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For Unity game developpers:
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This is the channel that was first blocked in Russia.
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Humble Bundle, an American company raised 10 million dollars already to support Ukraine, and other organisations collect money too. What do you think this money will go forward too? How much support, meds and food did Ukraine get from Russians? And how do you think Ukraine could defend their country with, against the 21st century Hitler that is called Putin?
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Another dollar well earned from kremlin :) Having nice time commenting shit like this ?
Maybe get off your high horse and if you call Ukraine nazi due to Azov then don`t be a hypocritical piece of ... and don't forget putler is using wagner group as well so you/they are as much nazi as Ukraine is. What a superior specimen you are - defending war crimes of russia and putler.
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Forget about aziz or azov.
Just read
Many of Kiev citizens every year celebrate bandera crimes anniversaty.
Using in public Nazi symbols.
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Thanks for the article. But it doesn't really answer much
Basically article says Bandera supported Nazi regime (in world war 2 at that). History has written off facts, Ukrainians see him as savior but Russians as villain. With facts being unearthed it seems even domestic population is not seeing him as a hero.
I agree it's not correct to march in streets supporting him or his views but the article doesn't show how big is the support or the crowds marching. We have in eastern Europe Russians who annually march the streets for the win of soviet union (with communism symbols).... Does that mean USA should invade to decommunize us ? It's long stretch at that because no one takes them seriously and it`s minority
PS.. it being an article from 2014 doesn`t really speak much either - years have passed on and I'm pretty sure the views on this have changed drastically over 8 years.
PPS. My point being - you don't invade a country due to some individuals supporting an ideology and claim you are doing cleansing of this ideology. can you actually bring up credible evidence of Ukraine's government supporting Nazi ideology aside from one military group and some old articles ? I'd be glad to read it and see if there actually is credible proof of this denazification theory kremlin is trying to push
PPPS - we might as well then say QAnon represents US ... We know it`s not true and that is just a bunch of crazy individuals. They where enough to almost storm the Capitol.... But at this scale we can simply say the US government supports this idology or whatever they are. But they hardly represent the country or pose any threat.
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Of course the cult of Bandera is appaling and alarming. But don't act like ultranationalism is a unique Ukrainian problem. There are similar elements all over Europe. We have the neo-Nazi football hooligan types everywhere, including Russia and also the somewhat more sophisticated ultranationalists, irredentists, too.
In fact if you read Putin's essays or speeches about the Ukraine situation you can see that he is speaking from a Russian ultranationalist viewpoint. If a German politician said how the Austrian nation doesn't exist, they are all Germans too and the countries should preferably unite if possible they'd be labelled a Nazi. In the last ten years or so Russian ultranationalism / imperialism has become the state ideology of Russia.
To make the hypocrisy even greater Russia is the main financial backer of several far right ultranationalist parties and even fringe neo-Nazi movements all over the EU. It's sort of understandable as these groups are firmly anti-EU so Russia is using them to weaken the EU. But you know the saying, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Lastly even if Ukraine had a comparatively more severe ultranationalist problem than Russia that still wouldn't justify the inhumane destruction Russia has brought onto Ukraine. Interestingly it's mostly the Russian speaking Eastern Ukraine that is being levelled by the brotherly Russian forces. It's frightening how relatively easily Putin can sell this to Russian nationalists at home.
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Compared to what?
Surrendering to those "peaceful" Russians?
That is not an option anymore for the Ukrainians after Russia decided to shell and bomb civvies ( yes yes Nazis in your opinion I know)
Russia should eat some humble pie, there is no way for it to win anymore.
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I don't think he will.
Russia has shown its hand and how it want to destroy Ukraine as we know it.
No people support and as history has taught us if you don't have the support of the local people, you cant hold any land.
Secondly, more countries as Moldova, Finland and Sweden will be going for stronger ties with the EU and the West after seeing the aggressor Russia being all beastly in Ukraine.
I recon that in 3 months this war has ended, Russia needs it to end.
I recon Putin will be ousted by some of his elite in one way or another.
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like the Zombie army could sustain a siege like that. putin begged china for help a long time ago already. he is willing to sell all of russia to the chinese. and he doesn't care about how many soldiers he loses. 10 000 killed and 15 000 injured already according to the latest leak iirc.
in fact every time i see a T tank cooking off and bursting into flames my heart jumps with joy.
if you attack another country, bomb & shell civilians, cities, hospitals, schools you deserve to die a gruesome death.
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funny you mention what Putin deserves and hopefully gets soon enough, because that's what he's doing right now and has done in Syria already. the russian army is so weak, they couldn't even occupy Ukraine in 2 days as Putin hoped for, and now they are destroying the whole country, including non military places and killing civillians and everyone. apparently you're all in favour of what's happening now which makes you a misreable peace of poop. you can consider yourself lucky that you don't have to fight and end up as cannon fodder like other people from your country, and jerk off to the bull shit you wirte here and scream "Zieg heil za russia" like the little fashist blindo that you are.
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even occupy Ukraine in 2 days as Putin hoped // ja-ja, sehr gut
who ever told that putin needs this "occupy" in 2 days? lol,
day-by-day russian army moving in the center. every steps are important.
every day we closer to our goal - denazification and demilitarisation of Ukraine
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ok.. sorry, I know our views differ and I don't really want to harass you with my comments as I doubt we will agree on anything but cmoooon ... "maybe mr. Zelensky change his mind" ?
Hasn't the fact that putin should change mind about his politics be the first and logical step in this equation ? He is the one who attacked, he is the one bleeding dry and destroying russias economy but Zelensky again is the one to blame in your eyes because he doesnt change his political views ? .... How about kremlin should change their political views on occupying neighbors ..... like seriously - the way you twist this situation to make Ukraine the bad guys is irritating.
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kremlin position is strong:
just google something like that - 'Russia's only chance…': Zelensky wants 'meaningful' talks ..." or
"Ukraine's Zelensky Says Everything on Table if Putin Meets"
but problem is in this - putin dont want wasted meets with mr. Zelensky.
time to talk are passed long time ago.... (in time of the minsk aggreement).
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Basically Putin wants to overtake Ukraine, leave it defenseless and as a puppet to Russia.
Zelensky of course wants to get back Ukraines territories. And IMO those are normal propositions.
This totally is on Putin and Kremlin for ignoring what the world is saying to them. Yes - their position is strong and that is the problem here. What I mean is Zelensky shouldnt change his view (and so shouldn
t Ukraine in its entirety) just because they are being occupied by powerhungry and totally insane dictator whose hell bent on proving he is somehow right. Sorry, but I really don`t see how what your bringing up can be attributed to Ukraine... Putin is the aggressor and no one should bow down to aggressors.
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don't feed the troll, he's already brainwashed by propaganda. there is no help for him
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The more the Nazis blacklist me, the more I don't give a damn - after all, we are on a site for the distribution of games, and it does not matter who gets these keys, because it will not affect anything in the world. As if I could participate in your closed draw (by groups or whitelists), hypocrites.
Скорее лицемерных нацистов. Которые считают нормой прекращение поставок лекарств онкобольным и прочим недееспособным людям, видимо чтоб не дать им пойти в рядах армии или смотивировать выйти (выкатитьсяна больничной койке) на митинг.
А вообще не удивляйся, что твоя стата в пункте "чёрный список" полетит стремительно вверх просто из-за того что ты выражаешься на русском языке. Да-да, это же не есть нацизм (сарказм). Им не важно даже что ты напишешь (я тут уже видел одного, который с кучей оскорблений призвал переписать своё сообщение на "человеческом" языке, чтоб он мог его прочесть и кинуть в чс (переводчик же для слабых)), им не важно откуда ты (пусть хоть из центра Сибири) - ты должен устроить революцию, рискнуть своей головой, чтоб потешить их эго, а они будут уютно наблюдать из дома как гибнут люди и "кто-то недостойный так называться" (цвет кожи, язык или ещё какие признаки, для них это повод вычеркнуть твою нацию из списка "людей", ах да, но видимо слишком сложная отсылка будет, добро пожаловать в "86"); им не важно, что тебе плевать и ты хикки-задрот который просто хочет играть в игры и общаться с людьми по всему миру без вражды.
Мне вообще противно, до чего прогнил этот мир, где однобокая информация (в ведьмака невнимательно играли видимо, ага, геймеры тут собрались) выгодная для торгашей и политиканов приводит к моральной войне среди далёких от этого людей (мы диванные войска - мы должны воевать за лучшую вайфу сезона), хотя даже на этих горе-воинов грустно смотреть - у них уже промыты мозги, они ставят в один ряд коммунизм (единство наций, где в союзе было столько народов) и нацизм (как раз таки отторжение неугодных народов).
Я абсолютный никто, чтоб знать всю обстановку полностью и поддерживать кого либо, так что пусть лучше весь мир сгорит в ядерном огне, ибо человечество уже доказало, что оно - тупиковая ветвь...
"War... War never changes."
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Так в том и прикол, что абсолютно пофиг, ибо единственное на что влияет - возможность вступать в раздачи, а я тут просто почекал профили таких челов, там онли группы/инвайты/белые_списки, да и с индигалы каждый день по ключу лутаю, так что уровень моего пофигизма зашкаливает.
А вот уровень промытия мозгов меня конечно просто поражает, хотя чего удивляться, столько лет в фильмах и играх "злые русские", только видимо челы мораль из них не выносят, вспомним того же ведьмака - насажен на вилы толпой деревенщин (видимо за то, что рискуя головой, спасал их от агрессивной нечисти)
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Если вы реально хотите им что-то доказать, то надо постить в их ветках и на английском языке, и в видео желателен английский язык, хотя в любом случае вас могут причислить к кремлеботам или типо того, и помните "СТРЕЛОЧКА НЕ ПОВОРАЧИВАЕТСЯ!" - призыв "майдана" с убийствами мирных жителей и сжиганием заживо это норма (саркастическое цитирование)
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И снова предъявы (где писалось о запретах не ясно, но зная вас - ответа я как всегда не услышу, только максимум отмазок и увёртываний +плачь на тему, что я вас оскорбляю и обвиняю), всё же русский язык у вас очень слабый, ибо явные признаки шизы, раз вам так сложно понять, что мне неприятна пропаганда и "факты" любой стороны в моих ветках. И ваши сообщения здесь лишь доказательство, насколько однобоко ВЫ САМИ судите о мире, хотя всячески пытаетесь доказать это людям из самых разных стран, включая Китай и Японию, которые здесь тоже пишут, ибо как я сказал - мне абсолютно плевать и на ваше мнение, и на чьё либо ещё, и уж тем более изменится оно у кого-то или нет. Но я так понимаю, вас приспичило написать сюда из-за моей вставки о ссылании на эту ветку, ибо я уже видел как вы это приподносите (выглядит максимально убого и узколобо), так что я мог бы целую книгу написать "Что побуждает людей осуждать других, не разбираясь в теме", но как я уже писал - мне от вас ничего не нужно кроме ответа на единственный вопрос "В КАКОГО БОГА Я ДОЛЖЕН ВЕРИТЬ ПО ВАШЕМУ МНЕНИЮ?"
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Вот и явный пример бесконечного нытья на тему "меня обижают". Да и видимо термина "нацизм" плохо знаете, раз предъявляете только русским, что максимально иронично. Да и что уж говорить, раз на единственный вопрос не можете ответить. К тому же смешное заявление про русский шовинизм - объединение всей нации под одну гребёнку, снова. Вот видите разницу между нами - я говорю, что на территории украины есть нацисты, и сейчас они явная проблема, но при этом я не отрицаю, что и на территории нашей страны нацистов немало, но они ещё не дошли да таких действий, как в вашей стране, так что надеюсь вы действительно заткнётесь и подумаете над своим поведением (если вы конечно не отбитый укробот, которому бы лишь только отстоять прописанную в методичке точку зрения)
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Понятно, ты всё же укробот/америкобот, который не может остановиться. Что уж там вякать про прекращение войны, если ты не можешь прекратить приставать даже после "Не вижу смысла далее говорить".
Жду твоего ответа на единственный вопрос "В КАКОГО БОГА Я ДОЛЖЕН ВЕРИТЬ ПО ТВОЕМУ МНЕНИЮ?"
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У меня нет интереса давать тебе "ответы", так как ты грубишь, унижаешь и не слышишь собеседника - общаешься с позиции агрессора, что, в общем-то, неудивительно в контексте событий в мире и твоего открытого шовинизма.
Ибо ты всё-таки не умеешь читать, раз не прочёл это выше несколько раз, хотя это заметно в каждом перевирающим мои слова комменте. Собственно, поэтому ты и изливаешься говном. Всего хорошего на пути к просветлению.
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just leave this here
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Not related to this thread, but I think the pictures alone make it worth posting here.
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For context.
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We all need some Stephen Fry talking to us.
