, and most of our friends already have them or don't want them. :)
Of course, making a friend like that wouldn't be an easy proposition...though you might be able to find someone who'd be willing to offer that kind of help for a relatively low price (again, not me).
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Buying bundles, a bunch of them over a couple of years and you'll end up with more games than you can play on the next decade. It also helps to grab every freebie floating around the internet.
On a side note, what background are you using on your steam profile? I've never seen one designed to extend the grey part.
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Good to know achievement fraud actually pays off :D
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Not at all :D I was talking about the Zup! developer. From what I've been told it's an ok-ish little puzzle game but nobody would have heard about it if it didn't give 1700 achievements which can all be collected in ~ 90 minutes. It's great that they found another way to improve their games by adding a grey thingy to their Steam profile backgrounds where other backgrounds have none :D
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There is also easy to get multiple free games per week.
Google "reddit free steam" or similar and you can find sites/threads posting free games.
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Buy games, sell cards, buy more games, sell more cards
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well bundles are the only way actually
like indiegala, they have 3 bundles per week, monday, wednesday and friday
the bundles cost arround 2€ each for 10 games, sometimes more, sometimes less
3 bundles per week make 6€ for 30 Games
in 10 weeks 60€ for 300 Games
in 30 weeks 180€ for 900 Games
like so can you calculate
for each indiegame you can calculate 0,10€ - 0,20€
that makes 100€ - 200€ for 1.000 Games
DIGStore has sometimes games for 0,05€, and there are also other sides with games
dont look on the end price like 200€, just invest 5€ per week and you will get your thousand soon
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Here are my suggestions, based on having an 'empty' Steam account:
1) Go to Steamground, make a list of everything you want, contact support with the list and they will send you a way of buying all games on your list with Paypal in one go. Will take a day and a little bit of effort, but you will get hundreds of games for $20 or so.
2) Go to DailyIndieGame. Grab their freebies from the front page. Buy their bundles that you don't have, and then go to their points store and buy the rest of the needed games. Many are cheap, cost 5 cents each.
3) Go to OtakuMaker or GoGoBundle and get their bundles. There may be group buys for these too.
4) Pre-order every Groupees game bundle.
5) Go to Indiegala, grab the freebie from the store, then either buy their bundles or get them from a group buy.
6) Install IdleMaster and farm cards like crazy. As soon as you get cards sell them on the market (I think Steam Inventory Helper can automate this). Use the Steam wallet funds to buy cheap games directly from Steam, many of the cheapest 'sale' games can be 20-50 cents each. Important to do step 1-3 first before this, so you don't buy something from Steam that you could have got for a fraction of the price from the other stores.
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Also. Every day some developer or site gave away some keys for games that are sometimes even worth playing.
Right now (hurry up, only 3 hs left) humble bundle has Dungeons II for free)
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I'm just a filthy, spoilt rich kid with his mum's credit card.
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i m also want 1000 in my account and spent 0 usd to get them
i just idling games for others
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It depends if you are going for quality or quantity
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What's the easiest, quickest and cheapest way to over 1000 games?
I've been searching through bundle sites and none of them has anywhere near the amount needed, so any help would be appreciated, thanks!
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