ASF is a C# application that allows you to farm steam cards using multiple steam accounts simultaneously. Unlike Idle Master which works only for one account at given time, requires steam client running in background, and launches additional processes imitating "game playing" status, ASF doesn't require any steam client running in the background, doesn't launch any additional processes and is made to handle unlimited steam accounts at once. In addition to that, it's meant to be run on servers or other desktop-less machines, and features full cross-OS support, which makes it possible to launch on any .NET Core-supported operating system, such as Windows, Linux or OS X. ASF is possible thanks to gigantic amount of work done in marvelous SteamKit2 library.

ASF doesn't require and doesn't interfere in any way with Steam client. In addition to that, it doesn't require exclusive access to given account, which means that you can use your main account in Steam client, and use ASF for idling the same account at the same time. If you decide to launch a game, ASF will get disconnected, and resume idling once you finish playing your game, being as transparent as possible during entire process.

Core features

  • Automatic idling of available games with card drops using any number of active accounts
  • No requirement of running or even having official Steam client installed
  • Guarantee of being VAC-free
  • Complex error-reporting mechanism, allowing ASF to be smart and resume idling even in case of Steam or networking problems
  • Customizable cards idling algorithm which will push performance of card drops to the maximum
  • Offline idling, allowing you to skip in-game status and stop confusing your friends
  • Advanced support for alt accounts, including ability to redeem keys, redeem gifts, accept trades and more through a simple Steam chat
  • Support for latest Steam security features, including SteamGuard, SteamParental and two-factor authentication
  • Unique ASF 2FA mechanism allowing ASF to act as a mobile authenticator (if needed)
  • StreamTradeMatcher integration allowing ASF to help you in completing your steam badges by accepting dupe trades
  • Rebased on .NET Core 2.0, cross-OS compatibility, official support for Windows, Linux and OS X
  • ...and many more!

Interesting features

For comparison with other similar programs and further read about the most interesting exclusive ASF features, I recommend to visit appropriate FAQ entry that explains everything in detail. It's also a very good starting point if you want to have a glimpse on what ASF can do, besides the obvious.

Setting up

Detailed guide regarding setting up and using ASF is available in the setting up article on our wiki. It's user-friendly tutorial with helpful screenshots that compacts the whole basic knowledge about ASF into a single document.

Useful links

Main page / Source code
Latest version / Download
Wiki / Help
Steam group

You might be also interested in our side project, ASF STM listing.

Is the project still supported?

As stated in my thread closing statement, despite of SG thread being closed, I intend to keep the project up-to-date and supported through non-SG channels. You can check the date of the latest release for reference.

This thread

The thread on SG is open for discussion and support matters that are related to ASF as a program. If you have any particular issue, question or other case to discuss, feel free to leave a comment.

Have fun.

Please do not add me on steam, if you have questions or issues - ask in the thread.

Prior to doing so, make sure to read main page and the wiki, especially our FAQ.

8 years ago*

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so how to skip primary acoount from distribute key?

7 years ago

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I've already answered you.

7 years ago

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is there any way to ignore a specific steamid from trades? there is a nice user that is exploiting guys that are using asf :)

7 years ago

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You can't exploit ASF, and if you care about cent-differences then you shouldn't use ASF STM in the first place.

7 years ago

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As archi said, only same set trades are possible. There are some rare sets where prices differ, but then he first has to have a cheap card, and the ASF user has the expensive card.
Or is he doing other stuff?

7 years ago*

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Replacing your variety of cards with xy of a single card, which nobody hardly wants. Just block him in Steam to get rid of the dark one.

7 years ago

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Ähm... but...
isn't that the difference between ANY and STM setting?

With ANY you only care about "cards are same set", nothing more. With STM ASF will check if the trade is beneficial for you, meaning you will only loose dupes and will only get cards you're missing (or rather have the fewest times).

So if you want to build sets/ gather different cards use STM setting and this "exploit" is not possible.

If you use ANY setting, you basically saying "it's fine if you trade my 2 full sets vs. 20 times the same card from this set". Thats not an exploit. It's basically what you told them to do.

But jeha, if you have a problem with someone you always can block him.

7 years ago

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Exactly. It's just that most people who run on ANY want to help many others to complete their sets, not profit one guy and leave bot useless to most others. More about the spirit of it than profit I'd say.

Edit: also the potential glitch mentioned above allowing to exploit STM to act like ANY. He sends those huge offers to all ASF STM users in hopes of it going through, not just the ANY ones.

7 years ago

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For the first thing. That actually does not matter in the long run. I once had a similar situation for myself (steam dropping one card like 20 times out of 22 or something) and basically I did the exact same thing you just described to archiBot (he only had 15 cards or so I needed, so I had still some left). Like 5 minutes later I matched against him again (for a different set) and he already had matches for the previous set again.
Since the card one gave you 20 times is missing for another person, this actually does not really matter in the long run, as long as enough people are matching the bot. Besides there are so many different bots.

So as long as someone does not reduces all sets to one card for every bot, I do not think, that is abusing the system. Furthermore even with a lot of bots (otherwise you do not have enough cards to cause a problem) you are most likely to get only a limited amount of dupes. I only agree with you under one condition:
If that person buys single cards and sells full sets on a big scale and for profit.

For the mentioned glitch. That is indeed a problem. But I have to admit, that I sent an ANY offer to STM bots once in a while as well, because they were ANY at some point and I bootmarked their tradeoffer. (Happend like 5 times or rather 2 times confirmed 3-5 times the offer was neither accepted nor declined and I cancled.) You say he sends thoose offers to all ASF users with STM. Do you have proof of that? If he really spams offers in the hope of getting them through by volvo fuckup, that might indeed be a reason to just hardcoded ban him or something.

7 years ago

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I know fully well too that Steam loves giving you 20 of some card and 2 of other, but it should even out with multiple users and bots. It's just the volume he does it, more like 150 than 15. Bit like someone offering free candy to kids, then some adult taking it all to take home to only his kids. Not illegal per se but not something most people see as desirable thing. I for one just blocked him after he did that with ANY account and then tried to abuse STM account too couple times. If others want to give him more profit for that they are free to do so as well. So not something that ASF needs to fix unless there really is a glitch.

Only proof I have is account that has never had any other setting than STM getting those huge trades from him as a test, then getting canceled after a while because they didn't go through. And others complaining about the same thing.

7 years ago

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Hm... what I am wondering is how he got all this dupes. Is he maybe admin of some tradesite or something?

Because as I said. Getting sometimes more of one card is normal, but getting it always is impossible. And that evens out the more bots you have.

If he really is activly trying to exploit that glitch, it is indeed something ASF probably should do something.

