Well, i've been unfairly striked because of privating games (how should i know that privating games would be as same as "don't activating" them??)
I think this detail should be specified CLEARLY in the rules, with the same word (cause privating isn't the same as removing!).

I say this because i'm on this community since 2016, i feel unfairly treated, and i'm sure more people will do the same.

A little advice to y'all, and a suggestion for the admins to clarify it all.
Have a good weekend everyone.

3 months ago

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I believe setting game to private and removing it is treated equally. As there is no way to separate those actions.

3 months ago

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Actually they're two different actions, when you private a game you can reverse it anytime (and you still have it), removing it is self explanatory.

3 months ago

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For your information, permanently deleted games also can be undeleted.

Steam Support >> Games and Applications >> Search for a game >> It's not in my library >> Restore the previously removed package to my account

For API, both actions are same though.

3 months ago

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Interesting, but normal users wouldn't know about this info, i'm suggesting this to clarify (also, i've proved that they were only privated with prints, and still, the ban reason is for "don't activating win").

3 months ago

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Well, since SteamGifts can't tell either it's deleted or set as private, both go as not activated win. And both can be undone. However only you can see them after these actions are done. That's why a public profile is required here, and of course set public for the wins too.

3 months ago

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They don't mean that the action is the same on your end in Steam. They mean that in both cases, your library will look the same to anyone else looking at it. In both cases, the game doesn't show up in your library, and there is no way for anyone else to know whether you didn't activate the game, you removed the game, or you marked it as private.

3 months ago

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Yeah, and that's why i'm suggesting this. There's other ppl that did the same and they're at risk now because of a unclear rule.

3 months ago

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Yup, I've been there already. I didn't even understand what happened at first. Thankfully, I sorted it out, and they lifted the ban.

3 months ago

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The problem for me is that in the past i've commited real mistakes and been banned two times (almost ten years of account lol), this was the third one and they say the next would be a perma-ban, i feel kinda threatened by this, and actually i didn't remove anything from my account so... that's really unfair.

3 months ago

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Same here too. The very first game is unactivated for me (I didn't properly understand how the site works back then), And they also said that this is final warning and the next one would be permaban. I hope that since they lifted it it doesn't count anymore, and if some of the won keys are revoked for some reason that won't result in nuked account

3 months ago

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If a won game is ever revoked, you should inform the giveaway creator of the issue (and request they delete if you are willing to allow it) and you make a support ticket to change giveaway feedback explaining the reason. That way, even in the event that a support member hasn't heard about the revoked keys and takes care of a ticket also unaware of the revoked keys, you will have a ticket and a comment to point at.

While revoked games aren't the fault of the winner, best to keep on top of that when an issue pops up, because when it does happen, not everyone will be aware of the issue. Especially when it isn't a mass revocation of keys.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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I agree, it should be stated clearly in the rules that setting a game to private isn't allowed. Only excuse: Steam added this feature relatively recently.

3 months ago

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At this point, it is probably being counted as part of this.

Won gifts must be activated on the Steam account used during registration, and they cannot be regifted, traded, sold, or removed from your Steam account after activation.

Granted, they do still remain on the account, but to everyone else, they are reported as unowned.

What does "Mark Private" on a game do?
In general, marking a game as private will cause the game to appear to other users on the Steam platform as if you did not own it at all.

Some users seem surprised that it also prevents the mods here from seeing those games. -_-

3 months ago

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Setting a game to private causing a ban can be derived from existing rules undeniably as you just proved. I do still think more clarity as in a sentence like: "setting a game to private on your Steam account which you won on SG is against our rules" would avoid unnecessary antagonism.

3 months ago*

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I agree that an update to be 100% clear would be useful, but I can't rewrite them myself. It has been discussed even before the feature left testing.

3 months ago

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Yeah, and that's the problem, being banned because of something we didn't knew about (and in my case, the next would be a perma-ban :/)

3 months ago

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Not knowing doesn't get you out of punishment if you end up breaking rules, sorry to say. Something we get to tell people when they believe not knowing should get them out of one strike rule breaking.

I agree some rewriting could be useful just to mention that exact feature as not being allowed, but it does say games must be activated on the account and can't be removed, and this feature goes and tells everyone that you didn't follow this rule. SGTools will report the wins as unactivated. Our own tools will report the games as unactivated. A manual check of the library will report the games as unactivated. I'd hope anyone thinking about it should see why that would be a problem.

3 months ago

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Well, if i don't know about it even reading the rules, it would cost something to specify clearly that privating games are prohibited? Cause the only thing that's written are that you can't remove it from your account, how am i suppose to know that privating the game is the same thing as removing it?
Communication is fundamental.

3 months ago

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Private is a recent change on Steam.

3 months ago

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Someone here (deleted comment) sent a link about a post he made about this same issue a year ago, it's been a while and they didn't do anything, the solution is simple, just the word "PRIVATE" added in the rules.

3 months ago

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Making the game private works the same as removing game from an account for anyone else except the owner.
So make game private = delete game from an account (for anyone else that owner).

Removing game (hiding etc.) is denied by the site rules.

