10 years ago*

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All retail stores stopped selling it.

10 years ago

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i can point you to that place, that one dares not to speak about

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

10 years ago

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I dare, ask Santa :b
Anyway, I just did a check on cd key retailers and everywhere there's an "out of stock" flag.
I'm afraid that you have to get it through trading, if you really really want it on steam :(

10 years ago

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Last I checked, gift copies were going for around 12-15 keys, which isn't horribly ridiculous if you really want it. You might be able to find someone willing to sell a Deadpool key for slightly less but for the most part, those are your only options if you want Deadpool.

10 years ago

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Yea, even 15 keys isn't ridiculous considering thats only $30 (if you buy them for $2 each off steamtrades), or slightly higher if you use the steam market. Either way, thats not a ton for a good game. I got the game when it was on sale for $10, but seeing as how most large title games are $40-$60 now, paying $30-$35 isn't absurb, especially since it was never bundled.

10 years ago

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Ive played the game. Its a very good game, but it has sooo many things missing. i would pay 20 at most, but def not 30.

10 years ago

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I really don't get why some people are willing to pay the $50-100 for a removed game on Steam. I like my film collection more than my Steam collection, and I have mostly classic horror and cult films. I've never paid over $15 for any one film that was out of print though. As you can tell by my Steam avatar, I love the film Eraserhead. About a year or two ago, you couldn't find a used legal US copy Eraserhead for less than $50. I ended up buying a Korean bootleg for about $5. I don't see how that's wrong in any way, because David Lynch wouldn't have seen a penny from the used out of print legal copies.

10 years ago

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They're not expensive because if people charged an arm and a leg for a physical copies of a hard to find movies, people would just download digital copies off the internet for free, or buy bootleg copies for next to nothing like you did. It's not the same with games due to DRM, etc. Sometimes the only way to get a game is the legit way, and if it's hard to find it's going to be expensive.

10 years ago

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Activision Store still has it


10 years ago

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40 bucks?!:|
it was 15 bucks on steam iirc. activision strikes again.

10 years ago

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Only on sale. Never $15 full price.

10 years ago

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yeap i just checked isthereanydeal and you're right. my bad.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

10 years ago

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nice to see they have the dlc there too!

10 years ago

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the real question is where can you get a copy of wolfenstein 2009 xD

10 years ago

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yep, i want this one

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Deleted-5455154.