7 years ago

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Hi everybody,

I like to get all my games up to two hours by farmMultiple(). I tried to change the ASF config to do this (farming mode complex, farming order on hours ascending, maximum farming time set to two hours), but it does not work and ASF still goes into solo farming of games. It seems to just ignore the farming order (after a reboot it still picks a game that was farmed two hours already) and also ignores the maximal farming time (I've tried setting it to 1 hour, but even then it solo farms a game up to two hours - even when farming mode is simple). While I have 2000 others games waiting to be farmed, I like to get me the first drop a bit quicker and then go into solo farming.

Any oversight I've made in the settings? Thanks for the help.

7 years ago*

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Any oversight I've made in the settings?

Trying to outsmart farming algorithms thinking you know better + using properties that were intended to fight with Steam glitches in non-intended way + not understanding how Complex algorithm works.

Notice the word "try" in all above descriptions - the actual order is heavily affected by selected cards farming algorithm and sorting will affect only results that ASF considers same performance-wise (...) this config property is only a suggestion that ASF will try to respect, as long as it doesn't affect performance negatively (in this case, ASF will prefer performance over FarmingOrder).

If you want to farm manually, then you have !play command for that. If you want to farm automatically, then do not try to outsmart ASF algorithms that know better how to do that most effectively.

7 years ago*

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Haha, well thanks for your reaction. I'm not so into idling, I just see that after a multiple farm I get dozens of cards at one (with 32 games idling at once would be 16 cards per hour up to 2000 not idled games).

I like the confidence you put in your own algorithm, I've read the documentation. I just like ASF to continue farming the next multiple games batch instead of solo farming up to 32 games before moving on. It provides (not working) options for it, which you now call as using them in a "non-intended" way.

No is also an answer. In Idle Master this was possible, see attached screenshot. ASF supports the first option (Simple) and the last option (Complex), but I'm just looking for the middle one.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Everything works as intended to, the fact that it does not match your expected usage has nothing to do with it.

No is also an answer. In Idle Master this was possible, see attached screenshot. ASF supports the first option (Simple) and the last option (Complex), but I'm just looking for the middle one.

Becasue this mode is inferior to any of two offered by ASF, it's not available, like stated in the wiki.

At the moment two above algorithms are enough for all currently possible account scenarios, in order to farm as effectively as possible, therefore it's not planned to add any other ones.

So if you want to farm in non-effective way, yes, you must use idle master, because ASF farms effectively only.

7 years ago

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I regret asking this question. As told you before I'm happy with the program, it's working fine in the last three weeks. I just tried changing the options to optimize it suiting my own situation; you call it in-effective, perhaps true in the long term, but in short term not so much. Thanks again for your answer though!

View attached image.
7 years ago

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There are no dumb questions - I'm trying to logically explain why what you want to do doesn't make sense, not say that you shouldn't do that or that I know better what suits you - because I do not.

In automatic mode, ASF does not allow you to choose the games that should be farmed, neither allows you to change cards farming algorithm. ASF knows better than you what it should do and what decisions it should make in order to farm as fast as possible.

You're trying to customize automatic mode in terms of performance, which ASF clearly states that is not going to happen. Farming order is a suggestion for algorithm what you want to farm first (if possible), not what you will farm first, and MaxFarmingTime is made to handle Steam glitches in FarmSolo() function, not put hard limit on farming each game, as it's not considered at all during FarmHours(), and calculated from 0 when game enters FarmSolo() - which is why I stated that you're trying to use it in a wrong way and it doesn't work for you, because it was not supposed to work in a way you want to, and it in fact doesn't. It fights entirely different issue in entirely different way, ASF doesn't even bother calculating actual Steam playtime with this.

However, like I said, you can still farm manually in whatever way that satisfies you, using !play command. You can even write a script that executes that command through ASF WCF in whatever order you want, for however long you want, and likewise. Because ASF is that flexible in places that should be flexible, automatic mode is not flexible, automatic mode is something that I turn on and it's supposed to work. If I notice that something doesn't have any purpose for automatic mode, then it's not being considered. If Valve suddenly changed drop logic and put everybody unlimited, then Complex algorithm would be thrown away entirely, and vice-versa with Simple.

7 years ago

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Thanks, I've written a very poorly powerscript to do just that ;-) I'm curious about the results.

7 years ago

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I think your misstake is assuming complex will farm all games to 2hours and then solo.

It farms 1 batch (max 32 games) up to 2 hours and then farms solo these games. Afterwards it starts with the next batch.

That is because if you have 33 games, you would need 4 hours to bring all up to 2 hours. if you now redeem new games after 3.9 hours you lost 2 hours of you idle time.

7 years ago

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That's true KlappPc, but I was trying to modify that behavior. And you are right for regular farming that it wouldn't make sense, but in my case there are 1984 games left to farm, meaning it could run 62 batches first. ;-)

7 years ago*

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Jep, but the thing is.
If you are not relying on a steam glitch (that works for some people sometimes) it does not make a difference^^

7 years ago

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But short term it does, I already have 22 cards now. :) I can see that in long term, after all multiple batches are finished, it would still need allot of solo farming, perhaps costing just as much time. I don't want to glitch it, as it's my primary account with allot of value, but I guess the whole idea of running up to 32 apps at the same time is already a kind of thing you normally wouldn't do.. ;)

7 years ago

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The thing is not so much, that valve will ban people doing that or stuff, but more that it is not intended to work that way and

  1. It does not work for everyone
  2. It does not work always
  3. It might get fixed any time.

So spending developing time for it is mostly wasted. That holds especially for the "cycle through games"- to get cards even faster, but also for the "first drop".

7 years ago

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but I guess the whole idea of running up to 32 apps at the same time is already a kind of thing you normally wouldn't do

Steam network wouldn't allow up to 32 appIDs to include in a request then. I have perfect understanding of what is intended and what is not because I'm directly interacting with Steam network, and sending multiple requests (which can be considered DoS attack and result in Steam account suspension) is NOT the proper way of interacting with it, regardless of how much people want to believe otherwise.

7 years ago

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To defend him. He's not talking about the "switch through games"-glitch, but the related "use complex when not needed and drop one card per game after 2h"-glitch. (At least if I am not misstaken).
I think he only suggested to keep farming batches of 32 games up to 2h instead of starting solo after the first batch. This would not change anything (regarding total farmtime or requests) but he would get a bigger junk of cards earlier. ( instead of "32 1 1 .... 1 1 32 1 1 ..." he gets "32 32 .... 1 1 1...".

7 years ago

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If we assume no Steam glitches and the fact that you can't drop ANY card before 2h, then his algorithm is not-optimal, and totally destroyed if we assume that we can add games in the meantime, as we could start farming 4 out of 4, farm them to 2h, then add 2 another games, and farm those 2 to 2h, and so on.

So no, it's not optimal, and would not result in any amount of more cards earlier, since we'd bring all games to 2h first, and they do not drop any card before hitting that mark.