3 months ago

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Yeah i know, just giving my opinion here about clarifying stuff, it was a mistake of mine, but i just want more people to know what (not) to do, that would be useful.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Privating a game and removing a game are two very different things.

For everyone but the owner, it is the same thing.

In general, marking a game as private will cause the game to appear to other users on the Steam platform as if you did not own it at all. If a game is marked as private:

  • The game will no longer appear on your Steam Community profile games list, or in the recently played games section.
  • Your status on the Friends List of other users or in chats will not change to "In Game".
  • Your activity in the game (like achievement unlocks or "Played for the first time") will not appear in the Activity feed of people on your Steam Friends List.
  • When a Steam Friend is browsing the Steam Store, your profile will not appear in the "Friends who own this game" section.
  • If a Steam Friend attempts to buy a game as a gift that you have marked private, you will not show as already owning the game.
    Showcases on your Steam Community Profile will not show the game or achievements for the game (such as the "Rarest Achievements" showcase).
  • You will not receive Steam Trading Cards for the game while it is marked as Private.
  • If you have changed the "Game File Transfer over Local Network" setting to allow other users on the same network to download games, they will not be able to transfer games that have been marked as Private.

All of that will match a game they don't own. So if anyone checks, be it support or another user, there is one outcome for people to come to.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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People also keep saying "for everyone but the owner, it is the same thing." But it still is different from removing a game.

You point this out, but it all looks the same, that is the entire point of the feature. If we came across a winner with a dozen or more missing games, do we just assume they are all private and ignore them? Or do we assume they aren't redeeming their wins and act on it? There is no way to tell the difference. But the person who made all those wins private can set them to public and have a suspension removed. The rule breaker can't prove they own them and remains suspended.

3 months ago

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This "suspension removed" you said, it applies to "permanent" suspensions aswell if everything's done correctly?

3 months ago

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Yes. Permanent suspensions can be removed. Depending on the severity, they may take more effort / longer, but it is possible. For example, if someone got a permanent suspension for repeat non activation, owning all games they won can get them back on the site. Sometimes this means they need to buy the games they won for themselves when they went and traded or gave them away, but they can return.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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You can clearly see that the profile is private.. And there's mandotary Sync Account with Steam probably so the support can see what games they have redeem I think. Also the giveaway creater can ask to see their profile to see if they have redeemed all games as far as I remember.

3 months ago

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At this point, it is probably being counted as part of this.

The relevant section (that would need to be updated to be more clear) is in the FAQ:

Does my Steam profile need to be public to use the site?
You'll need to switch to a public profile when registering, so we can confirm you have a legitimate Steam account that meets our minimum requirements. From that point on, you can use the site with a private profile. However, if you wish to enter giveaways, the site will ask you to switch to a public Steam profile once a week to bring your account up-to-date.

The part you're referencing explains process, not premise (though as canis notes far below, it's nevertheless quite reasonable to change the guideline section as well).

3 months ago*

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...setting a won game to private isn't allowed.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Sadly, they refuse to change my ban reason, even proving with prints that show that i have this games for a long time, and they was all just privated.

I can proof anything, but they just doesn't listen and keep trying to justificate something that's not in the rules.

3 months ago

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That.. seems unlikely. Unless you've got some ridiculously power-mad moderators (and it wouldn't be the first time, so not saying you didn't), standard staff practice is to resolve a suspension as soon as you restore the games to your account (nevermind that one: You wouldn't be commenting here if you were suspended, and bans are by definition permanent and in the case of SG only occur if you harass staff while already indefinitely suspended) . If you're choosing not to do that, while understanding how the site works, that's clearly your own decision. If they are, then you need to explain that more clearly so we can discuss that properly.

As far as being in the rules, it absolutely is in there. Privating is removing a game from public profile, that's intuitive, and considered basic common sense to the average SG user. Moreover, it's within the scope of Steam's expectations, so it's actually not necessary for this site to explain it in the first place. That is to say, it's not SG's rule or policy or anthing of the sort, but instead just a facet of underlying mechanism of Steam- ie, it's caused by something you yourself are doing on another site that interferes with the workings of this site, not by the site specifically targetting the action, or by you doing something on the site itself.

Basically, it's like being surprised that your fire burns paper when you apply it. Sure, the paper can say Warning: Flammable to be extra safe, but common sense is not to apply fire to things without considering the interactions first, and most people already can figure out paper being flammable by context, so it's not really expected of the paper manufacturers insomuch as it's just nice and helpful for them to add.

Moreover, as far as the service the action is actually relevant to, Steam absolutely explains what will happen if you private the game (as Gladmore notes below), and it's really on a user for using a function without reading up on it beforehand, especially when utilizing another service that may be affected by that action, though it would be convenient, helpful, and constructive for them to do so. Rather, if you didn't read Steam's FAQ for such a thing, why should we take it for granted that updating SG's FAQ would have helped make the information more visible to you?

I'm absolutely in favor of explaining things down to their essence to avoid confusions, but it's very much not a typical expectation, so you do have to expect to have helpful out-of-the-way information (eg, any overly specific interaction between any two services) like that be pushed into existence by request, not to exist on its own.