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Here is a clear example of the inability to read and being taken out of context, sorry, but you forgot to mention a piece:
"More like hypocritical Nazis. Who consider it normal to stop the supply of medicines for cancer patients and other incapacitated people, apparently in order to prevent them from joining the army or to motivate them to go (roll out in a hospital bed) to a rally."
Either you have problems with translation, but it’s difficult to clarify, it’s easier to believe one-sided propaganda and continue to blindly blame someone. And if you are such a hero, then why don't you go to fight for Ukraine? (for this is an equivalent moment with the dispensation of a revolution in the country)
In addition, the point about blacklists is that people add to it simply for the Russian language (this is not explicit Nazism in your opinion)
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That is, the canceling of the entire nation is not Nazism in your opinion?
Well, you are for sanctions as a motive for protest!
And again, stupidity - in fact, the principle of international trade comes down to the exchange of one product for another (more produced - for scarce), I will not even explain something to you from an economic point of view - you yourself will soon see how interconnected the whole world is in this regard .
Did I blame Ukraine somewhere? Or do you have trouble reading?
I don’t think that many will translate, read and understand the essence of the “pasta”, given that no one dared to speak in English under it, the herd principle of rejection and the reaction in the form of a black list will appear.
Well, you didn’t understand that I don’t want to get into politics without understanding, based on obvious propaganda speeches. I would even compare it with religion: here you can give me reasons for believing in a "specific" deity, if not, then you should not call me to war / revolution!
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You apparently didn’t see what good conditions refugees from Ukraine have here (apartments, benefits), and my girlfriend came to Moscow - just a refugee from Ukraine since 2014 (we met in 2015).
Well then, I'm for retaliatory sanctions because of your hostility to the whole nation, and I'd rather go to the rally for turning the whole world into nuclear ashes. So here only you, because of the influence of the hypocritical USA, are striving to start a third world war. What can we say about attributing the sins of the communists to modern Russia, this is the hypocrisy - I don’t see something condemning modern Germany for the Hitler period, when it occupied Europe, including Ukraine (although this country also managed to fight for Hitler).
Read. But your game is more like shooting yourself in the foot to avoid being drafted into the army.
Well, there’s not even anything to say if you saw hostility in the demand for proofs in your empty accusation - there are obvious problems with the perception of information.
You overestimate - people do not like to think with their own heads (especially when propaganda sets them against the nation, to begin to perceive the opponent as equals is tantamount to defeat for them), especially when the translator does not convey the full depth of thought simply because of the intricacies of the language.
So which god should I believe in? You still don’t understand that I don’t care about both sides - I just play the computer, and sometimes I look at what sophistication people have reached in their desire to impose their truth on others.
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Most likely, the rest arrived a couple of years later, fearing the atrocities of the Nazis. Yes, just like Ukrainian. Well, yes, there are probably no other refugees in the world. In addition, I don’t care about other countries, since they supply weapons to militants who are hiding behind civilians (we can still count people who are not allowed to evacuate along safe corridors, because without them the militants will be smashed).
And whoever said that it’s only talking about you - you apparently didn’t read your topic carefully, there’s just tons of hatred for all Russian people who are not ready to run under the walls of the Kremlin with a knife.
Well, yes, the country has a size larger than all of Europe put together due to lack of money, what? Running out of food, resources? Nuclear warheads can't fly? You are simply catastrophically mistaken - a cornered beast will fight because it has nothing more to lose.
If you want people to go to rallies, pay fines, serve 15 days for them (yes, ordinary people sometimes suffer because of all sorts of provocateurs when you come to a peaceful rally, and some bribed psychos start rowdy).
And, the United States did not bomb the jungles of Vietnam (and then did not throw out into the street those who survived the war without support), I hope the picture will attach normally (no).
What can we say - the arrow does not turn, America itself is the result of the genocide of Native Americans.
I can't say anything about the parties - I'm not interested in the topic. But I, probably, will reveal to you a great secret - only 450 seats.
Okay, no logic. Understood.
Resentment fueled by political propaganda turns into hatred. By the way, read about Yugoslavia.
I will post it again, just for you: So which god should I believe in?
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Without written records, it is difficult to establish the details. And judging by the bones in the ground is not particularly rational.
The point is the exploitation (as well as the Africans) of the population and the war because of claims to the land (lol, yes), because a community that was close to nature was invaded by a community that greedily needed a resource (at least gold and furs, and then the forest). In addition, a lot of diseases were imported, for which organisms were not ready due to a different social system - lower density and underdeveloped industry.
And in general - there are always more dead than living at a particular moment. You can express your thought in more detail if I did not understand your thought correctly.
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The close to nature thing is a racist trope of the "noble savage". Most the plague possibly spread when the Spanish were in the Central America region. It seems to have spread from there to most of North America by the time of the British colonies. Not to say the early Americans didn't go to war with and nearly destroyed the Natives. It is just to say they warred with themselves and disease did most of the damage.
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I don't understand what racism has to do with it, when a society with low industrialization lives in the wild (from examples close to me, these are the peoples of the north and taiga, Eskimos and like that, they have developed shamanism and other "charms of tribal" life). I do not know why it is considered "nobility" when a person does not store resources beyond measure in fear that they will run out (and this is precisely the problem of capitalism - the same production of products we have beyond measure, despite the fact that not all the population can afford to eat well, and a considerable amount of food is thrown away because of the expired period expiration date). Well, the fact that the colonizers were still poorly versed in medicine and brought sores, I just don't blame (because at that time it was beyond their understanding), but fighting with the remnants of peoples for resources (which is now one of America's credos) is another matter, especially at different levels of technology development.
Sorry for the current topic (after all, this is the whole thread), but if Europe is so noble, then why condone the war? I don't care about Crimea and ldnr, or the rest of the territories that ardent defenders of Ukrainian identity want to clean up; oil deposits have been found in Ukraine, but the country is technologically outdated (Russia is also far from China, of course, but due to the size there is something besides agricultural assets), and like many republics (Belarus is exactly the same) after the collapse of the USSR was left with what it was (a couple of nuclear power plants and fields); so, why not start developing the same oil production in exchange for a share from production (let's not talk about the intellectual sphere, because the essence is precisely in the resources that are limited on the planet), why instead of supplying weapons on credit (Ukraine will never be rich in money, everyone understands that, but some pretend that this is on a noble basis, even knowing about the level of corruption) are not supplied by economically developing enterprises or something like that. The answer is simple - at the end of the "war", regardless of the outcome, Ukraine will pay with land and resources (unless, of course, after the "payments" something will remain from it), but the defeat of Russia by any victims, albeit minimally likely (I hope you yourself understand the risks of trying to divide the resources of such a large country - everything to each other they will gnaw their throats) but it will also be very profitable in terms of resources (so such human sacrifices and spending heaps of resources on the depletion of Russia's military power are quite "recouped" by the resources that remain in the ground, and people can always be born - politicians risk nothing but stupid people).
I hope at least you will understand my thought adequately. For as the Witcher used to say, "if I have to choose between one evil and another, I prefer not to choose at all."
And you will not get into politics looking from the height of your sofa, where information is presented on a platter for a reason (laziness is like an evolutionarily developed advantage).
Sorry that so many letters are the consequences of emotional stress due to attempts to calm down a politically turned fanatic who is very bad at adequate dialogue.
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Sorry for off topic discussion. Here is a link to better explain it. I know English isn't your first language. Hopefully this can be easier to you to understand😊.
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Interesting article. Although of course some points are still not about that (as an example, our northern peoples hunt a bear with cunning - they wrap a whalebone in fat, it unfolds in the stomach and slowly tortures the animal, this is not noble, but cunning), I understand that in terms of war - they are not harmless good-natured, and multiple "occultism" with eating the hearts of enemies and all sorts of dishes from skulls (some also make something from the rest of the bones; what actually leads to what I was talking about - resources, even if they are peculiar, go into business, there is no such waste as "us"), because they are the same people who want a safe territory for their family and so that no one encroaches on their resources (which are not so much for their level of development but everything in the world is interconnected, and if an outsider starts digging, even if something unnecessary, it will cause damage to the ecosystem of the "savage" resources, you yourself know how destructive mistakes in oil transportation are for nature, let alone ordinary waste - a whole island has already formed in the ocean).
And I know that your politicians are also trying to get in harmony with nature, but their methods are very specific (wind turbines and solar panels, not to mention batteries, require a lot of non-renewable resources for production), they limit interaction with them to the detriment of the welfare of citizens, while earning incredible money on it the amount of money. I don't know how you personally feel about Tucker, but not so long ago there was an issue about petrochemistry, where one of the politicians asked a lady politician "how is she going to live without petrochemistry", to which instead of a reasonable answer he received "look into the heart". Of course, I understand that America is a country of freedom, where they are now trying to achieve equality (although of course this sometimes results in "reverse oppression"), you even have laws that you cannot repair yourself, because it harms people who have received a specialty; but at the same time, in politics there are either cunning thieves who work for the benefit of their family only, or people who are completely incompetent (without claims specifically to minorities; the problem here is those who make dolls of such people distracting from real problems).
I'm just very sad to see how people are so blindly led into all sorts of squabbles, while the rich are getting even richer - every country in the world has its own problems, and everyone is looking for something to distract the people. And the "nobility" of the savage is only given by its simplicity - after all, the simpler the mechanism, the easier it is to repair it (the Kalashnikov assault rifle may not be the most effective, but it is as simple as possible, and therefore popular). So I'm more about human development at all stages of the formation of humanity - something like collective immunity (the strength of the chain is equal to the strength of the weakest link), it sounds something like communism (you made something absolutely bad out of it because of the Cold War, but let me remind you - the absolute is only with the Sith; although the Jedi are not so good). So - the world is too fragmented, an ordinary person will not be able to become a leader (well, yes, now I am drawn to warhammer 40k), so humanity can become better only through the efforts of every person on the planet (unfortunately, all this is utopia - "inequality" benefits from constantly littering people).
Thus, we came to the main problem of the thread - you need to stop holding hatred against someone simply because someone has revealed something there (especially when there is no opportunity to personally check). After all, the world begins with a small one - with a specific person and his attitude to others.
And again, I probably gave out too much philosophical thoughts. But I am very pleased to communicate with you (I hope not to jinx it, as with another interlocutor who, after spending a long time in this thread, has become an inadequate fanatic; and my words just senselessly fall into the "muck" only sprinkling it, there is no sense in them - a very upsetting experience for a social being).
PS. The stronger the development, the easier it is to deal with problems. And our society with technology goes far ahead, thereby making us savages in the world of high technology. Thus, the "new world" destroys people because of our inability to resist it.
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Put in, hehe. I don’t know why I threw you a meme for political propaganda.
I understand this was a reference to Navalny? A truly indestructible person, survived against such a powerful poison, did he really manage to buy a BKB? But what about the rest? YouTube there or its "foundation"?
I could compare it with Trump (Navalny in terms of politics), but I don’t remember the peaceful rallies of his supporters, where provocateurs could be sent to then expose the evil law enforcement agencies.
I don’t want to destroy your little world invented by politicians, so I’ll ask you to stop our communication, because you are very similar to a troll (clown). And remember - the world is not only divided into black and white, if you have a negative attitude towards someone, think about who benefits from it (but at your leisure, because I don’t care if your opinion changes, and about him in general) .
People are different - life and time will judge everyone
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Nah, I am going to comment where ever I feel like.
Black and white, haha. You live in the country where you must believe in black and can't not mention anything about white without feeling the bite of the ruling system aka Putler.
Nobody is hiding behind civilians though. Many of those civilians have said "Give me a weapon to help defend my country against the evil barbaric Soviet invader.
Oh how Putler thought he was going to be welcomed as a liberator.
Newsflash the Nazis in Ukraine didn't even get 5% of the vote during the election time. Not even enough to qualify for a seat in parliament.
But yea Nazis Nazis Nazis everywhere.
Invading Ukraine on the back of Nazis is laughable especially with a Jewish president.
Someone wants to submit other countries to rebuild to old Soviet Union. So get off your high horse ye old Soviet.
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You don’t even try to conduct an adequate dialogue, only inciting hatred and that’s it, typical schizophrenic. For such a person, I can only advise you to start digging a bunker deeper underground, because with such a policy, World War 3 is already on your doorstep...
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Noted and disregarded.
When WW3 kicks off we will all know who started it ...
I know I know, not how you see it.
It is a Russian thing. They never do anything, it is always someone else's fault...
such an injustice to get blamed for everything.
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Noted and disregarded.
When WW3 kicks off we will all know who started it ...
I know I know, not how you see it.
It is a Аmerican thing. They never do anything, it is always someone else's fault...
such an injustice to get blamed for everything.
The arrow doesn't turn, does it?
Or how do you like this option (which is closer to you):
Noted and disregarded.