7 years ago

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If you only do the next batch if 32 games are availiable nothing would change (only the time when you get cards).
If complex is needed you just have a longer period before you actually start farming cards .

Basically assuming you ignore the amount of games that are not a multiple of 32. As soon as there are 32 games with less than 2 hours you bring these up to 2 instead of farming others solo.

So this would only affect people using complex and having 64+ games less than 2 hours. But I am rather sure that it definetly does change nothing (in all regards).

Of course taking batches with less than 32 games before soloing is a stupid move, sorry for not beeing clear enough on that.

7 years ago

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Thank you for explaining it clearer, indeed that's the only thing I was after. Having 185+ cards now with my sub-optimal script I can say it also works well for my situation. My situation is not the average thing Archi should focus on, I understand that, but I'm happy to kickstart things off for myself. Thanks for the feedback. =)

7 years ago*

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Kinda lame, it cant farm multiple games up to two hours at start. So I have to sit here and wait for ages looking at how it farms every single game one by one while Idlemaster will do the same later but at least at the start it farms these many games up to 2h which can result in getting a lot of cards right away and in the end cutting down the time needed to farm the remaining cards on games that are beyond 2h

Well, there are actually two options for that in idlemaster - one to first farm up to 2h then solo or first farm solo everything past 2h and then multiple to 2h - but one way or another it makes things faster while here it will farm <2h games one by one :/

7 years ago*

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That's not how ASF works in Complex mode. Are we using the same program?

7 years ago

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I'm talking about how idlemaster works. As in that it can and it will farm multiple games at once as long as they are below 2h, be it before farming games with 2h solo or after

ASF on the other hand farms every game solo, regardless of time played. So where idlemaster would give me a big bunch of cards by farming multiple games up to 2h on timer and then farm solo the rest, reducing the overall time needed, ASF will farm solo only without reducing the time needed as it doesnt farm multiple <2h games at once

And the complex mode assumes that you have card drop restricted so when you dont have it restricted then this mode wont launch at all

7 years ago

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How do you manage to get it to not launch? Works just fine with complex no matter if restricted or not.

7 years ago

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The wiki clearly states that if card drop restriction is true for your account (and so its set on true in config) then complex will be used

However if your account is not restricted and so in config you set it on false then simple will be used

I dont have restriction on my account based on what the wiki says, I can get a card even after 30 min of playing the game

And so one way or another idlemaster will farm multiple games at once and then solo (or vice versa) which makes whole farming faster (bunch of cards after 2h of farming and then solo card every once in a while) while ASF farms them solo only

If your account doesnt have card drops restriction then there is no point in using this program over idlemaster because if you set the info true - that the card drop is unrestricted - then it will farm solo only while idlemaster will do multiple farms at once before going into solo mode (or as said before - vice versa)

7 years ago

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And ASF still works exactly like that if you just tell it the account is restricted so it uses complex. Simple as that.

7 years ago

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Except its not restricted so why I should put false information ?

Based on that it would mean that the program is poorly written as there is no reason why it shouldnt use that complex farm to unrestricted accounts

7 years ago

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You want something but don't want it, try to decide what you actually want....

How is the program poorly written when it does exactly what you configure it to do?

7 years ago

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What is the logic in blocking the program from farming multiple games when your account is unrestricted when the biggest "profit" in this case is actually farming multiple games till 2h ?

Because of that it seems that this whole "restricted/not restricted" thing in the program is completly not needed because it doesnt matter if your account is res/not res - in both cases you benefit more when the program farms those games up to 2h

So that setting shouldnt even exist at all because currently if you follow the instructions for your unrestricted account then you basically cripple your farming efficiency. In other words right now the wiki should say that you should always be using "true" for restrictied option

7 years ago

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Because multiple games dropping any cards at all during the 2h is still a Steam glitch, it didn't work like that for years before and might not work like that in the future. Stop trying to use logic when you're the one refusing to change the config so it works like you want.

7 years ago

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Lol what ? Well then if its a glitch...wait, its irrelevant if its one or if its not because one way or another both programs use it

The problem here is that this ASF program claims that for unrestricted accounts its better to use one-by-one farm when its complete bullshit as multiple farm is just as "profitable" for unrestricted as for restricted. Its not even about "why would I set unrestricted in config when its worse", its about the fact that somehow the maker thought that its better to not include multiple farming for unrestricted config or even splitting this into restricted/unrestricted at all when in reality there is no difference at all and you always want multiple farming when possible

If its a glitch then when it will be fixed this will become completly irrelevant, but as for now its just pointless to have two categories and set your bot config to unrestricted

7 years ago

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LOL you not reading the dozens of times it has been explained in this thread already. You're the only one that has any problems changing the config options to what you actually want, so it's really only your problem making you the pointless one.

7 years ago

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Like rly, I just told you its no longer about setting up the config and only about having useless and misleading function (that no one should use if they want to farm efficiently) in program but no, you will just continue saying that its my problem that I dont want to change the config xd

I suppose you have some problem in reading with understanding or you simply dont bother to read the post and just repeat the same thing over and over again :D

7 years ago

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No the problem is still yours, not anyone elses. Both understanding written text and writing config files it seems. You abuse a glitch that might or not be temporary and get fixed later just to get couple cards bit faster, which is quite irrelevant to most people.

7 years ago

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And you still dont get it :D

Mkay, I'm done here

7 years ago

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Yes, I don't get you. I get everything related to farming cards with ASF unlike you so really nothing to do about that.

7 years ago

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Based on that it would mean that the program is poorly written as there is no reason why it shouldnt use that complex farm to unrestricted accounts

I stopped reading right here, since you apparently don't only have not a single clue how Steam cards dropping algorithm works, but you also don't want to learn how it does.

In fact, I didn't plan to reply further, but it might be a good idea to finally write another wall of text that nobody will ever read, and put it in the FAQ/Performance section on the wiki, so I can once again reply with "FAQ" when people mention cards dropping due to game-closing and don't bother repeating myself over and over again.

Your major problem is the fact that you assume that your opinion is the only one that matters and that it's flawless. You're the one who understands how this should work, and everybody else, including developer that spent 2 years on improving ASF based on feedback of over 155 THOUSAND of users, is wrong. If you can't for a single moment assume that you can be wrong, then you can stop reading right here and use IM or whatever else that satisfies you, since you know better and my opinion what I think about that is irrelevant by definition.

Although if you did decide to read further, then it means that you assumed that you can be wrong, and that actually that jerk Archi might actually know better than you what is going on here, so let's hear what that guy has to tell us.

What is a Steam glitch - a specific action triggering undefined behaviour, which is not intended, undocumented, and considered as a logic flaw. It's unreliable by definition, which means that it can't be reproduced reliably with clean testing environment, and therefore, coded without resorting to hacks and exploiting the abuse.

