ASF is a C# application that allows you to farm steam cards using multiple steam accounts simultaneously. Unlike Idle Master which works only for one account at given time, requires steam client running in background, and launches additional processes imitating "game playing" status, ASF doesn't require any steam client running in the background, doesn't launch any additional processes and is made to handle unlimited steam accounts at once. In addition to that, it's meant to be run on servers or other desktop-less machines, and features full cross-OS support, which makes it possible to launch on any .NET Core-supported operating system, such as Windows, Linux or OS X. ASF is possible thanks to gigantic amount of work done in marvelous SteamKit2 library.

ASF doesn't require and doesn't interfere in any way with Steam client. In addition to that, it doesn't require exclusive access to given account, which means that you can use your main account in Steam client, and use ASF for idling the same account at the same time. If you decide to launch a game, ASF will get disconnected, and resume idling once you finish playing your game, being as transparent as possible during entire process.

Core features

  • Automatic idling of available games with card drops using any number of active accounts
  • No requirement of running or even having official Steam client installed
  • Guarantee of being VAC-free
  • Complex error-reporting mechanism, allowing ASF to be smart and resume idling even in case of Steam or networking problems
  • Customizable cards idling algorithm which will push performance of card drops to the maximum
  • Offline idling, allowing you to skip in-game status and stop confusing your friends
  • Advanced support for alt accounts, including ability to redeem keys, redeem gifts, accept trades and more through a simple Steam chat
  • Support for latest Steam security features, including SteamGuard, SteamParental and two-factor authentication
  • Unique ASF 2FA mechanism allowing ASF to act as a mobile authenticator (if needed)
  • StreamTradeMatcher integration allowing ASF to help you in completing your steam badges by accepting dupe trades
  • Rebased on .NET Core 2.0, cross-OS compatibility, official support for Windows, Linux and OS X
  • ...and many more!

Interesting features

For comparison with other similar programs and further read about the most interesting exclusive ASF features, I recommend to visit appropriate FAQ entry that explains everything in detail. It's also a very good starting point if you want to have a glimpse on what ASF can do, besides the obvious.

Setting up

Detailed guide regarding setting up and using ASF is available in the setting up article on our wiki. It's user-friendly tutorial with helpful screenshots that compacts the whole basic knowledge about ASF into a single document.

Useful links

Main page / Source code
Latest version / Download
Wiki / Help
Steam group

You might be also interested in our side project, ASF STM listing.

Is the project still supported?

As stated in my thread closing statement, despite of SG thread being closed, I intend to keep the project up-to-date and supported through non-SG channels. You can check the date of the latest release for reference.

This thread

The thread on SG is open for discussion and support matters that are related to ASF as a program. If you have any particular issue, question or other case to discuss, feel free to leave a comment.

Have fun.

Please do not add me on steam, if you have questions or issues - ask in the thread.

Prior to doing so, make sure to read main page and the wiki, especially our FAQ.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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Reading changelogs is wise in general.

7 years ago

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By the way is there a place I can always find those? I know when there are big changes you usually post a link to them here in the thread but I've tried to find them in the wiki a few times but never suceeded.

7 years ago

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Changelogs are always available in releases, although you should read only release changes and not pre-release, as those are WIP and duplicated. Starting from the top, you have, then etc.

7 years ago

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Thanks Archi. So if for example I wanted to know more about that new "Unused key" message that comes up when I try to activate a dupe key (and I assume when all bots already have the game) that would be the best place to start searching, right ?

7 years ago

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You're referring to a feature that didn't land in any stable release yet.

Please note that newly introduced features and changes might be undocumented (e.g. on the wiki) until some time later, as documentation is usually written once final code of given feature is ready (to save us time rewriting documentation each time we decide to modify the feature we're currently working on). Due to the fact that pre-release might contain work-in-progress code that doesn't have a final form yet, documentation might arrive at later stage of the development.

7 years ago

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I see. I'll wait until I have a larger batch of keys for the same game than my bots are missing to see if it does what I think it does.

