some companies
Konami for me also, even though EA and Ubisoft are trying to help their company, Konami are just terrible at it!
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I feel EA is becoming better and better. Origin is not as bad as most people think and the support is pretty quick as far as I heard. Activision keeps pumping out CoD's like a chicken does with eggs but I don't think that qualifies as most evil for me.
Ubisoft is taking this one for me. Terrible platform, terrible support and (some) pretty terrible mediocre games
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Origin isn't bad, I just see no reason to use it :^), but Uplay is utter shit.
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I hope you at least managed to get the game to run...
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That may be true, but "sucks eggs" is not the same thing as "evil."
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What do you mean by that ? I'm quite confused to what you are relating to from my post above o_O
Edit: oh I think I get it. Yeah you are kinda right: terrible support/games/platform =/= evil per se .. but if you consider the pricing on those games despite the terrible platform and their handling of customers you could call it pretty evil
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My experience with Origin has been less than stellar. Yes, support is fast (having only their own games to care about helps a lot) but almost every time I've had to contact them was for some CD-key that didn't register correctly or was half-activated and wouldn't show up on my account.
The only game I've ended up downloading from them was Sims 3, and right after downloading and installing, it still required a 1 Gb patch to be downloaded and installed. At least Steam will download and install the latest version of the games, not some old version requiring a patch.
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I can only talk from my own experience (which was okay-ish, I only used it for the Titanfall Beta and Battlefield 3/Bad Company2) and most things I read in the last months about them - and it was mostly positive. They seem to improve bit by bit it seems at least.
Ubisoft with Uplay was the worst experience for me so far of all plattforms. Can't start my games, can't connect to friends/online people, crashes in my games, not saving at savepoints, overwriting my savestates etc
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You download the Uplay directly from their website or the Lite version on Steam? The lite version never works. I got the one from their website directly and never had any problem with it.
The one from EA though is pretty bad, I got it for FIFA... Well never again.
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I agree. I actually like origin now. Had a problem with a game not to long back and they sorted it out in no time. :) It's more a convenience thing that I go to Steam first. >>
Ubisoft definitely now. Generic sandboxes with overpriced dlc for everyone. Woop. :3
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I shouldn't have clicked that, and I shouldn't have clicked that.
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Yeah, I feel like raging and barfing at the same time...
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I played that a lot when I was 7...Those were the days.
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EA , Ubisoft sure
Konami take the way .
Warner Bros too (MK , Batman ... ) . Batman on pc is unplayable ; WB doesn't make compensation .... (+ the price of season pass loooool ) even Ubi had made for AC Unity
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Most of us don't have our standards lowered as yours...
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Wow, that was unnecessarily rude. And you know absolutely nothing about me or my "standards". Way to go, judging me like that.
To clarify, I have what I like to call a low-mid tier custom build.
I'm able to run almost all of my 2,150 Steam Library at 60 FPS with at least 1080p resolution.
Arkham Knight is one of them. Though I have not played it for more than 2 hours, due to playing the other 3 Batman games in a sort of marathon right before I got Arkham Knight; I got "Batman'd out" and needed to put it aside for later.
Btw, nice begging link on your profile.
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Ubisoft and EA can fight to the death for the trophy.
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Today, I'll run with Konami, as it's in the hands of people who're deliberately running the video game branch into the ground in every way possible.
EA have their good and bad runs, but it looks like they're getting on a good run again.
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If you want to think like that, then...
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Inspired by Movac, I wanted to broaden the spectrum of "evil companies". ;)
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You're right. I'm at work, I was lazy and I didn't choose the article carefully. The basic facts are true but it's poorly written.
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They really suck. They lock international versions of their games and we here in Germany are fucked up with their cut German versions and cannot import international version as we can't activate it. What we get? Castrated senseless versions of games that lack original story and even don't contain original language.
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You can't find any Wolfenstein-version in "your" Steam store!??
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Ah ok ... bad ... this is what I was wishing too ... just to be able to activate a ROW copy ...
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Well, that's your country to blame mate, there's nothing they can do about it...
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Wolfenstein 2009 is gone from the store for everyone.
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No it isn't. According to the law ("Strafgesetzbuch") they are not allowed to sell versions with connections to the 3rd Reich in Germany. That is totally ok! On the other hand there is the BPjM that classifies if media should be accessible by youths or not (Index List A and B). Both cases not justify geolocking international versions of these games or of games not officially available in Germany. It is not in their responsibility to prevent importing these games. They are only responsible for not selling it in Germany (case A, Strafgesetzbuch) or make it available to people younger than 18 years or public advertising (case B, index). But in fact they lock games, although it isn't neccessary. So they suck. Btw. console versions of Bethesda international versions can be played. German word for this is "Doppelmoral".
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It's not like Bethesda hasn't done shitty stuff to other people before.
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Without mods I have to say Bethesda make pretty boring games maybe not evil no unless you count paid mods ...IE Bethesda wanting 60% of the money from a paid mod for doing none of the work.
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Well, if you actually have some common sense, and some basic info, without shatting out false claims, Valve made the whole paid mods idea, all Bethesda had to do was sign the deal, and they did, do I blame them? No, it's Valve\s idea, and nobody else's.
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Going with Konami on this one. There were a few reports that came out last month on how they were mistreating their employees. Not to mention how they are killing off their IPs
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They're pretty much all "evil". It's not necessarely their fault, but once big money is involved, the lies and marketing start pushing hard -> evil.
My pick for this year is Ubisoft: they constantly lied about every single game and technical decision they made. Just say it, don't be ashamed: "We did this because it sells more."