Now I could stop right here and say that cards being dropped due to game-switching or game-closing is a Steam glitch based solely on the fact that it doesn't work for everyone. "Hooray Archi jerk reached his goal, great" - no, I'll elaborate further why it's a Steam glitch.

a) Undefined behaviour - you can't say if there will be 0 or 1 cards being dropped.
b) Not intended - based on past experience and behaviour of Steam network that doesn't result in same behaviour when sending a single request.
c) Undocumented - it's clearly documented on Steam website how cards are being obtained, and in every single place it's clearly stated that it's obtained through playing, NOT closing games, getting achievements, games switching or launching 32 games concurrently.
d) Considered as a logic flaw - Closing game(s) or switching them should have no outcome on cards being dropped which are clearly stated to be obtained through gaining playtime.
e) Unreliable by definition, can't be reproduced reliably - it doesn't work for everybody, and even if it did work for you once, it might no longer work for the second time.

Now once we realized what Steam glitch is, and the fact that the issue is one, we can move on to the second point - ASF is not abusing Steam network in any way by definition, and it's doing its BEST to comply with Steam ToS, its protocols and what is generally accepted. Spamming Steam network with constant game opening/closing request can be considered a DoS attack and DIRECTLY violates Steam Online Conduct

As a Steam subscriber you agree to abide by the following conduct rules.
You will not:
Institute attacks upon a Steam server or otherwise disrupt Steam.

And it doesn't matter in a slightlest point if you do it because IM allows you to do that, or not. It also doesn't matter at all if you consider your behaviour as a DoS attack or normal behaviour - it's up to Valve to decide, but even if I as a developer of ASF see it as one, you can be sure that they will consider it as well.

ASF is NEVER going to take advantage of Steam exploits, abuses, hacks or any other activity that I deem as illegal according to Steam ToS, Steam Online Conduct or any other trusted source that could indicate that ASF activity is unwanted by Steam network, as stated in contributing section on the wiki.

There is no place for discussion here - if we think that something goes too much from the gray zone and is directly or indirectly against Steam ToS, we'll always reject it. Some good examples in this category include any automation related to the Steam store or Steam market. Both services are directly claimed to be subscription marketplaces, and automating any subscription marketplace is against Steam ToS. We're not in position to state if we agree with Steam ToS or not - we're doing our best to follow it. Interpretation of Steam ToS and what in fact is against it, is also very subjective, as ToS itself is very vague and unclear, but fact is - we do not code, neither accept features that are in conflict with Steam ToS (if in our opinion something is against the ToS, and there is no strong reasoning that we're wrong about it).

ASF always does its best to comply with the Steam service, and Steam employees know very well that they can always count on me and reach me if they see any ASF activity as illegal, unwanted, or non-ethical, like they did when ASF initially voted always for the first game in Steam Awards - I got confidential e-mail from Valve employee responsible for keeping an eye on ASF that I might want to change it if I don't want to cause armageddon. This is also a small "detail" I don't really want to boast about too much, but ASF users have some sort of false guarantee that Valve will contact with me first, prior to clicking red button and going on the war with the users, but since it's false guarantee I do not want to mention it too much, since people might consider ASF "safe to use", and I don't want to make people think that it's true only because I keep good relations with Valve - it might change anytime, and even without any reason or my fault.

So a gigantic TL;DR of what I said so far is - ASF includes two most optimal algorithms to farm Steam cards, if we don't want to resort to hacks, glitches or abuses. If despite of that gigantic wall of text of explanation you're still convinced that you know better, then there is nothing else left for me but suggesting you to do whatever you consider appropriate, since ASF is definitely not for you, as it's my decision how I want to develop my own project, and implementing exploiting Steam glitches for your own unfair advantage is out of it, same like Greenlight votes and crapload of other features I was asked to do, including getting paid for doing them.

But if I'm doing it and Valve doesn't do anything with it, then it means it's fine!

It's also fine for me to report your account from ~1k random ASF bots, triggering you permanent Steam community ban until Steam support reviews your case, since technically every account of Steam is eligible of using report button, right? :3

Only because something is possible to do, doesn't mean that it's fine to do it.

7 years ago*

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memo: never, ever, for whatever reason, try to trigger an Archi monologue

7 years ago

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Yeah wall of tl:dr

ASF includes two most optimal algorithms to farm Steam cards, if we don't want to resort to hacks, glitches or abuses

Doesnt your "complex" uses the same method, huh ? According to what info is posted on wiki that algorithm queues multiple games if they are below <2hr which is the same thing as idlemaster queueing. So if it does and if idlemaster multiple <2h queueing is considered a glitch abusing then your program does the same unless you used different code and its done in different way

And one way or another my point still stands - you say in the wiki info that one should use true info for setting up the bot while in the end if your account is not restricted and you will set up bot like that then you will miss out that "complex" algorithm which is supposed to queue multiple games up to 2h

So either your complex algorithm doesnt queue multiple games at all and the info is just wrong, or it does that in the end working like idlemaster multiple queue but you made the program in such way that this algorithm is not used on a setting (unrestricted) that would theoretically benefit the most from it (because you dont need 2h+ on unrestricted account to get cards)

Whatever. In how currently this program works there is absolutely no reason for anyone to set up "unrestricted" in config because then your "complex" algorithm doesnt launch up and it doesnt farm multiple games at all - even tho its what you especially want when having unrestricted account

And yeah, I dont care about anything else at all. If a program has two modes of operating, solo queue or multiple queue games below 2h, then having unrestricted account that can drop cards below 2h of playtime I want to use that second method for the fastest card farm from the games that I have below 2h but meanwhile putting true information about your account being unrestricted actually locks out that method for you. That''s just dumb at all. And your tl'dr didnt said shit about that because you were too busy writing how idlemaster is evil because it breaks ToS while your program is perfect

Oh yeah wait, that's why your wall of tl:dr is not even worth anything for me. Because all it says in the end is that idlemaster sucks. The thing of my concern (why unrestricted setting doesnt use complex method even tho its more "profitable") that I wrote all above to other guy is not explained at all so your wall of text means nothing to me

7 years ago*

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have fun using IM then

7 years ago

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I had a small hope that you would learn anything from the 30 minutes wall of text I wrote specially for you, but apparently it's like talking to a brick wall - you have no idea what you're talking about, I'm trying to explain calculus to somebody who can't do 2+2.

Have a good day.

7 years ago

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Elitist much ?

You wrote nothing about my question in that wall of text. Nothing at all. Not a single reference to why complex isnt used on unrestricted. Not a single one why algorithm that allows to farm multiple games up to 2h isnt used when your account allows for card drops below 2h (and so you set up bot like that) . All I learned from it is that you dont like idlemaster because all I see there for the first half is what idlemaster does wrong and why its wrong and the other half about how asf is tos friendly and all cool Period

7 years ago

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Complex isn't used on unrestricted because you didn't configure it to be used, just like you've been told several times already. So until you get that part there really is no hope for you.
Exclamation mark.