When WW2 kicks off we will all know who started it ...
I know I know, not how you see it.
It is a German thing. They never do anything, it is always someone else's fault...
such an injustice to get blamed for everything.
In general, it is very stupid to wait for a war with a country on the same continent, the United States does not care what you will get from the fire on the area, but you still continue to be afraid of the "evil Russians" and idolize the rebellious colonies that staged more than one genocide. Good luck to you and health to all your family, and remember - "Winter is coming."
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Well WW2 was started by the Germans.
And we all learnt that we should never deal with a tyrant through appeasement.
A little special economic operation.
At least the West's economic operation hasn't led to 40.000 Russians being killed unlike Putler's special operation.
If WW3 kicks off it will be on Putler and the Russians.
so... your point?
I am not afraid of the Russian paper bear.
You do enjoy putting labels like "hate us" and "Nazis" or "evil Russians" on other people.
I understand though, you got to keep the narrative going in your head somehow.
"They don't like us because they hate us and think we are evil."
Much easier to think like that than to see and admit all the atrocities YOUR nation has committed in Ukraine under false pretenses.
Yes yes now start deflecting by saying USA has done shitty things like that in the past, and Belgium has too. (I condemn them too for it)
The point is.... here it comes ... Soviet Russia is doing it NOW.
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So you are NOW continuing mental wars, so what?
40k, ridiculous, given the hypocritical statements of politicians about the cessation of the supply of unique life-sustaining drugs (but look through the page, because I already wrote this)
Yes, and you again write "Soviet" Russia, Putler, and so on, so why should I not consider your words as empty insults, from Aryan Germany (Belgium is also included, at least the flag). You write YOUR people and row everyone under one category - obvious Nazism and nothing else, you do not write "Putin's troops" no, you just incite enmity with all the people without even noticing it.
I’m even too lazy to check the quality of the break, because I’m tired of your meaningless chatter - you are trying to prove something to someone on the INTERNET, not to support, not to console, but only to call for riots, so just stop writing first, and then already to the extent of your desires, go to work with your hands, and not with your tongue, everyone can condemn. I can give you all day to endure brains about the fact that Angela Merkel washes her hands before the toilet, and not after, and what will it change? If you want to prove something - answer the important question that the creator of the thread avoids - "Which god should I believe in?", any other topic will be ignored by me.
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YOUR people
I said YOUR nation.
Nice twist you put in there again to keep the narrative in your head going.
Wait until the numbers from Mariupol come out more and more. Will bring the Ukrainian casualties over that number sadly.
Due to levelling a city to the ground.
And in the end
Every country gets the government that they deserve.
Chechnya (leveled another city there) and the people cheered.
Georgia and the nation cheered again.
( want me to bring out the approval ratings of Putin out? You can see the spike of approval for yourself after each war or annexation.)
This will be a mark on your generations head as much as ww2 was a mark on that generation of Germans.
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"YOUR people I said YOUR nation." = NAzi, understand?
Well, yes, Russian troops do not let people out of Mariupol. (so many corridors for retreat, so many pauses between shelling, so many victims because of this, there are already among the Russians, you’re probably glad about it there)
And for some reason they do not show the power of the Grads, but for some reason they only fire back at the shooters, who are covered by civilians.
Chechnya, Georgia, and someone says that we are not fighting with our Nazis. And you continue to prove something to me, not realizing that I don’t give a fuck and I don’t influence anything. It's a pity you don't know how many people sacrificed their lives to defeat your then generation of Germans. You probably don’t even know what the holiday of May 9 means - the end of the war, for which our people laid down so many lives that there are so many in none of your countries, it’s amazing, it’s not true where such losses come from, if there weren’t so many people in Germany, but here what's the catch - other European countries also did not particularly resist, they joined the ranks of the Aryan army. So do not be surprised that ALL the people, whether patriots or not, if necessary, will give their lives to burn out the remnants of the Hitler cult from rotten Europe. Come on, give in to the courage of anger against Russia, again stand side by side with them as before, the matter will not be limited to Ukraine, because now it is a call for help from the DPR and LPR, but then the armies are personally gathering against Russia, and believe me, you are not on the other the mainland, which is on the other side of the planet, you will be dragged to the grave anyway, but you still have time to change your mind and not succumb to the instigation of the strange, the path for nuclear missiles of which runs through YOU.
This is my last message, because communication with you only causes a desire to go to a rally for the use of nuclear weapons in the cities of Europe in the name of stopping the buildup of aggression ...
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They only shoot back at the shooters...
You are a sad little man fully consumed by Russian propaganda under the believe that Russia are the good guys in this...
"Buildup of aggression"
See this, Typical Russian.
The only aggressor here is you and your nation who wish to rebuild the Soviet Reich through violence, malice and oppression.
Glory to Ukraine!
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Glory to ARSTOTSKA! = typical Nazi
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There is no desire to receive a bunch of answers (if you post separately; you can do it yourself, if, of course, you see fit) from political bots, so I am writing this in our old discussion (because I think you are the most adequate - because at least you know how to read what " I DON'T HAVE A DESIRE FOR AN ENDLESS DISCUSSION"), here's an hour-long film (I kept postponing the viewing so as not to throw everything off; yes, the inserts are crunchy and incomprehensible at first, but I think this is the author's eyeliner to the final "punchline"), where everything is backed up "your" sources:
I hope there are no alternatively gifted people who decide to answer something in this thread (also applies to you and the author of the topic - do not bother, I will mark as read without reading).
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Watch this video that explains all Russian actions and the USA.
Neither in the politics of USA and RUSSIA they care about the people when they play their political games.
All this nonsense about Nazi's is just a way for Russia to rally its people behind in support of their actions.
Because lets be honest if they said the truth that they feared to lose their sphere of influence over old USSR nations and lose the chance to enrich themselves with gas and oil corruption. And therefore Russia will send its sons over to these places to die. I am pretty sure that there will be much much less support. Same as it would be in the West, look at how the USA's invasion of Iraq was covered. Massive protests and backlash from people who saw what the USA invasion of Iraq was really about.
Secondly, Don't worry about the West using Nukes on Russia, it won't happen.
1st USA cancelled its planned nuke test a few months back to avoid tensions whereas Russia continued with tests.
2nd The video showed how after ww2 the USA had a plan on how to nuke Russia. Well sorry to pop your bubble but USSR has a similar plan
3rd Since the start of the Ukrainian invasion Russia has mentioned plenty of the times the word Nukes, in order to saber rattle whereas I challenge you to find me one video of a Western politician saying we should use nukes against Russia.
4th "This is my last message, because communication with you only causes a desire to go to a rally for the use of nuclear weapons in the cities of Europe in the name of stopping the buildup of aggression ..."
Remember these words???
Nuclear war won't be started by the West.
In the end,
The video is very one sided and does what is typical Russian ... playing the victim "Shoots an Ukrainian and says I was pushed by USA to shoot this Ukrainian."
USA is playing political games as if Russia isn't playing the same political games. You are very biased if this is how you think.
Why is Russia losing its sphere of influence?
Watch these 3 links and think Estonia Russia Belgium ( for comparison)
After the fall of the USSR these old USSR nations grew closer to the west and look at their economy and welfare.
Estonia has a gdp per capita of 35.000 USD compared that to Russia which didnt grow at the same rate (13.000 USD)
IF Russia bothered to develop its economy the same way as the West did than maybe all these old USSR countries wouldnt be running towards the West.
and even the bigger question you should ask yourself is " why the fuck is Russia down so far" with all these resources like gas and oil to trade.
Also if you wish to reply with nonsense I will also mark it as read without reading as I have no interest into going in a conversation with someone whose answer to everything is Russia does this because USA...
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Ok, I skip everything as promised, but do you really think that the Nazis and Azov do not exist? They do not have a flag with a swastika (double standards about Z are remembered) and their hero is not Stepan Bandera? Then I suggest you take a little trip (but I hope you understand the Ukrainian language at least a little) - 1) In the groups of any fierce defender (even from the same topic author), look for a public with 80K+ subscribers (I think you can guess the name), 2) look for pages on the wall the most actively spamming people or just chanting "glory to Ukraine, death ...", 3) study their profiles (and maybe even some of them you will find more interesting publics)
PS: Apparently I overestimated you...
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"40k, ridiculous"
We are close to 50.000 dead Russian orcs only
How desperate must you be.
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lol, "A little special economic operation." good luck holding out in winter)))
How desperate must you be.
Aren't you tired of succumbing to propaganda?))
Ukrainian Orcs, as I understand it, 5k died?
And the video is too cropped, and without sound (well, or the presenter drowns it out), there is zero point in presenting it, because it is not even connected with the message.
Check out the releases of Tucker Carlson to at least slightly reduce your empty aggression and for once turn on the brain.
So, at Zelensky's speeches, the symbols of fascism (on the form of his entourage and on his shoulder), you probably don't notice, okay, how insulting someone will be later.
However, what can we say about the fans of the "collaborator Bandera", despite the fact that the Ukrainian side is cleaning up the "collaborators" (who even just accepted humanitarian aid) in the recaptured villages. But they won't show it in your news, just like they won't name the side that shot (and continues to shoot) at the nuclear power plant.
Oh, yes, good luck with the rallies, because in your country the police "give flowers to old ladies."
What an irony...
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Oh boi,
Is Russian Propaganda still going hard on Europe freezing this winter.
Let me give you an update then.
EU gas storage is full for 85% on average.
Gas imports from Russia went down from 40% to now 9%. And prices went down by half already.
And people are more than willing to wear an extra sweater if need be, we all know it is for a good cause.
Still prefer my police giving flowers instead of arresting protesters en masse.
And tell your boss Putin that Ukraine and the West is thankful for the now confirmed 834 vehicles that were abandoned during their "organized and planned Kharkiv repositioning.
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About Tucker, you probably already have a manual on denial, here it is democracy...
That is, you missed the moment where the fans of the Bandera collaborator persecute civilians who took humanitarian aid, it is clear...
But what about the news about the "shelling" of another nuclear power plant, which Russia "missed" (300 meters, it seems), while not mentioning the warehouse on which the strike was carried out.
Razed cities to the ground?) Is this the same Mariupol, whose rebuilt and functioning kindergarten was shelled by Ukraine? Terrible military facilities on the territory of another country, yeah, I wonder when they managed to build them. You have obvious problems with perception. The Nazis also knew who the villains were (for them it was other nations). It's a pity that you don't hear what I always say about the need to adequately evaluate information.
Are you talking about the equipment that is located on the territory of Crimea?) Just think about 800+, and you perceive it as reliable information, yet Zelensky does not send people in vain, regardless of losses, especially considering how the results are brought to you. It will be very difficult for you in life with such credulity.
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Himars can fire into Mariupol if Ukraine placed one of them right on the front line ( which they wouldn't seeing it is really dumb)
So I am betting you pulled this "Ukraine shelled a kindergarten school" out of your rear.
Cuz how are you going to shell something if you cant reach it?????
You learnt well from your nation.
It seems you got nothing to say beside Russia is great, Russian news is only news that can be trusted.
All other lies.
Keep living in your dream world with Tucker Carlson hahahahahhahahahahahahaha
Ukraine is fighting a patriotic war, with Western allies.
Sorry to pop your balloon but Russia is playing the villain here.
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Of the talkers, only you are here, because the only thing I say is "Stop believing everything. And stop thinking that propaganda is only on one side." Your problem in denying other points of view makes you not just a supporter of fascism, but also a supporter (and partly a sponsor) of terrorism, because saboteurs do not kill military people, but politicians and civilians (especially regardless of the victims), but I am sure you will justify this.
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I am not denying anything
I am rebuking your points one by one.
And then you run away from that point
Your propaganda tells you EU will be freezing.
You go quiet on your defeated subject.... Also mind how full of glee you were at the prospect of freezing Europeans.
Shelling of Kindergarten school in Mariupol when Ukraine cant reach that far with their artillery. You go quiet
But again can find many examples of Russians shelling civilians shelters.
But please do show me the shelled school in Mariupol with the poor killed children/ people, like how I just showed you the killed people by Russia who shelled a school.
"cleaning up the "collaborators" (who even just accepted humanitarian aid)" you make it sound that even those who accepted food get imprisoned, rounded up in ghettos
People are angry for sure for now but I will assure you that no one who just accepted food is going to get imprisoned. They just need time to redirect that anger at the right source, Russia.
Very suspicious deaths worry about your own saboteurs first.
"Your problem in denying other points of view makes you not just a supporter of fascism, but also a supporter (and partly a sponsor) of terrorism,"
The only one in denial here is you, so your sentence here perfectly describes yourself doesnt it?
Let me remind you on how in the past you wish to join Nuclear rallies to encourage to nuke EU and how you revel in other nations to suffer through cold....