As the site does very much list the rule on removing games (as quoted by staff above) there's no further obligation from SG's side that SG needs to address. They absolutely can better clarify things in the FAQ (and that is indeed the inherent purpose of a FAQ), but that doesn't mean the reason for suspension isn't in the rules, that means the explanation for why that rule would apply to a given situation isn't.

You have a valid premise as far as the FAQ needing to be better clarified goes, but the rest seems to be entirely on your end, from having misconceptions on how Steam works (and everyone has misconceptions about something sooner or later, it's just a facet of our brains working differently from one another, combined with inevitable thinking hiccups on either end of any interaction; As such, asking for reduction in potential confusions for your personal perspectives is in no way wrong or shameful- it is, however, important to properly contextualize that a situation like that is due to how you interact with things, and not due to being victimized), to not intuiting stuff from the context provided site information or site discussions (and noone can make every logical connection all the time, certainly), to seemingly not obliging with fixing your rule violations (which actually does seem to be a genuine fault on your part).

You're absolutely not being treated unfairly or being victimized, and trying to extend the conversation into that territory just makes it unreasonable. For that to exist, an actual error or malicious intent or unfair treatment needs to have been expressed, and none of those are present, based on either the context or the information on staff interactions you've provided thus far. This is a simple communication error on SG's end combined with an excusable misunderstanding on your end. Neither of you are at fault (unless staff was unreasonably rude, or you were unreasonable about fixing the error once it was explained to you), and nothing is unfair. The site absolutely should help avoid future confusions by updating the FAQ, and you should absolutely take this as a learning experience, as this is the kind of logical connection I've seen come up quite a lot in my life, so it's definitely not a rare thing.

Put more simply, it's like complaining that something labeled as "Peanut Bread" has peanuts in it. Certainly, they could be clearer and add a "Warning: Contains Nuts", and absolutely should just in case, but it's still a pretty self-apparent situation to most people, and your having an allergic reaction would suck, but people'd be a bit skeptical if you told them you were victimized and that you're continuing to try to eat the bread and expecting things to be resolved by proving that you're eating it and that it has peanuts in it, instead of your switching to a different flavor instead.

Basically, the thread is a lot more reasonable than the title suggested to me it would be, but your presentation seems to be less on "let's resolve this confusion so it doesn't happen again" and more on "I made a mistake and you all should apologize to me on it because you all didn't go out of your way to make sure the mistake wouldn't happen". Again, you're not inherently in the wrong, but unless you can justify why SG staff is in the wrong, treating them as being in the wrong instead puts yourself in the wrong. Your mis-focus also seems to be distracting the staff members commenting in the thread from actually making the changes necessary, with them instead trying to defend themselves against your vague accusations and trying to explain their past actions. So yeah, your current approach just really isn't especially constructive. And while I absolutely get that misattributions or things out of expectation in life suck, you really didn't lose anything at all from this (unless someone rerolled on you while you were suspended, but that's extremely rare and unlikely). There's no permanent harm from a suspension, and win expectations for a few days away from the site are negligible.

So yeah, your response just seems a bit extreme, based on what's apparent to anyone else. Again, I appreciate that it wasn't a good time for you, but it's important you're framing and understanding the matter properly, rather than.. well, for lack of alternative phrasing, Karening the situation. If you really want to go out of your way to emphasize it being a staff issue, you could try and find past threads pushing for an updating on the site's FAQ on the matter. Though even if you did manage to find sufficient past threads, all it'd really validate is a general site neglect towards site rules, and that's pretty well established already. Still wouldn't reflect poorly on any current staff, who likely were unrelated to past threads entirely.

If you have any clear concerns beyond "this thing that happened to me sucks", such as poor staff conduct, absolutely bring it up. But for now, maybe focus on getting things improved rather than on overly fixating on what's already past.

3 months ago*

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Well that analogy was a little bit crazy lol.
I get it, but i'm here just advising (i'm not the only one that suffered from this, it's not like a "warning: contains nuts" situation like your analogy). Communication helps everybody, and there's other interpretations for "removing a game" from steam.

3 months ago

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Well that analogy was a little bit crazy lol.

You should hear the analogy of the grenade and the camembert cheese, then!
..nah, nevermind; Thinking about it again, that analogy really blew. Honestly, it was a real stinker.

Really, though, the only concern was with how you were focusing the thread. Understanding now that you'd (reasonably) misconstrued what a "permanent suspension"* entailed , I can much better appreciate why you were so agitated and focused on the personal perspective of things. My apologies for overlooking that possibility.

(*Note: a suspension [in a broader definition sense] is a state between two other states, in this case activity and a ban, so it shouldn't EVER be possible to be permanent; Rather, perpetual motion would potentially be able to be considered as an example of a permanent suspension, so that tells you a lot. In short, it's obscenely incorrect English, even before we consider that the site doesn't treat it as "permanent" to begin with. Again, drives me up the wall that cg has refused to fix it all this time. I keep asking for it. :P)

3 months ago*

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Couldn't agree more. English isn't my primary language and honestly i'm not that good on it, but even a kid knows what's the meaning of "permanent"...

3 months ago

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Lol i've searched for another topics about the "permanent suspension" thing and seen comments made by you 9 years ago, you're really trying to do it for a long time.

