Ever wondered how being vocal about yourself or your opinions affects your whitelist and blacklist count? I know I did, and although I voiced my opinions in some controversial threads (e.g. the ones about US elections), I never set out check this properly. Until today.

In each of the next 5 days I'll post a revealing thing about myself. In the following day I will let you know how many WL and BL I lost/gained, but to minimize bias I won't say in which direction until the experiment ends. To prevent having GAs skew the results, yet to still keep things in good giving order, I'll only post the GAs now, a day before I start posting the "reveals". The numbers in each list before the first reveal will be the baseline, but I'll keep them to myself and only report the increase/decrease. Suffice to say, I have three digit numbers in each list so plenty of room for reduction :-)

Oct 1

GA posting day (all Level 0, no filters) [All Finished]

Oct 2

I am Israeli and Jewish. I also served in the military, as a photographer. I'll dedicate a couple of reveals in coming days to my social and political views and to those I have on religion, but will add a few words here about my views of Israel military. I think a strong army is an unfortunate necessity for my country, and that there are few areas where Israeli military activities could have been significantly different yet still achieve the goal of defending the country. A few points where I object to how things are/were done: Use of administrative detention; use of one-ton bomb or similar for some not-so-targeted targeted killings; reprisal operations during the 50's and 60's. A few points where I think the army has much to pride itself on: Purity of arms ethical code, and specifically the extreme efforts that go into avoiding civilian causalities, with Roof-knocking procedure being a prime example. Another example is the huge investment Israel makes in developing defensive anti-missile missiles of different ranges - Iron Dome, David's Sling, Arrow - all of which, by definition, reduce civilian causalities (on both sides) compared to the alternatives.
Update: Gained 9 WL, Gained 1 BL.

Oct 3

I am agnostic-atheist. I've yet to encounter anything that would make me believe in God, so I don't. I believe it's impossible to prove that God exists, so I don't frequently spend time thinking or talking about this subject. I'm also not troubled by questions like "Where did the matter and energy in the universe come from?" ...I don't know the answer, and I doubt I'll ever hear a convincing explanation. As far as I'm concerned, God isn't a convincing explanation to such questions. I can at least find answers to some related questions in the theory of evolution, which I find very convincing.
In addition, I'm secular. I do celebrate most Jewish holidays every year, but I don't do it because of what they mean to religious people. I do it because I enjoy many of the traditions, I enjoy being with my extended family, and the holidays give a great framework for this. Similarly when I'm invited by people of other religions or cultures to celebrate their holidays, I seize the opportunity and gladly participate. 
Update: Gained 5 WL, Gained 1 BL.

Oct 4

My political ideology is mostly left wing and social-liberal. I believe the state should ensure that the basic needs of everyone are met, yet still reward people for hard work, enterprise and innovation. With the increase of automation (autonomous trucks anyone?), I believe more and more people won't be able to find a job. The only way I see to go about it would be for the state to ensure basic income to all. As a (currently) working person, I accept this and am willing to pay for it. I already pay about 40% taxes, and although I don't agree with everything my country does with the money, I do think that the amount of taxation is roughly where it needs to be if the country aims to fund (or at least subsidize) important things like universal healthcare, college education and paid parental leave. This is why I don't advocate for reduction of taxes, but do want to see the budget used better.
I always voted for left wing parties. This unfortunately means that my votes have been somewhat wasted most of the years, given the political system in Israel (where opposition/minority parties can work on legislation, but have very limited impact otherwise). I think the current prime minister of Israel (Netanyahu) and the party he belongs to are both bad for the country and that their supporters are blind not to see it. I think Donald Trump is wildly incompetent and is on track to become one of the worst presidents in US history, and that Hillary Clinton would have been perfect for the job.
A few quick points - I believe the state and religion should be separated; abortion should be legal; guns should in most cases only be accessible to the armed forces, not regular citizens; I'm against the death penalty; I'm for immigration, based mostly on merit, not religion or nationality (though I understand and agree to why it had to be different when Israel was founded, a few years after the holocaust). I'm strongly in favor of equal rights and responsibilities to all, but accept that there are some areas where it's not easy to implement (e.g. drafting and arming a citizen who openly opposes the existence of the state is not a good idea). Climate change is real and largely caused by humans.
Update: Gained 5 WL, No change to BL.