And you think you are NOT the problem here.
Mind blown.
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There's not even anything to say - you invent facts yourself, and then you show me, I'm not going to write a healthy text every time, since you can't even read it. Moreover, you attach links from your sources, but you will also ignore mine. Winter in Europe is not about the cold, but financially. I just don't have the words, you copy my fragment, and then immediately present about prison and so on. What can I say about your links, where it's just already written in the name about schools (in which no one is hiding except for militants, because summer and fighting - there are no basements in schools). Yes, and constant transfers of arrows when you can't say anything "but here you are, ko-ko-ko".
Get away from me with your crazy, since you can't read.
I told you - I don't care about politics and propaganda, I'll see you at the end, then we'll see, stop pouring shit out of your head here. Especially when you have a particularly attic leak after 3 months.
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Oh boi,
I know right, sources are hard to battle for you.
Can't understand that a not cold winter means you don't have to use your gas much which means lower bills.
And in case you missed it EU is working on a price cap for people....
Too much for your brain to handle cause and effect....
Why post sources if you can make up something like you always do.
And yell Fascist and Nazi loudly.
I know you don't like politics and don't care about propaganda ( the Russian social contract) until like now it comes to bite you in the butt.
Then the rats all flee the sinking ship.
Just remember when fleeing to Georgia, remove your ZZZZZZ because they wont let you in.
EU is closed too because 4 Russians gathering is enough for Putin to call a referendum to annex the place.
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I think you're getting dumber every day. My sources are illiquid for you, I understand this, unlike you (because propaganda is everywhere, but you don't see your own, and other people's words are 100% propaganda for you).
About winter, it's stupid for you to make excuses before winter (Too much for your brain to handle cause and effect....).
And about Nazism and so on - just look at the surrounding soldiers around Zelensky during his speeches (oh, yes, the log blocks the entire view), I think you can handle it yourself by searching for his performances, you like to dig into it.
Why would I run somewhere? And where did you see "Z"? I'm telling you - calm down your schizophrenia (my steam is in the profile, there is a link there, my avatar is the same everywhere, profiles are open everywhere).
And again, think first of all about your government (that's why I cited Tucker as an example, because he encourages people to think about themselves and their problems, and not to be led on distracting topics).
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Well , there you go with Tucker Carlson again...
"He encourages people to think" hahahahaha
He is self righteous from time to time, maybe why you are so obsessed and attracted to him.
Not judging here, each their own.
I can think enough for myself, if Ukraine does some shit that's no good. I will call them out for it too.
But look at you, Russian bombs school with 90 people in shelter... what do you say? it were militants inside and school have no basements.... The great engineer has spoken. hahaha
And you say I cant think hahahahaha, says I am the fascist and nazi here.
You drank the Russian cool aid too much.
Imagine Russians going to Georgia with a ZZZZZZ. I mean they should be super happy now to go to Ukraine to fight....
Bunch of couch warriors such as yourself.
Don't worry I don't fall for all propaganda such as yourself. I filtered enough channels out.
Do you really believe 96% of people voted in the Ukrainian Oblasts to become part of Russia??
I bet you do cuz Russia.
You heard propaganda all your life that you can't separate fact from fiction anymore.
Give Tucker a goodnight kiss from me ok?
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Yeah, boy, you're really retarded. Don't give in to my provocation not to get into politics sitting on the couch, yeah. Belated responses to moments from other messages (in life you probably remember a lot and dream how you could have answered then a long time ago). I hope you will fulfill your promise, and in the end you will call not only Ukraine to account, but also your government (although you will rather shit another long pile of text for me).
And at the expense of the fact of Russia - the Napoleons, Hitlers, Swedes, who only from Europe did not come to attack Russia (the one with Kiev as the capital), so I am not surprised by your upbringing and way of thinking. And at the expense of the regions - the Soviet Union did not ask people when it divided them into regions, and if Ukraine so wanted to persecute non-Ukrainian speakers, then people have the right to choose who they want to be with (even if they decided to initially become independent republics, this did not protect them from the aggression of "Ukrainians", so that that they wanted to join Russia is a forced measure, something at the NATO level, so that if Ukraine continues the attacks, there will be legitimate grounds to start a war).
I'm sorry if I offended you, I know that it's fashionable in the West to take offense at everything, but you're already just invading my personal space with your obsession (go to a psychologist, sort out your problems with him, the Internet only makes it worse).
You can't read one simple phrase - get the fuck out of this chain. If you really want to prove something, wait for real changes in the world, and don't fuck me up for every little throw-in. Why did you even remember about this dialogue after 3 months?!
Although knowing such people, you just can't help but shit another answer. Just take pills for ADHD and ask for hugs from your parents - stop explaining something to me (I don't care, absolutely, I'm an asthmatic, I'm not even mobilized to the last). If you just want to chat, just add yourself to steam (but of course my oral English is worse), I will support you, but without politics. I'm just sad to look at this senseless theater of shit and lies that is going on in this discussion, where people "sitting on the couch" suffer bullshit trying to think about what they don't participate in at all (the only one who really participates in this is provocateurs, because one of the aspects of the "war" is to divide the "enemy" which works quite well for cattle, which, as you happily repeat, runs to Georgia and so on).
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"there will be legitimate grounds to start a war"
I am glad that we both agree the current situation is an illegitimate war on Ukraine.
"I'm just sad to look at this senseless theater of shit and lies"
So you do understand how the rest of the world feels.
Its a pity that you have asthma can't really run to Georgia then will need many puffers but we know well enough that Russia likes to use its own poor ethnic minorities as cannon fodder.
So you can safely keep on being a couch warrior and use asthma as an excuse for being a coward.
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I can't understand you - "war is bad", but it's necessary to go to war, otherwise I'm a coward for some reason. I mean, because of asthma, I have a category 3/5 (c?), and only 1/5 (a) participate in this partial mobilization.
As expected, you are either a troll or really stupid. For other than "turning the arrows" (do you have such an expression, and will it translate correctly?) you can't do anything. Just taking out of context and silly postscript. Apparently, unlike Fluffster, you get paid for every shitpost. Because I don't see any other explanation why you keep pestering every word.
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"I have a category..."
Just say it in normal words a coward and a couch warrior.
Just like your mother russia, a big mouth you have and that's where the buck stops.
Hope you are enjoying the defeats one after another, they are coming fast now.
Oh I am sorry, tactical redeployments.....
You must be yelling more and more now.. NUKE them, NUKE them all.
Its what people like you do after all.
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I'm not you.
Besides, you're showing your stupidity again. I am fit for service, but I am in reserve, I was not called up for service, but they can mobilize at "full", now they are mobilizing only 1 category, who have already served in the army.
I can now give Elon Musk as an example of adequacy.
And again, for some reason, you are inciting a conflict. And at the expense of the mouth and the cowardly sofa warrior, I understand you trained in front of the mirror? I hope you enjoy the deaths of Ukrainian soldiers, who are thrown into mincemeat at least for the sake of some achievements.
And again, I'm not you-I don't even watch the news. And Zelensky shouts about a nuclear bomb (if they only think, DROP a NUCLEAR BOMB - his words).
And stop screeching like a slaughtered pig - wait at least for winter (although I asked you to wait for the end of the conflict).
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Stop making things up.
or are you confusing Putler with Zelensky now?
I understand your frustration and desire to continuously lash out, your country turns out to be the clown of the world.
A real funny joke and what happens now, the world will laugh with it for years to come.
The pun of the joke will always be Russia now.
Must make anyone angry but specially someone like you being fed shit all their life about how great their country is.
Very sad about every Ukrainian death both military and civilians.
Cant say the same about those dirty, filthy Russian invaders.
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Stop making things up.
You didn't even listen to Zelensky's speeches? So he didn't say a word about nuclear weapons at all in your schizomir? How pathetic and stupid you are, I even feel sorry for you. Although I'm even a little jealous - being stupid and naive is so wonderful nowadays. You scream with the last of your strength that "no, it's all bad for you, you lost, you're a joke, ha-ha-ha." I don't know, in your Europe, do schizophrenics also belong to minorities, or can they still be treated?
If you felt sorry for Ukrainians, you would have spoken like Elon Musk, he really supported peaceful Ukrainians with starlinks and solar panels, and called for the end of a losing war, unlike you, who, like a buffoon, shouts "massacre, MASSACRE, MORE SLAUGHTER is NEEDED, not a drop of regret, Russians ARE NOT PEOPLE" and after that you don't you consider yourself a Nazi? You probably haven't heard about the latest news from the UN - China, India, Iran and someone else called for an end to Russophobia.
And by the way, about YOUR disappointment and desire to constantly lash out - it's you who keep inventing something and writing to me when I've already told dozens of times that I don't care about politics, because I don't physically participate in it, like you, although of course it's harder for you, the euro is cheaper than the dollar - a clear a sign of the collapse of the European economy, but you should be heroically patient, think about another country, sacrifice the happiness of your family, and then everyone will definitely recognize you as a hero (or rather a fool who allowed you to be used). I know that no personal responsibility awaits you, you are so insignificant that you will only be tormented by conscience, and you will remember with shame that you were AGAIN dragged into a shameful whistle that will not make your life better personally (and even if you did, then you pretend that this is an excuse to stick again to me, a lot of people died with their "reason for pride", no matter from which side - you can brag on the Internet, attributing other people's achievements to yourself personally, knock on your chest, and then throw up to the sun shouting "glory... war").
I hope the translator will convey at least part of the thought correctly, and you will understand what kind of WAR you are, given your statements. I don't know a Catholic (is there Catholicism in Europe? basically) you or another religion, but you sound at the level of radical Islam - calling to cut the infidels; when in reality every human life is valuable, and differentiating people you become at the level of spiritless capitalism - where you are a cog and nothing, the main thing is money (probably because religions are so popular - people want to have at least some value and meaningfulness). Only here there is no sense in your actions - you don't influence anything, write to me or not, it won't change anything in the world, laugh, condemn - it doesn't matter, nothing matters, you're just an empty place, accept it already, and think about yourself how to live this life a little less worthless. You are on a gaming forum - play games instead of fighting with someone for some reason.
Tin of course the text, you can not read if you promise to shut up before the end of the year at least.
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A losing war? you are correct if you mean Russia is losing.
The brave Ukrainians combined with Western arms equals to a lot of dead Russian bodies in Ukraine.
The Ukrainians are so nice to even clean them up and give those poor dead Russians some decency. All while the Russians just leave them like a thrown away tissue after use.
And sure many dead Russians will end this war much faster, so keep on sending more civilian conscripts to come and fight the battle hardened Ukrainians.
Russophobia hahahahaha another joke.
Sorry to burst your bubble but there is no such thing as Russophobia in Europe.
Nobody cared about Russia until they started their war in Ukraine not even when they annexed Crimea.
But I understand your government has to indoctrinate you with "everyone hates us" propaganda, as a way to keep you looking the other way to their amount of corruption and deceit.
I wonder which other country lives like that .... hmmm....Ah yes North Korea!
But hey after years of thinking of Russophobia, now you actually got it.
No more Russians welcome in Europe.
Flee to Georgia, just remember to remove the Z or they won't allow you to cross the border.
You wont stop with your Zelensky lies?
Shame of you,
I hope for your sake that one day you escape the Russian propaganda trap.
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What kind of nonsense you have in your head is simply not described in words - "Ukrainians are descendants of angels, and Russians are descendants of Satan"; have you ever thought that there are not so many diametric opposites, oh yes - DON't THINK about it is your credo.
I'm not talking about everyone - I'm talking about you personally, your schizoid Russophobia is simply boundless, because for you Hitler is better than Putin, but anyone is better - now it's fashionable (let's not remember how many times Russia repelled the attacks of invaders, who were most of all from Europe, but I don't make a cult out of it hate, unlike you).
You haven't heard about corruption in Ukraine either, of course, I think it would be useless to tell that most of the arms supplies are resold on the black market (and this is not counting the amount of money that goes to the salaries of Ukrainian politicians).
And then you confirm the presence of Russophobia, after the phrase "there is no such thing."
And somehow I haven't heard about your useful deeds. Have you at least sheltered a refugee from Ukraine? Well, or at least communicated with those who sheltered them?
And again, endless messages about Georgia, you are definitely a stupid bot with a manual, because I don't see any other reasons to mention it.
Oh, yes, Zelensky is Jesus for you, who for some reason is constantly dressed in near-military clothes (which is strange for a politician), you just admire his face with your mouth open, but with your ears closed, since you don't hear his endless calls for the supply of more and more weapons, including longer-range and more destructive (maybe instead of his performances do you watch his old movies? he is also the president there).
I hope for your sake that one day you escape the ... (West?) propaganda trap. In any case, I feel sorry for you.
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Ukrainians are the original Rus.
And again you could just show where Zelensky talks about nuking Russia... easy no?