3 months ago*

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3 months ago

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How else would you explain this simple thing to someone who doesn't comprehend it? Simple and concise not complicated so they are more confused... So they can think privating is basically the same as removing for steamgifts.. Simple as that...

3 months ago

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Same shit happened to me 1 month ago. No warning, 5 day ban (and a permanent strike) for something not explained in FAQ.
This was my support ticket:

  • Gladmore

Why are you suspending me for a game from 2019.. that has been activated?
It's in my account. But was marked as private, since it's a nudity game.
I have never gone against the rules on this site. Yet a 5 day suspension for this crap?

come on 🤣

  • XnameX
    (Senior Moderator)

Hello Gladmore.

When a game is hidden as Private, only you can see it. For everyone else, you don't own it. If you don't own a game that you won, you are suspended. Doesn't matter how old a giveaway is, if you haven't been suspended for a missing win, you are suspended when we find it. I hope that explains this outcome.

Since I can't reverse the suspension myself, I'll leave this ticket open while also forwarding it to higher tier support members.

  • Gladmore

Could start with a warning.
I've seen users and mods behave like pure evil, and receive less penalty.
But hey, this is the way.

  • XnameX
    (Super Moderator)
    Hello Gladmore.

The rules and proceedings of Steamgifts as outlined in the FAQ and Guidelines are the warning.

According to the rules, all wins must be activated on the winner's account.
By marking the game as "Received" you acknowledged that you indeed received and activated the game you won to your Steam account. When we see the "Received" mark among your wins, we assume you've received the game, and if we don't find it on your account, you get suspended for violating one of the basic site rules which I quoted below:

Won gifts must be activated on the Steam account used during registration, and they cannot be regifted, traded, sold, or removed from your Steam account after activation.
Winners will need to correctly mark their gift as received or not received within one week of the gift being marked as sent by the giveaway creator. It is also necessary to keep this feedback up-to-date if the status of the gift changes.

XnameX has already given a short explanation, I'll elaborate further on it:

  • There isn't a statute of limitations and there isn't an automatic system to check and suspend users.
    If someone reports your profile then we check it and apply the appropriate suspension. *

Steam's help article about the feature explains right at the top that

Marking a game as private hides your ownership


What does "Mark Private" on a game do?
In general, marking a game as private will cause the game to appear to other users on the Steam platform as if you did not own it at all.


How is this [setting to private] different from hidden games?
There’s already an option in your Steam Client Library to hide a game, which prevents it from appearing to you. It’s an organizational tool for those games you still want to own, but want to take up space your client's game list. Private games are essentially the opposite, they are visible to you in your Library and not to anyone else.

Consequently by settings games to private, outside of yourself they are no different from unactivated or removed games. We check accounts and these games won't be found - therefore they are treated like non-activated wins.
In other words, you setting a win to private achieved exactly what you intended: You made it seem like you have removed it from your account. Which is against Steamgifts' rules.

  • As I've confirmed your win back on your account, I'll lift the suspension; the strike will stay though. Be careful about this in the future - we will not lift a suspension again after you had set a win to private. Meaning you cannot set past or future wins to private again as you will be suspended again when doing so, without the chance to get that suspension lifted.

Have a nice day.

3 months ago

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That's a shame... And they refuse to change the ban reason, as if the rules were clear (they're not, lol)

3 months ago

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So in short..

Some sad pricc reported me over a 6 year old game.
Rules are apparently fine and dandy, just not clear or specified enough.
And I better watch out.

Again.. No warning.

View attached image.
3 months ago

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Sad pricc? Calling names users, that do, what we are supposed to do, is quite out of space here, IMO. Is it that hard to admit, that you have made an error, not thinking through your actions, and that the whole mess is your, not anybody else, fault?

3 months ago

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View attached image.
3 months ago

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Some sad pricc reported me over a 6 year old game

Site policies state that you should always verify a user's activations before sending a win out to them, and to report any incongruities to staff for consideration if any are discovered. Calling someone a sad pricc (you can just say prick on this site, by the way, it's really weird having you intentionally spell it like you're trying to bypass a multiplayer FPS chat filter) because they're following site policies is weird :P

While it's a bit more iffy coming from a non-GA creator, it's still a common statement from staff (even listed in the guidelines at least once, for the calling out section) that any violations should be brought up to staff. If anything, if this was your first violation, then you should consider the staff member who suspended you as the offending entity, as staff have been allowed to do first-time warnings for years now. I mean, not that I'm encouraging targeting staff, just saying that sooner or later it was going to come up due to site policies on the matter, so the specific person reporting didn't really matter.

Well, staff do often self-report/resolve such matters, so it could honestly be a bit of an odd situation under the right circumstances.

BTW, Disney's Robin Hood references are always the best. <3

3 months ago

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I know you like to type 👍 But my spelling is not important. 😂 Aaand I never called anyone out, as you can see I even put XnameX instead of usernames.

You really missed the main point my man/lady/unicorn:

People who's been here for almost a decade, don't know about this. And a FAQ update is needed.

Better that, than throwing out suspensions willy nilly, and blaming/shaming the user.

