Supporting GamerGate means supporting which side ?
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It does not matter who you support or don't support, it shouldn't have anything to do to affect your online purchases, it is your private business and not anyone elses concern. I do not care about #gamergate at all but this is beyond stupid.
Dev seems like a complete tool
""Note: I have been alerted to this Facebook post: This could be construed as a promise of a key for anyone trying to weasel their way to a fraud accusation""
Fraud accusation? Seriously?
This guy is an utter idiot
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What is GamerGate? Also the Greenlight of "I Get This Call Every Day" has been removed from Steam, so I doubt it will ever be released.
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Apparently it's a movement highlighting corruption that's become pervasive in game journalism, but seems to be spun as some kind of discriminatory movement against women in the industry due to the actions of a few individuals. It's a huge mess, really.
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"It's a huge mess, really."
Probably the most accurate description description of GamerGate I've seen. That includes the opposition.
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What the dev wrote and your head line do not fit well together, as far as I can tell.
From what I've read, the game has been greenlit on April this year, but dev decided not to bring the game to Steam, so he will offer refunds (on a case-by-case base) to all those who purchased the game on GamersGate in expectation of a Steam key.
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August 18: I am sorry to announce that I Get This Call Every Day will no longer be coming to Steam. The updated version is being put on indefinite hiatus.
Today: Yes, despite previous posts, I Get This Call Every Day is coming to Steam
from his fb page
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GamersGate (the store) != GamerGate (the controversy). They are unfortunately very closely named though.
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There is a slight difference between a developer making claims about an in-progress game that don't end up getting delivered on, and a dev deciding not to make good on a promise on a case by case basis, depending on whether they like your politics.
Come on...
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Yes there is. But both things are - objectively - bad. So, complain about AAA pubs before (or even at the same time as) you complain about this. Don't let one slide because it's accepted practice, or they publish your favourite franchise.
(note: "you" as in generally you, not you specifically. :) )
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What a great way to draw some new attention to your crappy game.
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+1, artificially creating a scandal seems to be mandatory nowadays on an over-saturated market.
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Considering he and people around him are the ones who's been harassed by the GG crowd, I don't see how you comment makes any sense in this context. There might be some good-intentioned people in the GG movement, but for someone who doesn't follow closely they just look like any other hate group. Even if it's just a few idiots who give the whole movement a bad name, to most GG is synonymous with misogyny and harassment.
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You're basing your observations on lies that get repeated often enough that some people start mistaking them for the truth. Actions speak louder than words, and they don't show any harassment by GG, while leading and celebrated anti-GG people organize harassment campaign against not just GG-supporters, but also fellow anti-GG's that are not extreme enough for their liking - while the rest of the movement cheers on. I've done my research, and every day proves anti-GG are the harassing pitchfork mob in this story.
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Well, you didn't gave link to whom said it. All I know, GG crowd screams "I'll kill you, you SELF-CENSORED", while antiGG crowd replies "white male trash is again unhappy".
All I'm saying, "white" is typical insult antiGG use against GG crowd.
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Everyone deserves to be treated decently, even jerks--not that I think every person who supports GamerGate is a jerk. He promised them keys if they bought his game pre-Steam, so they supported him. He's basically putting up a middle finger to much of his fanbase, which has to be humble already with such a niche game. That's dumb if he wants to be a successful game dev, and it's generally shitty behavior to go back on people who gave you money because they liked your work.
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He'll just go on everyone's shitlist like all the other retard dev's we've been seeing over the last couple of years and never sell a game again because of it.
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Wow, yet another indie dev gives himself toxic PR. It's almost like they hate the industry they chose to work in.
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What an idiot. First time I heard about his shitty game, so I guess at least the fucker gained some "attention".
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Here's what he wrote on Facebook. Sounds reasonable to me. He must have realised that Steam doesn't stand for gamergate, and he's offering refunds to those affected, so all in all I think it's a good move. I can understand not wanting to support people of a movement which caused direct harm to people close to you.
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I say good for him for standing up to the hate crowd. He's putting his principle first and that's very honorable.
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I heard this dev on Giant Bomb's Bombin' in the AM, and he seemed like a cool enough guy. This GamerGate stuff has just ruffled the feathers of everyone deep in video games. Some people--on both sides--are simply a bit too passionate about it, to a point of irrationality. I'm curious if this dev would give a Steam key to someone whose views on GamerGate are similar to TotalBisquit's--he's adopted a more middle-of-the-road opinion on the issue.
Ultimately, though, it's both unethical and bad business to promise a gift for those who support your game and then to revoke the gift for people you disagree with in regards to a majorly blown out of proportion situation between two ex-romantic partners.
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People paid for it. It's not a gift if yo pay for it.
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I actually didn't realize it wasn't one of those "Support us on Greenlight, get a key" deals, guess I should read more attentively.
Either way, Deiru's right. It's a bonus since you didn't directly buy a Steam key (eg GMG, GamersGate, Steam). That doesn't make the dev's decision any less shitty, though.
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I'm fairly certain it's not, like I said in most places it wouldn't be. You're not allowed to exclude customers based on their political views or affiliations. Even less so after they purchased your product.
What are you basing the conclusion that it's legal on?
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Technically, they did buy the Steam key as well though since the developer said that it would be included upon Steam release.
It would be one thing if for some reason he could not fulfill that promise, then refunds would cover it... but he can, he's just choosing to exclude certain people based on his own arbitrary criteria.
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who gives a shit about his game anyway?
hint: I dont
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Garbage game, dumb dev. He's basically ensuring he has no future as a game dev, GG.
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So, if you previously bought I Get This Call Every Day and were promised a Steam key in the future, you might not get it, becasue the dev decided that if he discovers you supported #GamerGate you're not worthy of the key.
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