You dont because you make things up aka lying.
No need for you to reduce your phrasing now to call for arms.... we know that and that is not what you said before....
I am well aware Ukraine is a very corrupt country. They will need to work on that .
But instead of crying about Ukraine. We will worry about Ukraine when they have joined EU and NATO. You should sweep in front of your door first.
Cuz in Russia corruption is much worse. The mobilized need to bring their own gear and are left to do nothing.
And your leader says we will take care of the annexed regions when he clearly cant even take care of his own people.
How I supported and am supporting Ukraine is nothing for me to brag about and certainly not to someone like you.
I will tell you that I am even supporting a few Russians, who you likely call western spies.
Give it 2 months and Kherson will be de-invaded by russians.
Keep on claiming that you are winning...
Also expect soon to see the 300km range Himars rockets to appear in Ukraine, making it so that nowhere will be safe to hide in Ukraine for the russian high commands.
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Rus, but for some reason they hate Russian so much, of course. Not Ukraine, but Kiev, just one of the capitals, nothing more. And since the ancestral Rus, why shouldn't it be part of Russia, which carries the heritage of Rus? And Donetsk is by the way the Cossacks (Tatars and so on), explain the claims?
I found the original issue for you, as well as the same article, I hope you are happy now? Or are you not satisfied that Tucker quotes this newspaper? Maybe there's something wrong with her, too? It's a pity that you can't Google it yourself, because it's easier for you by a few points - I need to get into the translator to search (so that it gives out specifically foreign sites, you know how the search works?), and then translate the pages for comfortable reading.
It seems that we have already talked about your faith in my sources, especially since Tucker is an "eastern spy" for you
You recognize corruption in Ukraine, it is already progress. But again, "everything is much worse in Russia", fences are more leaky, chickens lay fewer eggs, cows give less milk, people are stupider - actually, this is the obvious reason that you have fallen into the propaganda trap (you cannot fully recognize the problem, constantly looking for some excuses, or rather they put them in your head propaganda, and you're just a stomach that digests someone else's shit from time to time).
It's also nonsense about your equipment (although of course it's ridiculous to talk about it, where the Ukrainian "meat" detachments are so poorly equipped, given the huge supplies of equipment from the west), you probably have lists of "what you need to take for mobilization" and a list for a tourist trip, yes, you don't even try to think with your head.
Your only support is endless shit on the Internet, you are a sofa warrior - support from the rear, you are right - this is not something worth bragging about (especially if you are paid for it).
Surprisingly, you are so stupid that by asking where my proofs are, you agreed to supply long-range missiles, which makes you an accomplice to strikes against Russia. Just don't forget - this is a reason for Russia to start using its long-range missiles (therefore you want more victims, according to the classics - as much as possible; just like shouting "right, no drugs for cancer patients", and then feeling sorry for the children of cancer patients who are deprived of hospitals, well, they can be provided there treatment; however, you also shouted "schools are being bombed" in which there was also no one except the militants, because in wartime people are definitely not up to going to school, but then you also turned a blind eye to the shelling of restored educational institutions in September, when children went there to study, in seemingly calm territories, but no - "give them longer-range missiles, so that even in Moscow it would be dangerous to go to school!!!").
In 2 months, "General Frost" will come, and you know firsthand about his power, so your shit posts do not carry any meaning except to squeal loudly (funny, but RADICAL feminists do the same, and so on. A hint of your support for Azov, look in the steam for nicknames by the way, there is still an option "4308", there you will also get a Ukrainian swastika in these nicknames, you can already see what it finds purely on it, just make a profile, and "add 2 +2")
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Tucker the clown hahaha
In February, French President Macron proposed a deal with Ukraine never entering NATO to Putin
Denied by Putin and here we are....
Ukraine you promise to not enter NATO and we will leave.
This would instantly by accepted by Ukraine probably even now.
But lets be honest here, Putin doesn't want to just leave Ukraine, his goal has always been from the start on territorial gains.
Putin lies so much.
Stunningly you can type so well and time and again answer so little....
And don't worry your brain, the West won't throw nukes around first. So as long as your fearless dictator doesn't throw them, nobody will.
"give them longer-range missiles, so that even in Moscow it would be dangerous to go to school!!!
What's the matter, it is WAR. Is only Russia allowed to bomb civilians and cities?
What makes you so special?
And don't you worry your brain again, Ukraine wont strike Russia. Ukraine knows it will lose Western support then.
Ukraine only want their land back. Rightfully so.
So tell your comrades to F off from Ukraine and all will be well.
Some Russians get it and wisely surrender instead of dying for Putler.
1000's have called to the "I want to live" hotline to surrender.
Face it how it is, Russia is getting proper F*ed through its own doing.
By Ukraine's bravely and Western equipment,
Glory to Ukraine and ALL its defenders!
Use your brain and stay away from Tucker the clown.
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You're the only clown here. For here is a Tucker issue for you, and here is an article for you on which issue, what is your quibble, oh yes - you have problems with your head.
And yes, do I have to refute every stupid fuck with news articles from your own country? God, you're just incredibly stupid. I understand your plan - you're trying to mentally damage me with your stupidity, it's like looking at a person who licks a cold piece of iron, tears his tongue off it and repeats it over and over again...
Territorial conquests, the destruction of civilians, then why is the "scorched earth" tactic that the United States loves so much not being used? What's the problem with just blowing everything up, given the weapons stocks available in such a huge country? (oh, yes, excuses about the fact that it either does not exist, or it is of the level of the First World War). Well, think about it a little...
Wow, YouTube videos, without proof, I can also throw videos from Russian YouTube channels, where the "brave" Ukrainians also surrender, confess to involvement in the most severe torture, and so on. Stop shitting this stuff, you useless asshole. (How many words translate the same way, "asshol", think of how it would be more correct to combine "a lover of shit who smears everything in this shit").
Face it, as it is, Europe gets a proper spanking by its own actions.
So the Aryan past has played into you, I hope you haven't touched anything there by throwing up your hand. (or is this your reaction to the fact that I asked you to search by names in the steam? it's just that you are silent on many things).
Use your brain... Actually, I don't know what to say to such endless aggression towards him, and you didn't say anything about Elon Musk either. And Tucker just quotes the news that comes out from you (yes, it can be useful to look at the situation from different sides of the coverage), it's also difficult to use brains for this. Or "use your brain so that it absorbs the shit of only one side, deny everyone and everything"; you don't even notice how your "support" becomes pure propaganda, because your "heroic" Ukrainians are also dying, but this is not enough for you, you are ready to come up with anything to justify their deaths.
I have already reached a new level of being, because not only by opening "new messages", but already by going to the site I feel your mentally retarded delirium. If you are so STUPID, then you will write me something again, just not noticing how many times I wrote that I don't care, and you won't be able to influence my opinion.
ANY message before the 2 months you promised will only mean your unconditional thirst for death to Ukrainians, your Nazism and the desire to just endlessly verbally shit. I don't care about your answer, because you don't even know how to answer, just skipping all the facts. You're just looking for a new conflict to take part in, because you get paid 10 cents for each of your messages. And while I'm answering you - you proudly smeared with shit, continue to dirty everything in it.
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I am seeing you are still confused, every Ukrainian death is one too many for me.
In every counter offensive attack/ maneuver they perform I wish they get 0 casualties and complete all their objectives.
So I really don't get where you believe again that I want to see Ukrainians death.
I don't care that Russians die/wounded, they need to die/wounded sadly for this war to end. Sad but true.
If they are smart they surrender or go back home.
Mr. Musk is allowed to post his ideas but it wont work because all that occupied territory belongs to Ukraine in the first place. And Russia won't accept because he wants to control the South of Ukraine for political and economical reasons.
Also as I have said that French President Macron offered a deal where Ukraine wouldn't be allowed to enter NATO before the war kicked off and was denied.
Russia and Ukraine had some negotiations in April but to say that America said no to the deal is hilarious, its negotiations between Ukraine and Russia and if it really was as Tucker the clown projects " Ukraine stay neutral and Russia leaves" it would have been instantly accepted.
Face it, your glorious leader said it wasn't about conquest but to assist and somehow ended up annexing the Ukrainian territory.
Putin the liar.
I am sure the EU and USA is getting some hurt now but better now than letting the tumor that is Putin spread.
You still don't seem to understand that the WEST knows it is going to hurt a bit but accepts that it has to be done.
We will let some good come out of this experience in the end.
I am sure Russia isn't feeling anything in your opinion.
Russia has to make a foreigner colonel/general in the Russian army that's how great things are in Russia.
Putin's dream of victory in Ukraine is slipping away very fast.
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And again you confirm your schizophrenia and misanthropy. It's useless to talk to you - you're worse than a bot, no normal dialogue. You ignore theses and topics, and for some reason start pestering me with new ones. You are not just a brainless Nazi fanatic, you are already the personification of Hitler - as in that video where he shouts something on the podium, furiously asserts, but I do not know German, and this is not a dialogue.
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And yet you persist.
Also amazing we went from russophobia to now misanthropy.
You escalate fast, understandable since you learnt from the best.
Looks like Putin promised to only use "professionals" to fight the war effort and not use the recently mobilized.
Wowsies, he persists as well to not admit that A most professionals are death in a ditch or wounded and B that the operations are going well.
On another note, see how US is supplying the M30A1 rockets for Himars now.
100Km range, we are going up in range (300km coming soon if Putler decides to escalate more) and also M30A1 has a much bigger BOOM.
Prepare for more "dropped cigarette " stories from the Russian MoD.
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Lets talk in coming days again about this "support terrorism, against civilians.
Also you know that truck you see in the video was full of Russian militants so it was a legitimate target.
Glory to Ukraine
Ps dont build illegal bridges on other peoples territory.
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Well, yes, now you also support terrorism, against civilians...
We didn't have to wait too long.
7 months of this "terrorism" or this isn't terrorism according to you... only militants inside each building.
So keep on throwing the insults towards me
stupid, retarded, shit, nazi, asshole,....
I will be here and don't bother to "request" me to go away, I won't
People such as yourself don't get their request honored.
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Well, what else to call a person who, first of all, is not capable of constructive dialogue - if he answers, then only as it is convenient for his propaganda (not for the last time), does not know how to read (about the "asshall" you did not read about the difficulties of translation, there was even a long transcript). Throws links (wow, YouTube, authenticity, and in your language, I can dial the same vidos so that you listen to the Russian / Ukrainian speech with the accusation of Ukrainians).
And your "arrow transfers" are stupid again - it doesn't matter from which side it happens - you support terrorism, Nazism (divide them into nations/races?) and killing people constantly justifying something - you're just a nasty psycho who tries to impose his point of view.
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"Well, what else to call a person who, first of all, is not capable of constructive dialogue - if he answers, then only as it is convenient for his propaganda (not for the last time), does not know how to read"
I seem to be doing fine.
call it as it is.
or just admit you have a biased double standard.
Ukraine strikes, TERRORIST
Russia bombs and kill civilians, you just stay quiet and move on.
No matter what you call me, I will always know that you are without a doubt a much worse human being than me.
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There are no answers.
You avoid anything you don't want to talk about.
and claim others don't read your incoherent mess.
Watch I will do it again
Terrorist attack or not?
A simple yes or no.
Terrorist attack or not?
A simple yes or no
(Militants as you said before?
Let me teach you something.
You don't put 60 military personal in one place where one simple shell will take them all out.)
You have got to say yes, Russia performed a terrorist attack on Ukrainian civilians.
This is how you defined Terrorist attack earlier remember.
Well, yes, now you also support terrorism, against civilians...
Militants as you said?
Let me teach you something.
You don't put 60 military personal in one place where one simple shell will take them all out.
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Oh I can read.
I read a lot through your droning on and on about the same points even though they have been refuted.
Your ass must be jealous of all the shit coming out of your mouth.
And you have to deflect again eh?
It is clear to anyone reading here that you dont see bombing of civilians Ukrainians as a problem.
You call hate hate hate, we the west hate all Russians.
Are you sure it is not just you who hates????
And you want us to hate so you can keep justifying your own hate
Towards anything not Russian.
You are a sad little man.
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I read a lot through your droning on and on about the same points even though they have been refuted.
Your ass must be jealous of all the shit coming out of your mouth.
So you hate a particular race/people?
Just yes or no
And again your empty questions that I answered, you're a blind schizophrenic. I don't hate people in general, unlike you, a lover of carnage (my little Hitler).
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"So you hate a particular race/people?
Just yes or no"
No, I don't hate any race/ or group of people ( country if you mean that)
People can be black, yellow, pink, orange, tall, short, fat, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, male or female whatever it's no problem for me.
Live and let live is my approach.
Now how about my simple yes or no question for you which I posted at the start?
75 missiles raining down on Ukrainian civilians.
Terrorist attack or not?