3 months ago

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View attached image.
3 months ago*

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Who are these people though? Seriously...
Privating is like hiding something.. Good analogy would be putting something in a safe...As far as everyone else know you could have removed the item as it's no longer easily seen and as far as they can know you might not have the item in the first place. Only when you open the safe and show the item... And it would happen everytime there's a new person who looks... (This isn't good for multiple reasons)

3 months ago

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Oh, and of course they refuse to change the ban reason, even after printing and proving that EVERY game was activated a long time ago. That's totally unfair.

3 months ago

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Nothing unfair here, except of you accusing mods of being unfair, while it was your ill though action, that has caused the mess :(.

3 months ago

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I'll address this as well. There is not a "ban reason" on your account, it was a suspension. Once you removed the games you've marked as private and submitted that the suspension was removed. The ones you see now are the numerous violations you've acquired over the years. It is noted on your account that you've already been warned about making your wins private and not to do it again.

3 months ago

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This one was already marked as permanent suspension, but some admin said exactly this after lifting my suspension: "next time it will be permanent" (i got confused), in my knowledge, the meaning of permanent is that i would basically lose my account forever, is this the case or these "permanent suspensions" are correctable and i can lift it with proves? This is the reason of my concern.

3 months ago

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Yes, it was removed because you showed that you did activate your wins on your account. As long as you activate all of your wins and not use the private feature to hide them anymore, you will be fine.

I also want to add that agree it would be nice to see the guidelines updated to mention the new private feature just to avoid any confusion, like what Canis mentioned in his comment.

3 months ago

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Okay, i was just afraid of the term "permanent suspension", btw, thanks for clarifying it.

3 months ago*

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A permanent suspension has no time limit so it can be permanent. It's possible to appeal a permanent suspension after a certain amount of time, but the appeal can be denied. If it turned out that you didn't activate your games instead of just making them private the permanent suspension would have stayed because you had multiple violations for that before. I know you mentioned in another comment that English isn't your first language so I can understand if things might have been confusing. I hope my response has helped explain things better.

Also a ban is very different, it's the worst thing you can get. This is something that has no appeal, there's no coming back from that.

3 months ago*

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Got it, i thought the permanent suspension was almost the same as a ban, that kinda afraid me. Thx again.

3 months ago

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Sorry, but I disagree with your argument, it was just a strike.

If SteamGifts requires users to own the games they’ve won and you set your games to private (making it appear to everyone as if you don’t own them), you’re effectively violating the rules. This is because failing to show a won game as activated on your profile is against the platform’s policies.

You can see how this could be abused. For instance, someone might win the same game multiple times or sell the keys, only activating the game if they’re caught.

Sure, you might have proof that you activated the game, but this would demand manual verification for every case. That would take a significant amount of time and effort, even if we discount all the false claims.

3 months ago

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My main argument is that they should specify that PRIVATING games are prohibited, i'm not the only one, just read the other comments, there's people being banned because of unclear rules.

3 months ago

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The only unclear thing is the users' understanding of how making games private works. If you understand what happens when you make a game private, then it's clear how this can affect SteamGifts.

3 months ago

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Lol that's basically "this is your problem, fuck you"
It doesn't hurt anyone to be clear in the rules, and there's a difference between the terms "removing" and "privating".

3 months ago

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A private game is, to everybody but you, not owned.

It's okay to ask for this to be added to the rules specifically, it's not okay to use a feature without understanding what it does and be angry after breaking the rules.

3 months ago

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I'm trying to help, if they don't want to specify this in the rules, well, they'll have to put up with the complaints.

3 months ago

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Just as an FYI, I contemplated whether it was going too far in my other post to refer to your behavior as "Karening", but this coment alone really validated my choice to go ahead and do so. Really, take a moment and consider what you actually said here: "If they don't do things my way, I'm going to complain to them, as is my right."

You're not even remotely trying to understand the situation properly or engage in equal interaction.

Again, your underlying concern is valid, but the places you're taking it are unreasonable.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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OP clearly didnt understand the situation because he needed a warning for it. And then wanted the rules to be more clear.

If a user understands something. They read

Won gifts must be activated on the Steam account used during registration

and they understand that the game needs to be showed up as owned when others check. They understand that when you private a game that means it doesnt show up as owned. They wouldnt need the current further explanation that you cant regift, trade, sell or remove it after reading that. They certainly wouldnt need to have another word added to that explanation because it wasnt there.

There is a good reason warning labels exist. Its for people that dont understand that coffe is hot and gasoline is flammable etc.

Im not against having added that privated games isnt allowed, my point in responding to you was only that there was clearly a rule violation that OP didnt understand. :)

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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"If they don't do things my way, I'm going to complain to them, as is my right."
You overdid it on that one (just like in your analogy). I didn't said that, what i mean is that if they're satisfied with the rules and the people complaining about it (and i'm not talking about myself, i'm cool already, but you know that more people will definitely concern about this), no problem, just keep it that way, but IMO the guidelines should specify clearly that privating games are prohibited, that's all. Better communication, less problems.

