So I'm on the phone with my friend and he's reading a list of disturbing movies. Which got me things, and we all know that's a BAD thing.

What's the most disturbing movie you ever saw?

I might have to say that Antichrist might have to be the most disturbing I can remember.

Except for Night Patrol which was the most disturbingly hilarious movie.

Sorry for no GA. Nothing to give at the moment.

4 years ago

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Disturbing in what way? Good or bad?

4 years ago

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Facebook Home Feed

4 years ago

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The kind where you need YEARS of therapy after.

4 years ago

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requiem for a dream
a serbian film was another if im remembering right

4 years ago

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Requiem for a Dream was a beautiful movie, but quite twisted and disturbing for sure. One of my favourites <3

4 years ago

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requiem has a great message and it wont let you forget it with the last 10 min. if any1 hasnt seen it, its a must see.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Yep, nothing is worse than A Serbian Film. I feel physically ill thinking about it.

Requiem, on the other hand, is one of my favorite movies. It has disturbing content, but is poetically put together (it’s also an amazing book). A Serbian Film, on the other hand, is just straight up gore porn.

4 years ago

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Bump for serbian film

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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A Serbian Film is so edgy and over the top it was just straight up funny to me at some points tbh

4 years ago

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This one right here, officer.

4 years ago

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Movie was rough. Images burned into my mind forever D:

4 years ago

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My favorite movie of 2019, I LOVED it. Saw it twice in theaters, then saw the Director's Cut in theaters as well.

4 years ago

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more so due to the distance her boyfriend puts her through within his group of friends, despite the circumstances

4 years ago

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That's such a good movie. I really lliked it. Some scenes maybe but in general i do not find it disturbing more on the psychological thriller side for me.

Also that "group involved sex scene" i really find it creative. I have never seen that in any other movie.

4 years ago

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attack on titan live action

4 years ago

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All those Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen movies. GROWN ASS ADULTS who worked their asses off to get college degrees had to write scripts for them and work 16 hour days on set to make them. People actually auditioned to act in them and called their parents to proudly tell them they finally got an acting gig, and then acted in them. Truly disturbing.

4 years ago

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Hard to point at just one, but Candyman and The Babadook are certainly up there in my list.

4 years ago*

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Alice by Jan Svankmaier

4 years ago

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Little Otik!

4 years ago

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Threads. It will kill any romanticism you may have over a nuclear apocalypse. Sorry, Fallout fans.

4 years ago

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The Human Centipede, obviously!

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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First THC is a classical splatter-horror flick; The mad scientist, the beautiful (and lost) young girls, and the remote location. It's good fun but tries too hard to be revolting to really do anything for me, I've seen worse.

The second THC is more... Disturbing. It's setting allows for more of my paranoid thinking to engage; This could actually happen. To really get it you ned to see the first frist, have a laugh about it, then watch this.

The third THC is utter garbage. It's like a really poor parody on the two first movies, with no budget or script. Just big tits and a centipede. Don't watch.

4 years ago

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Oh, I'm not recommending anyone to watch any of them.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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that movie makes me horny, and hungry, and horny, and hungry.

4 years ago

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You are a sick, twisted individual.

I always knew there was something I liked about you!

4 years ago

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Eraserhead comes to mind - for that matter, so does Blue Velvet. That Lynch, he's just a disturbing fellah.

4 years ago

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This would have been my choice, its freaky, it cuts to nameless characters, the location looks depressing and heavily industrialized, everyone is miserable...

4 years ago

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I agree!

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Mine is another Gaspard Noé's, see below :)

4 years ago

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I'm not sure I dare watch it!

4 years ago

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I Saw the Devil

4 years ago

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That was a great movie.

4 years ago

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Thanks for the recommendation

4 years ago

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I think the only movie I still think about sometimes is Martyrs

4 years ago

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Yes, this one was really interesting.

4 years ago

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I was waiting for this comment, definitely need to watch that.

4 years ago

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Yep, i watched many many horror movies and i can confirm Martyrs is one of the sickest movies i ever watched, Serbian movie looks like comedy movie after you watched Martyrs.

4 years ago

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"6th sense" made me scared of windows (physical ones, not digital) behind which someone can stand and see through from the other side, staring menacingly for couple years as a child.

4 years ago

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The Shining (the miniseries) did the same for me, except with bathtubs.

