ASF is a C# application that allows you to farm steam cards using multiple steam accounts simultaneously. Unlike Idle Master which works only for one account at given time, requires steam client running in background, and launches additional processes imitating "game playing" status, ASF doesn't require any steam client running in the background, doesn't launch any additional processes and is made to handle unlimited steam accounts at once. In addition to that, it's meant to be run on servers or other desktop-less machines, and features full cross-OS support, which makes it possible to launch on any .NET Core-supported operating system, such as Windows, Linux or OS X. ASF is possible thanks to gigantic amount of work done in marvelous SteamKit2 library.

ASF doesn't require and doesn't interfere in any way with Steam client. In addition to that, it doesn't require exclusive access to given account, which means that you can use your main account in Steam client, and use ASF for idling the same account at the same time. If you decide to launch a game, ASF will get disconnected, and resume idling once you finish playing your game, being as transparent as possible during entire process.

Core features

  • Automatic idling of available games with card drops using any number of active accounts
  • No requirement of running or even having official Steam client installed
  • Guarantee of being VAC-free
  • Complex error-reporting mechanism, allowing ASF to be smart and resume idling even in case of Steam or networking problems
  • Customizable cards idling algorithm which will push performance of card drops to the maximum
  • Offline idling, allowing you to skip in-game status and stop confusing your friends
  • Advanced support for alt accounts, including ability to redeem keys, redeem gifts, accept trades and more through a simple Steam chat
  • Support for latest Steam security features, including SteamGuard, SteamParental and two-factor authentication
  • Unique ASF 2FA mechanism allowing ASF to act as a mobile authenticator (if needed)
  • StreamTradeMatcher integration allowing ASF to help you in completing your steam badges by accepting dupe trades
  • Rebased on .NET Core 2.0, cross-OS compatibility, official support for Windows, Linux and OS X
  • ...and many more!

Interesting features

For comparison with other similar programs and further read about the most interesting exclusive ASF features, I recommend to visit appropriate FAQ entry that explains everything in detail. It's also a very good starting point if you want to have a glimpse on what ASF can do, besides the obvious.

Setting up

Detailed guide regarding setting up and using ASF is available in the setting up article on our wiki. It's user-friendly tutorial with helpful screenshots that compacts the whole basic knowledge about ASF into a single document.

Useful links

Main page / Source code
Latest version / Download
Wiki / Help
Steam group

You might be also interested in our side project, ASF STM listing.

Is the project still supported?

As stated in my thread closing statement, despite of SG thread being closed, I intend to keep the project up-to-date and supported through non-SG channels. You can check the date of the latest release for reference.

This thread

The thread on SG is open for discussion and support matters that are related to ASF as a program. If you have any particular issue, question or other case to discuss, feel free to leave a comment.

Have fun.

Please do not add me on steam, if you have questions or issues - ask in the thread.

Prior to doing so, make sure to read main page and the wiki, especially our FAQ.

9 years ago*

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Keep getting this error - Rate limit exceeded; we will retry after 25 minutes of cooldown...

8 years ago

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Maybe the FAQ can help you: section: Q: I'm getting error: Unable to login to Steam: InvalidPassword or RateLimitExceeded

8 years ago

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How can I use AES security method? I didn't understand.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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why ASF is preventing my system from going into sleep mode?

ASF V2.2.3.2
.NET runtime version 4.6.1
Win 7 64


  "AutoRestart": false,
  "AutoUpdates": true,
  "Blacklist": [
  "ConnectionTimeout": 60,
  "CurrentCulture": "en",
  "Debug": false,
  "FarmingDelay": 5,
  "GiftsLimiterDelay": 1,
  "Headless": false,
  "IdleFarmingPeriod": 3,
  "InventoryLimiterDelay": 3,
  "LoginLimiterDelay": 7,
  "MaxFarmingTime": 10,
  "MaxTradeHoldDuration": 15,
  "OptimizationMode": 0,
  "Statistics": true,
  "SteamOwnerID": 76561198029747628,
  "SteamProtocol": 6,
  "UpdateChannel": 1,
  "WCFBinding": 0,
  "WCFHost": "",
  "WCFPort": 1242
View attached image.
8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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khm, thanks.

can't find how to change that setting.... or i should just close asf?