A simple yes or no.
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"we the west hate all Russians."
"We are close to 50.000 dead Russian orcs only"
and also the endless inciting of squabbles
But > "No, I don't hate any race/ or group of people"
yes, yes, let's tell, although probably in your understanding "Russians are not people", which fits even more into your defense of Nazism.
It is difficult to compare the laying of bombs against unsuspecting and completely defenseless citizens, against conventional rocket fire (which both sides are engaged in), the damage of which was largely minimized by air defense forces.
However, for the residents of Kiev, this is apparently quite normal, look how happy they are, they say that they "waited and waited."
If the bridge for them (and not only, because they have a feature - to rejoice and take pictures against the background of a "giant postage stamp" with someone else's suffering) is not terrorism, then why should the response be considered terrorism? (after all, the basic physical law about recoil)
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"then why should the response be considered terrorism? (after all, the basic physical law about recoil)"
You do know Russia started all of this, so the bridge is just recoil as you say and not terrorism. If we follow your logic.
7 months ago, right when everything started.
I am sorry but you have one sick mind.
AZOV have twisted ideologies for sure, but you are right there on their level with them.
And you can't even see it.
by the way,
"we the west hate all Russians."
Nice rip out of context.
"You call hate hate hate, we the west hate all Russians."
Or you forgot "Rus, but for some reason they hate Russian so much"
I see you learnt well from Tucker the Clown.
Are you to cowardly to just answer the question with a simple yes or no?
Striking a children's playground.
Terrorist attack Yes / No ???
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Only after all, this is not the first laying of the bomb, there were dozens of others, as an example - the same Dugina. In addition, it all started with the long-term shelling of the LDPR, the atrocities in Odessa and other actions during the "hunt for moskal's".
And again you have a delay in your head - you finally read about the "AZOV". Or is it just a random manifestation of schizophrenia? In any case, you finally recognized their activities on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, it remains to admit that they are at the great mercy of the "heroic" Zelensky.
How do you think I should understand the slang of the thrice repeated "hate"? Have you ever wondered how your wording translates? So it's purely your language problems, since these are two different statements in the same sentence.
What does forgetfulness have to do with it, if I wrote "this" and wrote it "about Ukraine"?
Again, what does Tucker have to do with it? I don't watch it that much, but it seems to have touched you very much in one of the endless number of daily issues.
Are you blind enough not to notice that the playground is not damaged? (a favorite method of propaganda by the way)
Are you such a coward that you fight only on the Internet? And then, apparently, only for his self-affirmation.
Your ass is blown up, is this the reason that you can't stop texting me every time?
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In addition, it all started with the long-term shelling of the LDPR
i have to correct you here, it started with russia supporting the separatists
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Another one who can't read. You should at least see what the conversation is about - about shelling and "terrorism". Even on your Wikipedia it is written that the Maidan was earlier (on which there were atrocities in Odessa).
And it's funny to read further the moments of the "heroic" "Ukrainian Revolution" and the "nasty" "pro-Russian riots".
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yep, i obviously can't read, i use telepathy for communication, so i'm clearly superior and you should listen to the things i say
the citation also shows that you said "all" started, you have to be more precise articulating next time and say "terrorism" started, not to mention i can't prove your claims at all, but i think supporting militias of foreign countries can be called terrorism and shows who started everything
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You just decided not to read everything, but only took out of context to get to the bottom of the classic actions for local bots.
First of all, the dialogue here was not with you, but you again got in for some reason. Secondly, what was the problem with reading the sentence in full and thinking a little about what it says?
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you should decide, if i can read or not, beep boop
It doesn't matter, if i take claims out of context or not to disprove them, beep boop
i got in to debunk lies, as i constantly do here, i didn't attacked you and i'm arguing on facts here, as emotional discussions are strange to us bots
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i take claims out of context
as i constantly do here
What is the contradiction in the inability to read and problems with reading the whole? The eye clings to the words and you begin to answer them without thinking.
And also the answer to your endless postscript - someone supported each side. That's why I'm trying to lead you here so that you don't climb without personally verified data. I urge you to stop the senseless sofa wars. But at the same time, since then, the schizophrenic "codasim" began pouring endless streams of delirium here, more people began to come to his aid (some even took a shit in the steam)
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If so, what's the problem with stopping texting me? In addition, remember about the language barrier and how the translator sometimes distorts. Just forget this branch - go on fighting on the last page. Why are you all running here? I don't care about you, but someone is constantly shitting something and I have +1 notification.
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In your mind
but reality ....
Dont worry USA will come to save you again, like they did in WW2.
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Why are you screeching like that? You project your cowardice onto others. Again, videos from YouTube, where it even says "parody". And again about the USA, when the USSR was mainly at war. Oh, yes, you also have a trauma on this topic, you are a hereditary Aryan - we will have to save you from wrong decisions again.
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Another brainwashed schizophrenic got involved. Well, yes, Russia is coming from the Crimea. Or there is no supply of supplies to the urban population on the bridge. It is strange to hear this, despite the fact that the Ukrainian side is doing the same. You're the one who sows propaganda, so you're the orc bastard. I don't see any other reasons why you decided to suck on another schizophrenic who is incapable of constructive dialogue, borsdy.
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And again you are a victim of propaganda. What does it feel like to be toilet-headed, and rejoice in human enmity? You're too bad even for fertilizer. That's probably why you want to become ashes.
Why did you decide to write to this discussion at all - go to war with those who want it - on the last pages. Here I pay for my mistake - I decided that this guy is at least a little adequate, but apparently in 6+ months he lost the last drop of reason. And to participate in our dialogue, to any other person, is tantamount to admitting your backwardness and inability to read (because to agree with a person who wants someone to die means to descend to his level - the level of a stupid bot who does not know when to close his mouth, because he gets money for it).
Just go away, I don't hold a grudge against you - you succumbed to the moment and the herd instinct, don't write something that you can regret later. Start creating the world with yourself - don't be such a naive fanatic, ready to bear hatred, just because it benefits someone...
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You throw invented words, attributing them to me personally. You speak as if you or I are the official representatives of our countries.
And again some schizophrenic fetishes about my call. It's amazing that you haven't had time to write about Kazakhstan/Georgia yet. As I have already written, you have not even read the rest of my messages, while making empty claims to me. If you want war so much, don't forget to buy iodine, it will be all that will be useful to you when the "front" reaches you...
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You probably don't know, but in a nuclear war, missiles fly in all directions. And radioactive fallout with modern quantities of weapons, it's enough to simply blow up on the spot - so that everyone gets it. Remember how everyone fears environmental damage during nuclear power plant breakdowns, and multiply by a couple of hundred thousand (because it's one thing rods, and another thing warhead).
PS. And the shoals of the military are not my shoals. Or should I consider you stupid for the problems in your economy?)
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Does Biden mean a kind grandfather? And the fact that Europe is "dancing to his tune" (and you, ordinary people, are so amenable to someone else's opinion) is this the norm in your opinion?
Didn't achieve your what? Stopping encroachments on the borders of Russia? Stopping the deployment of US and NATO missile silos around Russia?
At this rate, I can judge Canada by the cartoon "South Park"?) (there was something about a big mayonnaise bowl and tearing off the princess's hand) Will it be a good motivation to insult your leader and call for his overthrow?
Back up, warmonger
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What? I'm talking about the eternal desire to tear a piece from Russia, if you have problems with history, then these are purely your problems. Not all of Ukraine, but connected with the top, do you know who Bandera is and how he stood out? Or maybe at least in you in the steam, look for 4308 or "Azov". The American government has already let slip about the laboratories, and it's not about some targeted diseases (nothing prevented covid from walking around the world from China), but in diseases in general - they are studying them not on their territory, reducing the risk for themselves and increasing the risk for others.
I will respond immediately to the second message (because the chain of responses on this site is extremely peculiar):
Well, as I said, only the Sith raise everything to the absolute. A good guy for the west, but for the east (and already most of the south) this is the worst guy. Don't worry, Russia is not going to follow the path of America - we already have a big country with wealth to organize revolutions and overthrow governments in other countries. But as I see, history is written by the winners - and you blindly read it, America is a hero for you (it's a pity, of course, that in the Second World War she helped the Nazis, Henry Ford's check, and did not enter the war for a very long time). And well, not only Hitler attacked Russia, and lost by the way. So study, or die following the American economy, while the rich get richer, and fools don't mind...
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A, that is, a multinational country, wants to exterminate one nation on a specific territory, where that very nation wants to become "the only one". You know how stupid that sounds. What an interesting understatement of the number of Azov residents, especially since I was talking about their fans. Wagner is recognized as illegal, if he fights, it's better than spending taxes in prison. Always have been, it sounds as vague as possible. It's not the first time I've seen "BS", is it "because"?
America as an example, especially the eternal initiator of these farces constantly.
And what is this tirade about loneliness again? The East does not exist, or they are also "not people". Or is it so nice for you to feel in a crowd (herd). Again, for some reason, I have to cry about "Russian pride".
I didn't know who he was, but I caught a glimpse, because I didn't watch his programs - they have constant fights and conflicts there, from which I'm just trying to dissuade you here. Why do I need a VPN to use the products of the "Nazis" who have gone, which limit "truthful" information? There are a lot of open sources, all sorts of newspapers there (even if not all honest and objective), which are not just show-offs who decided to show off Russophobia (hello sgtools, fanatical and others).
I see you're more active than your Austrian friend. But if you want to continue the dialogue, show your endurance - answer one question, while not writing a bunch of other text and without constant claims and attributing someone else's words to me:
"What will happen when Ukraine loses?" (like your expectations will not be met, and so on; even if "purely hypothetically", I clarify so that reduce the amount of your tears and snot in response)
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Actually, you didn't even manage with one question. I hope your fatigue will allow you not to return to this dialogue until the end of the war to sum up.
If you clearly see the border of black and white, then you have been successfully brainwashed.
I am not surprised that you also raised your hand from your heart to the sun. (if you wrote it in translit)
Pictures from Twitter don't work.
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The "interpretation of the hypothesis" consists in distorting the simple question "what will happen when Ukraine loses?"? And the extra chatter only proves intemperance and lack of adequacy (while you also call me a "vatnik"), although what to expect from a girl during menstruation ...
I hope you will see the light before the meat grinder comes to you...
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while the rich get richer, and fools don't mind...
Perfect description of your homeland.
Labs in Ukraine again?
So tell me how much sense does it make to put a highly secret lab in a country that is not stable due to coup and in a tug of war between the West and a dictatorship?
And then the whole nonsense from Russia that the USA is making viruses that attack Russian in Ukraine.
Ukrainians and Russians are the same. How are you going tell a virus to go after Russians but not Ukrainians?? Check passports.
( remember this was nonsense coming from your government)
You don't seem to care
Before Feb 24th, NOBDOY in the WEST cared about Russia.
Not even when you stole Crimea, NOBODY cared.
It is only you and your government who people to think that all the WEST is out to get them.
THINK a little.
Told you before,
Always blaming others for not reading but what about you?
A bit of standing in front of the mirror would do you good.
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Of the topics that raise the topics here, only you (I am the only one calling for peace, unlike you - death-thirsty bastards). Self-sacrifice? Maybe it's just that I'm wasting time on fanatics (something on the level of trying to persuade Wehrmacht soldiers to start thinking with their own heads, and not to arrange a holocaust just because someone said something there).
I understand correctly that your goal is just to insult/find fault/dunk (what a strange word? is it like a nose poke? or rather like in an ice hole? or is it from "pour slops"?) me for being "Russian"/"from Russia"?
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As I have already said, the world depends on each person. Okay, you're up against Tucker, but now so is Elon Musk... Wrong? Or what else can you call a person who helps ONLY peaceful Ukrainians. Or can the responsibility for finding a peaceful solution not lie with the countries that supply just a catastrophic amount of weapons that are used against civilians too? What's the joke, shifting responsibility only to one of the parties?
How can I misinterpret support when you shout "glory to Ukraine"/"Russian orcs"/"Bandera is a good role model, but Russian teachers need to be killed" and rejoice at every terrorist attack on the territory of Russia? It all sounds something at the level of support for "those who staged September 11 with the twin towers" simply because America fought in Vietnam/Iran/"and many other places"
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If the Donbass is part of Ukraine, then it began to destroy itself, which was worth the Maidan and the atrocities in Odessa. And why the nonsense that the troops are in the Crimea? There are mostly civilians there. Or does the presence of Sevastopol make the peninsula the main point of attack?
And you don't seem to understand that you are getting into the squabbles of the "Soviet" people. What kind of American desire do you have to get involved in every foreign civil war?
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Stop generating chains of answers by answering yourself. If you didn't know Twitter and Facebook (and Instagram) are not available without VPN - and judging by the link, this is some Julia Davis, another link in the game "broken phone". Yes, and again you attribute someone else's words to me. If this happens again, I don't answer you anymore because of your extreme stupidity and desire for my death.