7 years ago

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Or maybe if he actually bothered reading why there is no obvious answer which algorithm is better then he wouldn't ask at all, but there is no point in wasting time replying to somebody who is too lazy to read what you wrote to him in the first place - you're only wasting your time and nerves. Do something productive, play vidya, I have Darkest Dungeon to finish :3.

7 years ago

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If account has non-restricted drops, Simple algorithm will work better on that account, as we won't be wasting time on bringing all games to 2 hours - cards drop ratio is close to 0% when farming multiple games

Fucking really ? That's your reason why complex isnt used on unrestricted ?

Heah, so great 0% drop ratio that I get shitton of cards in this 2h with idlemaster, Earlier I was able to farm whole batch of around 35-40 cards within those 2 hours with idlemaster. 0% my ass when I got 100% of card drops using multiple farming. Probably I would get the same result with your complex algorithm so no idea where you got that "nearly 0% drop rate"

Yea, I'm done here. Programists and their elitis approach to everyone -_- I have yet to meet guy doing code that doesnt act like he's the god of universe, its like a common trait among them

7 years ago

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It's not a waste if you enjoy it. And I have always some stream/video playing on TV. :)

7 years ago

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For fuck sake dude you are so dense then I dont even. I'M NOT ASKING WHY I DONT HAVE IT. I'm asking why its coded that in that setting its not used even tho its more profitable

You are seriously dumb if you still think that its about my setting and config when I'm asking why the program is coded in such way and not other

7 years ago

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if you want to hear that your method is "more profitable", you better stop, cause it's not

7 years ago

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You're still the dense one here. It's coded to work just like you configure it to work, how can this be so novel concept to you is beyond me. If you want software that works in other ways than the one you want and configure, you should look at something else. Surprisingly you also get the exact same cards with any method, so more profitable is just silly.

7 years ago

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I'm asking why its coded that in that setting its not used even tho its more profitable


Now once we realized what Steam glitch is, and the fact that the issue is one

I try to wrap it up once more: ASF and IM have the "play 32 games option" ONLY for restricted accounts. If steam is working correctly idling 32 games simultaniously does NOT give you any cards.
The fact that it works for some people sometimes is a GLITCH.

IM could have named the checkbox "I have a restricted account" instead of "idle 32 together" because thats what it is. So checking that box on a non restricted account is the same as telling ASF you are restricted.

The fact that using complex for non restricted accounts (either via IM or ASF) drops a shitload of cards is a GLITCH and it does NOT work for everyone or everytime and it might stop working for everyone at any point in time.

7 years ago

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Now THAT is plain, simple and informative. Thank you

Back to the im anyway as its more pleasant to look instead of ugly console that cant be widened (as in window cant be widened) and rolls the text in such way that sometimes it takes a while to read what the program is saying right now

7 years ago

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Well you can widen your console but just not via drag and drop, but via windows settings.

Furthermore ASF is build to run on a Server forever and just being controlled by steamchat. Not having it running on a local PC. Never the less there is an inofficial GUI for it^^.

But as archi always says. Use the program you are most comfortable with and everything is fine.

7 years ago

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Easy: GO and use IdleMaster, and stop bothering people.

7 years ago

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TLDR version ?

7 years ago

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there is a tl;dr at the end?

7 years ago

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Would anyone mind sharing idiot-proof step-by-step instructions of how to set up and how to operate the following features of ASF please?

1) Main Steam account to grab all farmed cards and booster packs from all bot accounts
2) How to redeem keys, one one account or several

I apologise for needing such a degree of help, but I've spent an entire day trying to get this to work following the Wiki and have failed miserably

7 years ago

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fool proof step by step tutorial is provided when first launching ASF ConfigGen

7 years ago

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The problem is a lot of things have been simplified since I set it up so for example you don't have to set a Steam API key anymore but the program fetches it itself.

I think as long you have SteamMasterID set under your bots profiles the !loot command should work. But to make full use of the !loot feature you'll have to setup ASF-2FA (ASF 2 Factor Authentification) so you don't have to confirm every trade manually.

Once your bots are responding to your commands redeeming keys should already work but if it doesn't make sure RedeemingPreferences is set to 1.

7 years ago*

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You don't need any RedeemingPreferences to use !redeem command, those prerefrences are altering how redeem command works, and default behaviour is what you'd expect from ASF working as a steam client. Forwarding or Distributing should be enabled once you understand what !redeem does, and how given preference alters that default behaviour you're familiar with already.

If you jump straight to the ocean without learning how to swim first, it might not end well, and we both know that ASF is too advanced to assume that everybody understands everything right away - that's one of the reasons why ASF-CG only shows how to start with ASF, and then encourages to dig more if you want to, so you can test how different config options work.

7 years ago

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A lot of things have been greatly improved since I set ASF up so I wasn't completly sure but I assumed that redeeming keys works by default once the bots are responding.

I've been meaning to write a detailled step by step guide like the Setting up section, for some of the more advanced ASF features like redeeming keys, commands, ASF 2FA... for a while but as I said it's been some time since I set it up so I'm a little fuzzy on the details.

I think the problem is that in the huge amount of information in the Wiki it's easy to overlook that most information you need for advanced features and to understand the ways the relevant settings interact can be found in the Configuration section.
I completely understand Documentation is by far not your top priority so maybe I or somebody else will write a more easy going Tutorial someday.

7 years ago

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Problem with ASF is that it's always striking for perfection, so general documentation how it works right now might quickly get outdated, and it's not a matter of months, but several weeks, or sometimes even a few days. Maintaining every other part of the wiki, especially Configuration is so time-consuming that documentation section is in "TODO" since almost 2 years, but fortunately I'm running out of things to do for ASF "core", so I can start writing it, together with ASF-GUI later on, assuming I don't get more ideas how to improve ASF itself.

But assuming that is wrong as well, since I was sure I reached that point a few months ago...

7 years ago

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Thanks for all your help guys, I managed to figure it out and redeeming per-bot I can do (amazing, thanks!) and looting I can do to all but two bots (these always fail after five times - I'm trying to figure out why). Thanks again, ASF really is fantastic

7 years ago

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just wanna ask, how is the data consumption? why it seems my quota depleted very quickly when i used ASF?

7 years ago

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Data consumption of ASF in a week is lower than a single log in to Steam using official Steam client - if you're in doubt, I suggest using any network bandwidth tracking tool and checking yourself.

(Although depending on several factors such as number of bots, inventory requests, FarmingDelay, and games available for farming, you could possibly increase/decrease amount of bandwidth that ASF will typically use).