Oct 5

As requested (by one user), below are some opinions I have about SteamGifts. Most are not that revelatory, and only one or two are likely to be really controversial.

  • Suspension does not absolve users from unactivated wins. Users should be required to take care of their unactivated wins before being allowed to enter more giveaways.
  • GA creators should be allowed to not deliver a game once every 100 successfully-delivered giveaways of non-free games, for whatever reason, without having to justify it and without it being considered as a fake giveaway.
  • There's nothing immoral, unjust or bad about restricting one's giveaways and excluding users (aka "my giveaway, my rules").
  • Level 0 invite-only is, by far, my favorite type of GA to create. I do sometimes add SGTools filters that reward contributors in ways that are impossible to achieve with levels (e.g. favor other users who create invite-only GAs, or restrict access to those who create only group GAs). When I use such filters, I almost always make the GA accessible to Level 0 users who haven't won anything yet.
  • SGTools is an awesome complementary site to SG. I wish its functionality was integrated into SG.
  • CV and levels are highly overrated.
  • GA creators who use SGTools should not include multiple-win check in their filters, but should check their winners for them manually.
  • There is hardly anything I consider as "drama" on SG, I don't know why people keep using this term.
  • People are too sensitive. Nothing on SG ever came close to making me want to leave the site.
  • The forums are the best part of SG, not the giveaways.
  • I hate the term "leech" and never use it, except when I'm actually discussing the zoological phylum annelids (which I've had an unforgettable encounter with in the Sri Lankan rain-forest Sinharaja).
  • Level 0 users, and especially those who don't use auto-join scripts, are unjustifiably demonized by too many users.
  • The site should start presenting captchas to users whose usage pattern strongly hints that they are using auto-join scripts (instead of suspending them).
  • Bonus opinion about games: Game genres/attributes that almost automatically get games into my Not Interested list on Steam: Anime, RPGMaker, Strategy, RTS, Crafting, Bullet Hell, Shoot'Em Up, Clicker, Dating Sim, Hex Grid, Isometric, MOBA, Massively Multiplayer
    Update: Gained 7 WL, No change to BL (though there was some fluctuation during the day).

Oct 6

I'm a feminist. There’s great inequality to this day between men and women, with men being very frequently oppressive of women. It boggles the mind that so many women say they are “not a feminist”, while experiencing inequality, oppression and the negative sides of male dominance of society. Feminism really needs better marketing, because most arguments of those non-feminist women are quite detached from what feminism actually is (hint: it’s not about hating men).
A few notes about myself. I had women bosses and had zero issue with it. One of them was probably the best boss I had. I find working with women just as easy, if not more, than working with men. People who claim women bring “drama” to the workplace don’t know what they’re talking about, because it’s completely detached from reality. If anything, they're probably projecting their own views on reality.
In general, there's hardly anything that's important to modern living where men have an inherent born advantage over women, or the other way around. The vast majority of non-physical differences are due to how boys and girls are raised. I'm raising my 3-year old daughter to have as much knowledge and as many skills as possible, including skills traditionally associated with boys and men. There's no chance in hell that, when she's older, she won't know how to replace a wheel of a car or drill a hole in the wall. Hopefully I’m not alone in this.
Update: Gained 10 WL, No change to BL.

Summary: Gained 36 WL and 2 BL. I'm pretty sure that I would have been added to more blacklists before the advent of Two-Way Blacklists, or if I didn't include giveaways at the top of this post. The way to tell for sure would be to create a similar thread without giveaways, but it's too late for this now. Maybe in a few months, but I'm running out of opinions that I think are potentially blacklist-worthy. Also, my pretty good ratio may have something to do with the results. If my numbers of wins and created giveaways were reversed, I probably would have been added to more blacklists, and less whitelists. All in all though it seems less "risky" to voice one's opinions than many people think. I hope this experiment encourages more people to not hold back and be more open, and I also hope it doesn't backfire if they do ;-)

Note: I'm not going to participate in an endless debate about each reveal. The information in each should be sufficient for people to decide if they see enough to put me on one of their lists, or if (and I hope that's the typical case) they just see these as opinions that one should be able to make, even if they disagree.