8 years ago

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Did you read the changelog?

[1] ASF is a service (daemon). When user launches the program then he desires that it'll keep running also when he's away from PC. If that is not desired, you can close ASF when you expect OS to go to sleep, use ShutdownOnFarmingFinished, or any third-party tool which would close ASF whenever you want. The improvement introduced with this change will give a hint to Windows OS (yes, not working on Mono, sorry) that we wish to stay active and prevent OS from going to sleep while the program is running - this is built-in and active automatically when ASF is running (regardless if as a service, or not).

8 years ago

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i'm using previous version and disabled autoupdates for now . Not the ideal but works great until something else can be figured out.

8 years ago*

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thank you, i will use that version!

8 years ago

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can i make that the program run withouth closing my games?
I want to be playing games meanwhile it runs :C

8 years ago

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that's not the intended use of ASF, as playing and idling interfere with each other

8 years ago

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Read "Can I play a game while ASF is farming?"

Answer: no

8 years ago

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Well yes. You can run the program, while playing other games.
It will just not do anything in that time.

8 years ago

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and... actually the idler is idling one game at once, can i make to make it idle it like all at the same time or more than 1? XDa

8 years ago

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the person above gave you a link to the FAQ - pretty much all of the answers to the general questions are available there :)

8 years ago

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Is possible to farm just a single game?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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How? I set up program from here but when i start,farm all my games,like 300 games

8 years ago

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a) it can not farm more than 32 games at once.
b) The full configuration page
or the FAQ
or this page

might help you.

8 years ago

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I can't find the setting to farm a game just from the AppID.....found just the blacklist,but it's too much work to blacklist 300 games

If someone farm just one game at time,please tell me how :)

8 years ago

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thrid paragraph. (or rather fourth. but the thrid block between lines^^)

8 years ago

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You mean manual mode? But where i put the commands like !play and other commands?

wcf ,private chat or group chat?

8 years ago

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ASF currently includes two farming algorithms:

Simple algorithm works best for accounts which are not restricted by 2 hours cards drop. This is primary and default algorithm used by ASF. Bot finds games to farm, and farms them one-by-one until all cards are dropped.

Complex is new algorithm that has been implemented to help restricted accounts to maximize their profits as well. ASF will firstly use standard Simple algorithm on all games that passed 2 hours of playtime, then, if no games with >= 2 hours are left, it will farm all games (up to 32 limit) with < 2 hours left simultaneously, until any of them hits 2 hours mark, then ASF will continue the loop from beginning (use Simple on that game, return to simultaneous on < 2 etc.)

Currently, ASF chooses cards farming algorithm based purely on CardDropsRestricted config property (which is set by you). If CardDropsRestricted is set to true, Complex algorithm will be used, if not, Simple algorithm will be used instead.

PS: And commands are written in private chat (or if you have only one account) group chat. WCF is advanced stuff.

8 years ago

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Yes,but which group chat?and when ASF is running?

8 years ago

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literally everything is explained on the wiki...

It's not required to have any extra account for executing commands though Steam chat - you can create a group, set SteamMasterClanID properly to that newly created group, then set SteamMasterID as yourself. This way ASF bot (you) will join group and chat of your selected group, and listen to commands from your own account. You can join the same group chatroom in order to issue commands to yourself (as you'll be sending command to chatroom, and ASF instance sitting on the same chatroom will receive them, even if it shows only as your account being there). Apart from that, you can also use WCF, but chatroom way is much easier, and if you have access to some alt account, then using that instead is even easier.

I would recommend taking your time and read through the wiki carefully. And !play is still not what you want to do.... just set "CardDropsRestricted" to false and be happy.

8 years ago

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Yes i set to false but keep farming random game,and i want to do manual farming

8 years ago

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Then you indeed need !play.
Thought you just wanted to farm games one buy one and not multiple up to 2 hours.

8 years ago

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Thanks :)

So if i have just one account and want to use command i need to create a group and put the commands !play in the group chat?

8 years ago

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create a group
set SteamMasterClanID properly to that newly created group
set SteamMasterID as yourself (your steamid 64)
join the group chatroom
send commands when ASF is running.

