After creating this Civilization IV Complete edition giveaway I was thinking about the huge number of group and private giveaways. In my opinion, public giveaways with high contribution requirements encourage people to buy games for other people, and improve this community, while private/closed group giveaways create very small aisled communities.

What do you guys think about this?

12 years ago*

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I think something like a $50 amount is good for encouraging giveaways, since so many users have around $30 and under. $500 seems unobtainable at first. They need something that's realistic to reach for. $500 just encourages those few who are in the $400 range to give more.

$30.01 just encourages a $1 DLC that's 75% off ;)

12 years ago

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$50? No way, I know guys that got games for free and gave it away, like Darksiders key, Starvoid.

12 years ago

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Ok then $75. But there are still more users under $50.

Point is, $500 isn't going to do much to encourage people to give who aren't giving already.

12 years ago

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I certainly think the number of groups diminishes the quality of the site. I don't know if high CV public giveaways really encourage people to buy/give games though. Maybe the mid-range CVs (like $30-100) have an effect, encouraging people to give more than just "bundle games", but taking yours, for example, I doubt someone new to the site is going to go out and give $500 worth of games just to enter it.

On a related note, I also think it's a bit stupid we're allowed to set a CV that's double our own CV...I mean, you wouldn't even be able to enter your own giveaway...not even close.

12 years ago

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On a related note, I also think it's a bit stupid we're allowed to set a CV that's double our own CV.

Because the whole purpose of CV giveaways is to "thank" the other givers. I think it's a good way to be able to "thank" those that are able to give more than you.

12 years ago

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But seeing lots of good/great games giveaways that we could enter if we contributed more could encourage people. I'm not saying only very high contribution giveaways, I think the problem lies in between the low and the very high contribution requirement. There aren't too much giveaways in the 200-1900 range. The 50-200 range encourage the new users, but when you reach 200 you don't find all that much public giveaways that encourage you to give more games to increase your value to be able to enter them and improve your chances. The only way is closed group giveaways and this way we reduce the community aspect of this site.

12 years ago

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I understand what you're saying, but from what I've witnessed, when you get to those higher ranges, those people don't tend to care about the CV as much as those in the lower ranges do, they simply like giving back to the community. I mean, if someone has already given $1000, do you really think they need enticement to give more? I'm not saying they shouldn't be rewarded for their generosity, but creating high CV giveaways just to encourage more of them isn't a reason to create them in the first place.

12 years ago

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30$ for public giveaways! :D

12 years ago

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30.01 :P

12 years ago

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that's gonna be cool :D

12 years ago

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Personally I would love to see more giveaways in the $200+ contributor range. I think if people are giving away a lot of games at a time, splitting it up may be good. Throw out some just public with no contributor, some with 30.01 contributor, and some with high contributor. In the end though, I give away games not so that I can win more, but because I enjoy making someone's day a bit brighter through an act of kindness and generosity. I think it's important not to get too carried away with the high contributor and private/group giveaways because then you end up losing touch of why you're giving away games in the first place.

12 years ago

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A lot of groups form up with mostly active community members so although you are right, it still feels like I'm giving away games to the people who make the community awesome, I also think a higher percentage of people in group giveaways (or at least the groups I'm talking about) are likely to play their games (and if not that, at least a higher percentage will follow the rules). I think the group feature is fine the way it is though.

12 years ago

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High contribution amounts won't encourage people and many people also filter contributor giveaways which they can't enter out, so they will never see them. And it's also rare that people that have high contribution value got the value from private group giveaways. When they see such people they would rather try to get into groups than making public giveaways.

12 years ago

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I'm in favor of high contribution requirements.

Giving people the ability to create private group giveaways is something that should be allowed. People don't need SG to help them do this. If all they want to do is private giveaways, they have no need to be here. Some of these private donators do have public donations as well.

Being exclusionary reduces people's desire to be truly generous. Being inclusive to the extreme shuns newbies, causing the site to dry up. Let the users create the balance, wherever it may fall.

12 years ago

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I think a comtributor value usually around 50 bucks is good, but if you're giving away an expensive game then up the price accordingly. I find it nonsensicle when I see people giving away bundle games with $100 contributor requirments

12 years ago

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Funny how those with gifts adding up to a high $ are supporting making a high contribution requirement, while those with low support a low contribution value. Your morals are structured purely by your economics. Which is understandable :)

12 years ago

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I dont like contributor limits to be honest, but I am stating to think that I should use them. There are a lot of entries by people I would consider useless, but at the same time, there are a lot of people that spam themselves up the list with exceptionally shitty giveaways. Or well, I think they are shit.

12 years ago

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I think creating giveaways for the people I like or at least respect is a good choice that is entirely up to the creator of the giveaway.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by KynesLiet.