7 years ago

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I would have an orgasm if I could farm cards with the PC off.

7 years ago

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get a server

7 years ago

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^ +1

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks for the project keep that work its awesome, if not working stop complaining it's your wrong configuration and every time you cry only devs dislike and feel bad to continue the project(free).

7 years ago

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if not working stop complaining it's your wrong configuration

Or a steam fuckup ;->

7 years ago

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If it just ready the msgs

7 years ago

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So still no mac app version? Any indication on how to compile source files on Mac (I don't know how to but maybe I can get around doing with instructions)

7 years ago

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have you checked the mono page on the wiki?

7 years ago

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nope, will try, but is there a GUI I can use with it?

7 years ago

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yes, there is a third party gui. Can't say anything more about it because i am not using it.

7 years ago

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You do not need to compile anything, ASF works on Mac natively via Mono. Check Mono section on the wiki.

7 years ago

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Thanks. But I don't understand this:
"add to your /etc/apt/sources.list following line:
deb wheezy main #"

where do I add it after /repo/debian, or do you have to go into apt/source.list which I don't have on Mac?

7 years ago

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Why are you trying to follow Linux steps? It states quite clearly there:

On Debian-like Linux distributions (including Ubuntu-like)

Do you have Debian-like Linux distribution? Then why are you doing that?

7 years ago

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because anything else failed. I installed mono on mac, launched ASF-configurator and it's just launching a blank mono app that freezes. I tried the bash script it didn't change anything. Also it doesn't seem like there are any GUI with mono.

7 years ago

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You do not need to use CG app, you can also create configs manually. Does launching ASF work? I have at least several people that confirmed ASF working on Mac.

7 years ago

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Well I launch ASF but then it tells me not bot are defined on CG. Also I'm searching for a GUI like on PC which I find is crucial to use (I'm not at easy with scripts).

7 years ago

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Copy example.json from config directory into new file e.g. named 1.json or whatever (with .json extension), then try to launch CG app again. This will force skipping tutorial, perhaps making it possible for you to use the app in the first place. Let me know if it works.

7 years ago

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Thanks. I tried but it didn't change, when launching CG it doesn't do anything, it stays like this:

7 years ago

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Then configure ASF without CG - delete your old file you created above, copy example.json to yourname.json, open it, change Enabled from false to true, close it, launch ASF. This is the most basic setup, you might want to read wiki to find out about all other options available to you.

7 years ago

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So no GUI? The Windows GUI is simple and great. I regret there's no option that I know of on Mac which prevented me to use ASF. And I have lots of cards to milk.

So I guess I'll ask a friend to run it on his pc.

7 years ago

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There is no GUI for ASF at all, ASF doesn't need one. There is only GUI for CG, which is optional.

7 years ago

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I'm surprised I haven't seen any comments for this anywhere (except here) yet so I guess I'll ask here even though it's not ASF related.

Does anyone know what's up with Reptilians Must Die! and My Pet Rock?

Both games have cards according to Steam but won't actually drop any when farming.

I added them to the blacklist but I hope this won't be a common occurance on Steam.

7 years ago

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There are also some reports in my ASF group on Steam if you want to search.

7 years ago

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Didn't occur to me to search there.


7 years ago

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yeah, in ~7days we'll want to remove them from the blacklist, at that point the game will actually release and cards will finally drop.

same game/issue here tho (reptillians must die), had to add to blacklist a week ago.

7 years ago

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Should work without a need of self-blacklisting.

7 years ago

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Thank you for this one, clever implementation!

ArchiBoT to the rescue ^^

7 years ago

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is there any way to subscribe for prerelease notifications?

7 years ago

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By changing UpdateChannel.

7 years ago

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Something strange on ASF V when I leave a key in the chat of my bot "1", a line appears like this one :
<1> Clé : 9W4D3-GAHI4-9A3VG | Statut : AlreadyOwned | Items : [102624, King's Guard TD]
My only problem is that the item written in bold is not the good one, if I enter !ownsall with the name "King's", I've got this :
<1> possède déjà :466730 | King's Guard TD

As you can see it's not the same number, why?