8 years ago

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Dove everything but when i enterc ommand !play in the group chat i created say unkown command :(

I set the masterclan id and my id 64 but don't work

p.s. ok now work welland set when asf start topause,or everytime start idle half life 2 ahah

But is normal when i enter command !play app id,i am in game in steam but the program don't say i idle the game i run?

8 years ago*

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Yes. if you use !play ASF just says "running in manual mode" since you should know which game you told it to play.

As long as steam shows you ingame for the game you want, everything is fine.

8 years ago

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Yes works well,just enter !play and app id

And add hours to game wen i close ASF and restart steam

But ASF close automatic the game when drop one cards for me,is possible to drop all cards and after close?and is possible to run two games with !play?

8 years ago*

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I am not fully sure what you want.

When using !play ASF should not close the game when cards drop. It should continue forever until you resume automatic mode or use play with another id.
And no, when using !play ASF does not care about cards. Thats what automatic mode is for.

Yes you can farm multiple games with play as explained in the wiki. You just don't drop cards when playing multiple games because of steam.

If you want to just farm all your cards, leave ASF on automatic and be happy (maybe add a game you want to play to blacklist). If you do stuff manually with !play, you have to do everything manually...

8 years ago

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Yes i don't use automatic mode because i have lots of games to play ahahah

Yes,game keep farming forever until i stop it.....but what about ShutdownOnFarmingFinished? i can use this with !play command?

8 years ago

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No. Manual = manual. You have to do everything.

Yes and for lots of games automatic mode is best, since it farms cards the fastest. In the end you want to have all games farmed I guess.

8 years ago

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Yes in the nds i want all cards for my games,but i like to play some games to get achievement xD

I have set card drop restricted to false,hope work better

For the hours added on the game,is normal that when i farm steam don't update hours of game?

8 years ago

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As it should be written in the FAQ. Steam playtime is never real time. Even when you normally play a game it's updated only once in a while.

You can play games, even after you farmed them... But anyways. Do it as you think fits you the best.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the help :)

8 years ago

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The CurrentCulture setting doesn't seem to work. I tried to set it to en, en-US, en-GB, but I get an "unexpected character" error every time it is not null.

8 years ago

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Are you setting it to
"CurrentCulture": "en",
"CurrentCulture": en,
(first is correct).

8 years ago

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Thanks, this worked. ^.^

8 years ago

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You're welcome.

8 years ago

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If you decide to manually edit JSON config, then validator is a must, we make too many mistakes as humans.

Or just use CG, CG can't generate invalid structure.

8 years ago

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Just noticed

Simple algorithm ... This is primary and default algorithm used by ASF

on performance page.

Anyways, whats up latly here. So many questions that are answered by reading FAQ or wiki. Has it gotten that bad lately or have I just been more ignorant before? ;->

8 years ago

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Corrected a bit - it's still primary algorithm since Complex uses Simple in itself as well, but "default" word should be avoided, it complicates things a lot and makes wiki outdated when I change what I consider "default", sigh.

Mainly people noticing that IM causes VAC issues while ASF does not, expect such jumps each time IM gets hit, with the biggest one when it finally stops working. Also my support is slowly getting limited due to number of users and I start relying on community - people like you helping others, so thank you a lot!

8 years ago

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No Problem. As long as I am bored enough to hang around here, thats fine ;-> You already put so much work in ^^

Jeha, thought "default" = "enabled if you do not change anything" and that got changed ;->

I should learn japanese, then I don't have to pause each time I switch tabs when watchin anime, because I need subtitles ^^, which would make me more efficient in the long run.

8 years ago

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when ASF gets a automatic update the config generator is outdated and must be downloaded manually
is there a way to automate this too?

8 years ago

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As stated in the FAQ - not at the moment.

8 years ago

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Today my Kaspersky Internet Security regconised ASF as malware and blocked ASF's github page as well (it had never happened before)

8 years ago

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thanks for your advice !

8 years ago

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Through steam private chat, by SteamMasterID
Through steam group chat, by SteamMasterID how it works? could some1 explain to me, i need to enter there command !play

8 years ago

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If you have more than one account you can write commands through private chat to your bot. (from the account set as steamMasterId)
If you have only one account:

It's not required to have any extra account for executing commands though Steam chat - you can create a group, set SteamMasterClanID properly to that newly created group, then set SteamMasterID as yourself. This way ASF bot (you) will join group and chat of your selected group, and listen to commands from your own account. You can join the same group chatroom in order to issue commands to yourself (as you'll be sending command to chatroom, and ASF instance sitting on the same chatroom will receive them, even if it shows only as your account being there). Apart from that, you can also use WCF, but chatroom way is much easier, and if you have access to some alt account, then using that instead is even easier.

