Here in New Zealand, I just tend to use Bugger. Which is just a general curse word, without the meaning it would have in the UK.
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It was my response to a friend losing his job as well (and considering he was my 'rich' friend who was going to give me his current graphics card during his planned update early next month, it was deserving of the word).
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Eu amo-te("I hate you")
Desejo o melhor para ti("Go to hell, you bitch")
Feliz dia de anos("I hope you die in hell")
Tens um bonito sorriso(something like "pig face")
Pareces bem("you looks like crap")
All I can think right now. Have fun with this deep cursing.
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Lol South Africa takes the cake for curses. We have a word which cannot be said in public, should you say it in public you can lose your job and potentially be jailed for it. I won't say it, you can google it if you want or I can give a translation for it if someone wants. It's very racist though
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Unfortunately it's still a very big deal. America had slavery, we had Apartheid. A News Reader by the name of Darren Scott called a person the word in a barfight and lost his job. It's also not the first time someone very important has been affected by it >.<
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kedi canını senin. (i want to fuck you all day long.)
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Einfach mal ein Jahr auf Gaming scheißen...Kann mich nicht mehr begeistern. RL ist irgendwie angesagt...
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Click to hear it :P
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Motherfucker = fodedor de mães :P , click on "sound" abaris :)
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Don't forget: Dom donnerse meit naaier!
(This implies you are of low intelligence and frequently have intercourse with women of low value)
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Croatian- too many to list since we curse like crazy but let me share a few... xD
jebemu mater (something along the lines of I f*ck his mother)
pička materina (mother's pussy- used when something goes wrong)
u kurac (in dick)
krepaj (drop dead)
crkni (drop dead)
debil (a moron)
mrzim te (I hate you- so not really a curse but it matches the theme)
odjebi (fuck off)
goni se (fuck off)
mrš (impossible to translate, the closest translation would be "shoo" like shooing someone away but it is very insulting/ closely related to fuck off)
Jeboo ti pas mater (dog fucks your mother)
But the very best thing about Croatian curses is that they are basically never-ending. You can put as many of them together as you wish and it always makes sense :D
Like this:
Jebo ti pas mater da ti jebo pičku materinu debilu glupi (Dog fucked your mother, fucked your mother's pussy you stupid moron)
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The translations are a bit off, grammatically. None of them are actually in the past tense; it's the optative mood that has only remained petrified in toasts, prayers, and curses. And we don't pray as much as we drink and curse.
Therefore, "jebo ti pas mater" is really "may a dog fuck your mother". (Also, "pička" is not so much "pussy" as it is "cunt". Pussy is a nice word, as words go.)
Anyway, we have a metric fuckton (of course it's metric; only the US and Liberia insist on the Imperial system) of generic curses, but it's the tailor-made curses that take the cake. My personal favorite is "jebo ti pas kosti" (may a dog fuck your bones).
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As a matter of fact, I did consider translating the way you suggested, but have opted against it as not all who visits these forums are proficient in English so I've decided to not go full grammar nazi.
Also, none of them were translated in the past tense, as you can see they are in present simple for the very reason I have mentioned earlier on.
The only exception to this rule is the example where I used past simple as the optative mood would have sounded too pretentious to be used a curse.
As for the cunt/pussy choice, well, both are correct if you consider different applications and the ideas behind these words in Croatian.
You might call someone "pička" if they are a coward, and you wouldn't mean "cunt" as "cunt" has a different meaning when used as an insult. If you want to offend someone for being greedy you might use "pička" in the "cunt" manner.
And why did I use "pussy" instead of "cunt"? Well, I'm a lady and I prefer not to go full-out xD
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In polish:
chuj - dck.
dupek - asshole.
dziwka - wh0re (light).
kurwa - wh0re (hard).
spierdalaj/wypierdalaj/spieprzaj - fck off.
pojebany/zjebany/chujowy - fcked up.
gówno - sh!t.
zajebiste - fcking awesome.
pierdol sie - fck you.
skurwysyn - son of a b!tch.
idiota - idiot/dumbass.
kretyn - moron.
szmata - kind of wh0re.
matkojebca - motherfcker.
pizda/cipa - pussy.
chuj ci w dupe - dck in your ass/fck you.
Do kurwy nędzy - fck!.
ruchać,jebać,pierdolić - fck .
Also if you want to know some more, play witcher xD
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Jesus fucking christ OP, I currently live in Bavaria and never heard half of them.
эбама рама
твою мать
Honestly, I curse way too much. Fuck.
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It makes sense, haha :D
The ones I posted are just a fraction of the possibilities, though - where exactly do you live?
Maybe you're living in a polite area :D
I've read somewhere that cursing can actually relieve you from anxieties and such and is very healthy (as a valve, so to speak) :P So, please continue to let off some steam - but don't insult people :D
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Thank fucking god, I wouldn't be able to stop cursing, I love it way too much.
Im beschaulichen Dörfchen Nürnberg. Wäre mir neu wenn die Gegend hier als nett und höflich bekannt wäre
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Biały śnieżek prószy kurwa, marzną nam dziś jebane uszy, znak, że święta się zbliżają wszystkim wokół radość dają(chyba że pieprzona rodzina przyjeżdża), więc smućmy dłużej się uśmiech nie nieśmy w każdy chujowy dzień.
Wszystkiego nie-najlepszego i mało prezentów :)
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"White snow is gently fucking snowing, our fucking ears are cold today, that's a sign that christmas is coming and giving joy to everyone around (except for if your fucking family comes over), so let's be sad a little more, let's not smile every shitty day. Worst wishes and [I wish you] few presents"
Basically it's an inverted version of a "christmas wishes/poem"
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Yeah, I could write a solid list of genitalia, prostitute and mental illness related curses but I'm a man of decent manners so I don't know any of it, I'm sorry.
Here is the list of interesting words used to offend someone in friendly or/and jolly way(children friendly):
Trouba (oven)
Truhlík (windox box)
Osel (donkey)
And a bonus for you as a German:
Prasopes (Schweinehund)
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Hi there.
For you lurkers, YES there is a little giveaway here, somewhere.
And for those who've come for the internationally tainted curse words, here we go.
I love christmas and the loving spirit that it distributes. So, no offense at all, here.
Today, my main HDD died and with it around 400GB of pure good memory (pun intended) and joy.
You can imagine how that bothers me :P And yes, I did curse a lot today.
Sooo, to celebrate this .. awesome christmas I'd like all of you to share your most favorite curse words (that are NOT harmful to races, sexes, minorites - you get the idea!).
I'm in no way inclined to make it worse for anyone in the world (so no racism, sexism or other bullshit, PALEAAASE! yes, I've written it down TWICE :D).
Also I'm not exactly sure how censroship works for the admins, so... yeah.
But if experience has taught us one thing... then it is that a giveaway wrapped inside a NSFW post(even if hella-offensive) will stand.
Let me give you a headstart (foremost to establish a format :P):
GERMAN / BAVARIAN (yaaay...)
Gottverdammte Scheiße ("goddamn shit!")
Verfickte Kacke ("fucking shit!")
Kruzitürken no amal (probably "Fuck, you gotta be shitting me")
Sacklzement (probably "Fuuuuuck!")
Zipfiklatscher ("wanker", "jerk", "idiot")
Schleich di! ("fuck off, already!")
Himmeherrgodnoamoi-Kruzefixhalleluja-Sakrament! ("Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.....")
Let's please keep this polite and funny/"funny", I'd love to see some seemingly strange languages appear in here. All in the spirit of Christmas, which is love, friendliness and friendship :)
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