6 years ago*

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Each day I want to whitelist you more, but you were already in my list from the start. :')
Your daughter has a great dad, I'm happy for her :D My parents also raised me the exacy same way they raised my brothers and I'm very grateful to them for this. They never tried to limit me in anyway because of my sex, and just let me be myself although I was mostly interested in "boyish" things.

The world needs more people like you :)

6 years ago

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Regarding your comment about feminism:
I prefer to avoid that term, since it is frontloaded with so many ideas and expectations, which sometimes contradict themselves (depending on who you ask). It is a broad spectrum ranging from the struggle for equality to female superiority incl. man-hate.

Apart from obvious differences due to biology (see mainly in sports and in child-birth), women should have the same opportunities as men have. Do equal work, get equal pay. But minimizing and finally removing differences needs to go both ways. E.g. in countries with mandatory military time, women should have this time (or an alternative mandatory time in other stuff, e.g. social helpers), too. Equality goes both ways, although I admit that currently in most countries the men have it better.

6 years ago

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I do not use the blacklist function on this site and I would never blacklist someone for having opinions.

And even if I found your opinions offensive, you are a valued member of this community, I've only seen you being helpful and your actions warranted a whitelist some time ago. I don't see that changing :)

6 years ago

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I think I agree with everything you said about SG.

I'm not a feminist and I dislike that word. I support gender equality, but "feminism" sounds like anything but that, otherwise it would be called "gender equality". I feel the same way about Black Lives Matter, because all lives matter, etc... I think if you want to push for equality you need to make it sound like it's actually equality, not exclusiveness, otherwise people will be reluctant to join you just because of the name of your movement.

But despite of that, feminism has completely derailed from what it's supposed to be and what it used to be, becoming more and more a man-hating group that wants privileges for women, and that's why I believe the great majority of smart and independent women want distance from this movement. Most feminists today don't seem to care, for instance, that men suicide more often than women, that more men die in the work place than women, that the life expectancy for women is longer than for men, that men also suffer domestic violence, etc. Women are the only victims in their world and if you're born a man you're automatically privileged, which is nonsense. In the modern world, men and women have it good and bad in different areas. And I don't believe in such things as rape culture or gender wage gap. If you're paid more or less than your co-workers, it's probably because of your qualifications, your hours worked, your experience, etc. There's a great number of factors that can influence that, it doesn't have to immediately go to sexism.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Yes, agreed. That's why it's cancer.

6 years ago

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Shabbat Shalom

Nothing in all your reveals is shocking, on the contrary if I could I would WL you multiple times.

Rami Kleinstein - Matanot Ktanot - Small Gifts

6 years ago*

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As others have pointed out, declaring your intentions kinda changed my reaction to this. I probably wouldn't have whitelisted if I just came across these opinions randomly in the forums here and there. But presented all together like this and paired with the experiment that you're running, you strike me as a pretty cool person. Always had a positive impression of you anyways but this makes me like you more. Only opinion of yours that I can't really judge is the first one since I know nothing about it.

6 years ago

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I'm curious to see where this will lead.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and opinions!
Edit: I whitelisted you, because I had many reasons, and don't know why I didn't yet

6 years ago*

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Yea. Still not gonna blacklist you for those beliefs, and since I believe those beliefs should be universal I don't think you'll get a whitelist either. You will, however, get more points in my points system so you're closer to gaining a whitelist that way. Hope you'll have a nice day. I'm interested in those results now.

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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I basically never blacklist anyone, especially not for opinions (I miss the early days of the internet when people could share their opinions online freely no matter how offensive).

Giveaway out of nowhere!
Pressured: R?J90-WKXND-PI?WB (?=8)

6 years ago

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I've personally never whitelisted or blacklisted based on forums but this is pretty interesting. I'd like to see how this goes.

6 years ago

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Okay, I'll bite: Your opinions are mostly bullshit. But hardly controversial. Come to think of it, this might be a large part of why they are bullshit.