As explained in the wiki...

8 years ago

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well, i done all this, but it doesn't work.

8 years ago

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properly set and ASF is running?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Do you see the "1 in chat" if you are not manually joined yet?
(It stays at 1 if you join manually)

Can you sent any commands (like !status)?

8 years ago

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there is point 0 in chat, if do not join chat manually.
status isn working also

8 years ago

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And your SteamMasterClanID is really set to

8 years ago

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got it now, thank a lot!
where did u get this clan id?
do u need one piece waariors 3 key?:D i could give you if need, for help.

8 years ago

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"SteamMasterClanID" explains how to get this ID.

If you mean "One Piece Pirate Warriors 3" I do not have this game, but I most likely will not play it anyways (at least not anytime soon), so it would just rot as a +1 in my library. Thats a bit sad for such a game ;-> But thank you for your offer.

If you really want to get rid of it, you can send it to archi. Dunno if he will play it, but he put way more work into the program, than I did with helping you ;->

8 years ago

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weird... my kaspersky found trojan in ASF and deleted it

8 years ago

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could you please read the thread before posting what at least 2 others did, thanks you very much :doubt:

8 years ago

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the thing is that i was using it for over a 6 months and it just happened now.

8 years ago

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Programs get updated.

8 years ago

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Wow, thank's so much for Wiki pages,. The WinAuth really help for me.. I use very old Samsung Android Tablet, the power button mess up, and i had to connect charger many times just to turn screen on. It's easier now i can confirm stuff with WinAuth.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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could you please be drunk in another thread, thanks

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm curious. Is there a manual log out or does one just X the program and it'll auto log off?

8 years ago

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Just close the program and it will log out

8 years ago

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I tried to run ASF Today after quite some time since i last ran it and i get that error .

IT was working before .

Any help is welcomed D:

Also ignore the chaos my desktop is >.>

2017-03-07 09:22:41|ASF-1452|INFO|ASF|InitASF() ASF V2.2.3.2
2017-03-07 09:22:42|ASF-1452|WARN|ASF|IsRuntimeSupported() Your .NET runtime version is too old!
2017-03-07 09:22:42|ASF-1452|WARN|ASF|IsRuntimeSupported() Required version: 4.6.1 | Found version: 4.5.2
2017-03-07 09:22:42|ASF-1452|ERROR|ASF|InitASF() ASF detected unsupported runtime version, program might NOT run correctly in current environment. You're running it at your own risk without support!
2017-03-07 09:23:42|ASF-1452|FATAL|ASF|UnhandledExceptionHandler() System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void System.Net.ServicePointManager.set_ReusePort(Boolean)'.
at ArchiSteamFarm.WebBrowser.InitNonMonoBehaviour()
at ArchiSteamFarm.Program.<InitGlobalDatabaseAndServices>d33.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at ArchiSteamFarm.Program.<InitASF>d
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at ArchiSteamFarm.Program.<Init>d__29.MoveNext()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at ArchiSteamFarm.Program.Main(String[] args)
---> (Inner Exception #0) System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void System.Net.ServicePointManager.set_ReusePort(Boolean)'.
at ArchiSteamFarm.WebBrowser.InitNonMonoBehaviour()
at ArchiSteamFarm.Program.<InitGlobalDatabaseAndServices>d33.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at ArchiSteamFarm.Program.<InitASF>d
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at ArchiSteamFarm.Program.<Init>d__29.MoveNext()<---

2017-03-07 09:24:18|ASF-1452|ERROR|ASF|Exit() Exiting with nonzero error code!

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Better put full log here on ASF folder after it crashed :3

8 years ago

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You mean the file that is called ... Log :P ?

I guess it was that huh D:

8 years ago

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Of course, or did you mean this log? :p

8 years ago

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2017-03-07 09:22:42|ASF-1452|WARN|ASF|IsRuntimeSupported() Required version: 4.6.1 | Found version: 4.5.2

Update your .NET framework.