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It's funny to hear this from a man who swallows nonsense, from Biden, who continues to escalate the conflict along the way, profiting from the war when his country sets inflation records (what can we say about Europe, when the euro became cheaper than the dollar, yes, yes, continue to follow his methodology, it's Putin personally destroying your economies, he's powerful, yes?). I don't know why you got into this dialogue.
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You are making a whole lot of assumptions there, friend, but I'm not surprised in the least.
As for Putin destroying economies, Russia will never get back up from this stupid nonsensical war so you should know. If you'd like to think of stupidity as power, then by all means, keep going.
I don't know why you got into this dialogue
Because the whole world is waiting for this pointless war to stop.
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I didn't understand about the assumptions, but to be called a friend, being extremely sharply polar-minded, boy, you clearly have a high opinion of yourself.
As for Europe, which is destroying its economy, it will not recover from the war for even longer (especially remembering the experience of Nazi Germany). You can also buy socks "trample Rusnya" and be proud that you are for peace, kindness, and other values of humanity. You can also sew a chevron of a "death's head" or with a swastika to your shoulder and shout "glory to Ukraine" for greater persuasiveness. All in order for your descendants to have a fresh reason for shame.
If you'd like to think of your stupidity as power, then by all means, keep going.
"world is waiting for this pointless war to stop"
And continues to supply weapons, instead of calling for negotiations, OK, got it...
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I didn't understand about the assumptions
That's hardly surprising.
being extremely sharply polar-minded
I only have brain freeze when I eat my ice cream too fast.
You can also buy socks "trample Rusnya" and be proud that you are for peace, kindness, and other values of humanity.
I actually don't wear socks. They're bad for your circulation.
You can also sew a chevron of a "death's head" or with a swastika to your shoulder and shout "glory to Ukraine" for greater persuasiveness
Some of my family died in Auschwitz so again, you have making assumptions here, but again, I'm not surprised.
All in order for your descendants to have a fresh reason for shame.
Riiiiiight, sure.
If you'd like to think of your stupidity as power, then by all means, keep going.
That's some echo in this thread.
And continues to supply weapons, instead of calling for negotiations, OK, got it...
I only have one rifle and it's locked in my weapon locker so I couldn't supply weapons to anyone. And I have been calling for negotiations from before Russian troops invaded and started killing people so again... wait now I'm repeating myself.
You're hilarious though so keep ranting, by all means. I'll skip the replies from now on because I am not paid to shit post but enjoy yourself.
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It's not about love, but about the abolition of everything that is "not against Russia", despite the fact that Tucker himself is not a fan of Russia (American upbringing attributed all the troubles to communism). Although why am I trying to explain here - you were also raised so that you wouldn't think (governments don't need personalities, but they need blind cattle that will protect them and justify their decisions).
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A lot of the problems in Ukraine come from US intervention into their politics and staging revolutions. The CIA overthrow the duly elected leaders and installed a new government several time in the past 20 years. Can't have a Ukrainian leader that wants closer ties to Russia.
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don't state things without proof
and good you made me search for you fails, it was even three times, quite a history in your young days in this thread:
you even claimed that US intervened in Ukraine 2 times now, of course without proof till now
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read what i wrote, the article doesn't cover your claims, maybe i've overread the relevant passage, maybe you can cite it for me?
and i found something from fact checker sites, who will disprove your claims:
and this:
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If you read this article (it is long).
Secret U.S. operations inside Ukraine are being conducted under a presidential covert action finding, current and former officials said. The finding indicates that the president has quietly notified certain congressional leaders about the administration’s decision to conduct a broad program of clandestine operations inside the country. One former special forces officer said that Biden amended a preexisting finding, originally approved during the Obama administration,...
I know it doesn't explicitly say the did the coup but it shows the US had CIA and U.S. special operations personnel and resources in Ukraine for a long time.
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shortening the citing takes it out of context, not to mention the fact, that this article doesn't support your claim either, you're fabricating a conspiarcy theory out of US operations active in Ukraine, staging a coup, when they were in fact responsible for countermeasures against malign influence activities
One former special forces officer said that Biden amended a preexisting finding, originally approved during the Obama administration, that was designed to counter malign foreign influence activities.
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I am sure that the US used their soft power to gain influence in Ukraine.
Just like Russia tries it for the same reason, or are you saying Russia is only playing the political game out of the goodness of their hearts?
Sadly Russia cant win at a soft power political game so they had to resort to first support the separatists and then actually openly invade Ukraine for which reason?
Get rid of NAZIS? or gain political control over Ukraine by force?
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I mean you could take Glukhovsky's views on that article as a possible explanation to what is going on.
as i see it, Nationalism and propaganda go a long way, enough to discredit available documented proof. Something that isnt exclusive to Russia, even when the west propaganda isnt even comparable to russian propaganda
But In his words: to admit that Russian troops are bombing Ukrainian cities and destroying hospitals and schools, that Ukrainian women and children are perishing at their hands, is to admit that ordinary Russians are complicit
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It's a common issue with all people who fall for conspiracy theories once and don't manage to get out asap. If they can't accept that they were wrong and lied to, they dig deeper into the conspiracies or "alternative facts". Anything is good that helps to deny that they were wrong. Naturally, it gets even more difficult to abandon that trip the further you follow along. Having access to actual news only results in hostility, not awareness.
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I think there is also a phenomena of people needing to oppose something which majority supports.. which makes them somehow feel important or smarter then others. this actually was mentioned in Family Guy and made me draw parallels to real life
As for now - even if, lets say, Ukraine was truly under Nazi regime and Russian population there would be under threat, it in no way would excuse what has been done - but just to be against this, people will find any little thread to which to hang on. Like some individuals here always getting back to wars in Middle East trying to imply that just because it has been done before its somehow fine now and you are bad for opposing it.
Same goes for covid - people were proud to oppose anything that was introduced by government. They didnt care or know anything about the subject but once people showed support for it naturally there were those who instantly had to oppose them and show that publicly. They couldn`t even coherently answer how or why it affected them, they just somehow had to be against any regulations because that made them the outcasts and somehow "superior" and smarter in their eyes as they are the only ones who see some "bigger picture"
Same goes for electric cars (and Elon Musk for example) ... people will just go out of their way to find some negativity to pin on these subjects just to proudly show some kind of superiority by posing their opposed views. Maybe its down to dunning kruger effect or some other psychological phenomena as well. At least it feels like it should be.
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im prepared to die on the "hydrogen fuel cell > electric" hill
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I'm all for going hydrogen of course :) And if you have arguments and understand the topic of course I only respect that (same for other topics mentioned and similar ones)
Offtopic :
I was more referring to the crowd who drive 20 year old diesels, their only argument is that electric cars create more overall emissions, hence there's no point going electric. Totally ignoring the fact that oil is a finite resource and even if electrics are not future, they are at least a stepping point to reaching hydrogen engines or another equivalent alternative to internal combustion engines. This is not the place for this of course - just wanted to point out so others don't get the idea as well that I'm only supporting electric vehicles in this case.
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Russophobia — is huge sub-topic of denazification part of special military operation running by Russia.
Ukraine apply many anti-Russian laws. Like removing Russian language from schools, tv, movie, and ect.
Russian language was widely used in Ukraine.
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Just Google for example this
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This my friend is a debate for several post-soviet countries already as many want to get rid of Russian language which is not an official language. The article says that Russian can still be thought as a language class (Just like many other post-soviet countries.. I for instance studied russian as well)
What gets wiped are regular classes that are taught in Russian. Not Russian language itself. That is my impression from the article, actual Ukrainians - feel free to correct me if I misunderstood it
Considering Russian is not an official language of the country IMO it isnt really anything anti-russian. Considering that only 17% are ethnic Russians that does not warrant to have education in an unofficial language.
As a matter of fact I actually disagree with this in principle - I do think it should be OK for country where so many people talk russian to have access to education in this language. But scraping that is in no way anti-russian, but as I`m not Ukrainian its hard for me to comment on this any further.
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"It means, de-facto, that the only Russian-language subject allowed in Ukraine's schools is the Russian language itself and only from the 1st to the 5th grades". - Right from your link, russian language is still taught in schools.If you want to study it further, you can hire a tutor or go to private school or university. Ukrainian language is official one, just cope with it. Russia is not a center of our universe. As for increasing russophobia, well, blame your goverment for that. When russia decided to steal crimea and started the well known war in Donbass past in 2014
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Unsurprised and glad that he spoke out. Through the Metro series there have been a few occasions where Artyom (the main character in Metro) describes how Soviet-era communism and Nazism are very similar.
Never knew he used to work for RT almost 2 decades ago, TIL.
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Russia Court Orders Arrest of Critical Sci-Fi Writer - The Moscow Times
👀…What would have been a joke last year seems to be a reality.
At this rate, all SG users will be wanted in Russia.XD
Metro 2033 ...
Comment has been collapsed. If not visible, then briefly about the news. Payment for the supplied gas will take place in the new currency, and this currency is the ruble. But not to friendly countries, the rest are old
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Google translate:
"Former TV presenter and correspondent of Channel One in France, Zhanna Agalakova, gave a press conference in Paris, where she spoke about the reasons for her decision to quit state television after the start of the war in Ukraine.
The press conference was held at the office of Reporters Without Borders (RSF), which has been helping journalists around the world for many years. Zhanna Agalakova said that she did not ask for any protection from either the French authorities or the RSF, although she does not exclude that she may still need it, French International Radio reports.
“There was no question for me whether to continue. And there was no question whether to call what was happening a “peacekeeping operation.” This is a war. leaving Channel One on March 3.
She admitted that she had previously "made many compromises in her professional life" and "hid her head in the sand like an ostrich." “We have reached the point where on TV, in the news, we see the story of only one person or a group of people who surround him [...]; there is no country in our news, there is no Russia in our news,” said a former long-term employee Channel One.
According to her, the majority of Channel One employees are against propaganda, but they "can't" stop doing it - "those who are against it have families, they have old parents who may need expensive medicine, they have children who go to music schools and sports clubs, they have a mortgage that they have to close - they were held hostage."
Agalakova noted that she decided to leave the First, because she, unlike her colleagues, has a “winning position”: “I am here in France, in relative safety"
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All that was said in this analysis is only what the famous movie doctor said "Everyone lies".
And so there is nothing sad about the analysis. Everything can be questioned, and they also show that what they want to pass off as the truth is not always true. A green cap on a brown marker.
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Apparently they didn't watch the video until the end. If they stand for Trump and go to smash the Capitol, then they are bad, and if it is in another country, then those who speak out are good. Although there is no difference between them.
And he did not give evidence of his words, but only placed accents.
And give me another answer, why are Russian media blocked in EU countries? Maybe just because they are voicing a different point of view, not the one that is accepted by the EU countries.
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Quote of yourself:
why are Russian media blocked in EU countries? Maybe just because they are voicing a different point of view, not the one that is accepted by the EU countries.
Why is Facebook blocked and Twitter restricted and many other foreign media blocked by Poutine's regime? Maybe just because they are voicing a different point of view, not the one that is accepted by Poutine.
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No. Is there an article on terrorism in your legislation? Or is it customary to worship a teacher for chopping off his head? Come on, come out in front of the police station with a banner that says "bomb the government house".
I would ask about "where were you during the invasion of Yugoslavia", but still this is probably too old a conflict, so I will ask your opinion about America and its "establishment of democracy by bombing".
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What the fuck !? I was talking about the foreign media and also the Russians who dare to protest against the war.
Do you have any proof links I won't open because you are just spreading Poutine's bullshits ?
Do you have more whataboutisms ? I'm starting a collection.
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Don't have access to Wikipedia? Or are you somewhere else you can not read about Yugoslavia? (Well, yes, in your Wikipedia, inconvenient links were removed from the article about Yugoslavia itself.)Бомбардировки_Югославии_(1999)
However, I’m not surprised by your poor ability to search for information, because further on the topic I saw that you hinted at the security of Russia, but at the same time you don’t even know how many NATO bases are set up around Russia (against whom Europe / the United States is building them far from hot spots, I think it’s understandable ), including with air defense. But do not worry, there are so many nuclear weapons in the world that if it comes to detonating them, they will cover everyone, even if the warheads are shot down (read how much pollution one Chernobyl brought and multiply by 100+, I hope you had a subject "ecology" in school).
In addition, run your text through Google Translate several times in both directions to see how your text may be distorted.
And perhaps I will repeat what has already been said today to another person, but with amendments for you personally:
"I don’t want to destroy your little world invented by politicians, so I’ll ask you to stop our communication, because you think very one-sidedly (a blind repetition of what was imposed on you, but it’s hard for you to notice, because it’s meant to be). And remember - the world is not only divided into black and white, if you have a negative attitude towards someone, think about who benefits from it (but at your leisure, because I don't care if your opinion changes, but about it in general).
