I rarely make it to the end of games, I have 500 games on steam and I've only completed 6 of them. The games I've completed are Portal, Portal 2, Bastion, Transistor, Evoland, and DLC Quest. I've also completed Abyss Odyssey and Skullgirls, but those don't really count due to their nature of being more about increasing player skill than making it to the end of the game.

What should I do? I can't just keep letting my backlog of games get bigger, but at a certain point in most games I just jump ship to the next game.

9 years ago

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Steam is like reverse piracy. Instead of not paying for games I play, I pay for games I don't play.


9 years ago

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For me, steam is like fishing. I spend large amounts of time idle, I keep getting more fish to sell and then buying better rods and repeating the cycle. I've spent roughly 200-250$ for my 500 games. That includes Tales of Zestiria (60$), Portal 2 (20$), 6 Final Fantasy games (5 ea so 30$).

9 years ago

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Yeah, I've been thinking about this on the last few days.
I have almost 1900 games on my library but I finished less than 30 games.
I spent a lot of money buying bundles but I realized that was just because they had games with trading cards.
Now I have 2400+ card sitting on my inventory, 79 badges ready to be crafted for what? To increase my Steam Level? For what purpose?
If I sell those cards I can make at least ~$240 to spend on games.
But should I buy more games?
In the last two months I am just farming cards and the only game that I actually have been playing is Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (EA + Origin!!!!). 50+ hours playing online with my daughter.

9 years ago

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Curious when you say complete you mean 100% achievement or just beat the game?

9 years ago

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completion of campaign/story/whatever.

9 years ago

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Well, look on the bright side- at least you're not obsessed with getting all the achievements in any game you play (or at least as many as you can).
I'm like the opposite of you but with the same problem- I have a chronic inability to not finish games so even when I try to do it as fast as possible, I still get new games at a much faster rate than I can beat them. It really doesn't help that I tend to explore every nook and cranny XD

Maybe set it up as a challenge for yourself? Pick a game you like/think you'll like and play it until you have all the achievements or until you get really bored of it if it turns out to have too much grinding. Just don't get too into it. :P

9 years ago*

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im bad at beating my backlog, i add more games than completing them. I will tell you what i do when i want to finish a game. I write down a list of games that i really want to play in that moment, check their average lenght on the net, so i know what to expect kinda.. like if im in the mood of a game of 2-3 hours lenght, i go for the game with that lenght. I find satisfying to finish a game.

9 years ago

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Most of the games I want to beat clock in at 20+ hours, lol.

9 years ago

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ouch xD well consider that there are a lot of great indies out there that are worth to be played. Good luck :)

9 years ago

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