6 years ago

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A few things in my mind:

  • Thruth be told I have my doubts about the efficiency of this method, telling people that you're researching their reactions is most likely going to affect said reaction. Is human nature, it adds an extra step of decision making, one more variable to consider before pushing the button.
  • I think that at this point the meaning of the word "feminism" has escaped its original intended meaning and for most people it translates as "man/male hating", and sadly (or not, depends which linguist you ask) language doesn't like following the rules it gets impossed with 100% accuracy, that's how languages mutate and evolve. So when many women say "I'm not a feminist" they mean "I don't hate men for being male" and it doesn't really imply that they don't believe in equality of genders, I know women that fit with the classic definition of femenists but refuse to call themselves feminsts due to the modern meaning of the word. A typical case of a small group ruining it for everybody.
    As an example, some years ago there was a national encounter of feminists in my city and they wrecked downtown during the last day of the event in the middle of a very chaotic protest aimed at who knows what (their motivation was pretty vague, they even attacked people just for being infront of the cathedral). As you might expect, nobody here wants to call themself a feminist nowadays.
  • I almost blacklisted you for daring to speak negatively about SHMUPs, but allowed it to slide this one time. You're lucky you didn't mention platformers or you'd be in my other blacklist right now, the one for people I'm going to murder if I ever come across. :P
6 years ago

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Summary: Gained 36 WL and 2 BL. I'm pretty sure that I would have been added to more blacklists before the advent of Two-Way Blacklists, or if I didn't include giveaways in the OP. The way to tell for sure would be to create a similar thread without giveaways, but it's too late for this now. Maybe in a few months, but I'm running out of opinions that I think are potentially blacklist-worthy. Also, my pretty good ratio may have something to do with the results. If my numbers of wins and created giveaways were reversed, I probably would have been added to more blacklists, and less whitelists. All in all though it seems less "risky" to voice one's opinions than many people think. I hope this experiment encourages more people to not hold back and be more open, and I also hope it doesn't backfire if they do ;-)

I'll add at least one reply to some of the comments above when I'm back home, but probably won't have time to participate in very long debates. After all, that's not the goal of this thread.

6 years ago*

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Blacklists are pointless. I wish there was a better way of excluding people from my GA's that was separate from muting the idiots on the forums that bang the war drums at any opinion contrary to their own. The two way blacklist was funny though watching a lot of people backtracking under the guise of a "fresh start".

In short, not wanting to listen to people say horrible/stupid/purposefully insightful things does not mean I don't want them to feel good or cheer them up. Give us a mute/forum blacklist separate to GA blacklists.

6 years ago

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Just found this topic, and welcome to my whitelist :D I'm always so happy to see men understanding what feminism is about.

6 years ago

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The last point is something we disagree on, and might garner me a few lists.

I'm for people being judged on who they are as individuals. I don't care what gender, colour or religion they are, I care what kind of person they are. And I don't think that 'feminism' goes to the right places.

Take the tech industry, for example. Many people want to push women into that. It's not that I'm against women in tech, in fact I appreciate geek women and certainly enjoy when my daughter does something techie. But the tech industry is a piece of shit. The only thing going for it is relatively high salaries. It's a terrible career path, where the sword is constantly above your head, workers tend to be dissatisfied, and employment beyond a certain age is questionable. So why precisely are we trying to have more women in this industry? For the money? If that's the case, the logical thing to do would be to encourage (via law of whatever) higher pay for jobs that are traditionally female, and in my opinion a lot more important, such as teaching and social work. And encourage men to join these jobs, for equality.

I'm for exposing everyone to everything. Sure, teach women to change a wheel, but why not teach men to cook? It seems like as a society we try to drive women into men's roles, instead of driving towards equality. On one hand it seems perfectly fine today to be female-chauvinistic, but not male-chauvinistic, but on the other hand it seems that we put more stock in activities traditionally associated with men, and want to push women towards them, and I don't understand the rationale behind that.

6 years ago

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The problem is that women themselves don't want to change.

Let's take a look at the most basic principles around me.

Wanna go on date? Hah, wait until eternity! Around here, women always wait, most of them. I dare to say 95 out of 100 would never ask guys for a date first.

Don't get me started on a proposal.

This passive attitude needs to change if they want to be on 'equal terms' (bad wording, just couldn't find the exact words) with men.