7 years ago

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If I'm not mistaken one is the appID and the other the subID.
subID is used to add free games (like Streamline or Barrier X = free directly on Steam) with !addlicense command.
appID for !ownsall command.

7 years ago*

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Keys are tied to packageIDs, not appIDs.

7 years ago

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Since yesterday I have a problem. When I run the ASF it all works and the farm, but I do not want an authentication code and it works everything. I do not know what's going on, and I still have enabled authentication code. I checked now on another compiling.

7 years ago

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If you are logged in, a new Login is not nessesary.
If you are logged in with a browser (and checked "stay logged in") you do not need to enter password or code for a few days.
The same with ASF.

If a login is needed it will ask for Password (and afterwards for 2fa code)
If the login from the last time is still valid, you do not get asked either.

7 years ago

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Thank you

7 years ago

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Is it possible to skip a game, that I want to play myself so I dont need/want it to be farmed?

7 years ago

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This is what Blacklist is for.

7 years ago

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Ah awesome, I searched for skip game and didnt find anything, that explains it, thank you for your answer! :D

7 years ago

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<bot1> Key: 989TL-2V533-5PYT5 | Status: Timeout
<bot2> Key: 989TL-2V533-5PYT5 | Status: DuplicatedKey | Items: [133142, Ballistic Protection]
Unused keys: 989TL-2V533-5PYT5

It got used by bot1, Steam was just being Steam and forgot to tell ASF it worked. Would there be any way to check those to ensure people aren't confused by the result and think it's still unused or was dupe to begin with?

7 years ago

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No way, ASF can't guess whether timeout is timeout or redeem followed by timeout.

7 years ago

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Seems to be worse tonight than before, first time I see a yellow
2017-01-19 21:33:27|ASF-11360|ERROR|bot|InitPermanentConnectionFailure() Failed to disconnect the client, abandoning this bot instance!

7 years ago

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Can we simultaneously farm many games?
I've read about Complex method of farming but I want to prolong the duration to like, 10hrs. Can that be done?

7 years ago

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With !play command - yes.

7 years ago

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the I have to input ID one by one right?
there's no automatic feature?
btw great job Archi

7 years ago

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!play 1,2,3

No, there's no automatic feature for playing given games for given time, ASF is cards farming program, not hours booster.

7 years ago

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i still need to check some things better, but one quick question, it's possible to farm and play other games at the same time?

also, archi, i played against you at overwatch, i lost , great game tho :D

7 years ago

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And I don't play overwatch :3.

7 years ago

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WUT , the archi impostor trolled me

7 years ago

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Maybe it was ArchiBoT, practicing for the world domination.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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Uh? What virtual machine?

7 years ago

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you know that ASF is kinda a mini Steam client, so it acts like one too. Same as when you log in to your normal client and don't have to enter shit everytime too.

7 years ago

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My IQ dropped by several points after reading this.

ASF uses login keys mechanism, the same one that official Steam client uses for keeping you logged in without a need of inputting password/token each time. If you're THAT paranoid about this, then why you won't read source code that is available for you, and compile yourself? Because so far your accusations are ridiculous considering open-source nature of ASF and it's transparency - if I wanted to keep your private details in order to re-use them later for scamming, I'd do that long time ago - you do realize that this program is used by over 120k of users, right?

7 years ago

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DDoS rental service when?

7 years ago

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Sssh madu, not in public! We don't want to be spotted that early!

7 years ago

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To make that clear again (which seems the point you missed the most):
ASF is running LOCALLY on YOUR computer. Logindata is neither send nor stored to any thrid party. So it's just you and steam. And of course your PC remembers logins. As does your steamclient and as does your Browser.