7 years ago

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For me it used 518 MB in the last 30 days. I guess you can make it more economic by switching off statistics and automatic updates.

7 years ago

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Statistics do not cause any bandwidth usage if you do not use STM setting (and public ASF STM listing), while with it, packets are as small as less than 100 bytes per a single HeartBeat, which is around 1 KB per hour, per account, so 24 KB a day, ~720 KB per month of non-stop usage (per account).

Automatic updates are tough only when in fact triggering an update - check itself is also very small of typically 400-500 bytes per 24h, so around ~15 KB per month, if no updates happened in the meantime. With update included, this is extra +3 MB of ASF binary (2.56 MB right now to be exact), you can assume 2 stable releases per month (usually), so +6 MB, but 99.9% of this is due to update being triggered, not ASF checking for new version, so unless you're trading bandwidth for outdated ASF version, it's not worth it to optimize at all.

Most bandwidth comes directly from what ASF has to deal with - Steam network interaction, parsing badge pages, parsing inventory. You can only limit that with tweaking things like FarmingDelay, although changes will be negligible. Not using STM option, having a single small badge page and very low amount of games to farm can help, but obviously you can't really control any of that - there is no solution for this, apart from using less amount of bots, not using !loot too often, not using STM option that might trigger inventory check, and likewise. I wouldn't really recommend doing any of this, as it limits ASF functionality heavily, and even those "heavy" ASF requests are very tiny compared to usual stuff your PC is dealing with, including official Steam client alone. It's simply not worth to optimize any of this if your PC wastes at least 20x more on worthless stuff than entire monthly ASF usage.

7 years ago*

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I'm running 5 bots, and I need more than 2 GB per month for it. One of them using STM.option
(remote desktop application and ASF auto updates included)

also, 24/7

7 years ago*

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Can it farm multiple games at once to get over those 2 hours playtime faster?

7 years ago

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Wiki, Configuration, CardDropsRestricted?

Or FAQ: "Q: Can ASF idle multiple games at once?"
But reading throgh that is to much work, I understand that.

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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lol, it's been more than a year and "Requires Steam running?" + "Supports offline farming?" is still there. Isn't it basically the same thing?

7 years ago

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Of course not.

Requires Steam running

ASF is a steam client, does not require or depend on the official steam client, can run on a system where a steam client is not installed at all.

Supports offline farming

Online farming: your friends can see which game you're playing. Offline farming: you seem offline, game status is updated afterwards.

7 years ago

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It is still "low thermal resistance" = "high thermal conductivity" for me. In this case:
"Requires Steam running" (answer: NO) = "Supports offline farming" (answer: YES)

"Online farming: your friends can see which game you're playing. Offline farming: you seem offline, game status is updated afterwards."

is not necessary you can just go offline if you don't want people to see you just idling/farming game (even with Idlemaster/SAM). Unless you mean offline farming while you are online on Steam and people see you online (blue). Otherwise there is just no reason to say it is something Steam or other farming apps don't have.

7 years ago

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ASF doesn't need Steam running as it is a mini Steam client on its own. Also the "friends don't see you playing a game" thing.

7 years ago

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I know ASF doesn't need Steam running, you clearly missed my point. I meant it as that first one implies the other so there is not really need to have both said. As for "friends don't see you playing", if that is the case, the information is completely irrelevant, since it isn't anything that Steam can't do on its own.

7 years ago

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You can't have status "Online" while playing on Steam normally.

As you asked a question :

lol, it's been more than a year and "Requires Steam running?" + "Supports offline farming?" is still there. Isn't it basically the same thing?

The answer is no.
They provided you right explanations, as why they are not necessarily mutually exclusive. (and even if it was, there would be nothing wrong at displaying them both)
And ASF by default displays currently farmed game in your status.

You can keep trying to be right, though. o_o by understanding previous explanations ;-)

Anyway as you aren't really seeking for help, you are trolling here...

7 years ago

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It is really not for my amusement, I really wanted to know if it was actual offline farming or something else behind that name. But I guess the answer was given. Thank you all for answers and sorry if it looked somehow inflammatory, extraneous or off-topic.

7 years ago

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I meant it as that first one implies the other so there is not really need to have both said.

No it does not. For IM it's:
"Requires Steam running" (answer: Yes) = "Supports offline farming" (answer: YES (if you go offline in friendslist in steamclient.))

7 years ago

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You totally missed the point of ASF comparison table. I'm gonna write some simple answers once more, maybe others have the same curiosity as you.

TL;DR Ignorance is bliss. Have a nice day!

IM and SAM -and others- are all using an indirect approach to starting/stopping games. They use a helper executable (eg. "steam-idle.exe" for IM), which if i recall correctly, it derived from a valve tool for starting local servers. Anyway, this executable finds the running instance of steam client and tell it to start the given AppID. It's more of a macro rather than a program.

You can start steam-idle by yourself through command line, any AHK script or even a batch file, provided that you have a way to read your badges page and deduct the right games list and the required amount of time. Therefore, IM and SAM are shells to steam-idle.exe , they only use your credentials to read a badge page, get the list, start/stop games and show some nice graphics. They are shells.

On the other hand, ASF is built upon steamkit2 and is or it could have been a full featured steam client, in fact it's a whole bunch of steam clients behind that ugly little black window. Once you've entered your credentials , ASF can do almost everything you can with a steam client, with a lot less memory footprint, a lot less hd space and on top of that, fully automated.

If anyone wanted to simulate ASF without ASF , let's say for 5 bots, he should install steam client 5 more times, in different folders, starting them using Sandboxie. Then he should make another 5 profiles under Chrome or whatever browser he uses. Then he should start ALL OF THEM AT ONCE (6 clients + 6 browser instances) to simulate ASF's working state. Yeah, that's so productive...

That way, i would say that Archi's table of comparison is a bit modest and narrow. If i were him, i would make a list of 20-30 points where ASF is better than everything else, or i would drop the comparison table altogether, because it's getting a bit tedious and unproductive to try to compare "La Ferrari" to a couple of "FIAT Panda".

My 2 cents.

7 years ago

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Couldn't agree more tbh. I'm glad people actually understand how ASF works without documentation finished, and how complex it in fact is.

7 years ago

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Nicely said, despite I already knew all that (although I've never used Sandboxie; as I only have one account), I myself use batch commands to do my idling manually (usually during watching a 40-minute long episode of some tv show; getting all cards in that time). But for me that one piece of information about offline farming was a bit confusing (on what is meant by offline in that case - whole Steam app not running or Steam friend offline status or just green "in-game" status being invisible - now I know it is the last one or I'm at least assuming).