People are different - life and time will judge everyone"
In addition, I will say that verbal wars on the Internet will not help anyone, but will only kindle enmity between people. I don't know about all these funds and "support fees" for games, but remember that we live in the days of capitalism, and making money is the most important thing for many people (remember the Cyberpunk 2077 ad, and how much turned out to be true - PR means a lot). So if you really want to help someone, then spend the money to participate in the volunteer activities of the Red Cross personally - if the Nazis do not hide behind civilians, then the situation will be resolved as soon as possible.
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You write so much about gaining information and not falling for propaganda etc. just to finish with "if the Nazis do not hide behind civilians, then the situation will be resolved as soon as possible".effectively demonstrating that you failed to follow what you preach in every regard. Tragic.
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Well, here I don’t even know what to say to a person with such a lack of critical thinking. Perhaps you think that the civilian population wants to be in the war zone, or maybe even, as someone here wrote "take up arms", then this is no longer the civilian population.
So I don’t even know where at least someone’s propaganda is here, it’s most likely your schizophrenia, my condolences to you, and I also wish you good health (so that you don’t harm yourself and your loved ones).
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How would you feel if another country destoyed yours in the name of 'denazifying' it of elements like the Wagner Group or all the Russian ultranationalists?
Congratulations, you managed to buy into the very lowest tier of Russian propaganda, intended for the most ignorant people.
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One more... Let's talk about the noble actions on the Maidan. And also look at the massive volley of Katyushas or Grads, and then remember Topol and other missile systems.
Congratulations, you are now afraid of the "evil Russians" for the rest of your life, because only the most ignorant people see conspiracies everywhere and expect only violent actions to take over from the one who is stronger, I cannot blame you - all of Europe consists of small states the size of Moscow or St. Petersburg, where you have been squabbling over land for many years, which cannot be said about India, China and Kazakhstan. I won’t even talk about the multiple invasions of all sides, which Russia has already reflected, and what can we say - all the world wars were successfully won thanks to the victims of Russia / the Soviet Union / Rus, we are not the first time, our close neighbors survive, and every time you have a roof for some politician and he starts wars, this applies to us, Hitler / Napoleon as the most famous, but just think - your vyser colonies formed a new country through genocide and civil massacre, which is just as huge relative to European countries, and now here it’s worth considering - where the downed warheads will fall, I AM SORRY FOR YOUR IGNORANT PEOPLE ...
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Well, it’s far from your level of insanity, I’m not writing the same thing as according to the training manual. And it’s very difficult to get out of the corridors during the ceasefire from the siege.
Yes, you are the most repulsed brainwashed person who dared to answer me personally in the message threads. In other matters, the jester eats the jester.
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I'm not afraid of the 'evil Russians'. I have no ill feeling towards Russians in general though I do consider the Russian regime a hostile one that is a threat to Europe. Ever wondered how all your former 'colonies' who could took the first chance to flee to NATO? It's not so much NATO expanding towards Russia but your former client states fleeing from you. And why wouldn't they? What can Russia offer to them compared to the West? Keeping the local strongman in power if he becomes unpopular, that's about all.
The rest of your rant is basically regurgigating elementary school level national myths. Don't worry, all the other European nations have these too, yours is nothing special.
and now here it’s worth considering - where the downed warheads will fall, I AM SORRY FOR YOUR IGNORANT PEOPLE ...
No need to feel sorry specifically about us. If things degrade to an all out nuclear war we'll all suffer and die just the same. If things don't go that far then we are relatively safe from Russia's claws. As a small Central European nation that used to be under the Soviet boot for 45 years you can't ask for much more than that.
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Here you look quite adequate, except that I said so - if the aggression with the support of America continues, then Europe will also suffer because it is close to Russia.
I just ask you to start thinking with your own head, and also not to impose the "truth" on others (a joke about America and its carrying "democracy" through the bombing, because nothing will come of you, except for the growth of enmity.
Personally, I absolutely do not care, but all sorts of brainwashed freaks are actively starting to respond to me in the message threads. Don't become like them, let the government-paid bots fuck each other, you're on the internet, just look at them like a circus, play games, and carry the friendship of the peoples. the "carrot" will reconcile quarreling friends, and the "stick" will only continue to nurture hidden hatred, which will sooner or later become open.
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Thanks for answering my last two questions.
About the Cyberpunk 2077 whataboutism, I didn't see it coming, I'm impressed.
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Roskomnadzor and the Prosecutor General's Office asked to recognize Meta as an extremist organization. This was a response to the publication of an internal letter from the company, in which it was reported that it was temporarily lifting the ban on residents of a number of countries from posting information containing calls for violence against Russian citizens, including military personnel, in its social networks. As the Meta representative later explained, they allowed calls for violence against the military, but intended to limit such attacks against ordinary Russian citizens.
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"against ordinary Russian citizens". Yep Meta went all whoop ass on ya lot for no reason. Nothing to see here.
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If you decided not to read, although the link is not specifically given to a Russian resource, so that there are no accusations of propaganda here, then the block was given for the fact that some users of Meta networks for some reason could call for genocide, although this is prohibited by the rules. After that, there were several adjustments to the rules, which led to the rules that genocide against troops is in the rules, but the genocide of only one troops, but the last adjustment implied that it would be seen only in Ukraine, but did not remove the genocide. In this regard, a court decision was made to block it. We just didn't really understand why there should be double standards.
And yes, I didn't earn from the word at all through Meta, so here we are united in earning from propaganda.
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So you don't believe the Reuters news agency, even though it's hard to accuse it of Russian propaganda. And Meta is the new name of Zuckerberg's company, which was previously called Facebook, if you did not know about it, then this information is available everywhere and it is easy to verify
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Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people — usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group — in whole or in part. Raphael Lemkin coined the term in 1944,[1][2] combining the Greek word γένος (genos, "race, people") with the Latin suffix -caedo ("act of killing").[3] Here it is given in order to understand this definition.
The question is more about why one side can call for violence or genocide of a certain group of people, while the others do not. The fact that there will be appeals, then there is a reason and this is a consequence, since not everyone is happy with the situation, and they want to protect their homeland. The question here is precisely why one side can say this and there is no impact for it, and the other cannot, and if it does, then there is an impact immediately.
As for the fact that the Russian troops are invaders, then some of them will disagree with you and say that they are liberators. And so the question is not about shooting, but about informational messages.
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It's amazing how desperate you people defending the invasion are. Now even a call to arms to resist an invasion is considered genocide?
So to turn the tables and check how crazy you actually are and how far you are willed to go, was the resistance of Sowjet, French and other civilians against German soldiers in World War 2 also a genocide against Germans?
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If there are rules, then it is not necessary to break them, but if the rules do not fit, then they are changed, and unilaterally. And why the invaders. Do those who live in the LPR and the DPR seize someone else's land? Why can't they write badly? That's the question of why some can and others can't.
The LPR and the DPR are not Russia. These are separate states, although not recognized. But that's not the point. Here the problem has been going on since 2015. The problem comes from the Minsk-2 agreement. According to this agreement (it is available to everyone and it can be read), then it was necessary to give autonomy to the DPR and the LPR, after they hold elections and the Militia of the LPR and the DPR will ensure security (they are still with Tanks and Grads for armament). Only now the leadership understood perfectly well that after that the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine with Hungarians and Romanians living on their territory, they would also ask for autonomy, then other nationalities and then the fragmentation of Ukraine would go.
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Calls for the murder of a political leader are not very suitable for genocide by ordinary people, but at the same time it is still an inflection, here, yes, I agree, but to praise the Azov, which even the US Congress recognized as a Nazi regiment, it does not fit a little into the legal framework. He gave a link to the news, and this is not the Russian media.
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Apparently they didn't watch the video until the end. If they stand for Trump and go to smash the Capitol, then they are bad, and if it is in another country, then those who speak out are good. Although there is no difference between them.
No difference according to who? Speaking out is in no way equal to trying to overthrow a democratically elected government. But from a Western POV there's also a huge difference between an insurrection against a democratic goverment and one against an authoritarian regime.
And give me another answer, why are Russian media blocked in EU countries? Maybe just because they are voicing a different point of view, not the one that is accepted by the EU countries.
It's banned because it's state propaganda by a hostile regime. There are lots of different viewpoints freely available over here. As a citizen of a country which has a state media of similar quality I can honestly say nothing of value was lost by losing straight access to Russian state propaganda.
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Sorry, but it's not. Elections were held here and there, after which the dissatisfied took to the streets, but in one case they are recognized as bad and demanded to leave, and in the other they are good and demand to continue the struggle. And elections are the democratic will of the people, and this is the basis of democracy itself. This can be easily checked if you remove all the labels that other democracies hang around. And if you call for a violent change of power, then this is a call for a revolution and a change of power in a non-democratic way.
To which I can say that I have not lost anything due to the blocking of the European media. And now both sides receive only the information that the authorities want to convey, which implies one-sided coverage of current events
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Sorry, but it's not. Elections were held here and there, after which the dissatisfied took to the streets, but in one case they are recognized as bad and demanded to leave, and in the other they are good and demand to continue the struggle.
They didn't take to the streets, they stormed the Capitolium. Protesting against an election result is considered normal in a democracry, trying to storm the elected congress / parliament, whatever is not. Also nobody considers Russia a democracy and the election results there democratic in any way. If there was a revolution in Russia (which I give absolutely zero chance btw) it wouldn't be trying to overthrow a democratically elected government.
Also only idiots with no idea how a police state works think protesters have any chance to overthrow Putin's regime. Realistically Russian protests against the war are applauded because it puts a bit of extra pressure on Putin and because it takes major courage to hold up a sign only to be carted away by riot police 10 seconds later.
To which I can say that I have not lost anything due to the blocking of the European media. And now both sides receive only the information that the authorities want to convey, which implies one-sided coverage of current events
It seems you have no idea how Western media works. You can still see tons of different viewpoints about the Ukraine conflict over here. Even publications, talking heads parroting the Russian state propaganda point of view. Look I'm not from Western Europe, I'm from Hungary. I know full well how blatant state propaganda looks like and how living in a totally one-sided, detached from reality information bubble is like. Like half the people over here live in a similar info environment as the average Russian. The main difference is that here it's not 99% of the media that is under total government control, it's only like 80% or so.
Western media is of course nowhere close to perfect, it's trying to sell you narratives, too. But it's a false equivalence trying to compare it to the type of monolithic state media Russia or to a bit smaller extent Hungary has. The media situation is a lot worse in Hungary than in say the United Kingdom and in Russia it's even worse than in Hungary.
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Well, I am not very surprised that they do not recognize democratic elections if the wrong candidate won, on whom there was a bet. If the position was "Whatever you want", then these elections would immediately be recognized as democratic. And it's so difficult, but you just have to believe that the people support Putin (from 40 to 60%), but they don't really want to support the government. Here is a small incident. As for the revolution, the revolution takes place on the condition that the upper classes do not want changes, and the lower classes want these changes, but just in this case, some of the problems were pushed to the sanctions imposed in 2014, after the Winter Games in Sochi, but then the sports court in Lausanne and the following sanctions on sports are very strong they angered the people, and the authorities took advantage of this with the installation of the right accents, and without agitation, but only with the installation of accents, but the people liked the new sanctions of 2022, but the people are not very happy with that, that retaliatory sanctions have not yet been introduced in relation to unfriendly countries, but at the same time, they understand that it is not really necessary to run and introduce it, but first look and introduce them more pointwise.
As for the overthrow of the government, the Arab Spring and beyond are still fresh in the memory of the people. After all, only Russians in Egypt came out with a poster "Stop striking, we want to see monuments, we are tired of the sea." And so Libya and Syria lived very well before the change of power, but now it's much worse, and we don't forget about the Great October Revolution led by Lenin and the subsequent civil war.
All media work the same way, but unless they start writing nonsense. If the fact is historical and it is not true, then they will not watch or listen to them or will not believe what they are promoting (there is an example of untruth, they can still say lies). Here, oddly enough, but if you start to fight, then you don't have to lie from the word at all, shift the emphasis to another, understate a couple of facts, make just the rumblers believe what you want to convey, but in no case do not lie.
And so in Russia, criminal liability for lying has been introduced by law, and if there are no correspondents on the battlefield, then there is no need to invent about the situation, in this regard, just part of the media had to close due to the fact that the information that was thrown off from Europe could not be checked, but those who if they come with an accusation, then they just have it in full. That's why some of the media had to close down due to the fact that they provided false information.
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Well done Russia for 'securing the borders' and stuff. This really helps making Europe safer... whatever that means. Clearly Putin achieved what he wanted.
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About Putin and Ukraine:
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