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Valve has to be it. Their India servers for CS:GO are offline for over a month (maybe two months?), people are requesting some kind of explanation, and there's no statement from Valve. Like, nothing. Not even "no comment." Just complete silence.
Even though it doesn't affect me, that's the worst thing I've seen from a game publisher since... forever. If you thought a couple of days of server downtime is the worst thing ever (hello EA and Ubisoft), well, Valve upped that to two months and without any statement whatsoever.
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I am amazed that many people don't say anything about Valve. They (to me at least) seem like a greedy corporation that doesn't give a single damn about people playing their games or even worse, using their platform. CS:GO Servers (except the north ones) suck and so does their Steam support.
It's just that most of the time people jump on the bandwagon of hating Ubisoft or EA. Well you can not buy their games or even pirate them, but can you not use Steam? I don't think so.
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Wanted to go Ubisoft but I instead chose Square. I have fond memories of Square games but they are of games a ways back. They just keep cranking out stuff I don't want. I buy it knowing that more than likely I don't want it and will not like it. Hoping I will be pleasantly surprised. Damn them getting their hooks in me as a youngster and then failing meet my expectations for the next decade.
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Obviously Konami should win, but since they seem to be pulling out of AAA gaming, I doubt they matter anymore anyways.
I voted Valve, and I'll tell you why:
All their games (TF2, DOta2, CS:GO), are infested with micro transactions. In the case of TF2 (I don't play the other games), it's a buggy piece of crap, that constantly introduces new game breaking features, for the sole purpose of adding more micro transaction BS.
Neither Ubisoft, nor EA are as bad in that regard.
As for distribution platforms:
Ubisoft is the best here, as their games are released on all 3 big ones: Steam, Origin and Uplay.
EA is second with their games being sold on Origin and Uplay.
Valve however is completely Steam exclusive on all their games.
Generally I think EA is improving a lot from their previous woes, and I think Ubisoft is getting way more flack than they deserve. It seems to be flock mentality going on about Ubisoft in a completely exaggerated way.
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The issue with Ubisoft right now is that they release broken games, and don't seem to care about quality control. That and the fact that whenever they mess up, they try to hide behind a lie (the whole Watch_Dogs debacle was a clear example, when they tried to explain away the existence of the fan patch that restored a lot of graphical effects, and actually improved performance noticeably). I find the people in charge at Ubi to be cowards, they won't give straight answers (review scores for our games is bad because you need to spend at least a certain amount of time (was it 30h? It was something like that) with one of their games to judge them (but wait, I beat the game in 15h, should I have to play it again to be allowed to have an opinion?).
Yes, I'm more than mildly annoyed with them for releasing HoMM 7 in its current state, so that has coloured my opinion of them.
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I'm one of the people who really loves Watch Dogs, and that is a great example of people completely over reacting. Most of the claims are easily debunk able. No, Watch Dogs was one of the first next gen games, and is still the best looking open world GTA clones out there. But people were shocked at the VRAM and GPU specifications needed. Well now several other next gen games are out and we see similar things.
Assassins Creed Unity is the same. Game worked great at launch on my AMD build, but I guess that is the issue: Both of those games uses the proprietary closed sourced Nvidia GameWorks, which is some of the worst optimized crap code ever made in gaming, and developers can do nothing about it. Blame Nvidia.
Both games would have benefited a lot from DX12 though.
Just a side note though: I've had tiny tiny micro stutters in Watch Dogs always. After upgrading to Windows 10, I started to get microstutters at odd intervals on the desktop. Would make jarring stutter noises on any media like music and youtube, but also all games.
Turned off HPET in bios and Windows, and boom, no stutters in Windows 10 anymore, and now Watch Dogs runs as smooth as butter. So annoyed I didn't know about this before (HPET is hit or miss, so it might be good for some and bad for others).
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Well, the point was not so much that Watch_Dogs was buggy at launch, but that Ubi were actively trying to deny what people who had used the patch that restored some graphical effects were reporting. And it's not the first time they've either lied or tried to use misinformation, Ubi has a long history of this.
While other companies have tried to explain away poor results because of their own bad actions, sometimes with outright lies, Ubi is the worst offender in this regard.
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The only thing that was unlocked was dynamic shadows from car headlights, which are bugged (flickering shadows). That feature was never shown in any trailer, including the E3 2012 trailer. The rest are cinematographically, and can be recreated in most scenarios.
The worst performance issues I've seen lately has been due to Ubi being too optimistic with draw calls (something DX12, Vulkan and Mantle all solves). But in reality poor performance is mostly due to GameWorks, which is so poorly optimized and uses extreme tessellation for the sole purpose of getting people to upgrade to newer NVidia cards.
Not saying Ubisoft is perfect, heck I never finished Assassins Creed Unity, because uplay deleted all savegames, when I tried to reinstall it, but most critique are unfair, and is usually the fault of NVidia (gameworks and crappy drivers resulting in things like faceless people). The faceless issue never existed on AMD cards.
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Again, the worst part was not the downgrade itself (though that was bad) but the fact that Ubisoft were willing to tell lies about the fan mod to cover things up.
Also, you're incorrect about it only being car headlights that were fixed. Other fixes included:
Improved reflections
Better/more realistic bloom
Changed fog to not only be more realistic looking, but also less taxing on the system
Bokeh DOF
LoD changes (result being less glaring popin)
Lens flares
Better lighting model
Possibility for the game to have more civilians in any given area
More realistic refraction of light through rain, higher rain density and better quality rain drops
And all this while at the same time offering better performance (noticeably so on my system).
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They are all evil because every company on that poll has screwed it's customers over; some more than others! ^ ^
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