And the comparison of "La Ferrari" to a couple of "FIAT Panda" is not IMHO really accurate. For me, it's more like a "bus with autopilot" vs a "motorbike for one" (as I'll get there actually way faster). But I get that ASF is a much better choice for people who have multiple farming accounts. But hey, we all have our own preferences on what we expect from our "vehicle".

7 years ago

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You've made too many requests recently. Please wait and try your request again later.

I am getting this all the time when I open ASF for more than 5 min.
I check for trades every 5 seconds. Is this to low? what do i need to change it to to avoid it? ;)

7 years ago

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I check for trades every 5 seconds. Is this to low? what do i need to change it to to avoid it? ;)

Use event-based mechanism like ASF and not requesting status each 5 seconds. ASF itself does not generate excessive number of requests, it can happen only in cooperation with your other tools or wrong usage.

7 years ago

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Damm i posted in the wrong thread. I am talking about SDA

7 years ago

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Since yesterday, I keep having a problem when ASF is running and I start a game. Normally, ASF just stopped farming and started again once I stopped playing the game. But now, after a while ASF seems to be resuming to farm, and I get a message on my game that I have to login again to steam.
Of course, there's an easy workaround, just closing ASF myself when playing and starting it again ... Still wondering why this just started happening now.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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If your internet connection drops, then your Steam client no longer holds game lock, and that allows ASF to resume farming - this is how it always worked.

7 years ago

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If your internet sucks enough that it drops to the point of ASF resuming its farming, then you should use persistent pause while you play your game, then resume it yourself when done.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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Then investigate why your ASF can't connect to Steam servers instead of asking - unless you expect a response such as "works fine for me".

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Same thing for me Ducky. Was fine yesterday. No idea what's up yet. I'll try later today then maybe set it up again too.

EDIT: Upon launching:
Disconnected from Steam!
Disconnected from Steam!

7 years ago*

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works fine for me

And moreover, there is nothing to fix. But I can guess what is wrong based on the fact that you're both from Australia :3. Try again later when Steam fixes its crap.

7 years ago

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both from Australia

Already had thoughts along that line before you posted. I have not noticed any other issues yet, but it is likely related.

7 years ago

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If normal Steam client works, but ASF does not, it can mean only two things:

  • Steam client got lucky with connecting to working server, ASF was not. Server is being randomized each time ASF can't connect to it. Usual thing during Steam maintenance.
  • Steam fucked up TCP protocol, official Steam client uses UDP one. Possible to change in ASF config, although not recommended.

Both issues are temporary and should go away sooner or later.

7 years ago

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Thanks for elaborating Archi. I replied to Ducky just to confirm that I possibly had the same issue, but wasn't going to bother you with a comment on the thread since it was likely something simple that would be resolved soon. You already have too many stupid questions and demands in this thread.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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They are going to pick on us even more with 10% extra charge later this year too from what I hear.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Yep. How long did you let it run while trying to reconnect? Try deauthorizing all devices in Steam settings first. It might initially keep disconnecting for a bit then ask you to enter your code.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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ASF got detected as a trojan by Kaspersky. Could you look into it please?
Trojan.MSIL.Crypt.daal to be more precise

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I know about that. It just seems weird that it was never detected up until now.

7 years ago

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That's Archi stealing your banking info. He's going to buy soooo much Miku Hatsune merchandise thanks to you.

7 years ago

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Cirno merchandise!

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Update your virus engine signatures and/or lower your heuristics scan level.

Check this:

7 years ago

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Guarantee of being VAC-free

Is this core feature still guaranteed?

They added Steam Idlers to the list of Disconnected by VAC: You cannot play on secure servers.

There is a discussion about this in another thread, here.

7 years ago

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I'm pretty positive ASF should stay safe in that regard because as far as I understand the issue is not idling VAC protected games but idling while at the same time playing a VAC protected game, which is something that is not possible with ASF anyway because as soon as you start playing ASF will stop idling that account.

7 years ago

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Good to know!
I usually shut down ASF when I want to play something, but was wondering what would happen in case someday I would forget to do so.

Thank you.

7 years ago

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I used to do that too but then I forgot a few times and noticed it's not really necessary anyway. When you try to launch a game while ASF is idling you simply get a Steam message saying that you're already logged in on another computer playing game XY and that the other session will get discontinued if you go ahead and launch the game ;)

7 years ago

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Oh, I have never seen that message... Guess I never failed to shut down ASF when I wanted to play something, now I know that I don't have to.

7 years ago

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Just so you don't freak out in case you ever do :D

7 years ago

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Thank you! ❤

7 years ago

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Could the issue be with the .exe itself? As that you can't run ASF at the same time as playing on a VAC protected game (even if you are idling only other accounts).

7 years ago

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I think I will just keep doing what I was doing all along, shut down ASF when I want to play something.

7 years ago

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Theoretically it could be as ASF is often running in the background and accepting trades or idling alts even if the main account is not being idled. Sadly I'm a layman when it comes to stuff like that so for now we'll just have to wait until we have more information.
Luckily Valve seems to have taken a relaxed approach to the whole thing so lets hope in a few days we'll know more.

7 years ago

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I hope it gets clarified soon, as I am sure everyone wants to know.

7 years ago

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lets hope in a few days we'll know more.

everybody VAC banned ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

7 years ago

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Think positively, no more "never been VAC banned" rule in SGT giveaways! :3

7 years ago

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If Volvo wanted to ban everyone using idler, not just ASF, they'd have done so. They're multi million dollars company and have better technologies when it comes to detection.

You can never say it's an outright safe. After all, you're at the mercy of Gaben. They can show they reliable detects even legitimate software like CCleaner, let alone 'counterfeit client' like ASF. CCleaner does not interact with Steam in anything, yet it's detectable. By that logic, why can't they detect ASF which emulates Steam client?

7 years ago

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Well, for one, ASF isn't installed on any computer I have Steam installed on. That would be some truly magical detection software... Steam client manages to open a VPN connection to my highly secure linux VM (which is in a data center, not on my computer), finds ASF, and report back to Valve, all without triggering the IDS, firewall, AV, splunk, etc? Yeah, probably not.

7 years ago

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Of course it won't be detected in that situation, you're making that environment like that, while the situation in my post is completely different.

And while we're at it, once Steam client is installed and running with root permission, it can report back anytime without triggering your security because in order for it to run, you gotta poke a hole first, and that hole will be used.

7 years ago

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CC Cleaner might interact with steam indirectly, deleting tempfiles or shit.

7 years ago

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deleting tempfiles or shit.

BINGO! If you just have CCleaner open doing nothing, nothing is gonna happen. The "delete trash files scan thingy" deletes something that it shouldnt and that can trigger a VAC kick, not a VAC ban. This has been a thing since forever.

7 years ago

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Main point is, every listed software does interfere with Steam assuming that Steam is installed and running. ASF does not require Steam being running, or even installed, so we could always run it on other PC and be 100% safe from this error, but you already know that.