8 years ago

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That did seem to make it work , but not it just gives me error for invalid password ...

Uh well gonna fiddle with it once i wake up , thanks for helo :P

8 years ago

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If i have a second account,how can i use for commands? just set the id of second account on masterclan id like group?

8 years ago

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Important setting for your second account: "SteamMasterID": the id of your main account

If you also use a steam group: "SteamMasterClanID": id of the group

8 years ago

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Now i have steam group and use the id of the group

If i have the second account steamclanmasterid remains empty and fill just the steammasterid with the id of secound account? Because now i have the id of first account

8 years ago

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if you have one account
use a group to send commands

if you have to accounts
send commands through private chat (from steamMasterId to bot)

ist you have two accounts "main" and "bot". Put main as steammasterid for both. then send commands to bot. If you just write "!command" it will execute on the bot. If you write "!command main" it will execute on the main account. So no need for a steamgroup anymore.

8 years ago

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In the config generator i just put the id of the secound account in steam masterid? but now i have the id of my first account

8 years ago

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you put the id of the account which you are logged in into steam normaly in BOTH accounts.
Then you can send commands via private chat.

8 years ago

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I need to create another bot on ASF and put in one bot the id of first account and in the other bot the id of the second account,right?

8 years ago

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2 bots with differend "SteamLogin" but the same "SteamMasterID".

8 years ago

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Ahhhh same MasterID xD

Now try :)

8 years ago

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I've created 2 bot,with different login but same masterid ( the master id is of the first account,the one with i am online)

I put in private chat with second account commands !play and id,say done,but my profile is not on game ;(

8 years ago

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If you want to see your main account in game you need to make sure you have: "FarmOffline": false

8 years ago

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I'ts false on both account

When i was using group i saw my account go green on chat,but now no.....but i can back to group again,is same

8 years ago

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To let your master (mainaccount) play a game the command is !play masterbotname appID. You can type that command to your second account in chat.

Example: !play cutmainbot 252950

Which will start rocketleague on your main.

8 years ago*

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Thank you,i forgot to put the bot name ;)

p.s. Everytime i write commands in chat say always nameofthesecondbot account done and i need to say commands and name of the first account

Is possible to say first the name of the first bot instead of second?

8 years ago*

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Good to see your main now plays the game you wanted it to play ;)

About your new question: I really want to answer your question, but I don't understand the question :( Maybe you can upload a screenshot then I can look to it later on the day.

I think you need to play a little with your bots to learn more about it :)
Btw: here are all the commands you can use:

There is also a very nice GUI for ASF, which makes it probably easier for you (as new user) to execute and at the same time learn the commands to watch the outputs on the screen:

8 years ago*

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If i don't specific name of the bot in the commands,,the program says always the name of the second bot or alternative account

I write password,and say name of the second bot

8 years ago

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-When you send a private message to your second bot with a !command and don't specify the bot name, the second bot will of course assume the command is for the second bot.
-When you send a private message to your second bot and you want your main (or any other bot besides your second bot) to respond/execute the command, you have to specify the bot name. !command cutmainbot or !command cutbot3.

it's like as you message to a girl in chat, 'love you', she will of course assume it's meant for her. But if you message to the same girl 'I love myself', she understands that you love yourself. (Maybe she suspects you are a narcissist). When you message to the same girl 'I love girl-3', she (hopefully) understands you love girl-3 (and not her) ;)

8 years ago*

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Ahahah funny examples but works

Yes,if i am on main and want to use commands for main i need to say the commands and name of my main bots

8 years ago

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Exactly! Have fun with the bots ;)

8 years ago

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Hm I have strange issue. Some time after start of ASF my PC freezes. Can it be caused by old version of ASF ? I use Win7 Professional and some time ago I reinstaled OS. Before reinstalation everything was fine. Someone had the same problem ?

8 years ago

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When ASF crashed, put log here
probably related

8 years ago

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Shouldn't be related. If net version is wrong it crahs/exists and does not freeze. But log is a good idea ;->

8 years ago

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Define old ASF version (which one exactly). You should always use the newest one.

You complete PC freezes to a point where you can not even start taskmanager and stuff?