3 months ago*

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That was really well put, especially the last sentence. People have rights, people owe us the things that were promised to us to some level. But bringing attention to a shortcoming, a proper complaint and making a drama out of it are so different things.

3 months ago

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Yeah, the drama was because i was upset about the "permanent suspension" thing (i thought it was going to be a permanent ban in fact but it isn't), so, sorry for the noise, btw, my opinion about better communication stills, this would definitely make everything easier.

3 months ago

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I understand that some users will want to hide certain games, but wins must remain on your account and so a feature that reports they aren't on the account will cause issues. There isn't an override for SteamGift mods that allow us to see those games, we are treated the same as everyone else.

My suggestion here for people that didn't want to have adult games visible on their account was to check the giveaways, and in the case of users with only a few single copy giveaway wins hidden, I recommended they contact the creators to ask if they could have the giveaways deleted, and explain their reasoning. While not all creators will allow it (it is lost CV, no matter how minor), any giveaways that are deleted mean a game that is no longer required to show on your account.

3 months ago

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Don't make your wins private, and don't try to win games you feel a need to mark as private. Problem solved.

3 months ago

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Yeah, clarifying this in the rules would be nice too.

3 months ago

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Rules are clear in this matter. The Won game must be shown on a user account.

Won gifts must be activated on the Steam account used during registration, and they cannot be regifted, traded, sold, or removed from your Steam account after activation.

3 months ago

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3 months ago*

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Unfortunately, there's a lot of people who treat everything like if there's no other points of view besides theirs. Know-it-all syndrome.

3 months ago

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Won gifts must be activated on the Steam account used during registration, and they cannot be regifted, traded, sold, or removed from your Steam account after activation.

Especially: CANNOT BE REMOVED. Hiding/making private act same as removing - title is removed from public listed games on this account. This broke the rule.

The ignorance of regulations is harmful, and it is not an excuse that someone did not know. He could have asked on the forum first if he didn't know or wasn't sure.

Hiding games in an account violates the rules because the game is no longer visible as activated - and Steamgifts regulations require this. The user knew that the game would no longer be visible on the account.

You're assuming that everyone else knows the same things (...)

It's already was disputed on this site, you can search over discussions, it take less than 10 seconds:

View attached image.
3 months ago*

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3 months ago

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Privating a game does not remove it.
Again, what you quoted said it cannot be removed from your account. Not that it can't be "removed" from being seen by the public.
Again, not seeing "visible" in your quote at all.

Hide/Remove - this works in same way for anyone else that owner - and he knows that game will be removed from his list of owned games. You can also delete game from account... and undelete it again. So this works in the same way for anyone who will check your account. Rules are clear: game must be activated on user account and must be visible to check it. Please show me where rules allow you to make a game "private"?

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Won gifts must be activated on the Steam account used during registration, and they cannot be regifted, traded, sold, or removed from your Steam account after activation.

Game must be activated and must be possible to check this.
Game cannot be removed from your Steam account after activation - Privating that game is against this rule because you're removing a game from your public list. It's clear - user cannot remove games from his the list of activated games shown in Steam account.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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If you make your games private, forget that you have the game and enter a GA with it.

Shoudn't that be your own responsability as you are the one who is managing your account?

Why are you going to set your games on private anyways? Do you have something to hide in your Steam library?

3 months ago

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That didn't happened, i was banned literally just because i privated the games (that's not written in the rules).

3 months ago

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It's clearly stated in the rules:

Won gifts must be activated on the Steam account used during registration, and they cannot be regifted, traded, sold, or removed from your Steam account after activation.

3 months ago

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Honestly, the solution is fair to everyone and easy to implement:

  • once a user activates a win, SG should check it once and store it in its DB in a flag, let's call it "activated".
  • once "activated" is true, said user can't join any giveaways for the respective game anymore.
  • regardless of what happens in the meantime, whether the user removes the game, hides it, keeps it on display in high regard or the game is removed by the dev or whatever, the internal DB flag remains and prevents any possible abuse.
  • There's no point in rechecking past wins marked as activated. It is already known said game has been activated and said user can't win it again.
  • Easy peasy, done and no drama.
3 months ago*

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That would be nice and it does make a lot of sense, but unfortunately, i don't think they'll do something like this...

3 months ago

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I remember this being mentioned, too bad people can buy the won game on steam, say they activated it, SG checks it - yep, it's in the library, all good. And then refund the game on steam and no more "the internal DB flag remains and prevents any possible abuse".

3 months ago

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My point stands. They won't be able to win that game again. No need to split hairs.
Also the refund window is like 14 days, it's easy to double check after two weeks, it makes no sense to do it years later. Let Valve deal with any refund abuse.

3 months ago*

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Still abusable as they can sell it instead of using it, considering how many bots are using this site, i don't see how this would be a better option instead of not entering for a game you're too ashamed of showing. Just my opinion.

3 months ago

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Still abusable as they can sell it instead of using it

And they'll get caught at the two weeks check. In the meantime they can't enter any GA for the same game.

Really, it's such a corner case that's not worth treating the whole database of users the same for a bunch of nefarious actors that'll eventually get caught sooner or later. Just my opinion as well. :)

3 months ago

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Who the heck is going to do that like 1 in a million

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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That would promote abuse. User one creates a high value giveaway, user two wins, activates, marks received, flag is set. After a week or so user one challenges the payment, gets their money back, keeps their contribution value here. Repeat.