Yes, they could blacklist ASF binary, as I wrote on the wiki, but it's very unlikely that they do, since ASF is not interfering with Steam at all, guaranteed by ASF concept and how it works. I wouldn't say the same about even clean legit software such as CCLeaner, because it does touch a lot of third-party files, including Steam files. They might just want to play it safe and state that everything that directly or indirectly interacts with Steam might be affected.

At the same time they can't blacklist everything, and they can't blacklist software not being run at all on the same machine, so absolutely worst case for user will be running virtual machine with some Linux and ASF in it. But let's hope that won't be needed.

7 years ago

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Yes. This is guaranteed by how ASF works, not empty words. Valve can still blacklist ASF but even in this case it can't result in a VAC ban, only an error like indicated above.

And to best of my knowledge it doesn't consider ASF at all, at least now.

7 years ago

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Thank you for making it clear for everyone.

7 years ago

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I also added PSA for this, together with short explanation on the wiki.

7 years ago

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Yeah, I saw the steam group popup and checked it out.

Thank you for making people feel safer.

7 years ago

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You are amazing!

View attached image.
7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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I was holding of from ASF because I thought (wrongly) that ASF would be difficult to use.

I installed it (and even had a tutorial in Dutch) and it's very intuitive and automated.

I have uninstalled IM and won't look back. Thank you very much for your ASF Archi! ^^

I have one little question: when there are updates to ASF are they installed automatically or do I have to install them manually?

7 years ago

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It automatically checks for updates each time it is started, and I believe every 24h of uptime (might be wrong on the interval) and will update itself at those times as necessary.

7 years ago

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That's good to know, thank you.

7 years ago

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adding that there are 2 update channels, if you are interested in unstable releases

7 years ago

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Thank you but I prefer stable ones. :-)

7 years ago

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As long as you have autoUpdates
autoRestart (or so)
set to true in the config (which is default).

Stable is default as well.

7 years ago

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Thank you for helping KlappPc! :-)

The only criticism I have is my own fault : why didn't I transition sooner from IM to ASF? ^^

7 years ago

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Can't answer you that.
But back in the days I started with downloading and running each game ^^ (played most of them at least for a bit as well^^), what do you think was my thought, when I "switched" to IM ;->

7 years ago

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I guess we both saw the light and adapted and evolved. :-)

7 years ago

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Welcome to the botnet. We have cake.

7 years ago

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Thank you Paul and I like cake! ^^


7 years ago

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7 years ago

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We are happy with British English here (or failing that, American English)

View attached image.
7 years ago

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I'm pretty sure I added dialects already to latest version.

7 years ago

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Alrighty, I only just noticed this myself.

7 years ago

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Your .NET runtime version is sweet as bro
Required version: 4.6.1 | Found version: 4.6.2
ASF will automatically check for new versions every 24 hours cuz

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Nope. It will farm your library without you having to install any game.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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If it says it's idling a game but a game doesn't launch is it still idling the game?

Thanks for this though, very interesting piece of software.

7 years ago

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Just to make sure: One of the main features of this program is that you don't have to download the games you want to idle.
So yes, it should still be idling even if it doesn't launch the games. Unless you're using Offline Farming you can check on your profile if you're currently in a game.

7 years ago

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hello guys, so i have a question, mby i do not saw in the faq this but can i choose specific cgame to idle there cards? thanks, mby you can suggest some other services where i could do it.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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You could try UDP SteamProtocol. Apart from that - nothing else, you can read quite clearly that there is nothing to fix, since this is definitely networking issue and not code issue.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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It could be dns problem from isp. I never have problem with steam connection anymore since i use dnscrypt,

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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Is it really random? Both of us have bought the 46games bundle , I farmed my friend's account and it farmed a bunch of games at the same time, and then goes to single game farming after some time. while mine started single game farming..

7 years ago

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Assuming with "it" you mean in what order and together or solo games are farmed, then no that is not random.
There is a config option to specify that and for your aacount it's set to false, for your friends it's set to true.

7 years ago

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Oh, hmm i see..

7 years ago

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Special hint (if you haven't found it yet) because I am in a good mood and go sleeping now no, I'm not drunk ;->

7 years ago

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Thanks..! :)

7 years ago

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There is nothing based on randomness in ASF - there is only your configuration and algorithms.

7 years ago

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Can Someone explain the MatchEverything trade preference, its confusing me :(

7 years ago

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every trade that contains the same amount of cards for each set will be accepted. No matter of if you are having dupes or not. Basically someone can trade your full set vs. one card (multiple times).

So in addition to good trades that help you built a set, bad trades (that destroy your set or give you more dupes) will be accepted. As explained here.

7 years ago

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MatchEverything specifies if ASF works towards completing a card set for creating a badge, or not. If you set STM option but without MatchEverything, then this is what you want as an user - ASF will accept "good", and "neutral" trades towards badge completion. If you in addition to STM enable MatchEverything, then this is what trade bot would want - ASF won't care what is badge progress as long as trade is fair, which means I can trade your entire set ready to craft made from 8 cards for 8 single 1 type cards from the same game. This is wanted for 1:1 match bots (like ArchiBoT), not wanted for users.

Further explanation is in Trading section on the wiki.

7 years ago

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thnx, so I should disable match everything for now :)

7 years ago

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I am trying to set up a 1:1 Trading Bot since i have many cards left from sets where I am already at Level 5.

So now my problem is that when i want to import my .maFiles from SDA to allow ASF to automatically accept trades i can only find the encrypted version. How to i get the decrypted version of the file?

EDIT: Just needed to remove the encryption in the programm itself

7 years ago*

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<bot2> Key: 6HHYC-BLN3G-NWC8W | Status: NoDetail | Items: [115591, Redactem]
Why does status says nodetail now instead of OK.

7 years ago

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Because you updated ASF and forgot to read changelog.

7 years ago

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must have updated auto xD

7 years ago

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Possibly a stupid question but is the changelog just when looking at this page or is there a changelog I'm missing?

7 years ago

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Yes, changelog is on the same site as ASF.exe download - included in ASF release.

7 years ago

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Okay, thanks. I was just making sure I'm not missing some sort of generated text file for the changelog, thanks again for the great work Archi!

7 years ago

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The new ASF version is marked as Trojan by Kaspersky Internet Security and he blocked and removed it automaticly from my PC
think you need to fix it

7 years ago

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Nope, I don't need to fix anything, and actually I won't - read FAQ.

7 years ago

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Or you need to report it to your AV editor for false positive.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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thx, worked

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Hi can someone add me (preferible JustArchi) to show me how this works and what i must do to configure it correctly? Help apreciated D:

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Wiki + ConfigGenerator tutorial are very helpful

7 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by JustArchi.