I was fine with everything else, but creepy old bathtub ladies? Nope. Thought she was going to crawl up from the drain and grab me. XD

4 years ago

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i don't really get disturbed by films but the last one that left me feeling unsettled was You Were Never Really Here. great use of empty space and long-shots to illustrate menace.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Jeesus, it really seems good and disturbing...

4 years ago

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I just watched this a month ago. I had the biggest disappointment of my life from a movie. There is nothing good. Not even the idea behind is interesting. Also there is nothing disturbing about it either. At least for me since i watched everything mentioned above. They are way way more disturbing.

4 years ago

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Yall are making great suggestions. I'm still scared to watch A Serbian Film, though I've been meaning to watch it for a while, that and Salo. Not scared scared, more scared I will hate the experience and feel terrible. I gotta say Nekromantik is up there but it's terrible. The 80s blob really traumatized me as a kid. Funny Games was a mindfuck when I first saw it., changed the way I think of horror movies. I'm so desensitized now.I think a recent one I saw that was good and disturbing is The Living and The Dead.

4 years ago

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A Serbian Film 2010

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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this one is def. hard to watch. (but a "good" movie)

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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The problem with things like Human Centipede and Serbian Film is that, going into it, you know it's going to be a rough watch. The ones that really disturb you are the ones that sneak up on you, the films you put on with no idea of it being a mind twist psychological horror.

To that end, I implore you to not just assume I'm being a troll or giving a funny answer. If you think you can handle disturbing films, then from the lens of an adult, I challenge you to watch the Postman Pat movie.

"ohh, ho ho, what a edgy subversive answer, suggesting a kids film is disturbing, lol, time to disregard this comment and move on"
Except. You'd be wrong to think that.

I put this on for my daughter once a few years back and made the mistake of half watching it while browsing on my phone. Dear God, this movie. Not in the "it's for kids, so it's mind rotting" kind of way, but genuinely, some of the twists and plot points along the story really made me stop and think and react like that time Ross Noble tried to translate English-French into English-English with a bit of French and his brain just tied itself in a knot and shut down.

But hey, anyone who is into disturbing films could watch it themselves. But they wont. They'll just want someone to either tell them exactly whats so weird about it, or they'll just ignore it and never watch it.

It's less than an hour and a half long. I challenge anyone who thinks they are either a) a tough guy/gal or b) a film fan, to give it a watch and report back here.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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My friend told me Begotten is a nature documentary. We sat it together and watched it. He genuinely think it was nature documentary. And it became one of the most unique expriences from a movie just because i was expecting birds and trees. Your first sentence is so relatable. :D

4 years ago

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I gotta say Pier Paolo Pasolinis 1975 Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom, just keep in mind it's an old movie so you'll have to forgive it some of it quirks.
Then there is Pascal Laugiers 2008 Martyrs, really nasty piece of work. There's a few other films out there with similar/same name, don't mix them up.

On a side not 'd like to promote the wonderfully weird Bad Biology, the movie that finally pushed me over the edge to have nothing but contempt for the entire worlds population of humans.
I get it, a couple of friends siting late up one night drinking having a laugh - they could come up with something this bad. I even get that one of them thought it was so funny he/she wrote it down. But then I sorta lose track of how the fuck they were thinking.
Actually peddling the script?! Man, that's just idiotic. Someone reading the script and thinking, Yes, finally! This is where I'll invest my money and time!... That must require special stupid on a scale I cannot even fathom...
That being said, the movie is sooooooo bad it ends up being funny instead. But don't say I didn't warn you if really don't like it - I take no responsibility for getting those 84 minutes back into your life - they're gone because you chose to watch this. ;-)

4 years ago*

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You got me curious so I looked up Bad Biology, you weren't kidding about how bad it is. Just reading the plot summary made me feel dumber. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea and actually filmed it? People actually acted in it?

4 years ago

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Didn't know about Bad Biology, but I do know that Frank Henenlotter as one of the icons of 80s schlock horror probably only had to sell that film to himself, lacking the cheesy production companies of his heyday (Basket Case, Frankenhooker, Brain Damage). Well, now I can't un-see this, so I'll probably end up watching it. Thanks?

4 years ago

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If you laugh: You're welcome.

If you don't: Well, I did warn you...

4 years ago

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My wedding video

4 years ago

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There are a few but movies about computer hackers and politics are up there for me (Snowden, Vice, The Big Short, etc). Horror and thriller movies too obviously.

4 years ago*

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