3 months ago

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Again, easily fixed with a double check outside the refund window.

3 months ago

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You weren't banned, you were suspended. There's a big difference between the two penalities.

That support member delivered a suspension to you because when your library was checked the games weren't there. When you used the privacy feature you know no one can see the games, that's why you marked them as private. It doesn't look like you own it, so anything you win on here will look like you didn't activate the game. That new steam privacy feature doesn't change the rules here on SG, we need to see it's in your library. If there's an issue where you feel you need hide a game you win, then you may want reconsider what games you enter giveaways for moving forward.

3 months ago

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Yeah, but they said the next one will be a perma-ban (my account is old, in the past i made real mistakes), i'm just aware that i could be perma-banned for practically nothing.

3 months ago

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Whatever, imo it should be clearer in the rules, there's other people that suffered from this and received suspensions because of a certain lack of communication.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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You can't be banned unless you harass staff while indefinitely suspended. Staff policy is that you can always return from indefinite (grossly mislabled by the site as "permanent") suspension by resolving any issues that led to the suspension in the first place.

3 months ago

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Oh, thanks for the explanation, the term "permanent" in fact does aware me, good to know that's not literally the case.

3 months ago

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Man, I can't begin to tell you how much that misphrasing bugs me personally, so I'm absolutely in your corner for any gripes on that.

3 months ago

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Really aprecciate, i didn't knew that term was not literal, apparently communication isn't the strong point in SG.

3 months ago

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I like this policy and support it.

3 months ago

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Since you've went ahead and brought up your violations, I'll address your comment. You have past violations for not activating your wins, so yes, after a certain amount of those you do get permanently suspended, that's not "practically nothing" like you're making it out to be. So moving forward you need to make sure you activate all of your wins or next time you will be permanently suspended.

3 months ago*

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, i'm just aware that i could be perma-banned for practically nothing.

(my account is old, in the past i made real mistakes)

I think that's more because of the past mistakes, as you seem like a reasonable person and you won't make the same "privating" mistake, so you are surely safe.

(Also support generally doesn't hold mistakes against you that are possible to be corrected and you fixed it, as long as you don't repeat it)

3 months ago

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I like the part "i could be perma-banned for practically nothing".

View attached image.
3 months ago

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It would have been funny, if those titles would have been "Nothing 1-5".

3 months ago

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Yeah, i was referring to the private games (i really didn't knew that privating 2-7 yo games would suspend me) and also mentioned my past (real) mistakes, you're talking a lot here but isn't even reading? Someone here got more upset than myself yesterday LMAO

3 months ago

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Also, talking about being upset, i'm sorry about it, i was thinking alot about the "permanent" suspension thing, and became very dramatic (now i know that everything can be resolved and the word "permanent" aren't even literal), my opinion about clarifying this all on the guidelines stills stand tho. Better communication = less problems, that's simple and clean.

3 months ago

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I not only read but also understand - what others have a problem with.

Many things are not written explicitly - but the effect can nevertheless be guessed. I don't mind if this is clarified if not everyone can clearly understand it.

3 months ago

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Got it, i disagree bit kinda understand your point. Imo tho, canis39 did the perfect example of the simplicity of what it could be to avoid confusion.

3 months ago

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I agree that the site guidelines should be updated.


Won gifts must be activated on the Steam account used during registration, and they cannot be regifted, traded, sold, or removed from your Steam account after activation.


Won gifts must be activated on the Steam account used during registration, and they cannot be regifted, traded, sold, made private, or removed from your Steam account after activation.

Seems easy enough, not sure what the reasoning would be not to make this change.

3 months ago*

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That's my point, they just complain like it was extremely hard and unnecessary to do.

3 months ago

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I've been here since 2015 and it took ENORMOUS community-wide bitching"persistent encouragements" just to get the various site policy pages updated two or three times in total. cg is unreasonably reluctant to take the time to keep them up to date. It was said a few years back that he made it so higher ranked staff members could edit it, to improve that situation, but since that point I haven't seen any of the countless update requests actually acted on, so I have no idea what's going on. So in short, it's a long-standing complaint about the site from the community as a whole, so you're in no way alone on questioning that.

3 months ago

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It was said a few years back that he made it so higher ranked staff members could edit it, to improve that situation, but since that point I haven't seen any of the countless update requests actually acted on, so I have no idea what's going on.

Ultra mods can edit SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures), which tells the support how to handle cases. No one, except cg, can edit FAQ or Guideline itself. Support can bring up something that should be adjusted like I was bringing up many times Guideline needs to be updated from "should" to "must". But mods can't make change themselves.

The new Ultra Moderator role has a few additional permissions, such as being able to post to the Announcements category, and being able to edit our internal support documentation to help keep it up-to-date with common questions we experience when moderating.

3 months ago*

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Sounds like a good resolution to me. I also think some leniency here seems fair since these people are receiving the same punishment as a person that never activated the game when all they did was not realize marking private blocked the API from seeing the game.