Thats really bad. Are you sure it's caused by ASF?

There should be a log.txt in the same place where the ASF.exe is. After a crash BEFORE starting ASF again, copy the last lines (from when it started to look wierd) here.

8 years ago

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Only way is turning it off and on. It totally does not respond.
FIrst I thought it's related to drivers problem after OS reinstalation but after some time and few freezes I noticed it happens only when I'm using ASF.

I'll run ASF and wait for freez to provide logs when I'm back home.

8 years ago*

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Ok, but please state the version of ASF (and probably the version of .net) as well. Both stands at the start of said logfile.

8 years ago

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ASF version and NET version is in log

8 years ago

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Both stands at the start of said logfile.

But if he has ASF running for 30min until it frezzes, the logfile is pretty long (depending on the amount of bots). So posting the full file is unessessary.

8 years ago

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Using any older version than latest stable excludes you from technical support by definition.

8 years ago

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Hm ok I'll dl latest version in that case and see if something strange happens.

8 years ago

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Ok, I installed newest version, ASF and .Net. Launched ASF, everything was ok, when my anti-virus updated automatically it recognized ASF.exe as a threat and deleted it. As I was a bit busy I decided I'll deal with it later and then my PC freezed again. Just like earlier.

I can post logs but there is nothing suspicious tbh. Any ideas what can be wrong ? Maybe it's my AV fault ? But I'm still using the same AV I used before os reinstalation.

8 years ago

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Why would ASF freeze your PC if it's not even working? You have other issues with your OS and ASF is not responsible for any of them.

8 years ago

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So how can I explain it freezes always shortly after usage of ASF ?

8 years ago

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well if you said your AV deleted ASF and your PC froze afterwards, that can not be done by ASF.

maybe your .net installation is faulty and ASF loads a windowslibrary that is not used otherwise or anything. It's maybe triggered by ASF and will be triggered by a bunch of other software as well, but it's not an ASF problem, but one of your PC.

You still can try the log thing, after it froze with ASF running, but I assume normal logs, that just stops.

You can boot windows in safemode and only start ASF or you can try it on a different PC.

8 years ago

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stupid question: it is a program that doesnt work in the background right? if i close it its closed?

8 years ago

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If you close it as in "close it", then no.
If you only minimize it (either to taskbar or to statusbar via other program) or install it as a service, then it runs in the background just fine.

Dunno, if thats where your question comes from, but sometimes you get card drops, after ASF is closed because steam ^^.

8 years ago

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with closing i mean pressing x is just fine right? i dont have to give a special command for it to end. i just press x and thats it, right?

8 years ago

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Clicking the X is sufficient.

But in case you need it, there is the "!exit" command, which can be send through chat and will close ASF as well (even if you are not on your PC).

8 years ago

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with chat do you mean steam chat? and so, how can i write a message to it. on my steam friends list it shows that i am ingame but i cant write a message? can you tell me how if its ok for you.

8 years ago

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Ah, if you only have one account, you need to create a group and make ASF join the group chat. Thats explained in the wiki. But I guess if you do not need to send commands otherwise, thats not worth it ;->

8 years ago

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Is it possible to implement new type of sorting: give priority to games, whose card drop will help to complete a badge (sort games by amount of cards, required to complete the badge)?
For example, I farmed some games on alt and going to farm the same games on main, then craft badges. So, I trade cards to main and I need to farm corresponding games before others.

8 years ago

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That would require not only checking how many cards given badge requires, but also your inventory state - very expensive request, definitely not for any type of sorting.

8 years ago

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I see "4 of 5 cards collected for next level" on badges page, can't this be used?

I suppose that it's actually using "Sort by In Progress" for badges pages, then filter out games without card drops and put games with ready to craft badges to the end of list.

8 years ago*

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That can't work at all if we consider number of cards exceeding badge progress, such as having full set ready and having a game for farming - Steam won't state 12 out of 10, and 19 out of 10 is closer than 3 out of 5.

8 years ago

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oh, I got it - I misunderstood something.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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how do i downgrade asf?

8 years ago*

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That is not the solution, since old ASF versions might not work properly. You won't have any technical support with older versions. it's the release tab in github if you really want to

The last link explains how to execlude ASF properly.