7 years ago

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I recently upgraded to the latest pre-release because of the new detection of unrelased games with cards as i didnt feel like manually editing the blacklist only to forget about it later :)

Now i observed at two different occasions that after redeeming keys via the !r command this bot instance started behaving quite strange, disconnecting all the time while the other running instances on the same asf process were doing fine. As an additional note, the bots in question were different ones and it is not happening every time i redeem a new key. I have a log file from yesterday after i issued a !restart command trying to solve the problem with that. After i saved the log file and restarted the asf process manually everything was back to normal.

Here is a paste of the complete log, after the last line the asf process crashed:

7 years ago*

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I get that a lot since yesterday too after adding games. Just added couple games to several bots, first 2 were all fine but on 3rd it just started being all purple and yellow.

Edit: restarting didn't fix it for me, had to wait for hour or couple yesterday. For now switched to stable version and it looks to work fine.

7 years ago*

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Try once it's out. I'm improving several things and this is one of them.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I'm still getting lots of bot instances abandoned with after adding games. Stable works without problems.

7 years ago

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Log? Having bot instance abandoned is not necessarily bad, it all depends on how unstable Steam network is.

7 years ago

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It does seem to affect farming since 3.5h after adding 2 games and it's still farming both. Also not sure if related but getting "You've made too many requests recently. Please wait and try your request again later." on Steam market when trying to see page for any item, that also started happening quite recently.

7 years ago

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looks like the new version didn't solve the problem entirely.
I currently have a bot instance being unresponsive to any command i send via steam chat directly after i redeemed 2 games on it.
The other bots instances are working fine again. The broken one is apparently just idling the just redeemed games.
When i issue a redeem command via one of the working bots instances on this unreponsive on i just get a timeout message and a exception is getting thrown by asf.

the corrensponding log with asf crashing again at the end, the exception is the one i mentioned above:

7 years ago

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That's not a bug, that's steam network being unstable. The fact that redeeming doesn't work only confirms that ASF is restarting bot in good cause afterwards.

Also that's not a crash, caught and logged exception is expected to happen. ASF crashes only with unhandled exceptions.

7 years ago*

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Like always ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

7 years ago

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I am not convinced that this is entirely on steam's end. I mean the steam network is bad and all, but I encountered this behaviour three times today on two different bot instances. Everything is working fine, the bots accepts my inputs and answers and after I issued a !redeem they start idling the just activated game and stop reacting to any command i send to them? That would be quite the coincidence that the steam network became unstable every time i just activated a game while the other bots are doing just fine?

About the crash, well then let's say the program just exited itself by choice and not by crash.

7 years ago

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There is no coincidence - your steam also dies for a few seconds after redeeming key. I can't see ASF issue here.

I can't see any crash in the log, and if program exits by itself then there is clear notice that it's exiting/restarting, and if because of error or intention. Better look at your stderr of your Mono and don't accuse ASF of that.

7 years ago

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I have one suggestion, well, kind off

So, I'm only using ASF now , before i used IM. There is one thing that i did with both. After a while with the program running i close and open it and every time i do that i get a drop.

With IM when we have that list with all games running at the same time for the first 2 hours, if i closed and open once in a wile i started getting drops, after the first card drop i did that every time until stop dropping. One time i took 50 cards in 5 minutes or something.

When those 2 hours pass and the games start farming individual it can be done the same thing, after the first drop, i skip the games, close the program open it and do it again until stop drops.

The same thing it can be done with ASF, it works the same way. What i wonder is if it can be possible to put something like that in the code to make it by herself . Something like, after x hours, stop and begin the farm, if drop, repeat, if not wait x hours until try again.

My english sometimes can be a bit confuse, so, yeah :D

7 years ago

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ASF doesn't support Steam glitches

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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didn't knew that was some kind of glitch, thanks for your answer :D

View attached image.
7 years ago

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My accounts are no longer distributing keys to my other accounts. It just say "Already owned" and no more. Is it something wrong in my configuration? It worked fine until now.

7 years ago

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patch notes, they want to be read

7 years ago

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Yes, you're right. All clear now. Sorry! Thanks for the help.

7 years ago

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Is there a way to access all the log that are being made by ASF while it's working as a service ?