3 months ago

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There's no way for staff to know what's actually happened until the user explains to them (and even there it's purely just taking the user at their word on it, staff really can't tell in any way why a game isn't showing on SG), and once they do the staff should- according to staff practices up to this point- revoke the suspension as soon as the games in question properly show up again (ie, are un-privated/re-added).

There's.. just no place for leniency, since staff isn't making any concious decisions on the matter. Leniency is inherent to "get those games back and the matter'll be over", so it's really just a question of the user's own response to the situation (unless staff is no longer engaging in that practice, which'd definitely merit a discussion as to why).

3 months ago

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That sounds good to me. I thought there was like a three strikes thing? If so, I think this shouldn't count as a strike. But otherwise, as long as there's no long-term consequence I think that's fine.

3 months ago

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I think that's fine, too. A user needed to explain me about the "permanent" thing so i was able to be more relaxed lol.

3 months ago

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AFAIK there's no long-term consequence so long as the games are reactivated? That's why Konrads was able to keep coming back from indefinite suspensions like fifty different times. Really, there's very few things that offer "strikes", for the most part staff only uses past things as data to pull from, rather than as concrete marks of rule violation themselves.

For example, "Not Receiveds" have no value at all, staff will only act on them if they personally consider there to be an "unreasonable trend of non-delivery", such as if a large portion of consecutive giveaways fail to be delivered without explanation (especially on a newer account), or if Not Receiveds repeatedly show up, forming a substantial part (ie, percentage) of the user's giveaways. In theory, the raw number of Not Receiveds would have to be EXCESSIVE for staff to act on that alone. eg, if you've given away 2,000 giveaways and not delivered 50, staff probably won't act on it so long as no clear patterns/focused periods of non-delivery emerged.

You can view suspensions here, at the bottom of the page. In the case of a user repeatedly engaging in the same behavior, staff will replicate the same suspension multiple times (eg, if you Beg, which is a 4 day suspension, after already being suspended for it, they may apply that suspension to you twice, to a total 8 day suspension). It'd have to be a very extreme situation/violation for "strikes" to apply, though certainly you could probably add up enough stacked suspensions to EFFECTIVELY remove yourself from the site :P

3 months ago

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Whole not received thing is also so weird is also due to how common deleting giveaways is. And that deletion has somehow ended up being standard solution instead of "Not Received" mark. In this discussion it was somewhat implied solution for key revocations...

I wonder has anyone gotten suspended for too many not working giveaways being deleted. As to me those clearly are fake giveaways. Which are against rules...

3 months ago

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I agree with you Canis, I'd like to see that mentioned as well, just to prevent any sort of confusion. I think what you've listed is perfect in my opinion.

3 months ago

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That's what i want this discussion to be about, i agree, that's simple and perfect.

3 months ago

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not sure what the reasoning would be not to make this change.

Well, CG has to actually work on the site, then. He doesn't want to. That's the problem.
After all, we had a big discussion about the private feature in DECEMBER 2023! It's been nearly a year. Nothing changed since then. And with the misleading rules, support has to justify their actions which would be unneccessary with changed rules.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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If you delete or hide, which is the same thing from the outside, then it appears not to be activated. This is common sense. It's also not the first time it's been posted.

The bigger problem is when games are removed from Steam, and people get temp bans for that. If these things are done manually, then at least mods could check if the game still has a Steam page. If it's done automatically, then it should be manually checked.

3 months ago

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You should also note that you still have the games private. While you can not be punished again for the same offense, you will fail SGTools checks and get on blacklists as well as being unable to enter SGTools-protected giveaways.

3 months ago

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Privitazing games feels also ungrateful to gifter. If you actually don't want game, don't enter for it. You can always check game and it is easy to recognize if you would be ashamed for owning game. Unless you use some script for entering.

Edit: considering you don't even care to say thanks for free game, I assume you don't care to show some gratitude to gifter

3 months ago

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How could anyone know if you own a game or not if you have hidden it. If you don't want to have some game in your public library, just don't enter giveaways with that game. For me It's common sense and I don't see any problem here.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Ultimately, everyone should be more upset at Valve for empowering you to hide your shame. :)

3 months ago

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I just failed an SGtools check because of having a game private, and it wasn't even an SG win. I share my games with the kids' account, and want to hide what will be a Christmas gift. (I traded for the key last week, but need to keep it hidden for now.)

I need to dig into the topic of selectively sharing my library without using Private (if that's possible).

3 months ago

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Well, first, i'm sorry that i've got upset and very dramatic yesterday, i was afraid of the term "permanent" suspension (now i know what that really means [besides not making total sense at all]), so, i wanted this discussion to be about being better communicative in the SG guidelines, but unfortunately (and my drama really reinforced that) it became a circus, and i think another discussion with better words (english is not my first language) and... someone less upset of course, would be better. I'm thinking about closing it and opening another one, my ""Karening"" (f*ck you Sooth LOL) just made people mad and i'm being even blacklisted, my opinion about clarifying stuff remains, but i think another discussion would be the way to go. Thank y'all for clarifying stuff, and let's keep going.

3 months ago

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Closed 3 months ago by ViniciusOp.