Otherwise you can send it to Kasperky, telling them it's a false positive, maybe linking to github (sourcecode is always good).

8 years ago

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Requires Steam running? and Supports offline farming? is the same -.-

8 years ago

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You don't need to install Steam to run it, and you can farm offline (not sign in Steam chat so your profile is offline) :D

8 years ago

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Please note this:

A couple of acquaintances, who are not very experienced pc users, have been fed with weird links for downloading asf.exe, after a chat they had about card-farming etc. The chat took place most probably in reddit or twitch. The weird part is that the info reached me as a heads-up that this ASF program that i'm using and advertising as 'good' stuff, is in fact a malware.

I'm trying to contact them and possibly get a link or a chat extract to back this story up. It's either true and someone started using asf.exe to disguise their malware, or it's a dispersed attempt to create a hoax regarding ASF , due to the latest false positive AV alerts.

Anyway, i guess it wouldn't matter spamming the only valid link to download ASF is this:

8 years ago*

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we had a situation with a group selling "automated idle bots", which was now suspended by Volvo, might be related for what I know

8 years ago

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It's quite early here (~8am) to start making calls but i hope i have more info around noon.

I might be a hoax spreading around, we do have the tendency to tell great stories (with or without dragons) around here.Combined with high levels of computer illiteracy, is quite catchy trend. 😛

8 years ago*

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Hm... That would probably explain the false positive from kasperky.
If there is an ASF.exe which is infact malware, it might flag every ASF.exe.

8 years ago

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I have a theory of some dumbfuck putting malware in ASF, distributing to some users and AVs catching up on it, so also tagging entire ASF codebase as "potentially malicious".

That is only a theory though, and it's not like I can do anything about it either - what I could do is adding notice about source of ASF binary to FAQ, and I did that one, thanks.

8 years ago

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I've got some feedback from 5 events i remotely checked myself, but the whole incident cries for a pathetic attempt of spreading a hoax.

  • No-one had any malware named as asf.exe on their drives. One of them had a generic malware but browser history & event logs proved that he got infected at least 15 days ago.
  • There were a couple of AV reports, one from Kaspersky, as mentioned here, and one from Avira with old signatures. I managed to undelete the files and they were binary identical to the latest asf.exe from github.
  • I also got one chat log, i can't publish here but it was pretty stupid and the link given was legit, that's all that matters.

I really can't understand some people, i mean why spread a hoax for such a useful and free software?

8 years ago*

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Most people do not understand how AVs really work and that false positives happen very often - it might simply be users stupidity once again, spreading false rumors based solely on the fact of ASF binary being detected by given AV. Like stated in the FAQ, this happened, happens and will keep happening, not only because ASF has rather specific code that could be seen as malware (a lot of low-level networking. sockets, serializing/deserializing packets and everything else required to establish connection with the Steam network), but also because AVs tend to report massive amount of the same executable files found on various different PCs - and this is exactly what happens when ASF auto-updates, and because it's generally "unknown" to AV engine, it might be falsely reported as malware due to heuristics.

Not everybody believes in my good intentions, not everybody listens when I say that ASF is open-source and not everybody understands that ASF can be compiled from that source and used if somebody doesn't want to use pre-built binaries. The only thing we can do is try to fix those mistakes by correcting false theories, invalid facts and absolute lack of knowledge how ASF works, that can be found in some replies considering ASF everywhere.

Oh yeah, and there is also that small "IM squad" getting annoyed a lot that everybody is switching to ASF, so when they started losing the battle, they decided to spread false rumors about ASF - I even found out that ASF is "Steam idler" and causing VAC like Valve stated in the article, while IM does not, so it's hard by now to shock me with something new - I feel like I heard it all by now, after 2 years of development I got used to several things that are happening constantly, so I'm simply taking it easy. I always said that ASF is not for everyone, and I'm not trying to make it for everyone either - if somebody wants to waste his time in order to spread false lies, I know that sooner or later he'll lose with massive ASF community that will correct his lie anyway, and I shouldn't really bother with small group of haters when there are hundreds of thousands of happy users.

If I want to say anything regarding any matter - it's in the FAQ. If I say that ASF doesn't have malware, it doesn't. If somebody doesn't believe me and doesn't understand technical aspects that verify what I'm saying, then it's not like I'll convince him anyway.