6 years ago

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I agree it's a problem, and it also leads to attention that many women find undesirable. If getting a woman means having to make a pass, then men would have to do it, and some are less gentle than others (and probably 'score' more as a result).

I think there's a general dichotomy, that on one hand women want men to be more 'womanly' in their conduct, in the way they communicate, act, and participate in family life, but on the other hand they still also want a man to be 'manly': assertive, competent, someone who would give them more than they give back, at least in terms of money (i.e., pay in restaurants, buy gifts, etc.). Until the second desire is lessened, I think we're unlikely to see 'undesired behaviours' on the side of men go away.

6 years ago

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I think you seem to be a clever, articulate person also you are good in expressing yourself without contradicting much with others. For instance you said "I think Donald Trump is wildly incompetent and is on track to become one of the worst presidents in US history" but you haven't said anything about the Trump supporters. You haven't used strong words, your text is mostly based on logic rather than emotions.

The way you put it also looks like, "Hey are you the scum blacklisting people solely for voicing their opinions?" and of course people who did it before wanted to think they are actually better than that in this thread...
One more thing though.. This is a huge wall of text, it takes some patience and time to read it all. The typical short-tempered, trigger happy guy who blacklists others everyday for whatever reason, might not want to spend his valuable time on reading your text while he can do the same on others reading short posts without feeling extra guilty about it.

Anyway, in conclusion I think your experiment actually proved it is "risky" to voice one's opinions. If there was no change in your WL-BL count, it would be totally fine. But looking at the results, it shows that people actually WL or BL others based on their opinions. I don't think they just whitelisted you for voicing your opinions, they did it because you have opinions they liked to hear.
So what if they didn't like your opinions?
Those 36 WLs could have become 36 BLs maybe...

PS: Finally found the quote I wanted to add here from a very nice movie :) Surely it's not what you do, but it's the way that you do it. So the main reason why you gained so many WLs instead of BLs, while many others saying basically the same thing might gain blacklists instead is the way you do it :)

6 years ago*

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I doubted anyone would want to blacklist anyone as wonderful as you but I guess there were 2 unexpected people.

6 years ago

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I'm pretty sure that I would have been added to more blacklists before the advent of Two-Way Blacklists, or if I didn't include giveaways in the OP.

There could be some who wait until your giveaways are over and then will BL you.

6 years ago

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Could be. I got 2 more since the GAs ended, but it might be from people who were annoyed by the "Darkness Ahead" puzzle that I posted yesterday.

Another interesting bit, at least one person who entered the GAs in this thread later blacklisted me. I checked his Steam profile and it turns out he/she has a whole manifest there about how capitalism and the wage system should be abolished. I guess I'm not socialist enough by his/her standards ;-)

6 years ago

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I noticed in my SGTools trains that during a train I loose a few BL while at the end I get them back. And that will probably stay so as the two-way BL is only for 1 week and my trains ride 3 weeks.

During 17 trains and 4K giveaways I have caught nearly a dozen of those cowards who don't like you or don't like who you are but at the same time are greedy enough to enter all the giveaways they can and then BL you. Needless to say that they are BL on SG and block on Steam, forever.

Here in Belgium it's easier to get a hungry dog to go around a bowl of food without touching it than to get a socialist to go around a bag of money without taking it. ;-) This is a much used Belgian joke translated from Dutch to English. :-)

6 years ago

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Oh, cg didn't make two-way-BLs to last for a month? That's sad news :(

6 years ago

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It was asked for, by multiple users, to set the two-way BL duration to the same max duration of giveaways, 4 weeks but afaik the present duration is 1 week.

6 years ago

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well 2 BL is more than enough...
we are in internet we are connected, when we have connection with each other we should be a better person.

6 years ago

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You can only know the overall score. Because if 10 have added you on their list, and at the same time 8 remove you of it, you only see the 2, right?

6 years ago

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This is correct, yes.

6 years ago

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Seeing how you didn't went completely crazy it's not surprising score, but now I kinda wonder what would happen if you'd go crazy and write some stupid shit, like... I don't know... probably something like "kill gays!!!1111" or something (konrads done that, got 1000 BLs).

6 years ago

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Seems that being the messenger, bringing news that are considered bad, results in more blacklists than posting controversial stuff. ;)

6 years ago*

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