7 years ago

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Yes, ASF records that to EventLog, and if you run it as a service then you should know where you can find it.

And if that is not enough for you, read logging section on the wiki.

7 years ago

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I thought this was an IdleMaster-specific problem but last night I farmed 2 games, and this morning they were both saying 0.0 hours on my profile and ASF kept saying 'disconnected' in its log... So I quit it, ran IdleMaster, said 0 hours, then after a few minutes, I got all 7 cards dropped and it marked them as idle.
And the playtimes got updated to 9 hours >_____<

Shouldn't there be a safeguard in ASF to ensure that a game isn't "idled" if ASF can't communicate with Steam..?
Because I'm all for the relaxed farming of games in the background, but not if it screws up my playtimes. Now I'll have to play them with SSE for 9 hours (disabling playtimes altogether) just to make sure I get proper final playtimes, lol...

7 years ago

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ASF can't idle game if it's not connected. Once again you refer to Steam fuckup and you blame ASF for that. I'm not even in the mood of explaining why playtime is the least of problems here.

7 years ago

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Well... Why did ASF 'not fuck it up', but still, just launching IdleMaster fixed the problem? That seems to indicate, at least to me, that ASF should be trying to 'stop' farming from time to time. I don't know, I haven't read the source code, and I'm not going to.

As for playtimes... Just because it is the least of your problems and that you're not paid for the job doesn't mean you should ignore that it's a concern to other people who would rather NOT farm a game for $0.1 worth of cards than have it show up in their Top 10 most played games... -_-
It's just a matter of self-respect.

I'll give you a personal advice, unrelated to ASF itself. You don't have to follow it, it's just something to came to mind after reading your post (and our earlier communication).

If you don't like the job, you don't have to keep doing it. In fact you should hand it over to volunteers. I pressured myself into keeping working on my game for 10 years (yeah, that's not FF15 mind you), when it was clear I didn't want to do it anymore. I should have stopped after a few years, then I'd have been able to take on a new project immediately rather than go through a burn-out and do nothing for 4 years after that.

7 years ago

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Everyone can volunteer, implement something and do a pullrequest.

Had a similar bug on a bot as well. steam not reporting playtime, so I idled to games together for 18+ hours (restarted ASF in between) until it fixed itself.

First time that it happend after idling a shitload of games. So I'm not sure, if the "concern" or the probability of this happening, justifies a shitload of work.
And if you give crap about playtime, you shouldn't be idling games after all.

I have Binding of Isaac with 160+ hours, because you can not safe. Had it running for 2 days straight once, because I had a good run and no time to continue.

7 years ago

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If you care that much about random numbers like playtime hours you really should stop farming cards and go back to making your game, just some friendly personal advice.

7 years ago

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I have a great fun doing ASF and I love doing it in my free time, so thank you for your advice that doesn't match my actual feelings towards this project whatsoever. If I wanted to drop it, I'd do that right away, as I'm not paid to code ASF and I can simply stop working on it anytime I want, I don't need people reminding me that it's possible, I'm not braindead slave.

If you don't want to accept logical explanation why what you're asking is impossible and you're trying to fight with the lost cause, then I'll use the same old argument I'm already having enough of, and say that anything related to actual playtime is out of the scope of ASF project, and nothing will be done with it. If you think you know better, then you're free to fork ASF and code yourself, or convince somebody else to do that for you, as I sadly know too much about the origin of the bug you're describing that I simply know it's not worth my time, not to mention it's not possible to fix in the first place.

7 years ago

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Just a quick question (and jeha I know doing this is dump, just for fixing a problem in ASFui ^^).

If I do not want to enter my id as SteamOwnerId, but want to use WCF commands. Would it be sufficient to either use "1" (I think that id does not exist) or ulong.maxValue (that should not exist for a while). Then there is still no (existing) Owner, but WCF works.? I'm just not sure, if that messes anything else up.