8 years ago*

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Bookmarked for FAQ reasons ^^
Thanks for the guidelines <3

8 years ago

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No Worries, No Problems, Just want to get clarified for myself

There's no big problem on displaying the status online or in-game, just helps me easier when i'm not home and i want to check my bots with the mobile app.

Steam Client shows bot on farming or game idle to [ in-game -- ]
While the Steam Mobile App only shows the bot as to [ Online ]

if you have time to check the caption for each photo HERE , so i don't have to copy paste it here, and make my comment longer. Thanks.

PS: I'm just wondering why doesnt the mobile app shows the accounts in-game -- as far as i know it's displaying it correctly before, even the account or bot is just on idle game, it still shows the app thingy that they are in-game.
Steam client shows its in-game while mobile shows its online.

View attached image.
View attached image.
8 years ago

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Interesting. I can confirm that.

App shows other (normal) players as ingame, but my bot only appears as online, but is playing in my friendslist (exactly as you explained).

I would assume some steam fuckup, since app and client should get the data from the same place.

There was a steamapp update a day ago or so. Might be that.

8 years ago

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Sounds like typical Steam fuckup to me :3. Of course there is nothing to fix in ASF, but you know it already.

8 years ago

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How do I remove my password from ASF when/if I'm done with it? Like, ASF auto logs in the moment I type in my username even if/when I have the config left as blank. Or do I need to just change password then?

8 years ago

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ASf does not store your password when you do not have it in the config...

It uses it once to log in. Thats it. It does not get saved, or needs to be deleted. The only thing ASF stores are sessions/cookies (like your browser or your steam client).
As long as you start ASF regulary these get refreshed often enough to not need the password again, otherwise you need to type it in again.

Not sure right now, but these are either stored in the BOTNAME.db or .bin in the config folder. But these are like browser cookies. Deleting them does not do anything (if you have imported 2fa, that gone then^^) but prompting you for password the next time. But you should not share these.

8 years ago

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Ah, explains it then. Thanks. Was mostly wondering why it managed to auto log me in without prompting a password. Cookies it is.

8 years ago

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ASF uses login keys mechanism - same that your Steam client uses. This is saved as login key in BotName.db, together with SteamGuard file in BotName.bin (that one doesn't have to exist). Deleting both .db and .bin files of your bot completely erase its existance in the past, with everything that ASF managed to save about it.

It doesn't make sense to remove them, since like Klapp pointed out above, it's just authenticated session that can be used by ASF on next login (and changing password actually would not do anything, you'd need to deauthorize all other PCs and invalidate all past sessions), but if you do remove them - you'll notice that ASF works exactly the same as when you started it for the first time.

8 years ago*

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Any chance for !pauseall and !resumeall?

8 years ago

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!pause ASF
!resume ASF

8 years ago

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? With that only bot named ASF is affected.
One of the annoying stuff for me is because I start my bots paused by def, and then resume farming after I add games to them (annoying part is typing 10 times same command). Adding games in middle of first 2 hours farming stops and resumes bot, and in the process timing for 2 hrs is disturbed and its simply not optimal. (I don't run asf non stop, just when I have to farm xx games)

8 years ago

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ASF is blocked and can not be a botname.
You should start reading changelogs once in a while. Or just try stuff out people tell you to do.

8 years ago

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[7:00:18 PM] Milan: !pause ASF
[7:00:19 PM] bot1: Couldn't find any bot named ASF!

8 years ago

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Which version are you using?

I'm on prerelease, but I am pretty sure it's already in the latest stable release.

PS: Yes it is. Unless you know what you are doing automatic updates should be true. The new version is out for 6 days by now. (Might even be the stable before that, where this got changed...)

8 years ago*

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I m still on 2205; probably thats the catch. I saw that command unification was added to latest one, just didn't thought that it would be what I need. I got used to !statusall command and expected for these 2 to be like and selfexplanatory also. I'll try latest one of these days. Cheers.

8 years ago

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!statusall got removed and is now !status ASF as well.

You should really update ASF regulary and read the changelogs once in a while. Mostly awesome stuff gets added.

8 years ago

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Already possible in latest ASF, like Klapp pointed out above.

8 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by JustArchi.