7 years ago

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Both will work. There is no "more appropriate" value as both are invalid steamIDs that should never be used, so it's fine to use any of those. In fact, I could make SteamOwnerID of 0 work as well, but I intentionally want it to not happen as people should know in 100% what they're doing - WCF can be major security breach and people should know what is going on, even if in default settings it should not be possible to reach it from anywhere.

7 years ago

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Archi wa kawaii desu ne

7 years ago

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So im a little noob in this. Im trying to use commands in my bots.
So i have two accounts farming "Account1" and "Account2"
In my account2.json i added the Account1 Steam ID in SteamMasterID.
Now, how i send commands to my Account2? Do i need to login in my account1 and use steam chat to send the commands to my account 2? Can i log in to my account1 while it's farming with the bot?

7 years ago

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Do i need to login in my account1 and use steam chat to send the commands to my account 2?

Yes. Since you obviously can't send messages (from Account 1) to Account 1 you send them to Account 2 as well (adding the name of the Bot to the command like in the example commands in Wiki) and bot 2 will relay them to bot 1.

Can i log in to my account1 while it's farming with the bot?

Yes, you can fully use your account while it's farming. If you start playing a game it will automatically pause idling and resume after you've finished.

7 years ago

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Thank you, got it to work.

7 years ago

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My pleasure :) After I initially had some trouble setting it up too and 2 awesome people volunteered to walk me through it I try to pay it forward by saving Archi some time and answer some of the easier ASF related questions from time to time :D

Or to put if differently... Once you've been assimilated to the ASF army you have to recruit 2 more people. Kind of like a pyramid scheme :D

7 years ago

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And I appreciate very much people helping other folks here, as I'm only one and it's physically not possible to keep up with development, documentation and answering everybody at the same time, so thank you a lot!

7 years ago

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how to input commands?
I've read thru the wiki but cannot find out the way...

7 years ago

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You skipped the section labeled Commands?

7 years ago

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no, I read through it but it doesn't specify how to "enter" them :( sorry for being dumb.
i cannot enter through the ASF.exe CMD interface

7 years ago

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I don't understand the SteamMasterID as I don't find it anywhere...

7 years ago

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oh =)))) i figured it out. Thanks anyway

7 years ago

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Something weird happened. Bot finished farming and was online for few hours, so i activated new game with cards - but bot suddenly started to farming different game than activated one O_o I figured out that different game was already activated few days ago, but bot for some reason didn't started to farm it until new game was activated. And now after !status command it saying that bot have only 1 game to farm. Am i broke something?

7 years ago

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You probably forgot that cards are being added to already released games later as well.

7 years ago

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Yeah, i know about this, but it was so strange that it suddenly started to farming old game but not activated one. Well, weird coincidence then, seems like cards were approved just few hours after farming was finished, lol.

Also, what about !rejoinchat and !restart commands? They are not working for me anymore, and sometimes one of my bots for unknown reason going offline in middle of farming and not responding unless i restart ASF manually, which is not very useful since ASF running on my windows tablet.

7 years ago

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They do not work probably because you didn't set SteamOwnerID properly.

And regarding last issue, it should be much better in latest pre-release.

7 years ago

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I am curious if the game you had a few days earlier was added to you by a key or if it got added to the account by steam because you owned some other game. I know when games get added to your account because a developer decides to give you another game because you own a certain game that the game count doesn't update until you activate another game, this might also affect card farming because I bet the badge to farm the cards won't pop up until you do something, like activating a key (or probably running the game). I know a lot of people have been confused with some free to play games bumping their game counts even though they shouldn't, it turns out what probably happened was something like this.

7 years ago

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Added by key, but it seems devs added cards only now, and coincidentally it happened few hours after i finished farming.

7 years ago

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Just wanted to say thank you for your work. It worked flawless, even without reading the wiki. Everything you need for one account is explained right after you start the software and if you spend some time in the wiki you are able to do even more with this mighty tool. Keep up the good work!

7 years ago

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Glad to hear that, even if I think there is still lots to do regarding overall usability part of the program, as I focus on functionality and stability instead of making it easier to use for newcomers. Enjoy! :3

7 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by JustArchi.